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Shear Properties of Human

B. R. Donnelly
Principal Engineer,
Calspan-University at Buffaio
Brain Tissue
Research Center,
Box 400, The objective of this study was to determine a relationship between shear stress and
Buffalo, NY 14225 strain for human brain tissue by performing transient, single-pulse, high-rate, shear
displacement tests. A constant velocity, parallel plate shear test device was designed
and fabricated. This equipment generated constant rate shear strains in cylindrical
J. Medige tissue samples mounted between the shear plates. The transverse reaction force at
Associate Professor, the upper end of the sample was measured during the event with a sensitive quartz
Department of IVIecfianical Engineering, piezoelectric force transducer, thus obtaining the force associated with the displace-
State University of New Yori< at Buffaio, ment versus time ramp. Shear tests were performed on 125 tissue samples taken from
Buffalo, NY 14260 twelve fresh cadaver brain specimens. The average true shear stress and finite strain
were calculated. A nonlinear, viscoelastic, standard solid model was fit to the constant
rate test data and the material constants were determined.

Introduction velocity time history providing sample shear deformation with-

out inertial stress due to acceleration. Primary instrumentation
The existing body of knowledge concerning the mechanical
consists of a piezoresistive crystal force transducer (Kistler In-
properties of human brain tissue has been derived primarily
strument Corp. 9251 A) to measure the reaction force at the
from oscillatory testing of tissue samples and the measurement
upper shear plate and a velocity transducer (Trans-tek 100-001)
of the frequency-dependent complex shear moduli. Debilitating
to record the lower shear plate velocity with respect to the upper
or fatal injury resulting from deformation of the brain is usually
shear plate. The relative displacement versus time of the lower
caused by head impact with an unyielding surface. The most
shear plate with respect to the upper shear plate is obtained
common causes of injurious head impacts are automobile acci-
by integrating the velocity versus time data obtained from the
dents, although falls are also significant (Harris et al., 1983).
velocity transducer. The maximum displacement of the lower
These events result in abrupt deceleration of the moving head
plate was set at the natural length of each sample, as measured
and the deformation of the brain due, primarily, to inertial
while submerged in saline, to give a maximum engineering
forces. These events are transient and nonperiodic: essentially
shear strain of 1.
a single pulse. Oscillatory tissue testing may cause tissue dam-
age that alters the material response before, or while, force
measurements are made. Transient testing is more representa-
tive of the deformation that brain tissue undergoes in injury Brain specimens were obtained from fresh human cadavers,
producing head impacts. The development of inexpensive and usually within 48 hours of death, which were kept under re-
powerful microcomputers, high-speed digital data acquisition, frigeration during as much of that period as was possible. Sub-
and servo-controlled linear motors has made the performance jects were accepted only if there was no known pathology of
of high strain rate, transient, translational, single-pulse shear the head and brain.
tests of human brain tissue possible. A brain specimen consisted of the cerebrum of the brain
removed whole from the cadaver. The brain was exposed using
the standard technique for removal of the calvaria. The dura
Review of Previous Worli and arachnoid were cut away, the brain stem was severed, the
The determination of the mechanical properties of human brain cerebellum was removed, and the cerebrum was lifted out of
tissue has been recognized as an important part of understanding the skull. The brain specimen was immediately submerged in
and modehng brain injury for many years. A series of studies stabilized isotonic saline at room temperature.
quantifying the mechanical properties of human brain tissue were Samples were excised from the brain specimens immediately
performed between 1954 and 1975 (Table 1). In all of these after the specimens were removed from the cadaver. The cere-
studies it was assumed that human brain tissue is incompressible brum was first split into right and left halves by cutting through
(Stalnaker 1969; McElhaney et al, 1976) and the results were the corpus callosum and midbrain while the specimen was sub-
usually presented in the form of frequency-dependent storage and merged in saline solution. Samples were excised from the sub-
loss shear moduli. The ranges in the magnitudes measured for the merged cerebral halves using stainless steel boring tools. The
shear moduli in these studies are considerable. submerged specimen was supported in one hand and the boring
tool was pushed slowly through the tissue with an oscillatory
rotary motion. All samples were cut from the cerebral halves
Test Equipment in a medial to lateral direction beginning at the corpus callosum
A parallel-plate shear testing system was designed and fabri- and midbrain and cutting outward to the cerebral surface. In
cated (Donnelly, 1993; Donnelly and IVIedige, 1993) to provide most cases six samples were obtained from each cerebral half
a constant-velocity shear displacement between a stationary up- in the pattern shown in Fig. 2.
per horizontal shear plate and a moving lower horizontal shear Trimming and measurement of the samples took place as
plate (Fig. 1). The lower plate is struck by an impacting cart soon as possible after sample excision: in most cases within
driven by a linear motor and undergoes a square wave, constant three hours. IVIeasurements of the natural sample length and
diameter were performed while the samples were submerged in
saline solution at room temperature using a divider and a vernier
Contributed by the Bioengineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL caliper. The samples were then refrigerated to 4C. Samples
OF BiOMECHANiCAL ENQINEERING. Manuscript received by the Bioengineering
Division, June 12, 1994; revised manuscript received April 16, 1997. Associate were randomly assigned to groups for testing at the various
Technical Eiditor: A. I. King. conditions.

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering NOVEMBER 1997, Vol. 1 1 9 / 4 2 3

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Table 1 Summary of brain tissue shear properties* Samples were removed from refrigeration approximately one
hour prior to mounting and allowed to attain room temperature.
The selected sample was affixed to the shear plates using a methyl-
Modulus Modulus 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive (Measurements Group Inc. M-Bond 200
(kPa) (kPa-seo) Reference
adhesive). The final spacing between the upper and lower shear
Franke [19541
plates was set equal to the natural length of the sample after
1.5 oscillating glass sphere trimming. The transverse displacement in all tests was the same
125 - 500 Hz
as the sample natural length, resulting in a maximum engineering
Koeneman {1966] shear strain of 1 (assumed to be independent of axial position).
2.7 - 5.0 0.5-3.2 compiession
80 - 350 Hz Each brain tissue sample was tested once. The majority of tests
Galford and McElhaney [1969] were performed at four nominal engineering strain rates of 0, 30,
22.2 8.7 free axial vibration
34 Hz
60, and 90 s"' with several additional tests performed at 120 and
180 s"'. The actual strain rates were measured during testing and
Fallenslein, Hulce and
0 . 6 - I.l 0.35 - 0.60 Melvin [1969a, 19e9b] used in all subsequent calculations. All samples were shear tested
oscillating shear plates
10 Hz
to an engineering strain of 1, i.e., to an angle of 45 deg. The intent
of the experimental design was to develop a sufficientiy complete
Melz, McElhaney and
3 . 3 - 17.0 Ommaya [19701
matrix of tests at die 0, 30, 60, and 90 s"' strain rates to demon-
pressurized rubber probe strate the effect of sti-ain rate on sample stress response. Approxi-
mately 30 tests were performed at each of these strain rates. Addi-
Estes and McElhaney [1970J
4.7 2.8-0.28 constant strain rate
tional tests were performed at the higher strain rates to determine
compression whether the expected dependency of stress on strain rate was
Shuck and Advani [1972] occurring at those higher rates.
8.0- 16.0 3.2-8.6 osciitatuig torsion
1 0 - 6 0 Hz The transverse displacement of the lower end of the sample
Shuck and Advani [1972]
versus time was obtained from the integration of the lower shear
7.0 7.0 oscillating torsion plate velocity. This displacement was divided by the natural
yielded, >60 Hz
length of the sample to obtain the engineering shear strain. The
19.5 11.2 Wang and Wineman [1972]
in vivo probe data
finite, or Lagrangian, shear strain for these displacements is one
half of the engineering shear strain (Fung, 1965; Sokolnikoff,
Ljung [1975]
1.7 0.92 transient rotation of a cylinder
1983). The average true shear stress in the incompressible de-
0.06 sec duration formed sample was calculated by dividing the measured force
by the reduced area of the sample due to stretching:
* In some cases moduli have b n calculated from reported quantities and unils have been converted to a

Go + yt
A subjective descriptor of sample quality was assigned to each
sample. A sample that was solid, had a good cylindrical shape,
square ends, and a length of approximately one centimeter was a true shear stress
assigned a quality rating of good. A sample with a portion of a F shear force
sulcus in it, that was irregular in shape, or had a length of less a actual area of sample
than three quarters of a centimeter, was given a rating of poor. oo natural area of sample
Samples that were not clearly in either category were given a \ stretch ratio
rating of fair. 7^ engineering shear strain

Fig. 1 Drawing of the high rate shear test device: {A) upper fixed shear plate, (B) lower moving shear
plate, (C) impacting cart, (D) test cart, {E) sample cart with removable side plates

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The stress response of the linear standard solid (Fliigge, 1967)
subjected to a constant rate strain is

a{t) = eo(<?, - p^qa){\ - e*-""!") + q^eot (2)


shear stress
constant shear strain rate
2aia2/(ai + 0^2)
2ai^/(ai + 02)
?/(: + ^2)
independent elastic shear constant
combined elastic shear constant
viscous shear constant.

This equation can be made nonlinear by attaching an exponent

to the right-hand side (Shames and Cozzarelli, 1992; Lockett,
Fig. 2 Sample locations
a{t) = {^eod - e"") + qotatV (3)


= (^1 - p^qa)
= Mp^
True stress was used in all calculations. Finite shear strain and
shear stress histories were calculated for each sample. The shear A quasi-static stress versus strain equation for the standard
stress versus finite strain responses from each test of each sam- solid can be found by considering the first term on the right-
ple were plotted and analyzed. hand side of Eq. (3) to be negligible for small eo and large ;
In order to make the stress versus strain results amenable to when compared to the second term, leaving
statistical analysis, each curve was fit with a two-parameter
power curve using weighted least squares: CT(0 = [qatat]" = {qae{t)] (4)
r7 = Ae (1) The result is a power equation very similar to the power equa-
tions (Eq. ( I ) ) developed for statistical analysis.
where A least-squares power curve fit of the quasi-static test data
(Eq. (4)), similar to that performed for statistical analysis,
e = finite shear strain provided the exponent, b, and the coefficient, qo, for each test.
A = coefficient The exponents and the coefficients for all of the quasi-static
B = exponent. tests were averaged to obtain the exponent and coefficient that
best represented all of the test results.
The stress value at each point was employed as a weighting The dynamic test data obtained from the higher rate shear
factor to give a better fit at higher stress levels. This procedure tests of 15, 30, 45, 60, and 90 s"' (engineering strain rates of
resulted in an exponent and a coefficient for each stress versus 30, 60, 90, 120, and 180 s"', respectively) were used to find
strain curve. The exponents were then averaged and each data the remaining parameters tfj and a. The last term on the right-
set was fit with a single-parameter least-squares power curve hand side of the nonlinear stress versus strain equation (Eq.
having the average exponent as the exponent in each case. This (3)) was obtained previously from the quasi-static curve fitting.
procedure yielded a set of power curves, all having the same This term was subtracted from both sides to obtain an exponen-
exponent, and each having a coefficient that represented the tial function for the time dependent response of the tissue alone:
amplitude of the corresponding stress versus strain curve. The
amplitude, which was used in statistical analysis, is a single a(0' goe(0 = 'Aeo(] - e - " ' ) . (5)
number that characterizes the stress versus strain curve from
which it is derived.
The amplitudes of each of the stress versus strain curves
obtained from all of the tests were analyzed statistically.
Initially, the means, standard deviations, and coefficients of
variation were calculated and compared. The amplitudes were
then examined in a two-factor analysis of variance. Addi-
tional analyses were performed to examine the effects of
sample location and sample quality. Finally, strain rate effect
was examined in a multiple comparison test to ascertain
whether a strain rate effect existed between and among all
of the rates tested.
A nonlinear standard viscoelastic solid model provided a bet-
ter representation of the stress versus strain response of brain
tissue than did several other models considered. The linear stan-
dard solid viscoelastic model is comprised of an elastic element
in series with a two-element Kelvin-Voigt model (Fig. 3). Fig. 3 Standard solid linear viscoelastic model

Journal of Biomechanioal Engineering NOVEMBER 1997, Vol. 1 1 9 / 4 2 5

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The stress versus strain data were manipulated into the form of of variation of the second power curve coefficients are smaller
Eq. (5) by raising the measured stress, a(t), to the power, l/b, than the coefficients of variation of the first power curve coeffi-
and subtracting from it the modeled quasi-static stress response. cients in all cases. The standard error of the fit was calculated
This remaining stress was considered to be the dynamic contri- for each case and the error for the second power curve fit was
bution. Plots of this dynamic stress as a function of time yield not appreciably larger than that of the first power curve fit. The
exponential curves consistent with model predictions. The mod- second set of fitted power curves with the common exponent
ified stress curves at each strain rate were averaged by summing of 1.28 and a coefficient representing the amplitude of the stress
the stress values at each time point and dividing by the number versus strain response for each test are a good representation
of tests contributing to that sum. The resulting average dynamic of the test results and provide a single number measure of the
stress versus time history curve was divided by the finite strain entire stress versus strain curve that is amenable to analysis of
rate to obtain a data set that represented a normalized time variance.
function applicable to all tests at all rates. This data set was fit The summary statistics presented in Table 2 indicate that
to an exponential equation having the form of Eq. (5) to find the mean amplitudes (second coefficients) for each strain rate
ij/ and a. generally increase as the strain rate increases. The mean ampli-
The constants, a, b, ip, and qo, found by fitting the stress tude for the 120 s~' tests does not follow this trend. Only a
versus strain curves obtained from the brain tissue testing to few samples were tested at the higher strain rates of 120 and
the constant strain rate equation (Eq. (3)) were then used to 180 s~' and the mean amplitudes are not as reliable as those
calculate the material constants, a^, a2, and ^, for a nonlinear calculated for the other strain rates. The mean amplitude in-
viscoelastic solid similar to that shown in Fig. 3. creases substantially as strain rate increases from 0 to 90 s^'
and exhibits only a small additional increase as the strain rate
increases from 90 to 180 s~'. As is common with biological
Results tissue, there is a considerable amount of variance in the results
Twelve human brain specimens were obtained from fresh with coefficients of variation ranging from 0.25 to 0.66.
human cadavers over a nine month period. The subjects ranged Plots of the stress versus strain curves from the tests at each
from 49 to 95 years of age with an average age of 77 years. strain rate are shown in Figs. 5, 6, 7, and 8 along with the mean
Seven subjects were female and five were male. All but two power curves and the plus and minus one standard deviation
subjects were obtained within two days of death with two being curves.
obtained within three days of death. Sample testing occurred A two-way analysis of variance was performed on a matrix
within one day of subject acquisition except in two cases when of the amplitudes (second power curve coefficients) associated
sample testing occurred within two days of subject acquisition. with each stress versus strain curve. The stress amplitude was
No attempt was made to quantify the effects of sex or age on the dependent variable and the strain rate and brain specimen
the results. were the main factors in this analysis. The criterion of signifi-
The twelve fresh human brain specimens yielded 143 brain cance for this experiment was set at 0.05 and the null hypotheses
tissue samples. Due to losses during the mounting and testing were: (1) The amplitude does not increase when the strain rate
operations it was possible to generate useful results from a total increases, (2) the amplitude does not vary with respect to the
of 125 samples. Sample lengths ranged from 0.53 to 2.64 cm brain specimen and (3) the amplitude does not vary with respect
with a mean of 1.20 and a standard deviation of 0.15. The cross- to a combination of the brain specimen and the strain rate. The
sectional area of the samples ranged from 1.19 to 2,85 cm^ with results of this analysis indicated that the first two null hypothe-
a mean of 2.32 and a standard deviation of 0.10. ses should be rejected while the third should be accepted: The
All samples shrunk slightly upon excision from the brain stress amplitude is related to strain rate and to brain specimen
specimen. The reduction in diameter was approximately 12 per- but not to the interaction of the two factors.
cent of the boring tool diameter. The proportion of the variance in the dependent variable that
The samples obtained from the midbrain region (location is due to each of the main effects of strain rate and brain speci-
number one in Fig. 2) contained mixed white and gray tissue. men was examined using a procedure for estimating the magni-
Samples obtained from the other locations were predominantly tude of experimental effects (Winer, 1962; Fleiss, 1969). This
white tissue with occasional bits of gray tissue from the cerebral procedure indicated that 47 percent of the variance was due to
cortex randomly included. The gray tissue from the cerebral the strain rate effect and that 30 percent of the effect was due
cortex expanded after cutting while the gray tissue from the to the brain specimen effect. The remaining 23 percent of the
midbrain remained smooth and conformed to the cylindrical variance is assumed to be due to experimental error.
shape of the sample. No attempt to quantify effects of gray and The power of this experiment was assessed using the tech-
white tissue was made. niques and tables of Cohen (1988). For both the brain specimen
The shear force versus time curves generally increased mono- effect and the strain rate effect the power was found to be
tonically from zero newtons (at time zero) to approximately greater than 0.94. For the interaction effect, a power of 0.34
two newtons at maximum displacement. The smallest shear was calculated.
force measured at maximum displacement was 0.07 newtons There were no trends in the results due to sample quality and
for a sample tested at 0.34 s^' while the largest was 2.16 new- location. The multiple comparison testing indicated that a strain
tons for a sample tested at 59.5 s~'. The maximum shear dis- rate effect existed between 0 s~' rate and each of the higher
placement for each sample was always the length of the sample. rates and between the 30 s"' rate and the 90 s"' rate. No rate
Figure 4 presents plots of typical quasi-static and dynamic effect was found between the 60 s~' rate and the 90 s"' rate.
shear stress versus strain response. The two-step power curve The higher rates were not tested due to an insufficient number
fitting process (Eq. (1)) resulted in an average exponent of of tests at those rates.
1.28 that provided the best fit for all of the stress versus strain The parameters resulting from curve fitting the quasi-static
curves. The amplitudes (Eq. (1)) ranged from 1070 pascals for data sets to the nonlinear quasi-static stress versus strain equa-
a quasi-static test to 33,500 pascals for a dynamic constant rate tion (Eq. (4)) were the stress power, b = 1.45, and the long-
test. A summary of the power curve fit statistics is presented term elastic modulus qo = 381. The parameters resulting from
in Table 2, including means, standard deviations, and coeffi- curve fitting the dynamic test data to the nonlinear dynamic
cients of variation of the sample population. It can be seen that stress versus strain equation (Eq. (5)) were the retardation con-
the average of the first power curve exponent is greater than stant, a = 89.5, and the viscous coefficient, i/f = 8.06. The
1.0 in all cases except the 30 s"' tests where the power curve shear stress versus strain equation for a constant rate strain
is almost a straight line. It can also be seen that the coefficients displacement derived from a three element nonlinear viscoelas-

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Shear Stress versus Strain

/ ^
^30 ec-1

..--15 SB -1

yH^ ^^
2000 ^^-^
/ -
- 0 StJU-1
' ^
-FFTTTm-t- 'I'l 1 1 1 1 1 11 M 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1111 1 I I 11 111
0.05 0.1 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.36
Finite Shear Strain

Fig. 4 Test data from brain specimen BOS

tic solid model (Eq. (4)) and the shear test response of human State University of New York at Buffalo through a willed body
brain tissue is program. It generally took one or two days for the subjects to
become available. Specimen removal, sampling, and testing
a{t) = [8.06 eo(l - e-^"") + 381 (?)]''*' (6)
took place as soon as possible after subject acquisition; how-
Figure 9 shows the nonlinear model representation of the stress ever, several days inevitably passed between death and testing.
versus strain response for each of the strain rates employed in When two subjects became available simultaneously an extra
this study overplotted with the average power curves shown in day was required before testing could take place. Testing oc-
Figs. 5, 6, 7, and 8. curred between two and five days after death in all cases. Sub-
Returning to the phenomenological model (Fig. 3) the con- jects, specimens, and samples were kept refrigerated and in
stants associated with each element were determined from the saline, as appropriate, at all times.
parameters found by curve fitting. The model constants are The approach of coring cylindrical samples from the midbrain
a, = 550 Pa and corona radiata regions of the brain was selected as the
optimum method for obtaining a sufficient number of reason-
a2 = 291 Pa ably sized and dimensionally stable samples to perform a good
, = 9.40 Pa-s (7) experiment. The reasons for selecting this approach were (1)
the need to obtain a large number of samples from a limited
Discussion number of specimens, (2) the need for a physical sample size
The subjects from which the brain specimens were obtained that would generate a measurable force response, and (3) the
were donated by the Department of Anatomical Sciences of the need for a regular sample shape with dimensions that could be
accurately measured. The cored cylindrical sample approach
has been used successfully in many previous studies (Metz et
Table 2 Summary statistics for a power curve fit of stress versus strain
a l , 1970; Estes and McElhaney, 1970; Galford and McElhaney,
1969; Koeneman, 1966).
Test No. Measure B* B* A"
(1st flt) (1st nt) (2nil fit) (2na nt) Samples were generally of a good right circular cylindrical
Quasi- 30 Mean 1.43 6015 1,28 4697 shape and predominantly made up of white tissue. Some sam-
static St. Dev. 0.48 4885 3100 ples contained gray matter from the cerebral cortex, which ex-
Coet. ofVar. 0.34 0.81 0,66
panded after excision and gave the sample a somewhat irregular
3ft sec'* 27 Mean 0.98 8473 1,28 11707
St. Dev. 0.27 4447 5835 shape. This phenomenon resulted in that sample receiving a
Coef. of Var. 0.28 0.52 0,50 poor quality rating. Some samples contained gray matter from
60 sec' 31 Mean 1.16 14926 1.28 14880 the basal ganglia, which did not affect the sample shape at all.
St. Dev. 0.29 13464 7267
Coef. of Var. 0.25 0.90 0.49 Many samples contained a part of a sulcus somewhere along
90 sec"' 26 Mean 1.50 20377 1,28 17049 the surface of the sample. It was not possible to avoid all sulci
St. Dev. 0.66 10371 6303 and still obtain samples of a physical size large enough for
Coef of Var. 0.44 0.51 0.37
testing. The inclusion of a part of a sulcus in a sample resulted
120 sec' 7 Mean 1.50 17027 1,28 12596
St. Dev. 0,49 8055 3195 in that sample receiving a poor quality rating.
Coef of Var. 0.32 0.47 0,25
The human brain is not a homogeneous structure and the
180 sec' 4 Mean 1.12 20057 1,28 18665 tissue of the brain is, most likely, not isotropic. This study
St. Dev. 0.55 19691 8741
Coef of Var. 0.49 0,98 0.47 intended to determine the average shear properties of human
* A and B efer to t he parameters of equation (1) brain tissue for purposes of mathematical modeling of the head

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering NOVEMBER 1997, Vol. 1 1 9 / 4 2 7

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Shear Stress vs Finite Strain

Fig. 5 Quasi-static stress versus strain curves overplotted with average power curves

undergoing an abrupt acceleration. The assumptions of homoge- return to after being slightly deformed. This characteristic of a
neity and isotropy were made with an understanding of the solid was not so evident when the tissue sample was removed
shortcomings that were inherent in the experimental design. The from the liquid. Out of liquid the tissue deformed considerably
sampling that was done in this study was intended to provide under its own weight and would tear if not supported uniformly.
sufficient diversity in location that the results, when averaged, The brain tissue was slippery when the surface was wet and cut
would be representative of all brain tissue without modeling easily with only very slight pressure; however, when the surface
any particular type of tissue exactly. The fact that all samples dried the tissue became very sticky and would adhere to almost
were cut in a medial to lateral direction may have biased results; any other dry surface. All tools and gloves were wetted before
however, samples were mounted randomly and the direction of handling the tissue.
the shear displacement, while always in a sagittal plane, was In the Shuck and Advani (1972) study of the shear material
otherwise random. properties of brain tissue the maximum strain rate was 77 s"'
The brain tissue tested in this experiment was a very soft solid and the maximum strain was 0.35. At the University of Pennsyl-
that could be easily damaged while handling. When immersed in vania (Thibault and Gennarelli, 1987) studies have been per-
saline, a tissue sample had a clearly defined shape that it would formed with giant squid axons that suggest a strain of 0.05 at

Shear Stress vs Finite Strain

: : : t ! ' i r^ '.

i ; i j I i ^. 1: .;.".....;....

-^' ' ;; :I : :

i x ' ^ "):'', J^^'^^'-Z^^-l^ 1--^%'^^ - : r '

^ ' J ' / ' i-iSO'^:!^*"**^""^ -- " - II - 1 " - -

1^; ^ ^ 1^ 1 1 P Ti 1 "
^j : ^ a i ^ f i g g ' S M g ? ^ t ; ' K a II
j ^ g g S ^ ' _ _i 1 j li 1 , n
^ "^
1 ''
>?- r j s i S B " " ' ;
. ^ . ^ . . ^ . ^ . u . - . -f ^..

-+- .250

Finite Strain

Fig. 6 Stress versus strain curves from 30 s ' tests overplotted with average power curves

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Shear Stress vs Finite Strain

Fig. 7 Stress versus strain curves from 60 s ' tests overplotted with average power curves

a strain rate of 45 s"' and a strain of 0.30 at a strain rate of injury and strain above 0.20 would be fatal. The strain and
90 s"' are thresholds of concussion and diffuse axonal injury, strain rates chosen for this experiment were comfortably larger
respectively. A subsequent study (Margulies et al., 1990) uti- than these values found in the literature. It was assumed that
lized silicone gel brain models in human and baboon skulls to testing to a strain of 1.0 would provide a valid force response for
photographically measure strains larger than 0.2 when the head all strain values less than 1.0. If evidence of yielding appeared in
was exposed to an angular acceleration pulse. Bycroft (1973) the force data, the curves could be truncated accordingly. This
performed an analytical study based on the work of Thomas proved not to be the case and all of the data up to and including
(1970) that suggests a strain of 0.05 at a strain rate of 18 s"' a strain of 1.0 were utilized for model development.
is the threshold for concussion. Troseille et al. (1992) modeled Because the material is nearly incompressible, the cross-sec-
head impacts experienced by boxers using a finite element tional area of the sample is reduced as the transverse displacement
model developed at General Motors (Lighthall et al., 1989) and increases and the sample is stretched. At the sample ends the
estimated that strain above 0.15 would result in serious brain adhesive attaching the sample to the end plates prevents this reduc-

Shear Stress vs Finite Strain


Finite Strain

Fig. 8 Stress versus strain curves from 90 s ' tests overplotted with average power curves

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering NOVEMBER 1997, Vol. 1 1 9 / 4 2 9

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tion in area from occurring by applying a radial stress over the a straight line representing the shear storage modulus. A least-
cross section. The transverse reaction force measured at the upper squares fit of a straight line yields an approximate shear storage
sample end is the same as the shear force at every cross section modulus of 1810 pascals for this study after adjusting to engi-
of the sample due to equilibrium. The shear stress over the cross neering strain rather than finite strain. Fallenstein et al. (1969a, b)
section varies with location (Donnelly, 1993; Donnelly and Med- reported a shear storage modulus ranging from 600 to 1100 pas-
ige, 1993) and, therefore, is affected by the changing area of the cals. Shuck and Advani (1972) reported an average shear storage
cross section near the end plates. It is assumed that the end effects modulus of 7170 pascals for low-frequency tests at low strain. At
are rapidly diminished as the distance from the end of the sample strains greater than 0.035, Shuck and Advani suggest yielding
increases due to the principle of St. Venant, and that the calculated occurs and the shear storage modulus is reduced to approximately
average true shear stress at every cross section is constant over 5000 pascals. Ljung (1975) found an elastic shear modulus of
most of the sample length. Similarly, the shear strain is related to 1700 pascals in an unusual transient rotation experiment in which
the shear stress and varies over the cross section of the sample. data were obtained by digitizing high-speed film. The approximate
The shear strain is also affected by the end conditions with a value of elastic shear modulus found from this testing of 1800
maximum shear strain occurring at the trailing edge of the sample pascals is in the middle of the range of reported values.
cross section on the upper plate and the leading edge of the sample Comparison of the amplitudes obtained from the dynamic
cross section on the lower plate. Again, due to the principle of St. shear tests and the reported dynamic loss moduli obtained from
Venant, it is assumed that the end effects diminish rapidly and the oscillatory tests is more difficult because the two-element Kel-
average finite shear strain is constant at every cross section over vin-Voigt viscoelastic model does not fit these transient data
most of the length. Because the stress and strain found in this very well. If the average quasi-static slope is subtracted from
experiment are average values over the cross section of the sample, the average dynamic slopes of the higher rate tests, the result
the effects that the end conditions have on the stress and strain would be the stress versus strain response due to the viscous
are thought to be insignificant. nature of the material. Integration of this stress versus strain
A review of the stress versus strain curves obtained from the curve with respect to strain yields an estimate of the energy
shear tests indicated a trend of increasing slope with increasing dissipated per unit volume during the event. For a Kelvin-
strain. This characteristic shape has been noted by other investi- Voigt model, the energy dissipated in a constant rate strain test
gators (Metz et al., 1970; Estes and McElhaney, 1970; Galford is the product of the viscous constant, the strain rate, and the
and McElhaney, 1969). This curve shape suggested a polyno- strain. Equating these two energy expressions and solving for
mial, an exponential, or a power curve as being likely candidate the viscous constant provides an estimate of a viscous constant
functions for curve fitting. All of these function types were for the transient tests performed in this study that can be com-
fitted to the data and the standard errors calculated. In general, pared to loss modulus results from other studies when they are
all of these functions fit the data reasonably well. The power multiplied by the appropriate test frequency.
curve has the advantage of naturally passing through zero, as Table 3 shows the estimated viscous constants for the 30, 60,
do the data. It was also known that the form of the power curve 90, 120, and 180 s"' strain rate tests. As before, these values
equation was the same as the form of the quasi-static stress have been adjusted to reflect the use of the engineering strain.
versus strain equation for the three-element nonlinear standard The fact that the values obtained for the viscous constant are
viscoelastic solid model subjected to a constant rate strain. not the same at the different strain rates indicates that a linear
Examination of the stress versus strain curves, for all samples Kelvin-Voigt model is not representative of the brain tissue
at all strain rates, revealed that all of the curves had approxi- shear response found in this study.
mately the same shape with the major difference being in the Shuck and Advani (1972) reported an average loss modulus
amplitude. This observation indicated that a single exponent of 2280 pascals at frequencies from 2 to 10 hertz. This is compa-
might fit all of the stress versus strain curves fairly well with rable to a viscous constant ranging from 182 to 36 paScal-
only the coefficient varying for each curve. This approach was seconds. These investigators also reported a loss modulus of
ideally suited to the analysis of variance where a single number approximately 7500 pascals for tissue strained more than 0.035
measure that is characteristic of the entire stress versus strain that was fairly constant at all frequencies from 100 to 350 hertz.
curve could be studied. This value is comparable to a viscous constant ranging from 12
Each stress versus strain curve was fit with a power curve in to 4 pascal-seconds. Fallenstein et al. (1969a, b) reported a loss
a two-step, ordinate weighted, least-squares curve fitting process modulus ranging from 350 to 600 pascals at 10 hertz. This is
as discussed previously. The standard errors calculated from comparable to a viscous constant ranging from 6 to 10 pascal-
the second step fit were similar in size to the standard errors seconds. Ljung (1975) found a viscous constant ranging from
calculated from the first step fit. This indicates that the curve 7.6 to 12.4 pascal-seconds in his transient rotation test, which
fits obtained using the common exponent were nearly as good encompassed strain rates from 0 to 180 s ~'. As with the storage
a representation of the data as were the curve fits obtained from moduli, the loss moduli from the various studies show a range
the first step of curve fitting. The resulting coefficients found of values with the results from this study being comfortably
for each stress versus strain curve are characteristic of the entire within that range.
curve and are used for statistical analysis of the data. These A nonlinear viscoelastic standard solid model was formulated
characteristic amplitudes are useful for calculating means, stan- that fit the basic characteristics of the stress versus strain curves
dard deviations, and coefficients of variation, and are direct generated from the shear tests performed in this program. Only
inputs to the analysis of variance.
The statistical analysis indicated that although there was con-
siderable variance in the data, the stress versus strain response Table 3 Estimated viscous constants
of human brain tissue is dependent on the strain rate. No effects
were found for sample location or sample quality. The fact that Engineering Estimated Viscous
the multiple comparison test was unable to differentiate between Strain Rate Constant
the 60 s ' rate and the 90 s~' rate may be due, in part, to the (.sec-') (pascal-sec.)
decreasing size of the effect at the higher rates causing the
effect to be obscured by the brain to brain differences. 30 45
The characteristic amplitudes are also useful for comparisons 60 33
to previous brain tissue studies where investigators report the shear 90 26
storage and loss moduli. The average amplitude of the quasi-static 120 13
stress versus strain data can be used to approximate the slope of 180 15

430 / Vol. 119, NOVEMBER 1997 Transactions of the ASIVIE

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Shear Stress versus Strain





Fig. 9 Average power curves and modeled curves: power curves; model curves

solid models were considered because the material behaved like sues would be an enormous undertaking equaled only by the
a solid in the laboratory. Liquid models would most likely fit effort required to develop a mathematical model capable of
the dynamic data fairly well but would be unlikely to model utilizing these disparate mechanical properties. In order to
the quasi-static results. The first and simplest model considered develop a brain tissue stress versus strain relationship that is
was the two-element solid (Kelvin-Voigt). It quickly became useful for modeling the head with state-of-the-art finite ele-
apparent that the stress versus strain response of human brain ment models, and to further the process of relating brain
tissue did not increase linearly with strain rate as this model deformation and injury to head impact, the brain was assumed
would predict. The three-element standard solid also has the to be a continuous, isotropic, homogeneous entity that be-
desirable characteristic of zero stress at zero strain regardless haves according to the theory of viscoelastic materials.
of the strain rate. Because the nonlinear standard solid model Because the bulk modulus of brain tissue aXK = 2100 MPa
was found to fit the data well, more complicated models such (Stalnaker, 1969; McElhaney et al., 1976) is approximately
as generalized Kelvin-Voigt models (Shames and Cozzarelli, 10' times larger than the shear modulus, brain tissue is nearly
1992) were not considered. incompressible and the deformation of brain tissue can be
Comparison of the average power curves at each strain rate assumed to depend on the shear modulus only. This behavior
and the nonlinear viscoelastic model curves at each strain rate is common with viscoelasric materials (Shames and Cozzarel-
(Fig. 9) indicate that the model is a good representation of the li, 1992). Determination of a phenomenological model for the
shear stress versus strain response of human cadaver brain tissue viscoelastic shear response will completely characterize the
over the range of strain rates tested. stress versus strain behavior of human brain tissue when gener-
The determination of the model parameters that were depen- alized to three dimensions.
dent on the quasi-static response of the tissue were found The stress versus strain results from the tests performed in
through a straightforward exercise in fitting power curves to this study were not significantly dependent on the sample loca-
the test results. The validity of neglecting the dynamic portion tion within the brain or on the sample condition. There was;
of the stress for quasi-static tests can be verified by calculating however, significant variance among samples obtained from
the dynamic stress, from Eq. (5), for a typical quasi-static strain different subjects. A strain rate effect was clearly evident for
rate of 0.3 s ' and a test duration of 3 s. It can be seen that the brain tissue over the range of loading rates tested in this study.
dynamic part of the stress is less than 1 percent of the static The stress versus strain relationship is nonlinear with increasing
part of the stress under these conditions. slope as strain increased and increasing slope as strain rate
The determination of the model parameters that were depen- increased. The stress versus strain results from this study are
dent on the dynamic response of the tissue were found by fitting within the range of results reported from previous studies.
an exponential curve to the dynamic data less the quasi-static The stress versus strain data from this study were fitted to a
data using the Fung (1984) technique of fitting the first deriva- single nonlinear viscoelastic solid model that can aid in under-
tive of stress with respect to time as a linear function of stress standing the response of brain tissue.
over the duration of the event.
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