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Determining Whether an Unknown Metal is Zinc Using the Intensive

Property of Linear Thermal Expansion

Nathan Frazier Sara Schultz Daniella Toma

Macomb Mathematics Science Technology Center

Honors Chemistry

Section 10B

Mrs. Dewey / Mrs. Hilliard / Mr. Supal

24 May 2016
Table of Contents

Review of Literature.3

Problem Statement..7

Experimental Design ..8

Data and Observations.11

Data Analysis and Interpretation.17



Appendix A.32

Appendix B.33

Appendix C34

Works Cited...36
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When the question of what a penny consists of is asked, what usually

comes to mind is copper. That answer is only 2.5% correct. In reality, the one-

cent coin is actually 97.5% Zinc (The United States Mint). If a penny is dropped

on the floor and left for a person to pick up on a hot summer day, the penny

would be hot due to the sun shining on it. And what if a person were to try to put

a coin that they had just found on the hot sidewalk into a vending machine for a

drink? In order to be sure that the coin would fit, scientists use a special property

called linear thermal expansion to determine how much the coin would expand

when heat is applied to it.

The purpose of the following experimentation was to use an intensive

physical properties of linear thermal expansion to determine if a sample of an

unknown metal was Zinc. Throughout the course of experimentation, data from

the unknown metal was compared to values from the known metal. The ultimate

goal of the experiment was to use this data to identify the unknown metal. But, in

order to find these values, an experiment was conducted. The experiment

conducted ended with the determination of the alpha coefficient of linear thermal


Linear thermal expansion is the fractional change in length of a material for a

unit change in temperature. Each metal has an individual alpha coefficient that

can help determine the metals identity. This experiment used a special

apparatus, a jig, to measure changes in length after the metal had been heated.
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The metal was boiled in a loaf pan on a hot plate and then placed onto the

apparatus, and the change in length was then calculated. Data collected during

this experiment could be used to determine if the unknown medal was the same

as the known.

Results found in lab settings like this can be used out in the real world,

sometimes in everyday situations. Linear thermal expansion in the real world is

also used in engineering. For example, the joints that hold bridges together are

designed to account for expansion and contraction. This prevents damage to the

bridge (Friedman). One example is the Hoan Bridge in Wisconsin that had a

partial collapse in December 2000. Linear Thermal Expansion can be used to

prevent partial collapses like this one. These topics are important in engineering

and life in general because the technology will continue to improve the quality of

new developments.

Research conducted in this specific project can be used as a basis for

even further research. Information found here can be used in determining what

metals could be the best for a product. These chemical properties can be

researched further in depth to continue to improve engineering and products for

the future.
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Review of Literature

Linear thermal expansion is the change of volume in correspondence to

the change in temperature of an object, but it is also the change in the linear

dimensions in correspondence to a change in temperature (Gagnon). A number

of experimental techniques such as mechanical dilatometry, optical imaging, and

X-ray diffraction can be used to measure the expansion coefficients of solids

(Corsepius). Every element on the periodic table has a different coefficient of

linear thermal expansion, so elements can be differentiated from one another.

Therefore, this experiment will use the alpha coefficient to find out if the unknown

element is the given element zinc.

Linear thermal expansion is a physical property of matter and is also an intensive

property. On an atomic level, linear thermal expansion occurs due to Kinetic

Molecular Theory (KMT). The theory states that when an object is heated up and

the molecules inside the object gain kinetic energy and vibrate, moving further

apart due to the increase in the volume and the increase in the temperature. This

causes the object to expand slightly to account for the increased space between

the vibrating molecules (Gagnon). Linear thermal expansion can be found using

the equation below.

L=Li( t 1t o )
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Where is the change in length, that is found from subtracting the final

length subtracted from the initial length measured in mm (Tipler), is the linear

thermal expansion coefficient that should be known and the unit for is C-1. The

variable t 1 is the final temperature of the metal rod and t o is the initial

temperature of the object, which are both assumed to be the temperature of the

water they are placed in.

In this experiment, an unknown element is given and it has to be

determined if that element is the given of zinc. If the unknown elements linear

thermal expansion is found, it could determine if the unknown element is zinc.

Zincs atomic number is 30 and it is found in group 12, period 4 and block D,

making it a transition metal. Zinc also has a density of 7.14 g/cm 3 and a thermal

expansion coefficient of 2.97 x 10-5 C-1.

Table 1
Element Values

Density Thermal Expansion

(g/cm3) Coefficient (C-1)
Chromium 7.19 0.0000049
Zinc 7.14 0.0000297
Lead 11.34 0.0000289

Table 1 shows values for two intensive properties of three metals.

Table 1 shows the densities and linear thermal expansion coefficients of

zinc, chromium and lead. It shows that lead has the highest density, and zinc has
Frazier Schultz Toma 5

the lowest density of the three elements, inferring that zinc would float above the

other two elements. For linear thermal expansion coefficient, the unit is C -1(per

degree Celsius). Chromium has the least amount needed to change volume,

having 4.9 x 10-5 C-1 and zinc with the most having 2.97 x 10-5 C-1. This means

that zinc is more sensitive to temperature change, and it will expand or contract

more than the other two.

One experiment involving linear thermal expansion was done by

PerkinElmer Inc. to see if an unknown metal could be determined using linear

thermal expansion with a 0.5% error. Using a TMA 4000 to measure length

changes within the metal rod as it underwent temperature changes by measuring

to the nearest micrometer (Cassel), the team at PerkinElmer heated up the metal

rod from 0C to 300C (Cassel). The team then used the equation to determine

the coefficient of thermal expansion. The coefficient of thermal expansion varies

for different substances. The coefficient of aluminum is 23.1 10-6 C-1 (Elert).

The research team used the percent error equation to determine that the metal

was aluminum with a 0.45% error (Cassel).

Another experiment performed by Tong Wa Chao used a displacement

probe and temperature to find the linear thermal expansion coefficient of a

printed wiring board (Chao). The metal was slowly heated from room

temperature to 230C over a period of an hour. Labview software was used to

graph the data (Chao). Chao used a caliper and thermometer to measure basic

changes in length.
Both of these experiments can be applied to this experiment because both

experiments heated the metal rod and measured the change in length using an
Frazier Schultz Toma 6

apparatus, which is a tool that is needed for a specific reason. This protocol can

be mimicked in this experiment by using a caliper that measures in millimeters.

The second experiment used software to graph the data, while the first

experiment used the linear thermal expansion equation and percent error to

identify the unknown metal. This experiment can mimic the way to measure and


In conclusion, these experiments could be used to determine the linear

thermal expansion of the unknown element. When the unknown elements

coefficient of linear thermal expansion is found, it could be inferred if it matches

zincs coefficient of linear thermal expansion. If the unknown elements coefficient

of linear thermal expansion is within 2.53 percent of 2.97 x 10 -5 C-1 it could infer

that the unknown element is zinc. If not, the unknown element is not zinc.
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Problem Statement


To determine whether or not the unidentified metal sample is zinc by

calculating the intensive property of linear thermal expansion coefficient.


If the linear thermal expansion coefficient of the unidentified metal is

calculated within a 2.53% error and an alpha level of 0.1 and compared to that of

the known metal, it will be determined that the unidentified metal will be the same

as the known metal, zinc.

Data Measured:

The variables in this experiment include the initial and final temperatures

of the rod, and the initial and final lengths of the rods. For units of measurement,

length is measured in millimeters (mm) and temperature is measured in degrees

Celsius (C). These variables will be used to find the linear thermal expansion

coefficient in C-1. The statistical test to analyze this data will be a two sample-t

Frazier Schultz Toma 8

Experimental Design

(3) Linear Thermal Expansion Jigs (0.01mm) Caliper (0.01 mm)
(2) Zinc Metal Rods Timers
(2) Unknown Metal Rods Hotplate
(2) Gallons of Distilled Water Tongs
(2) Thermometer Probes (0.01 oC) Loaf pan
Graduated Cylinder (100 ml) Hot Mitt
Ti-nspire cx Calculator


1. Randomize trials for the rods and linear thermal expansion jigs by using the
Ti- nspire calculator by using the random integer function. (See Appendix A)

2. Measure initial length of rod using a caliper and record in data table.

3. Measure 100 mL of water using the 100 mL graduated cylinder and pour into
the loaf pan. (Only refill after water gets low)
4. Place loaf pan over hot plate to bring water to boiling point (95 - 100 oC).

5. Record the temperature of the rod as what was found for boiling point for
initial temperature in data. Assume the temperature of the water will be equal
to the temperature of the rod.
6. Place rod in boiling loaf pan for two minutes.
Frazier Schultz Toma 9

7. Take rod out of water with tongs and place the rod in the linear thermal
expansion jig, making sure to set the dial to zero and record the change in
8. Let metal cool for two minutes and record the temperature of the rod. Assume
the temperature of the rod is equal to room temperature.
9. Record the change of length in the data table for the metal rod.

10. Using the data collected from the experiment, use the linear thermal
expansion coefficient equation to solve for .

11. Repeat steps 1-10 for all 30 trials of each rod.


Figure 1. Materials

In figure one above, all of the materials for the experiment are shown. The

items shown include two zinc metal rods, three linear thermal expansion jigs, two

unknown metal rods, a caliper, a timer, tongs , a hot plate, two loaf pans, a Ti-

nspire cx calculator, two thermometer probes, and a hot mitt.

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Figure 2. Experiment Setup

In figure two above, the setup for the experiment is shown. In the picture,

a linear thermal expansion jig with the known metal of zinc is shown. The jig

measures the change in length of the metal rod.

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Data and Observations

Table 2
Linear Thermal Expansion Data for Known Metal Zinc
Initial Final
Initial Initial Final Alpha
Jig jig L T
Trial Rod Length Temp Temp Coefficient
Length Length (mm) (C)
(mm) (C) (C) (x 10-6 C-1)
(mm) (mm)
1 A 129.15 19.42 19.24 0.18 23.7 98.0 74.3 18.758
2 B 129.31 19.66 19.48 0.18 22.6 99.4 76.8 18.125
3 A 129.15 19.30 19.13 0.17 22.8 99.8 77.0 17.095
4 B 129.31 19.66 19.43 0.23 22.2 99.2 77.0 23.010
5 A 129.15 19.40 19.24 0.16 22.0 99.7 76.9 16.110
6 B 129.32 19.64 19.46 0.18 22.8 99.1 76.3 18.242
7 A 129.19 19.29 19.13 0.16 22.8 98.9 76.1 16.274
8 B 129.32 19.67 19.49 0.18 21.6 99.4 77.8 17.891
9 A 129.16 19.29 19.11 0.18 22.8 99.8 77.0 18.099
10 B 129.29 19.66 19.48 0.18 22.2 99.5 77.3 18.011
11 A 129.16 19.40 19.23 0.17 22.9 99.8 76.9 17.116
12 B 129.24 19.66 19.50 0.16 21.9 98.9 77.0 16.078
13 A 129.18 19.31 19.13 0.18 22.8 99.7 76.9 18.120
14 B 129.28 19.66 19.51 0.15 22.4 99.6 77.2 15.029
15 A 129.18 19.37 19.20 0.17 23.8 99.8 76.0 17.316
16 B 129.25 19.69 19.52 0.17 22.1 99.4 77.3 17.015
17 A 129.18 19.32 19.16 0.16 23.8 99.8 76.0 16.297
18 B 129.23 19.72 19.54 0.18 23.3 99.7 76.4 18.231
19 A 129.19 23.07 22.92 0.15 22.4 99.6 77.2 15.039
20 B 129.25 19.73 19.54 0.19 24.7 99.7 75.0 19.600
21 A 129.15 23.09 22.93 0.16 22.1 99.4 77.3 16.027
22 B 129.29 19.74 19.56 0.18 23.6 99.3 75.7 18.409
23 A 129.15 23.03 22.85 0.18 23.3 99.7 76.4 18.243
24 B 129.28 19.70 19.50 0.20 24.4 99.5 75.1 20.599
25 A 129.17 23.12 22.95 0.17 24.7 99.7 75.0 17.547
26 B 129.25 19.73 19.54 0.19 25.4 99.6 74.2 19.811
27 A 129.16 23.17 22.98 0.19 23.6 99.3 75.7 19.413
28 B 129.27 19.71 19.54 0.17 24.3 100.7 76.4 17.213
29 A 129.15 23.10 22.91 0.19 24.4 99.5 75.1 19.569
30 B 129.28 19.79 19.57 0.22 24.2 100.3 76.1 22.361
Average 129.22 25.97 20.09 0.18 23.2 99.5 76.3 18.022
Frazier Schultz Toma 12

Table 2 shows the data collected from thirty linear thermal expansion trials

from the known metal, zinc. The data collected includes the initial length

measured with a caliper, the initial and final lengths measured from the linear

thermal expansion jig, the change in length calculated form the initial and final

change in length from the jigs, initial and final temperature, change in

temperature, and the alpha coefficient.

Table 3
Linear Thermal Expansion Data for Unknown Metal
Initial Final
Initial Initial Final Alpha
Jig jig L T
Trial Rod Length Temp Temp Coefficient
Length Length (mm) (C)
(mm) (C) (C) (x 10-6 C-1)
(mm) (mm)
1 C 123.60 17.15 17.05 0.10 26.1 99.0 72.9 11.098
2 D 123.69 14.93 14.85 0.08 23.9 99.0 75.1 08.612
3 C 123.60 17.00 16.91 0.09 23.7 98.0 74.3 09.800
4 D 123.69 14.97 14.91 0.06 23.7 98.0 74.3 06.528
5 C 123.66 16.80 16.71 0.09 22.8 99.8 77.0 09.451
6 D 123.66 15.05 14.95 0.10 22.8 99.8 77.0 10.502
7 C 123.65 16.98 16.89 0.09 22.8 98.7 75.9 09.589
8 D 123.66 14.97 14.90 0.07 22.8 99.7 76.9 07.361
9 C 123.59 17.05 16.95 0.10 22.8 98.9 76.1 10.632
10 D 123.60 14.93 14.85 0.08 22.8 99.8 77.0 08.405
11 C 123.96 16.99 16.88 0.11 23.0 99.8 76.8 11.554
12 D 123.66 14.97 14.90 0.07 22.8 99.8 77.0 07.351
13 C 123.58 17.02 16.92 0.10 22.8 99.8 77.0 10.508
14 D 123.61 14.95 14.87 0.08 22.8 99.7 76.9 08.416
15 C 123.56 16.97 16.87 0.10 22.9 99.8 76.9 10.524
16 D 123.61 14.94 14.86 0.08 23.8 99.8 76.0 08.515
17 C 123.63 16.83 16.73 0.10 22.8 99.7 76.9 10.518
18 D 123.64 14.86 14.78 0.08 23.7 99.8 76.1 08.502
19 C 123.60 16.87 16.78 0.09 23.7 99.8 76.1 09.568
20 D 123.63 15.11 15.01 0.10 22.6 99.4 76.8 10.532
21 C 123.57 17.44 17.32 0.12 22.6 99.4 76.8 12.644
22 D 123.63 15.14 15.04 0.10 22.2 99.2 77.0 10.504
23 C 123.57 17.36 17.26 0.10 22.2 99.2 77.0 10.509
24 D 123.58 15.06 14.96 0.10 22.8 99.1 76.3 10.605
25 C 123.57 17.50 17.39 0.11 22.8 99.1 76.3 11.666
26 D 123.62 15.20 15.11 0.09 21.6 99.4 77.8 09.357
Frazier Schultz Toma 13

Initial Final
Initial Initial Final Alpha
Jig jig L T
Trial Rod Length Temp Temp Coefficient
Length Length (mm) (C)
(mm) (C) (C) (x 10-6 C-1)
(mm) (mm)
27 C 123.66 17.47 17.35 0.12 21.6 99.4 77.8 12.473
28 D 123.69 14.86 14.77 0.09 22.2 99.5 77.3 09.413
29 C 123.59 17.53 17.43 0.10 22.2 99.5 77.3 10.467
30 D 123.66 17.520 17.420 0.10 21.9 98.9 77.0 10.502
Average 123.63 16.147 16.054 0.09 22.9 99.4 76.5 09.870

Table 3 shows the data collected from thirty linear thermal expansion trials

from the unknown metal. The same data was collected for the unknown that was

collected for the known metal zinc.

Table 4
Linear Thermal Expansion Observations for Known Metal of Zinc
Trial Rod Observation
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 1 held the jig while researcher 3
1 A put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 6 was used. Researcher 3 held the jig while researcher 2
2 B put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 3 held the jig while researcher 2
3 A put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 6 was used. Researcher 3 held the jig while researcher 1
4 B put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 1 held the jig while researcher 3
5 A put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 6 was used. Researcher 3 held the jig while researcher 2
6 B put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 2 held the jig while researcher 3
7 A put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 6 was used. Researcher 3 held the jig while researcher 2
8 B put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 3 held the jig while researcher 2
9 A put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 6 was used. Researcher 3 held the jig while researcher 2
10 B put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 3 held the jig while researcher 2
11 A put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 1 held the jig while researcher 3
12 B put the metal into the jig.
13 A LTE jig 6 was used. Researcher 1 held the jig while researcher 3
Frazier Schultz Toma 14

put the metal into the jig.

Trial Rod Observation
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 2 held the jig while researcher 1
14 B put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 6 was used. Researcher 3 held the jig while researcher 2
15 A put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 1 held the jig while researcher 3
16 B put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 6 was used. Researcher 1 held the jig while researcher 3
17 A put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 1 held the jig while researcher 3
18 B put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 6 was used. Researcher 1 held the jig while researcher 2
19 A put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 3 held the jig while researcher 1
20 B put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 6 was used. Researcher 3 held the jig while researcher 2
21 A put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 2 held the jig while researcher 1
22 B put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 6 was used. Researcher 3 held the jig while researcher 2
23 A put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 1 held the jig while researcher 2
24 B put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 5 was used. Researcher 2 held the jig while researcher 1
25 A put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 2 held the jig while researcher 1
26 B put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 5 was used. Researcher 3 held the jig while researcher 2
27 A put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 2 held the jig while researcher 1
28 B put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 5 was used. Researcher 3 held the jig while researcher 2
29 A put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 2 held the jig while researcher 1
30 B put the metal into the jig.
Table 4 above shows observations taken while running trials for the known

metal of zinc. Jig 5 was not used in the beginning of trials because it was not

available to the researchers on the first day of the experiment.

Frazier Schultz Toma 15

Table 5
Linear Thermal Expansion Observations for Known Metal of Zinc
Trial Ro Observation
LTE jig 6 was used. Researcher 2 held the jig while researcher 1
1 C put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 1 held the jig while researcher 2
put the metal into the jig. The metal itself appeared somewhat
2 D rusty.
LTE jig 6 was used. Researcher 2 held the jig while researcher 3
3 C put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 2 held the jig while researcher 1
put the metal into the jig. The metal itself appeared somewhat
4 D rusty.
LTE jig 6 was used. Researcher 1 held the jig while researcher 3
5 C put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 3 held the jig while researcher 1
put the metal into the jig. The metal itself appeared somewhat
6 D rusty.
LTE jig 6 was used. Researcher 2 held the jig while researcher 1
7 C put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 1 held the jig while researcher 2
put the metal into the jig. The metal itself appeared somewhat
8 D rusty.
LTE jig 6 was used. Researcher 1 held the jig while researcher 3
9 C put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 5 was used. Researcher 3 held the jig while researcher 2
put the metal into the jig. The metal itself appeared somewhat
10 D rusty.
LTE jig 6 was used. Researcher 1 held the jig while researcher 3
11 C put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 5 was used. Researcher 2 held the jig while researcher 1
put the metal into the jig. The metal itself appeared somewhat
12 D rusty.
LTE jig 6 was used. Researcher 2 held the jig while researcher 3
13 C put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 3 held the jig while researcher 1
put the metal into the jig. The metal itself appeared somewhat
14 D rusty.
LTE jig 5 was used. Researcher 2 held the jig while researcher 1
15 C put the metal into the jig.
16 D LTE jig 5 was used. Researcher 1 held the jig while researcher 3
Frazier Schultz Toma 16

put the metal into the jig. The metal itself appeared somewhat
LTE jig 6 was used. Researcher 1 held the jig while researcher 3
17 C put the metal into the jig.

Trial Ro Observation
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 3 held the jig while researcher 2
put the metal into the jig. The metal itself appeared somewhat
18 D rusty.
19 C LTE jig 5 was used. Researcher 3 held the jig while researcher 2
put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 3 held the jig while researcher 1
put the metal into the jig. The metal itself appeared somewhat
20 D rusty.
21 C LTE jig 5 was used. Researcher 3 held the jig while researcher 2
put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 1 held the jig while researcher 3
put the metal into the jig. The metal itself appeared somewhat
22 D rusty.
23 C LTE jig 5 was used. Researcher 1 held the jig while researcher 3
put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 2 held the jig while researcher 1
put the metal into the jig. The metal itself appeared somewhat
24 D rusty.
LTE jig 5 was used. Researcher 3 held the jig while researcher 2
25 C put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 2 held the jig while researcher 1
put the metal into the jig. The metal itself appeared somewhat
26 D rusty.
LTE jig 6 was used. Researcher 1 held the jig while researcher 3
27 C put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 5 was used. Researcher 3 held the jig while researcher 2
put the metal into the jig. The metal itself appeared somewhat
28 D rusty.
LTE jig 6 was used. Researcher 2 held the jig while researcher 1
29 C put the metal into the jig.
LTE jig 4 was used. Researcher 1 held the jig while researcher 2
put the metal into the jig. The metal itself appeared somewhat
30 D rusty.
Frazier Schultz Toma 17

Table 5 above shows observations taken while running trials for the

unknown metal. For rod D, the metal had apparent rust or discolored spots that

could affect the trials in some way.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

The data collected during this linear thermal expansion experiment for the

known metal of Zinc is quantitative, meaning it is based on numerical data. The

alpha coefficient for linear thermal expansion is measured in inverse degrees

Celsius (C-1). The data was collected in a laboratory experiment with unknown

and the known metal of zinc being compared to each other. Data collected in this

experiment was also reliable due to the randomization. The data in this

experiment was also collected based on controls, randomization, and repetition.

The known metal was tested first to create the control. The data collected on the

known could then be used as a basis for the unknown. Trials were randomized in

this experiment to help eliminate bias. There were 30 trials for the unknown and

the known to reduce variability and lurking variables.

Table 6
Linear Thermal Expansion Percent Error of the Zinc Rod
Alpha Coefficient
Trial Number % Error
(10-6 C-1)

1 A 18.758 -36.84

2 B 18.125 -38.97

3 A 17.094 -42.44
Frazier Schultz Toma 18

4 B 23.090 -22.22

5 A 16.110 -45.76

6 B 18.242 -38.58

7 A 16.274 -45.20

8 B 17.890 -39.76

9 A 18.098 -39.06

Alpha Coefficient
Trial Number % Error
(10-6 C-1)

10 B 18.010 -39.36

11 A 17.115 -42.37

12 B 16.078 -45.87

13 A 18.119 -38.99

14 B 15.029 -49.40

15 A 17.315 -41.70

16 B 17.015 -42.71

17 A 16.297 -45.13

18 B 18.231 -38.62

19 A 15.039 -49.36

20 B 19.600 -34.01

21 A 16.026 -46.04

22 B 18.409 -38.01

23 A 18.242 -38.58

24 B 20.599 -30.64

25 A 17.547 -40.92

26 B 19.811 -33.29

27 A 19.413 -34.64
Frazier Schultz Toma 19

28 B 17.213 -42.04

29 A 19.569 -34.11

30 B 22.361 -24.71

Table 6 above shows the calculated percent error for each trial of the

known zinc rod. The percent error was calculated from the known value of zinc.

These percent errors are supposed to be low because these show the percent

error of the experiment and the accuracy of the experiment. There are a couple

of ways to tell there is error in this experiment. First is from the percent errors

calculated, the high percent errors show that the experiment for linear thermal

expansion has flaws in the experiment from either human error or the high

difficulty of calculating it. The other way is by the range of percent error. The

range of the percent error for the know metal is 27.17%. This is not low, but is

also not very high. This can indicate some error in the procedure.

Table 7
Linear Thermal Expansion Percent Error for Unknown Rod
Alpha Coefficient
Trial Number % Error
(10-6 C-1)

1 C 11.098 -62.63%

2 D 08.612 -71.00%

3 C 09.800 -67.00%

4 D 06.528 -78.02%

5 C 09.451 -68.18%

6 D 10.502 -64.64%

7 C 09.589 -67.71%

8 D 07.361 -75.22%
Frazier Schultz Toma 20

9 C 10.632 -64.20%

10 D 08.405 -71.70%

11 C 11.554 -61.10%

12 D 07.351 -75.25%

13 C 10.508 -64.62%

14 D 07.351 -75.25%

15 C 10.524 -64.56%

Alpha Coefficient
Trial Number % Error
(10-6 C-1)

16 D 08.416 -71.66%

17 C 10.518 -64.58%

18 D 08.515 -71.33%

19 C 09.568 -67.78%

20 D 08.502 -71.37%

21 C 12.644 -57.43%

22 D 10.532 -64.54%

23 C 10.509 -64.61%

24 D 10.504 -64.63%

25 C 11.666 -60.72%

26 D 10.605 -64.29%

27 C 12.473 -58.00%

28 D 09.357 -68.49%

29 C 10.467 -64.76%

30 D 10.502 -64.64%
Table 7 shows the linear thermal expansion percent error for the unknown.

This percent error was calculated from the known value of zinc (see appendix B

for sample calculation). The percent errors for these 30 trials are different from
Frazier Schultz Toma 21

those of the percent errors for the other 30 linear thermal expansion trials in

Table 6. These errors are high also which could be because of error. The

experiment could have had flaws and human error which would lead to the high

percent error, and the range of the percent error of 20.59%. This is a lower range

than the known metal, but this range is still high and could imply that there is a

flaw in the experimental design.

Alpha coefficients calculated (See Appendix C for sample calculation) for the

known metal of Zinc and unknown metal can be compared using different graphs

such as a histogram and a box plot. A normal probability plot can also be used to

determine if the trials are normal, leading to determine if a statistical test can be


Figure 3. Linear Thermal Expansion Coefficients of Zinc and an Unknown Metal

Box Plot
Frazier Schultz Toma 22

Figure 3 shows the data collected from linear thermal expansion trials

from both zinc and the unknown metal. The data is plotted into a boxplot; the

boxplot shows the collected data for zinc is evenly distributed with two outliers.

The boxplot for unknown seems skewed to the left. The median for the unknown

is very close to the third quartile, so this makes the boxplot skewed. In a normally

distributed boxplot, the median would be in the middle, such as in the known

metal. The two medians are very different from each other and the two box plots

do not overlap. This means that the data might be statistically significant from

each other. Both box plots do not reach the true value, and the unknown data is

much more farther from the true value than the actual metal, Zinc. Since Zinc

does not reach the true value of 29.7, this shows that there was variability in the

experiment, which is mentioned with the percent errors in Tables 6 and 7.

Figure 4. Linear Thermal Expansion Coefficients of Zinc and an Unknown Metal


Figure 4 shows the data for the known and unknown metals for linear

thermal expansion in a histogram rather than a boxplot. The data was made into
Frazier Schultz Toma 23

a histogram in order to confirm the distribution of the box plots. For the known

data, the histogram is fairly normally distributed, with obvious outliers. For the

unknown though, the data has a smaller range and seems to be unevenly


Figure 5. Normal Probability Plot for Linear Thermal Expansion for Zinc

Figure 5 shows the normal probability plot for linear thermal expansion

data recorded for zinc. The figure shows how the data points are fairly clustered

around the lines, which means that the data collected is fairly normal. Due to the

data being normal, this can infer that a statistical test can be run in the future.
Frazier Schultz Toma 24

The few outliers for this plot can make the data have a larger range, but a

statistical test can be run do to the fair normality of this experiment.

Figure 6. Normal Probability Plot for Linear Thermal Expansion for the Unknown

Figure 6 shows the normal probability plot for linear thermal expansion

data recorded for the unknown metal. This plot shows the data was not linear,

but from the boxplot made, the data was somewhat symmetric, so the data is

consistent enough to conduct a statistical test, even with the lack of normality

from a normal probability plot. Another factor deciding that a statistical test can

be run is the reliability of results. There were thirty trials run for the unknown

metal, so this meets one of the requirements to run a statistical test.

Using a two-sample t test, it can be inferred if the data is statistically

significant from each other. The reason why a two-sample t test was used was

because two sample means from different independent populations were being

compared and the standard deviation was not known. There are three

assumptions that first must be met before a statistical test is run. First, there has
Frazier Schultz Toma 25

to be two simple random samples from two distinct populations, which holds true

for this particular experiment. Second, both samples have to be from an

independent population, which also holds true for this experiment. The last

assumption is that both populations, or number of trials in this case, are greater

than or equal to thirty. Since there were thirty trials run for the unknown and the

known metal separately, this experiment meets all the assumptions needed to

run a two-sample t-test. After the two-sample t-test is done it can be inferred if

the p value calculated shows if the two sets of data are significantly different from

each other. The alpha level that will be used to compare the p-value to is 0.10. If

they are significantly different from each other, it can also be inferred that Zinc

and the unknown metal are two different metals.

Ho : 1 2

Ha : 1 2

Figure 7. Null and Alternative Hypotheses for Linear Thermal Expansion Two-

Sample T-Test
Frazier Schultz Toma 26

Figure 7 shows the two hypotheses used for the two-sample t-test

involving linear thermal expansion. Ho and Ha represent the null and alternative

hypotheses. The variable represents the mean of the alpha coefficients of the

known metal zinc, and represents the mean of the alpha coefficients of the

unknown metal. The null hypothesis states that the mean of Zinc and the mean

of the unknown metal are equal, and alternative states that they are not equal.

Figure 8. P Value for Linear Thermal Expansion of Zinc and the Unknown Metal

Figure 8 shows a p value of 1.38 x 10-25 and the t value of 18.8657 for the

linear thermal expansion trials. The t value of 18.8657 means the unknown and

zinc population data are more than eighteen standard deviations apart from each


From the information collected from Figure 8, it can be inferred that the

null hypothesis of for linear thermal expansion is rejected. It is possible to reject

Frazier Schultz Toma 27

the null hypothesis because the p value was 1.38 x 10 -25 which is less than the

alpha level of 0.1. This means that there is around a 0% chance of getting a

difference in means of the two populations as extreme as it was by chance alone

if Ho is true. This can infer that the unknown metal is not zinc because of the p

value collected from the two-sample t test. Although the p-value states this, the

results cannot be relied on only the p-value alone. Looking at the alpha

coefficients of the known and the unknown, there is a significant difference. This

can also be inferred from the histograms, as they have around the same range

but are on different sides of the axes.

Frazier Schultz Toma 28

The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether or not an unknown

metal rod was zinc using the intensive property of linear thermal expansion. The

hypothesis of this experiment was if the linear thermal expansion coefficient of

the unidentified metal is calculated within a 2.53% error and an alpha level of 0.1

and compared to that of the known metal, it will be determined that the

unidentified metal will be the same as the known metal, zinc. This was

determined by the percent errors collected and the p-value calculated.

The hypothesis was rejected because the data that was collected from the

experiments had over a 2.53 percent difference between data collected for zinc

and the unknown metal. The data was analyzed by performing a two sample t

test to determine a p-value. In this case the two sample t test was done for linear

thermal expansion, comparing the known and the unknown metal. For linear

thermal expansion, the result calculated was a p-value was 1.38 x 10 -25 which

means that there is a less than 1.38 x 10-25% chance of getting the data, as

extreme as it was, by chance alone. This meant that the unknown element has

an extremely small chance to be zinc. The percent errors that were collected

were mostly over 50%. This means the linear thermal expansion data collected

for zinc is 50% off from the data collected for the unknown metal.

The data found did support the hypothesis. Since the metals were above a

2.53 percent error, the metal is theoretically not the same. When the tests were

run, it was found for the unknown metal to not be the same. This also agrees with

what is previously found from other scientists. This is supported because when

an object is heated up and the molecules inside the object gain kinetic energy
Frazier Schultz Toma 29

and vibrate, they begin to move further apart due to the increase in the volume

and the increase in the temperature. This causes the object to expand slightly to

account for the increased space between the vibrating molecules. This is exactly

what happened in this experiment.

Throughout the experiment there were many flaws that occurred that

might have changed the data, but there were also positive aspects contributed

from the experimental design. Some positive experimental procedures of the

research was the randomization of trials and the reduction of bias. This reduced

bias by making sure that every experiment had an equal chance of being run at

certain times. The trials were randomized in order to reduce bias. A set-back of

the experiment was the type of experiment conducted. There was an issue

during the experiment when the metal was transferred from the boiling water to

the linear thermal expansion jig. This would cause the metal rod to shrink before

being placed in the jig, and this would lower the values for the linear thermal

expansion. The rod would shrink because as the rod was exposed to the room

temperature air, the molecules would slow down causing the rod to shrink in size.

Another problem was that one of the linear thermal expansion jig was broken

prior to starting the experiment. This jig was not used, but it did reduce the

amount of trials to be run in one day. The new jig was used on the second day to

measure the change in length, which could have skewed data since it was not

used from the beginning of the experiment. Lastly, metal tongs were used to

transfer the metal rod from the water to the jig. Because the tongs were made of

metal, the tongs might if absorbed some of the heat, reducing the change in
Frazier Schultz Toma 30

length. The second day of trials, the researchers tried to use plastic tongs. The

use of plastic tongs showed no dramatic change in the alpha coefficient.

Because there was no major change, the metal tongs were used again the third

day. To reduce the errors for the trails a real lab environment would be helpful

and better equipment and means of transporting the elements form the boiling

water faster to the linear thermal expansion jig.

Further research that can be conducted to support this work would be to

conduct more experiments that could find intensive properties of the unknown

metal, such as density, the melting point, and the conductivity. Companies that

could use this experiment to differentiate two elements would probably be a

mining industry. For example if a company is working in a mine, and discovers a

pure element that looks similar to another element in this case zinc, the company

can test the property of density by calculating mass and dividing it by the volume.

The company could also calculate melting point by melting the metal and

recording the temperature when the metal turns into liquid, or they could

calculate conductivity by putting electricity through the metal and calculating how

much electricity made it through. All these experiments can identify intensive

properties of the unknown metal to see if the element is zinc.

Frazier Schultz Toma 31

The product that the experimenters created was a zinc pipe. A pipe is a

cylinder that is usually hollow that is used to convey substances which can flow,

such as liquids and gases (fluids). Pipes can also be used for structural

applications. The pipe constructed by the researchers is designed to be used for

plumbing. Zinc was used for the pipe rather than soft metals like lead and tin

because those two metals are very difficult to handle in the workshop and in

transit when delivering. Zinc has more strength for its weight a can make a very

durable pipe.

Figure 9. Zinc Pipe Created in Solid Works

The figure above shows the product created in Solid works. The product was

a pipe made entirely of zinc alloy. The figure shows the pipe at different angles,

so one can get an idea of how it will look live.

Frazier Schultz Toma 32

Figure 10. Isometric Drawings of Zinc Pipe in SolidWorks

The figure above shows the drawings created in solid works from third angle.

The bottom right corner shows one side to the pipe, the top left drawing shows

the drawing from the top, and the bottom right drawing shows the pipe from a

different side. The size of each side is shown here too.

As for the cost of this pipe, zinc costs approximately $0.87 per pound. The

product created has a mass of 1.47 pounds. When the math was done, this one

specific pipe would cost approximately $1.28.

Frazier Schultz Toma 33

Appendix A

To analyze the data, the data found for the experiment with linear thermal

expansion had to be plugged into a formula. The formula is the coefficient of

linear thermal expansion, (measured in oC-1), equals the change in length, L

(measured in inches), divided by the initial length, L i (measured in inches),

multiplied by the change in temperature, T (measured in oC).


Li xT

This equation was used in the lab to find the alpha coefficient of linear

thermal expansion data.

Li xT

0.18 mm
129.15 mm 74.3

=18.758 o

Figure 11. Sample Calculation for the Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion

Figure 11 shows the sample calculation used to find the coefficient of

linear thermal expansion with the data collected during experimentation. The

change in length was found using a LTE jig, the initial length was found using a

caliper and the change in temperature was found using a thermometer.

Frazier Schultz Toma 34

Appendix B

In order to find if the data collected for the unknown metal was similar the

zincs known property values, a percent error calculation was conducted. The

equation for percent error is, percent error, p, equals the true value, t, (measured

in the units given), subtracted by the known value, k (measured in the units

given), divided by the known value, k, then multiplied by 100.

(t k )
%error ( ) *100

This equation was used in the lab to find the percent error from the trials.

(t k )
%error ( ) *100

(18.76 29.70)
%error ( ) * 100)
%error 36.84%

Figure 12. Percent Error Sample Calculation for Linear Thermal Expansion for


Figure 12 shows a sample calculation used to find the percent error for the

linear thermal expansion values found. The numbers used for the sample

calculation was used from trial 1 of linear thermal expansion for zinc. The

percentage error from the sample calculation is -36.84% which means that the

linear thermal expansion collected from the zinc rod is 36.84% different from the

actual linear thermal expansion coefficient of zinc which is 2.97 x 10 -5 oC-1 .

Frazier Schultz Toma 35

Appendix C

To find whether or not the data shows that the unknown element was zinc

or not a two-sample t test was done. The two-sample t test determines a p-value

which is the probability of getting two sets of data from the same experiment by

chance alone. The equation for the two-sample t test is t = the mean of the two

populations x1 and x2 divided by the square root of the standard deviation of the

first population divided by the total number of samples in that population.

This equation is what is used to conduct the two sample t test. This

statistical test was used in the lab to help determine if the data was statistically


0.3931 0.6677
.0630 .0.0488

30 30


Figure 13. Two- Sample t Test Sample Calculation for Linear Thermal Expansion
Frazier Schultz Toma 36

Figure 13 shows a sample calculation of the equation used to find the p-

value and t-value using a two-sample t test. The t-value for this sample

calculation is 18.8657. This means the p-value for linear thermal expansion is

1.38 x 10-25.
Frazier Schultz Toma 37

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Frazier Schultz Toma 39

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