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8: Q&A


EVENT: The upcoming Level III, Supernatural Coaching, is next weekend: Nov. 11-12. Martin
Flack and I will be teaching. Register via this link. Note: if you plan to complete the Bethel
Coaching Coach Training certificate program, a Level III class outside of our track is required.
This SNC workshop is a good option for that.

Posted to the website: Students are beginning to ask about the essay due at the end of our AMT.
Here is the topic: What is your purpose and vision in doing coaching or using coaching skills? How
as this class impacted you?

Also, if you are considering continuing the coaching track, we will invite first year students to be
our coachees. Please begin preparing your coaching profile with a pic for me to post to the

What will the track look like?
beginning next trimester we will sequentially build on the fundamentals you have learned so
far by adding coaching tools. We will look at destiny discovery, coaching identity, marketplace
coaching and becoming professional coaches.
NOTE: The SNC segment on the Syllabus will NOT be a direct overlap of what Martin and I will
be doing this weekend.


10:45 Coaching review: What happened last week?

How helpful are SMART goals to you?

If your client were retaining you to understand their calling, what are some examples of goals?

What are the highlights you have learned so far?
Q&A any topic

11:00 Extended coaching demo. 5 options, metaphor or values?

11:20 Student demonstration and feedback?

11:50 Q&A and debrief


Peer coaching: Ask your coachee, who do you desire to be? Note, this is not, what do you desire to do,
but is an open discussion of values, passion, hope and future possibilities Essentially, what character do
you hope to attain as the culmination of your life?

What are 5 values that guide your decision making?

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