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Who Else Wants To Learn English?

How to Learn English

The Secret Method used by the Americans and Japanese to Learn Other Languages
Sponsored By
David A. Bailey, Jr
Copyright 2005 David A. Bailey, Jr - All Rights Reserved
Who Else Wants To Learn English?
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Copyright 2005 David A. Bailey, Jr - All Rights Reserved
Who Else Wants To Learn English?
Welcome To The Success System OK!
Hi! My name is David. Moreover I will not talk much about me. Because the truth
no matter who I am. What matters now is what I do for you. I am an English teach
er for several years. I know the difficulties of learning a new language. I have
seen the most frequent problems that a student of English faces. I have devoted
myself to finding quick and effective solutions, and at the same time simplify
the learning of a student of English. Do You Think The English Difficult? As Eng
lish is my native language, learned to speak without difficulty ... the same way
you learned to speak their as a child. And I refuse to admit that English is so
difficult to learn how the general public seems to think. I've seen that, in la
rge part the problem is hidden in two places. First, the desire and dedication b
y students in studying. Students often give up studying English before they lear
n to talk. Secondly, what is perhaps the main reason why the student ends up giv
ing up, is that the system or method used to teach the student is not always the
best. How to Learn and speak fluent English? This is why I wrote this little bo
ok where you will learn: • • • • • • • • • How to increase your salary by 30% as
not 'die' of hunger abroad How to learn English in half the time because 96% th
e English students are spending their money in vain - you're one of them? As a b
oy he taught thousands of silent brain to speak as part of the elite group of En
glish students who have 80% chance of success in the new language How your brain
works to learn a new language as the Americans are learning other languages How
to Study English home
Copyright 2005 David A. Bailey, Jr - All Rights Reserved
Who Else Wants To Learn English?
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Suppose that this happens to you i
n Trip Abroad Again He Asks "Hablas Spanish?." From research proves that 5 stude
nts 4 Can Learn To Speak A New Language In half the time Most schools allow the
teacher who "was beating his head against the wall" trying to teach their studen
ts up what he gave up and said I never wanted to Discover The Fortune That Teach
Sleep In Your Hidden Brain Science, Your Brain,€And Epilepsy! Experience the re
sults of experiments Who Else Wants To Speak English fluently When Americans dec
ide Learn A New Language Is This What They Announcing The New Secret Method that
makes fun Learning English Here Be An Easy Way To Speak English I gave up study
ing English? The Last two years are the longest and most intractable - And These
Are The 2 Years That You Learn How to Save and speak fluent English As A New Me
thod to improve my performance in One Hour Imagine I teach children to speak Eng
lish in 45 Minutes Your English It is "Word-Poor 'Council For Students Who Do no
t Study at Home - A Journey For A Student From Three Years Fully Paid - But Only
People With Imagination Can Do It You Can Learn English - If Follow This Simple
Plan Increase Your Salary In 30% - less than the price of A New Suit How to Lea
rn English and speak fluent
Copyright 2005 David A. Bailey, Jr - All Rights Reserved
Who Else Wants To Learn English?
Suppose that this happens to you in Trip Abroad
A few years ago lived in Florida and working at Mcdonalds. One day one of my cow
orkers asked me for help with a client with whom she could not communicate. Arri
ving at the counter, I saw a man in his thirties who is looked very distressed.
So I smiled at him, greeting him, and asked how he could help. All in English of
New Question It "Hablas Spanish"?
He looked at me with despair asked, "Hablas Spanish." How to speak Portuguese an
d understand a little Spanish replied, "Uno pouquito" in my best Mexican accent.
He was superanimado and said, "I want a sandwich complete with fries and Coke."
I noticed immediately by the accent he was Brazilian. So I asked him in Portugu
ese. He said yes, and was so happy that it looked like he'd jump on the counter
to hug me. We talked a bit and he told me he was in Sao Paulo. He was spending a
few days of vacation traveling around the United States. Unfortunately the Engl
ish who had studied did not help him to communicate in the most basic things. So
on after this episode, I returned to Brazil and decided to start teaching Englis
Today Increase Your Salary by 30%
A few months ago, I read some interesting information about English. Polls say t
hat mastery of a second language can increase the expected wage by 30%. Besides
being able to talk to people in another language, you still earn money to do tha
t. Better yet if a company that requires their presence in offices / subsidiarie
s abroad. This is just one of several advantages to learning English.
Copyright 2005 David A. Bailey, Jr - All Rights Reserved
Who Else Wants To Learn English?
Research proves that five students, four can learn to speak a new language in ha
lf the time Most schools allow.
When I began teaching English discovered some disturbing facts. Only four percen
t (4%) of students who start an English course stop short of being able to talk
with a native. This means that ninety-six percent (96%) of students are studying
in vain, and that for various reasons will never reach that level. I suppose yo
u do not want to be part of these statistics. We have good news: You do not need
to be part of it! Not long ago a researcher in the United States developed a ne
w teaching method and found that 80% of students who begin a language course to
a successful and came about to speak and communicate in this new language in hal
f the time than other methods. This means that you will have twenty times (20x)
more likely to realize their dream of speaking English.
That Sleep Discover The Fortune Hidden In Your Mind
I am not a scientist and not like those technical words that nobody can understa
nd. So I'll try to explain to you very clearly and simply. We will not go into m
uch detail about the human brain because most would simply writing a science boo
k. There are already many and if you want to know more about what I'm saying is
very easy to do a search on the internet. The human brain is divided into two si
des (left and right). The left side is analytical and thinks and works in words.
The right side is creative. He thinks and works in pictures. Pay close attentio
n. This is very important. What I will reveal now is the main reason why most st
udents do not learn to speak English.
Copyright 2005 David A. Bailey, Jr - All Rights Reserved
Who Else Wants To Learn English?
Science, Your Brain, And Epilepsy!
You know what is epilepsy? It is a disease that causes people to fall to the gro
und,€losing control and having spasms. Epilepsy always begins on one side of the
brain. While located on one side nothing happens. But if this disease spreads a
nd crosses to the other side of the brain the person is feeling the effects ment
ioned above. Years ago, scientists and doctors have researched and determined th
at it separated the two sides of the brain the patient would be cured.
Experimented on cats and other animals, but were not sure what would happen in h
umans. So they did nothing more. Until 1962, when they knew a boy who suffered f
rom epilepsy and was in danger of life by the effects of the disease. Let's call
it PS They called an expert to do surgery on him. Doctors separated the two sid
es of your brain. And as expected, the boy was fine. After surgery, they began t
o make various kinds of experiences with the boy to study the effects of separat
ion on both sides of the brain. Put him in front of two screens so that he only
saw the left screen with your left eye and right screen with his right eye. Bega
n to pass various image on each screen and wondered what the boy saw. All that w
as shown on the screen the young right answer correctly. But when the screen sho
wed something left he said he had not seen anything. Scientists found that stran
ge and thought he was blind in that eye. More soon discovered that not. The brai
n was separated from the boy mute!
Copyright 2005 David A. Bailey, Jr - All Rights Reserved
Who Else Wants To Learn English?
The results of experiments
Discovered that he could not say the word, but could point to a picture similar
to what we had seen. Once they put the picture of a boxer on the screen, and ask
ed what he saw. The boy said he saw nothing. Then they asked him to imitate what
he had seen. The boy stood up and took the position of a typical boxer. Realize
d that the boy saw the images on the right side of the brain, but as the two sid
es had been separated from the left side of his brain could not associate the wo
rd with the image the right side had seen.
Who Else Wants To Speak English Fluently
Some years later, a psychologist named James Asher began to study these experien
ces again. As Dr. James Asher had many problems to learn new languages, decided
to use these new discoveries about the human brain as a basis for new research .
. He invited a Japanese named Shirou Kunihira to help you. He explained to Shiro
u that he wanted to teach you the Japanese language as follows. Shirou said to g
ive him a command in Japanese and just do what he had said. Shirou then said, "j
ump" and jumped while the doctor followed suit and jumped too. Shirou started gi
ving other commands like "sit", "lift", "crouch", "aim", "run", "stop" and "walk
" always doing the action that spoke, while Dr. James went on his example. The r
esults were amazing. Soon left for other commands and words. After the children
invited their friends to be their students. Perfected their techniques and teach
other teachers to do the same things. These teachers put into practice these id
eas, and it was not long until this new methodology was perfected. Elaborate new
techniques based on this methodology and set up an international group of teach
ers who worked together on this project. Soon began to develop material for all
levels in multiple languages. And today, a few years later this method became on
e of the most widely used and highly regarded in the United States, Japan and se
veral other countries.
Copyright 2005 David A. Bailey, Jr - All Rights Reserved
Who Else Wants To Learn English?
When Americans decide Learn A New Language Is That What We Do
This new methodology called "Total Physical Response ', better known as TPR, whi
ch has taken 80% of its students succeed in communicating in another language. T
here are schools where 96% of students study a little more than a year. This is
an amazing thing when compared with other methods. During recent years several s
tudies were sponsored by the U.S. government in partnership with other stakehold
ers in the results. But the most interesting results are those that I as a teach
er I see everyday in my classroom. Students who are in a short time speaking Eng
The lecturer who "pounded his head against the wall" trying to teach their stude
nts up what he gave up and said I never wanted to Teaching
They say experience is the hardest teacher because she gives that there is evide
nce first and then teaches the lessons.€I learned all this from experience and a
gree with the saying above. Experience is a teacher crude, but is the best there
is. Learned well the lessons she taught me. I want to pass those lessons now th
at you do not pass through the same difficulties that I faced. I want you to lea
rn from my experiences. I want to spare him from most of these difficulties that
learners of English often suffer. When I started teaching at a language school
well known here in Brazil my first experience was a horrible disaster. First the
students were only in school because their parents forced them and wanted to pl
ay all the time. Secondly I tried to follow the method school walkthrough. I fel
t he was "banging his head against the wall and thought to myself:" If I feel li
ke, how my students must be feeling well? Should be more frustrated than me! " I
knew something was wrong most did not know why. So I ended up leaving school at
the end of the semester with a decision that would not give lessons again.
Copyright 2005 David A. Bailey, Jr - All Rights Reserved
Who Else Wants To Learn English? Thank God I learned new methods and returned to
teach and I love what I do today. It's an amazing experience to see my students
begin to talk. I imagine that is how a parent feels when their child begins to
walk. These results are common with the TPR. For example, one of the most diffic
ult students "advanced" in English is the use of prepositions. And a student who
learns from the TPR usually dominate the prepositions in the first month of cla
The past two years are the longest and most intractable - And These Are The Two
Years That Saves You
With TPR've had great results. Students begin to talk with little time in the cl
assroom and learn with ease while having fun. I have students who have already m
anaged to speak with Americans peacefully after a year of study. I can not say e
xactly how long it would take for you to get to speak well, but said any student
who has studied about 200 hours would leave me without speaking much English. T
he truth is that learning English is simply a matter of time and practice. If yo
u are a student and persistent decrease sure enough this time. But in the end th
e results will depend entirely on you and your willpower.
I imagine Teaching Kids to Speak English In 45 Minutes
One day a group of teachers called for an audition. Wanted to show them the pote
ntial and ease of TPR. One of the teachers brought their three nephews aged betw
een ten and twelve years. I did a demonstration of about 45 minutes. Taught more
than twenty words. And at the end of the lesson the children already understood
everything and were talking about. The boys' uncle, also a teacher, was totally
impressed. And he told me that even after a few days the boys remembered the wo
rds they spoke to each other, and also taught the words to his mother. If childr
en can learn well, adults should learn faster. This is because an adult has alre
ady developed a line of reasoning more than one child, and also a larger vocabul
ary of words that they associate them in the hour of learning.
Copyright 2005 David A. Bailey, Jr - All Rights Reserved
Who Else Wants To Learn English? Another thing I noticed is that adults have mor
e haste to speak as a child has no such concern. The exploitation of an adult is
almost 100%. This means that it will soon start trying to use their new vocabul
ary. And this is very good.
Announcing The New Secret Method that makes fun Learning English
This method is almost 'magical'. I have taught students from two to eighty-two y
ears old. And never had someone who could not learn. Often lacked the motivation
or discipline to continue. But there was never someone who could not associate
and assimilate the words this way. I love my work and I'm glad to see that my st
udents usually begin to speak after two or three months. It's nice to know I'm h
elping others realize their dreams.
I already gave up studying English?
The reason I tell these things is that I want you to know that there is hope. Yo
u can learn to speak English! If you have tried to study English, but somehow ga
ve up, cheer up! You can still learn using the techniques of TPR.
How A New Method to improve my performance in One Hour
Working with the PRT improved my performance and the students in the classroom.
The PRT makes a student without having to assimilate English words or memorize l
ists of rules of grammar. For example,€in school you have to memorize stuff that
you usually forget soon after passing the test. I know that almost everything I
learned in high school I forgot a long, long time.
Copyright 2005 David A. Bailey, Jr - All Rights Reserved
Who Else Wants To Learn English? But assimilation is something like learning to
ride a bike. Once learned you never forget. You can buy a car and keep the bike
long but the day you feel like you ride walk again and leaves. Today, because of
the ease with which students assimilate the words teaching by the two sides of
the brain with the techniques of TPR, the number of words they learn practically
square. And this without having to memorize lists of words or grammar rules at
home. As the TPR is so dynamic, I can recycle the words already learned in previ
ous classes with new words that I teach. It is very easy and very fun!
What is Your English "Word-Poor"
One of the difficulties that students 'advanced' claim is that means many things
, but has difficulty in expressing themselves, or say what they really want. But
this is quite common among most students. Listening is a passive thing. The stu
dent can simply stand by and watch to understand what the other person is saying
. And even if you do not understand all the words he captures the sense of conve
rsation. But talk is different because the students need to know the vocabulary
and language structure to mount your sentences correctly. Requires much more of
a student. Good TPR is precisely this point. The PRT has always focused on the v
ocabulary. From the first day on the TPR allows students to develop a good vocab
ulary through both sides of your brain. The structure and grammar are learned na
turally by implication that the student hardly realizes what is happening.
Copyright 2005 David A. Bailey, Jr - All Rights Reserved
Who Else Wants To Learn English?
Advice For Students Who Do not Study at Home - For A Native
With TPR the most of what the student learns happens in the classroom. The stude
nt need not worry about going home and decorating lists of verbs or weird little
rules. But this does not mean that the student does not need to do anything. Ra
ther it is very important that he practice what he is learning. And there are ma
ny ways to do this. As the TPR trains the ear of the student at first, there are
many fun exercises that a student can do at home to reinforce what they've lear
ned. In class we teach the most common words used in English. To reinforce what
the student can learn:
• • • • •
Listening to music Watching movies in English English Surfing the Internet in En
glish Talking with new friends in the chat room in English and many other creati
ve things
Students who practice at home whenever accelerate their learning process. I have
a particular student who wakes up 5:30 every day to study English before breakf
ast. Another student comes home and tells his mother what he learned in class. A
nother teaches his nephew. And this is great!
A Journey From Three Years Fully Paid - But Only People With Imagination Can Do
My students take a trip with me. But it is more than one trip. It's an adventure
. An adventure has four elements involved:
• • • •
A A A destination guide and map a certain element of risk involved
The destination is able to speak English. The PRT is the map. The teacher guide.
And the element of risk would be time and time involved in studying. The 'time'
invested in studying and 'time' in the sense of money.
Copyright 2005 David A. Bailey, Jr - All Rights Reserved
Who Else Wants To Learn English? But this is a journey ... ... a super fun adven
ture. I like her all stages. I like to show the way to my students at the beginn
ing of the trip. I like to see them start talking in the middle of the road. I l
ike to talk to them at the end of the adventure. It's something everyone can do.
Just just have the imagination to see the possibilities. Just having the courag
e to initiate it. Just have the willpower and persist. But if you are decisive a
nd persist in this journey, you arrive at your destination. You will conquer and
overcome their challenges and fears and realize their dreams. Remember: A journ
ey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Decide to take the first step now!
Accept the challenge!?
How to Learn English and speak fluent
So! Want to know how to start your journey? Not? =-) It is very easy. If you liv
e in Empress is a pleasure to serve you as your guide on this trip. Come visit u
s on the street Amaznoas No. 40 - Centre.€If you live somewhere else sign up to
receive free in the EnglishFire You will be n
otified when we open a franchise in your city. You can also search for a teacher
who knows the TPR, if not find, can you explain how you want to be taught. Who
knows you could not help many other people learn English as well. You could moun
t an English club or even a franchise using our system. I will gladly help you i
nitiate this process. It's easy! Contact us on (0xx99) 3525-1885 or email at htt
Copyright 2005 David A. Bailey, Jr - All Rights Reserved
Who Else Wants To Learn English?
Today you discovered an amazing method of learning English. Now you know that th
ere is still hope. You can learn English. Remember I said he almost gave up teac
hing? But I ended up riding my own course to test various methods and found what
really worked. Some methods were horrible ... while others were great. It came
out to the TPR, and the rest as they say: "It's history!" But above all I realiz
ed the need to help my students to first understand what they were studying. It
was then that the vision of OK Language School has expanded and the desire to he
lp people know these truths born. And this is what you learned in this course. S
hortly thereafter, I discovered the incredible potential that existed on the int
ernet for anyone studying anything wanted to learn. Did you know that there are
49,300 sites on the learning of English? It's a fantastic thing. That's right ..
. I said 49 000 sites where you can learn English. The problem is that most of t
hem are in English. If you do not know how to study english ... is not it? Anoth
er thing is that many sites are not very helpful for a student like you. So bega
n the in order to give only the best of the best resources
for my students and other interested people through the 'EnglishFire'. If you h
ave not registered can do so now ... the site
learned so many things these last few years that I know will help a lot, for exa
mple: * That there are five types of students. Want to know which type you are?
* Four easy steps that any student can take to learn to speak English ... and no
matter what your type or level already reached. * 13 easy exercises to practice
and improve your English quickly this very moment is in the process of creating
an easy system that will help my students to flourish for the next level. This
system is so simple that anyone can follow it step by step anywhere.
Copyright 2005 David A. Bailey, Jr - All Rights Reserved
Who Else Wants To Learn English? Until now, these things were not taught to my s
tudents at the OK Language School. For the first time ... I'll reveal this syste
m over the Internet so that anyone can learn English online, quick and easy. If
you would like to be one of the first to know when this course is available ... go and put your name on the list to be informed whe
n the course is available. Once again: The page is
Go there and do it now! Okay!? ... A big hug and see you next!
Other Resources
To receive the extra lessons that accompany this course register your email on t
his page - To watch the video clips click on the li
nks below: Video 1 - / as-clip1 Video 2 - Video 3 http://w - Video 4 - http://www clip4-Video 5 - Video 6 - http
:// Video 7 - And if y
ou have not signed up to receive the 'EnglishFire' do this now in http://www.eng
Copyright 2005 David A. Bailey, Jr - All Rights Reserved
Who Else Wants To Learn English?
A Special Message
Jesus Christ is the king of kings. He is the Almighty seated on His throne. His
name is above every name. He is shaking ... magnificent ... wonderful! No one li
ke him! Like any king, Jesus has his reign. The kingdom of Him is the kingdom of
heaven. And he invites you to be part of this reign of power, love, justice and
peace. If you ever decided to make you part of His kingdom is part of the kingd
om of this world that will pass. But Jesus' kingdom last forever. The word of Go
d says ... "... Thanks to the Father which hath made us meet to be partakers of
the inheritance of the saints in light,€and we took the power of darkness and br
ought us into the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, even t
he forgiveness of sins ... "And who is he that will transported to the realm of
the beloved Son ? Good question! Read what the word of God says ... "For God so
loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in
him should not perish but have everlasting life." Those who believe it is sinful
and unable to save him from death but ... recognizes that God sent Jesus Christ
, his only son to die in our place, shedding His blood and rising again the thir
d day after his death to justify ourselves before the Father These are strong wo
rds. But Jesus Himself said that He was the way the truth and the life. No one c
omes to the Father except through Jesus. And those who come to the Father throug
h Jesus, He will carry to his kingdom. This is a wonderful promise. For if you c
onfess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised h
im from the dead will be saved, For with the heart man believes unto righteousne
ss, and with the mouth confession is made to salvation. For the Scripture says:
No one believes in him shall be ashamed. If you ever decided to be part of the k
ingdom of Jesus ask him to take you to the Father .. and ask the Father to trans
port you to the kingdom of his beloved son. Ask Jesus to open your eyes and you
reveal the truth. He wants to do this. He has done everything for you. Now you j
ust need to want and believe. The decision is yours. What will you choose. If yo
u have questions or concerns can contact us by
Copyright 2005 David A. Bailey, Jr - All Rights Reserved

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