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Laer curve

In economics, the Laer curve is a representation of the

relationship between rates of taxation and the resulting
levels of government revenue. Proponents of the Laer
curve claim that it illustrates the concept of taxable in-
come elasticityi.e., taxable income will change in re-

Government Revenue
sponse to changes in the rate of taxation.
The Laer curve postulates that no tax revenue will be
raised at the extreme tax rates of 0% and 100% and that
there must be at least one rate which maximizes govern-
ment taxation revenue. The Laer curve is typically rep-
resented as a graph which starts at 0% tax with zero rev-
enue, rises to a maximum rate of revenue at an interme-
diate rate of taxation, and then falls again to zero revenue 0 t* 100
Tax Rate (percent)
at a 100% tax rate. The shape of the curve is uncertain
and disputed.[1]
Laer curve: t* represents the rate of taxation at which maximal
One implication of the Laer curve is that increasing tax revenue is generated. This is the curve as drawn by Laer,[8]
rates beyond a certain point will be counter-productive however, the curve might not have only a single peak or be sym-
for raising further tax revenue. A hypothetical Laf- metrical at 50%.
fer curve for any given economy can only be estimated
and such estimates are controversial. The New Pal-
grave Dictionary of Economics reports that estimates of able for taxation (or tax base). Thus revenue R is equal
revenue-maximizing tax rates have varied widely, with a to tB where t is the tax rate and B is the taxable base
mid-range of around 70%.[2] Generally, economists have (R=tB). At a 0% tax rate, the model assumes that no
found little support for the claim that tax cuts from cur- tax revenue is raised. The economic eect assumes that
rent rates increase tax revenues or that most taxes are on the tax rate will aect the tax base itself. At the extreme
the side of the Laer curve where additional cuts could of a 100% tax rate, the government theoretically collects
increase government revenue.[3][4][5][6][7] zero revenue because taxpayers change their behavior in
Although economist Arthur Laer does not claim to have response to the tax rate: either they lose their incentive
invented the Laer curve concept,[8] it was popularized to work, or they nd a way to avoid paying taxes. Thus,
in the United States with policymakers following an af- the economic eect of a 100% tax rate is to decrease
ternoon meeting with Ford Administration ocials Dick the tax base to zero. If this is the case, then somewhere
Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld in 1974 in which he re- between 0% and 100% lies a tax rate that will maximize
portedly sketched the curve on a napkin to illustrate his revenue.
argument.[9] The term Laer curve was coined by Jude Graphical representations of the curve sometimes appear
Wanniski, who was also present at the meeting. The ba- to put the rate at around 50%, if the tax base reacts to the
sic concept was not new; Laer himself notes antecedents tax rate linearly, but the optimal rate could theoretically
in the writings of the 14th-century social philosopher Ibn be any percentage greater than 0% and less than 100%.
Khaldun.[8] Similarly, the curve is often presented as a parabolic
shape, but there is no reason that this is necessarily the
case. The eect of changes in tax can be cased in terms
1 Theoretical issues of elasticities, where the optimal elasticity of the tax base
with respect to the tax is equal to 1. This is done by dier-
entiating R with respect to t and grouping terms to reveal
1.1 Justications that the rate of change of R with respect to t is equal to
the sum of elasticity of the tax base plus one all multiplied
Laer explains the model in terms of two interacting ef- by the tax base. Thus as elasticity surpasses one absolute
fects of taxation: an "arithmetic eect and an economic value, revenues begin to fall. The problem is similar to
eect.[8] The arithmetic eect assumes that tax rev- that of the monopolist who must never increase prices be-
enue raised is the tax rate multiplied by the revenue avail- yond the point at which the elasticity of demand exceeds


one in absolute value. lic good that is separable in utility and separate from labor
Wanniski noted that all economic activity would be un- supply, which may not be true in practice.
likely to cease at 100% taxation, but it would switch from The Laer curve as presented is also simplistic in that it
the exchange of money to barter. He also noted that there assumes a single tax rate and a single labor supply. Ac-
can be special circumstances in which economic activity tual systems of public nance are more complex. There is
can continue for a period at a near 100% taxation rate (for serious doubt about the relevance of considering a single
example, in war economy).[10] marginal tax rate.[2] In addition, revenue may well be a
Various eorts have been made to quantify the relation- multivalued function of tax rate; for instance, an increase
ship between tax revenue and tax rates (for example, in in tax rate to a certain percentage may not result in the
the United States by the Congressional Budget Oce).[11] same revenue as a decrease in tax rate to the same per-
While the interaction between tax rates and tax revenue is centage (a kind of hysteresis). Furthermore, the Laer
generally accepted, the precise nature of this interaction curve does not take explicitly into account the nature of
is debated. In practice, the shape of a hypothetical Laf- the tax avoidance taking place. It is possible that if all
fer curve for a given economy can only be estimated. The producers are endowed with two survival factors in the
relationship between tax rate and tax revenue is likely to market (ability to produce eciently and ability to avoid
vary from one economy to another and depends on the tax), then the revenues raised under tax avoidance can be
elasticity of supply for labor, as well as various other fac- greater than without avoidance, and thus the Laer curve
tors. Even in the same economy, the characteristics of maximum is found to be farther right than thought. The
the curve could vary over time. Complexities such as reason for this result is that if producers with low produc-
progressive taxes and possible dierences in the incen- tive abilities (high production costs) tend to have strong
tive to work for dierent income groups complicate the avoidance abilities as well, a uniform tax on producers
task of estimation. The structure of the curve may also actually [16]
becomes a tax that discriminates on the ability to
be changed by policy decisions. For example, if tax loop- pay.
holes and tax shelters are made more readily available by
legislation, the point at which revenue begins to decrease
with increased taxation is likely to become lower. 2 Empirical data
Laer presented the curve as a pedagogical device to
show that in some circumstances, a reduction in tax rates 2.1 Tax rate at which revenue is maxi-
will actually increase government revenue and not need to mized
be oset by decreased government spending or increased
borrowing. For a reduction in tax rates to increase rev-
enue, the current tax rate would need to be higher than
the revenue maximizing rate. In 2007, Laer said that
the curve should not be the sole basis for raising or low-
ering taxes.[12]

1.2 Problems
In 2012, economists surveyed by the University of
Chicago rejected the viewpoint that the Laer Curves
postulation of increased tax revenue through a rate cut
applies to federal US income taxes of the time in the
medium term. When asked whether a cut in federal in- An asymmetric Laer curve with a maximum revenue point at
come tax rates in the US right now would raise taxable around a 70% tax rate, based on estimates by Trabandt and Uh-
income enough so that the annual total tax revenue would lig (2011)[6]
be higher within ve years than without the tax cut, none
of the economists surveyed agreed and 71% disagreed.[13] The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics reports that
Laer assumes that the government would collect no in- a comparison of academic studies yields a range of rev-
come tax at a 100% tax rate because there would be no enue maximizing rates that centers around 70%.[2] In the
incentive to earn income. Research has developed the- early 1980s, Edgar L. Feige and Robert T. McGee devel-
oretical mathematical models in which a Laer curve oped a macroeconomic model from which they derived
can slope continuously upwards all the way to 100%,[14] a Laer Curve. According to the model, the shape and
but it is not clear whether or when the assumptions on position of the Laer Curve depend upon the strength
which such mathematical models are based hold in real of supply side eects, the progressivity of the tax sys-
economies. Additionally, the Laer curve depends on tem and the size of the unobserved economy.[17][18][19]
the assumption that tax revenue is used to provide a pub- Economist Paul Pecorino presented a model in 1995 that
2.3 Optimal taxation 3

Eective Tax Rate vs. Top Income Tax Rate would have to be made up by federal borrowing: the pa-
per estimates that the federal government would pay an
extra US$200 billion in interest over the decade covered
15% by the papers analysis.[11]
12.7% 12.8%
2.3 Optimal taxation
Main article: Optimal tax
One of the uses of the Laer curve is in determining the
28-35% 36-50% 51-70% 71-90% >90%
Employment Growth Rate 1940-2016
Years 15 19 12 5 15
Top Income Tax Rate 6.4%

Eective US tax rate by top rate of income tax 5%


Average Growth

2.7% 2.8%
predicted the peak of the Laer curve occurred at tax 3%
rates around 65%.[7] A draft paper by Y. Hsing looking 1.8%
at the United States economy between 1959 and 1991 1.4%
placed the revenue-maximizing average federal tax rate 1%

between 32.67% and 35.21%.[20] A 1981 article pub- 0%

lished in the Journal of Political Economy presented a 28-35% 36-50% 51-74% 75-80% 81-85% 86-90% >90%
Years 15 20 15 3 4 4 16
model integrating empirical data that indicated that the Top Income Tax Rate
point of maximum tax revenue in Sweden in the 1970s
would have been 70%.[21] A 2011 paper by Trabandt and Comparison of US employment growth by top income tax rate,
Uhlig published in the Journal of Monetary Economics 19402016.
presented a model that predicted that the US and most
European economies were on the left of the Laer curve rate of taxation which will raise the maximum revenue (in
(in other words, that raising taxes would raise further other words, optimizing revenue collection). However,
revenue).[6] the revenue maximizing rate should not be confused with
the optimal tax rate, which economists use to describe a
tax which raises a given amount of revenue with the least
2.2 Congressional Budget Oce analysis distortions to the economy.[23]

In 2005, the Congressional Budget Oce (CBO) released

a paper called Analyzing the Economic and Budgetary 2.4 Other
Eects of a 10 Percent Cut in Income Tax Rates. This
paper considered the impact of a stylized reduction of Laer has presented the examples of Russia and the
10% in the then existing marginal rate of federal income Baltic states, which instituted a at tax with rates lower
tax in the US (for example, if those facing a 25% marginal than 35% around the same time that their economies
federal income tax rate had it lowered to 22.5%). Unlike started growing. He has similarly referred to the eco-
earlier research, the CBO paper estimates the budgetary nomic outcome of the Kemp-Roth tax cuts, the Kennedy
impact of possible macroeconomic eects of tax policies, tax cuts, the 1920s tax cuts, and the changes in US
that is, it attempts to account for how reductions in in- capital gains tax structure in 1997.[8] Some have also cited
dividual income tax rates might aect the overall future Hausers Law, which postulates that US federal revenues,
growth of the economy, and therefore inuence future as a percentage of GDP, have remained stable at ap-
government tax revenues; and ultimately, impact decits proximately 19.5% over the period 1950 to 2007 despite
or surpluses. In the papers most generous estimated changes in marginal tax rates over the same period.[24]
growth scenario, only 28% of the projected lost revenue Others however, have called Hausers Law misleading
from the lower tax rate would be recouped over a 10-year and contend that tax changes have had large eects on tax
period after a 10% across-the-board reduction in all in- revenues.[25]
dividual income tax rates. In other words, decits would
increase by nearly the same amount as the tax cut in the An example of the Laer curve aecting tax revenue
rst ve years, with limited feedback revenue thereafter. was when a Victorian era tax on windows, over a span
Through increased budget decits, the tax cuts primarily of years, resulted in grand houses being built with fewer
beneting the wealthy will be paid forplus interest windows, and hence a reduction in revenue from the win-
by taxes borne relatively evenly by all taxpayers.[22] The dow tax.[26][27]
paper points out that these projected shortfalls in revenue More recently, based on Laer curve arguments, Kansas

Governor Sam Brownback greatly reduced state tax rates improvement of the country at large. At the same time
in 2012.[28][29] The state, which had previously had a bud- you will be in a position to command and secure their
get surplus, experienced a budget decit of about $200 love, respect and praises along with the revenues
million in 2012. Drastic cuts to state funding for educa- Ali ibn Abi Talib Nahj al-Balagha, Letter 53[34]
tion and infrastructure have been implemented because
of the budget decits.[30] There are historical precedents other than those cited di-
rectly by Laer. For example, in 1924, Secretary of
Treasury Andrew Mellon wrote: It seems dicult for
some to understand that high rates of taxation do not nec-
3 History essarily mean large revenue to the government, and that
more revenue may often be obtained by lower rates. Ex-
3.1 Origin ercising his understanding that 73% of nothing is noth-
ing, he pushed for the reduction of the top income tax
The Laer Curve, by the way, was not invented by me. bracket from 73% to an eventual 24% (as well as tax
For example, Ibn Khaldun, a 14th-century philosopher, breaks for lower brackets). Mellon was one of the wealth-
wrote in his work The Muqaddimah: It should be known iest people in the United States, the third-highest income-
that at the beginning of the dynasty, taxation yields a large tax payer in the mid-1920s, behind John D. Rockefeller
revenue from small assessments. At the end of the dy- and Henry Ford.[35] While he served as Secretary of the
nasty, taxation yields a small revenue from large assess- U.S. Treasury Department his wealth peaked at around
ments. US$300US$400 million. Personal income-tax receipts
rose from US$719 million in 1921 to over US$1 billion
Arthur Laer, The Laer Curve: Past, Present, and Fu-
in 1929, an average increase of 4.2% per year over an 8-
year period, which supporters attribute to the rate cut.[36]
The term Laer curve was reportedly coined by Jude
An argument along similar lines was also advocated by
Wanniski (a writer for The Wall Street Journal) after a
Ali ibn Abi Talib, the fourth Caliph, in his letter to the
1974 dinner meeting at the Two Continents Restaurant
Governor of Egypt, Malik al-Ashtar. The arguments he
in the Washington Hotel with Arthur Laer, Wanniski,
made about a decrease in tax increasing both state rev-
Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and his deputy press
enues and the welfare of the citizens are similar to those
secretary Grace-Marie Arnett.[8] In this meeting, Laer,
cited by President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s. David
arguing against President Gerald Ford's tax increase, re-
Hume also expressed similar arguments in his essay Of
portedly sketched the curve on a napkin to illustrate the
Taxes in 1756, as did fellow Scottish economist Adam
concept.[31] Cheney did not accept the idea immediately,
Smith, twenty years later.[10]
but it caught the imaginations of those present.[32] Laf-
fer professes no recollection of this napkin, but writes: IThe Democratic party made a similar argument in the
used the so-called Laer Curve all the time in my classes 1880s when high revenue from import taris raised dur-
and with anyone else who would listen to me.[8] ing the Civil War (18611865) led to federal budget sur-
pluses. The Republican party, which was then based in
Laer himself does not claim to have invented the con-
the protectionist industrial Northeast, argued that cutting
cept, attributing it to 14th-century Tunisian scholar Ibn
[8][33] rates would lower revenues. But the Democratic party,
Khaldun in his book Muqaddimah and, more re-
[8] then rooted in the agricultural South, argued tari reduc-
cently, to John Maynard Keynes.
tions would increase revenues by increasing the number
of taxable imports.
3.2 Precedents

If the tax-payers complain to you of the heavy incidence 4 In US political discourse

to taxation, of any accidental calamity, of the vagaries of
the monsoons, of the recession of the means of irrigation,
of oods, or destruction of their crops on account of ex- 4.1 Use in supply-side economics
cessive rainfall and if their complaints are true, then re-
duce their taxes. This reduction should be such that it Main article: Supply-side economics
provides them opportunities to improve their conditions
and eases them of their troubles. Supply-side economics is a school of macroeconomic
Decrease in state income due to such reasons should not thought that argues that overall economic well-being is
depress you because the best investment for a ruler is to maximized by lowering the barriers to producing goods
help his subjects at the time of their diculties. They are and services (the Supply Side of the economy). By
the real wealth of a country and any investment on them lowering such barriers, consumers are thought to bene-
even in the form of reduction of taxes, will be returned t from a greater supply of goods and services at lower
to the State in the shape of the prosperity of its cities and prices. Typical supply-side policy would advocate gen-
4.2 Reaganomics 5

Average tax rate percentages for the highest-income U.S. taxpay-

Change in real GDP per capita annual growth rate from 1975- ers, 19452009
9 to 2004-8 against the change in top marginal tax rate for 18
OECD countries. A paper by Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez
and Stefanie Stantcheva, argues that the lack of signicant corre-
lation contradicts supply-side theories and suggests that increases
in top tax rates do not lead to lower economic growth.[37] II. During the Reagan presidency, the top marginal rate
of tax in the United States fell from 70% to 31%. Ac-
cording to the Oce of Management and Budget (OMB)
erally lower income tax and capital gains tax rates (to historical data, federal government revenue as a percent-
increase the supply of labor and capital), smaller gov- age of GDP fell from 19.0% of GDP in 1980 to 18.4% by
ernment and a lower regulatory burden on enterprises 1989. However, absolute revenues nearly doubled during
(to lower costs). Although tax policy is often men- the same time period.[42]
tioned in relation to supply-side economics, supply-side
economists are concerned with all impediments to the David Stockman, Ronald Reagans budget director dur-
supply of goods and services and not just taxation.[38] ing his rst administration and one of the early propo-
nents of supply-side economics, was concerned that the
In their economics textbook Principles of Economics (7th administration did not pay enough attention to cutting
edition), economists Karl E. Case of Wellesley College government spending. He maintained that the Laer
and Ray Fair of Yale University stated The Laer curve curve was not to be taken literallyat least not in the
shows the relationship between tax rates and tax revenues. economic environment of the 1980s United States. In
Supply-side economists use it to argue that it is possi- The Triumph of Politics, he writes: "[T]he whole Cal-
ble to generate higher revenues by cutting tax rates, but ifornia gang had taken [the Laer curve] literally (and
evidence does not appear to support this. [39][40] The primitively). The way they talked, they seemed to expect
lower tax rates by the Reagan administration decreased that once the supply-side tax cut was in eect, additional
tax revenues signicantly and contributed to the massive revenue would start to fall, manna-like, from the heav-
increase in federal debt during the 1980s..[41] ens. Since January, I had been explaining that there is
In 2012, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback used supply- no literal Laer curve. Stockman also said that Laf-
side and Laer curve arguments to pass large cuts in state fer wasn't wrong, he just didn't go far enough (in paying
tax rates.[28][29] As a result, the state budget went from attention to government spending).
surplus to decit, and the state had to implement cuts to Some have criticized elements of Reaganomics on the ba-
education and infrastructure.[30] sis of equity. For example, economist John Kenneth Gal-
braith believed that the Reagan administration actively
used the Laer curve to lower taxes on the auent.[45]
4.2 Reaganomics Some critics point out that tax revenues almost always
rise every year, and during Reagans two terms increases
Main article: Reaganomics in tax revenue were more shallow than increases during
The Laer curve and supply-side economics inspired presidencies where top marginal tax rates were higher.[46]
Reaganomics and the Kemp-Roth Tax Cut of 1981. Critics also point out that since the Reagan tax cuts,
Supply-side advocates of tax cuts claimed that lower tax income has not signicantly increased for the rest of the
rates would generate more tax revenue because the United population. This assertion is supported by studies that
States government's marginal income tax rates prior to show the income of the top 1% nearly doubling during
the legislation were on the right-hand side of the curve. the Reagan years, while income for other income levels
As a successful actor, Reagan himself had been subject increased only marginally; income actually decreased for
to marginal tax rates as high as 90% during World War the bottom quintile.[47]

4.3 Bush tax cuts [8] Laer, Arthur. The Laer Curve: Past, Present, and Fu-
ture. The Heritage Foundation. Retrieved 2016-05-02.
Main article: Bush tax cuts
See also: Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconcil- [9] To Donald Rumsfeld. Archived
from the original on 2011-05-03. Retrieved 2012-12-13.
iation Act of 2001 and Jobs and Growth Tax Relief
Reconciliation Act of 2003 [10] Wanniski, Jude (1978). Taxes, Revenues and the 'Laer
Curve'" (PDF). The Public Interest. Retrieved 2009-11-
The Congressional Budget Oce has estimated that ex-
tending the Bush tax cuts of 20012003 beyond their [11] CBO. (December 1, 2005). Analyzing the Economic and
2010 expiration would increase decits by $1.8 trillion Budgetary Eects of a 10 Percent Cut in Income Tax Rates"
over the following decade.[48] Economist Paul Krugman (PDF). Retrieved 2007-12-11.
contended that supply-side adherents did not fully be-
lieve that the United States income tax rate was on the [12] Tax Cuts Don't Boost Revenues, Time Magazine, Decem-
ber 6, 2007
backwards-sloping side of the curve and yet they still
advocated lowering taxes to encourage investment of per- [13] Poll Results. IGM Forum.
sonal savings.[49]
[14] Malcomson, J (1986). Some analytics of the laer
curve. Journal of Public Economics. 29 (3): 263.
5 See also
[15] Gahvari, F (1989). The nature of government expen-
Deadweight loss ditures and the shape of the laer curve. Journal of
Public Economics. 40 (2): 251. doi:10.1016/0047-
List of economics topics 2727(89)90006-6.

Rahn curve [16] Palda, Filip (1998). Evasive Ability and the Eciency
Cost of the Underground Economy. Canadian Journal
Self-Reliance of Economics. 31 (5): 111838. JSTOR 136462.
Trickle-down economics [17] Feige, Edgar L.; McGee, Robert (1982). Supply Side
Economics and the Unobserved Economy: The Dutch
Laer Curve. [Economisch Statistische Berichten]. 67
6 Notes (November).

[18] Feige, Edgar L.; McGee, Robert (1982). The Unob-

[1] Irvin B. Tucker (2010), Survey of Economics, Cengage served Economy and the UK Laer Curve. 3 (1). The
Learning, p. 341, ISBN 978-1-4390-4054-6 Journal of Economic Aairs: 36-42.
[2] Fullerton, Don (2008). Laer curve. In Durlauf,
[19] Feige, Edgar L.; McGee, Robert (1983). Swedens Laf-
Steven N.; Blume, Lawrence E. The New Pal-
fer Curve:Taxation and the Unobserved Economy. The
grave Dictionary of Economics (2nd ed.). p. 839.
Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 85 (4): 499-519.
doi:10.1057/9780230226203.0922. ISBN 978-0-333-
78676-5. [20] Hsing, Y (1996). Estimating the Laer Curve and Policy
Implications. Journal of Socio-Economics. 25 (3): 395.
[3] Feige, Edgar L.; McGee, Robert (1982). Supply Side
Economics and the Unobserved Economy: The Dutch
Laer Curve. [Economisch Statistische Berichten]. 67 [21] Stuart, C. E. (1981). Swedish Tax Rates, Labor Supply,
(November). and Tax Revenues. Journal of Political Economy. 89 (5):
[4] Feige, Edgar L.; McGee, Robert (1982). The Unob- 102038. doi:10.1086/261018. JSTOR 1830818.
served Economy and the UK Laer Curve. 3 (1). The
[22] Analyzing the Economic and Budgetary Eects of a 10
Journal of Economic Aairs: 36-42.
Percent Cut in Income Tax Rates (PDF). 1 December
[5] Feige, Edgar L.; McGee, Robert (1983). Swedens Laf- 2005.
fer Curve:Taxation and the Unobserved Economy. The
[23] Giertz, Seth A (2008-05-30). How Does the Elasticity
Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 85 (4): 499-519.
of Taxable Income Aect Economic Eciency and Tax
[6] Trabandt, Mathias; Uhlig, Harald (2011). The Laer Revenues and what Implications Does this have for Tax
Curve Revisited. Journal of Monetary Economics. 58 Policy Moving Forward?" (PDF). American Enterprise
(4): 30527. doi:10.1016/j.jmoneco.2011.07.003. Institute for Public Policy Research: 3642. Archived
from the original (PDF) on 26 March 2011. Retrieved
[7] Pecorino, Paul (1995). Tax rates and tax revenues 2011-05-08.
in a model of growth through human capital accumula-
tion. Journal of Monetary Economics. 36 (3): 527. [24] Ranson, David, You Can't Soak the Rich,, The Wall
doi:10.1016/0304-3932(95)01224-9. Street Journal, May 20, 2008; p. A23

[25] Kimmel, Mike (2010-11-30). Hausers Law is Extremely [47] Cumulative Growth In Average After-Tax Income, By
Misleading. Angry Bear Financial and Economic Com- Income Group; graph, page 19 (PDF). Congressional
mentary. Retrieved 30 June 2011. Budget Oce. October 2011.

[26] Window Tax. [48] An Analysis of the Presidents Budgetary Proposals for
Fiscal Year 2008 (PDF). 21 March 2007.
textbook/dls_ch13.pdf [49] Peddling Prosperity by Paul Krugman, p.95

[28] Shields, Mike (August 14, 2012). The brain behind the
Brownback tax cuts. Kansas Health Institute. Kansas
Health Institute. Retrieved 17 August 2016. 7 External links
[29] Topeka Capital Journal, 2013
Media related to Laer curve at Wikimedia Commons
[30] Kansas City Star, 2015
Jude Wanniski, Taxes, Revenues, and the `Laer
[31] Archived July 22, 2011, at the Wayback Machine.
Curve,'" The Public Interest, Number 50, Winter
[32] Gellman, Barton, 258. Angler: The Cheney Vice Presi- 1978
dency, Penguin Press, New York 2008.
Arthur Laer describing the Laer Curve
[33] Brederode, Robert F. van (2009). Systems of general
sales taxation : theory, policy and practice. Austin [Tex.]: The Laer Curve, Part I: Understanding the Theory
Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. p. 117. ISBN
The Laer Curve, Part II: Reviewing the Evidence

[34] Ali, Imam (1978). Nahjul Balagha. Imam Ali. Re- The Laer Curve, Part III: Dynamic Scoring
trieved 2009-11-21.
On PBS NewsHOur Solman explores the relation-
[35] Cannadine, David. Mellon: An American Life. New York: ship between economic activity and tax rates.
A.A. Knopf, 2006. pp. 48-49, 165, 349. ISBN 0-679-

[36] Folsom Jr., Burton W., The Myth of the Robber Barons,
page 103. Young Americas Foundation, 2007.


[38] Supply-Side Economics and Austrian Economics. April


[39] Feige, Edgar; McGee, Robert (1982). Supply Side Eco-

nomics and the Unobserved Economy: The Dutch Laer
Curve. [Economisch Statistische Berichten]. 67 (Novem-

[40] Feige, Edgar L.; McGee, Robert (1983). Swedens Laf-

fer Curve:Taxation and the Unobserved Economy. The
Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 85 (4): 499-519.

[41] Case and Fair, Principles of Economics, 7th Edition, p.


[42] Table 1.2Summary of receipts, outlays, and surpluses

or decits (-) as percentage of GDP : 19302015

[43] Stockman, David (2013-03-26). The Triumph of Politics:

Why the Reagan Revolution Failed. PublicAairs. p. 289.
ISBN 1-61039-277-9.

[44] The Education of David Stockman. The Atlantic. De-

cember 1981.

[45] Galbraith, J. K. (Sinclair-Stevenson 1994). The World

Economy Since The Wars. A Personal View, p. 232.

[46] Tax cuts increase tax collections.


8 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

8.1 Text
Laer curve Source: Contributors: Bryan Derksen, Gareth Owen, Ed
Poor, DavidLevinson, B4hand, Ewen, Twilsonb, Michael Hardy, Earth, Gaurav, Finsj, Ronabop, ArnoLagrange, Stevenj, Robertkeller,
Hike395, Mydogategodshat, Charles Matthews, Timwi, Brat0009, Doradus, Haukurth, Thue, Raul654, Chealer, Timrollpickering, Hal-
ibutt, Xanzzibar, Cyrius, Terjepetersen, Giftlite, JamesMLane, Nikodemos, Brett Kottmann, FeloniousMonk, Rchandra, Gzornenplatz,
Gadum, The Land, Neutrality, RandalSchwartz, Ularsen, Ma'ame Michu, Twinxor, Rich Farmbrough, KillerChihuahua, Pmsyyz, Dmr2,
Bender235, Quietly, Kbh3rd, Brian0918, Dpotter, MBisanz, Coolcaesar, Cretog8, BrokenSegue, Aquillion, Crust, Djzanni, Jumbuck,
Alansohn, Howrealisreal, Hu, Wtmitchell, Jost Riedel, Mattbrundage, 2004-12-29T22:45Z, Asav, Mvpel, Dodiad, Bkwillwm, DocRuby,
Graham87, Imersion, Tlroche, Rjwilmsi, Bhaak, X1011, LjL, Matt Deres, Ground Zero, Lmatt, BradBeattie, BMF81, CiaPan, Volun-
teer Marek, Bgwhite, Wasted Time R, YurikBot, Michaeladenner, Tznkai, Lincolnite, Conscious, Chris Capoccia, Hydrargyrum, Morphh,
NawlinWiki, Krea, Bota47, PanchoS, CLW, WAS 4.250, Alarob, Paul Magnussen, Bayerischermann, Kruosio, Rcronk, SmackBot, CSMR,
Hydrogen Iodide, Jim62sch, Lawrencekhoo, Jagged 85, Eskimbot, Rune X2, Grandmartin11, Bastawhiz, Lodp, Evilandi, Schmiteye, Chris
the speller, Bluebot, Full Shunyata, Jprg1966, MalafayaBot, BrendelSignature, Nbarth, DHN-bot~enwiki, Timoteo III, Stephen Hui, De-
Facto, OrphanBot, LeContexte, Pianohacker, Ritchie333, Minasbeede, Stor~enwiki, SkyWriter, Henning Makholm, Byelf2007, Jjjjjjjjjj,
Ergative rlt, Justin Morrill, JoshuaZ, Loadmaster, Freethinker77, Stwalkerster, AdultSwim, Quaeler, Levineps, Colonel Warden, Elry-
acko, Exander, Tawkerbot2, JRSpriggs, Jafet, Croctotheface, Dolphinholmer, Vision Thing, Thomasmeeks, Cosy, Andkore, Cohaerens,
Rapierian, Legis, Plaunie, Thijs!bot, Rusl, NisJorgensen, SyncopatorSyncopator, Ugarit, Neil916, Notmyrealname, Hcobb, Chillysnow,
Mmortal03, AntiVandalBot, Lothar76, Mack2, Alphachimpbot, Historypre, JAnDbot, Eagersnap, JollyOldStNick08, Logan.aggregate,
Dausuul, Velvet elvis81, , Binh Giang~enwiki, Vanessaezekowitz, Jim.henderson, Sm8900, Uncle Dick, RichAlger, Extransit,
RRM MBA, Bot-Schafter, RenniePet, Mattkeith, Sarnalios~enwiki, Etherclear, GrahamHardy, VolkovBot, Jacob Lundberg, Wiae, Fa-
souzafreitas, Kenwg, Burntsauce, AgentCDE, MCTales, Edman007, Farcaster, Michael Frind, Thomas T Howard, Goingempty, Grun-
dle2600, Topher385, FlamingSilmaril, Blahblah5555, Mistersurere, Victor Chmara, Smellsofbikes, EoGuy, GeneCallahan, Jacknchicken,
Not Brit, Blackij, Kjb57, BobKawanaka, CAVincent, Bonewah, Redthoreau, Doprendek, Awc999, NJGW, PeterADillon, Mcdruid, An-
ual, XLinkBot, Let99, Nathan Johnson, EastTN, Ost316, Jmkim dot com, Addbot, LP, Don'tKnowItAtAll, K-MUS, Jojhutton, Leszek
Jaczuk, Mraymondt, Ehrenkater, Ettrig, Thomas Yeardly, LuK3, Ben Ben, Luckas-bot, Yobot, His-way1, Samijx, Apophenic, RWE-
con, GrangerBand, AnomieBOT, Vextration, T34CH, Citation bot, ArthurBot, Merckxmartino, Shage1966, Pkwanniski, Xqbot, Spike-
from-NH, Sl1995, Srich32977, Omnipaedista, Ringozstarr, Sewblon, Tobby72, Lipsquid, Patronanejo, Haeinous, Oashi, Fyvush, Ham-
burgerRadio, Citation bot 1, Dark Charles, I dream of horses, , Ravensburg13, Lotje, Gnomatic, Steve03Mills, EmausBot, BillyPreset,
Dewritech, 7daysahead, Tazhawkeye, El Cucui, Oldtaxguy, ZroBot, Rcsprinter123, Dibbikweasel, Jewilke1, Lol MD4, Sugar-Baby-
Love, TheSHSH, ClueBot NG, Frerin, IgnorantArmies, Helpful Pixie Bot, Eleventh1, Roxyma, Guest2625, Annihilation00, Rapn21,
Q-Hack, Barnabyquarterly, Richiebful, Trailspark, Krishan.allen, StarryGrandma, Cyberbot II, ChrisGualtieri, Metalello, Rank-one map,
Khazar2, Rmorris93, Dexbot, Sae Harshberger, Hmainsbot1, Mogism, , Richard2001, Cupco, Septimus.stevens, AmericanLem-
ming, Jessica091, EllenCT, Bilorv, Monkbot, Plokmijnuhbygvtfcdxeszwaq, Riceissa, Rompidrac, Sunmist, Mkkamran, Loraof, Absolute-
lypuremilk, Mordaharry123, Flobbus, Advisorofnations, Little Will, RobbieIanMorrison, GreenC bot, Bender the Bot and Anonymous:

8.2 Images
File:DodgerBlue_flag_waving.svg Source: Li-
cense: Public domain Contributors:
Red_ag_waving.svg Original artist: Red_ag_waving.svg: Wereon
File:Effective_tax_rate_in_the_US_by_top_tax_rate.svg Source:
tax_rate_in_the_US_by_top_tax_rate.svg License: CC0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Delphi234
File:Employment_growth_by_top_tax_rate.svg Source:
growth_by_top_tax_rate.svg License: CC0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Delphi234
File:Ireland_1959_Impressed_Duty_Stamp.jpg Source:
Impressed_Duty_Stamp.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist: Government of the
Republic of Ireland
File:Laffer-Curve.svg Source: License: CC BY 3.0 Contribu-
tors: This SVG version is based on Djzanni's original PNG version Original artist: Vectorisation by Vanessaezekowitz at en.wikipedia
File:LafferCurve.svg Source: License: CC0 Contributors: Own
work Original artist: Lawrencekhoo
File:Top_tax_rates_and_average_growth_1975-2008_v3.jpg Source:
tax_rates_and_average_growth_1975-2008_v3.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
2012/paper_78.pdf Original artist: Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez, Stefanie Stantcheva
File:US_high-income_effective_tax_rates.png Source:
effective_tax_rates.png License: Public domain Contributors: Taxes and the Economy: An Economic Analysis of the Top Tax Rates
Since 1945 CRS Report for Congress no. 7-5700 / R42729, page 3 Original artist: Thomas L. Hungerford, U.S. Congressional Research

8.3 Content license

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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