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Work of thr atmospheric pollution

Running away from polllution

Have ever asked you why people who live in big cities any take
advantage of any time of any time that they have free to go to the

Easy its becouse the air is more pure and the climate is much more
healthy than in the big cities

The man make pass throug his lungs around 12,000 l of air during a

Becouse of this, the man has been aware of the dangers that entails a
contaminated atmosphere as for example which would be a volcanic
eruption or which is created in the inside of a house after light torches
to illuminate.

Now we know that a clean and healthy atmosphere is made up of

gases according to the proportion that is indicated in the right box but
often air is invaded by gases and particulates which alter this

Because the correct proportion of substances that make up the air is

disturbed or becouse the concentration of one of this substances is so
high that it might harm human to beings or their means of survival -

to combat it is important to know where it comes from:

1 industrial combustin produces flue dust and sulphur dioxide

2 industrial activities that require combustin and thermoelectric


3 vehicles

4 uncontrolled incineration of wastes:

The hit parade of the pollutants


.- dioxide of carbon generated by industries and heating domestic

.- monoxide carbon generated by refineries of oil and motor vehicles

.- oxide of nitrogen: engines of internal combustion, aircraft and

industrial ovens
.- phosphates, detergents and fertilizers that are used uncontrollably

.- mercury, alkali industry, Central of electric energy and manufacture


.- lead; clinical industries and insecticides

.- oil: transport ships accidents

DDT spraying of fields and radiation, manufacturing and testing of

atomic weapons, radioactive substances and ships driven by this
type of energy.

How can we about the environment?

1 Adequeted traffic policy so we can regulate transport by promoting

public transport and construction of fast roads and promote electric or
hybrids cars

2 recycling the production processes that are made in certain


3 purifying devices at the exit of smoke

4 locate large industries in specific areas

5t delete old industries that are highly polluting

6 use less polluting fuel

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