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Ce qui semblerait davantage mintresser dans le travail de Meidner est

son rapport la ville, larchitecture.
Son impression/expression qui se dgage de paysages urbains : un mal laise
vertige en noir et blanc.
Maldiction de la ville.

Le marqueur noir - outil urbain pour inscrire sur la ville, dans les murs.
L'nergie de son criture
attitudes troubles troublantes, franchement dcrites et flottantes
inquitante tranget
trange inquitude

mfiant de
mfiance dune ville

Si je savais dessiner, je dessinerais comme lui

Sculpture et lgret
Franche :
Ludwig Meidner recognized his artistic aspirations as early as 1900 and came into his own stylistically in 1911, when he received
much-needed financial support from an anonymous benefactor and joined the German Expressionist avant-garde in Berlin.

Influenced by the aggressive modernism of the Italian Futurists and the passionate art and writings of Dutch painter Vincent van
Gogh, Meidner found primary inspiration in the notion of pathos as expressed in the writings of the philosopher Friedrich

Striving to represent the human experience, Meidner chose to transform traditional genres of landscape and portraiture through
expressive distortion and saturated hues. In this remarkable canvas, vibrant color, slashing brush strokes, and agitated line imbue
the unidentified sitter with the fervent intellectual intensity that characterized the artist himself.

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