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Materials Science and Engineering, A137 ( 1991 ) 35-40 35

Plastic deformation of alloys with submicron-grained structure

R. Z. Valiev, N. A. Krasiinikov and N. K. Tsenev
Institute for Metals Superplasticity Problems, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Khalturina 39, Ufa 450001 (U.S.S.R.)


The peculiarities of a submicron-grained structure formation in a series of aluminium- and magnesium-

based alloys by means of a special strain-heat treatment are examined in this paper. The unusual
mechanical properties of alloys displayed in this state at room temperature as well as at enhanced tem-
peratures are found. The nature of the plastic deformation of these materials is discussed.

1. Introduction 2. Experimental details

Materials with superfine grains (nanocrystal- The aluminium alloys AI-4Cu-0.5Zr (model
line and submicron grains) possessing certain alloy) and alloy 1420 (Al-5Mg-2Li-0.1Zr)
unusual physicomechanical properties have lately (commercial alloy) (where the compositions are
given rise to much interest among researchers in approximate weight per cent) were used for the
[1-5]. In particular, they are characterized by an investigations. Before deformation, the cast
abnormally high diffusion activity [1, 2] and a ingots were subjected to homogenization anneal-
lower elasticity modulus [3], their superplastic ing. The MA8 alloy (Mg-l.5Mn-0.3Ce) used
temperature sharply decreases [4], and in nano- was a solid solution based on a-Mg with a small
crystalline ceramics brittleness disappears at rela- amount of MggCe and fl-Mn particles (total,
tively low temperatures [5]. Nanocrystalline 2.5%) of size, about 0.05 pm and stable up to
materials with a grain size of 0.01 pm or less are 800 K. To produce the SMG structure, the alloys
usually produced by means of special powder were subjected to high plastic strains at room
metallurgy techniques [1]. At the same time, to temperature by means of torsion straining under
produce submicron-grained (SMG) alloys with a a pressure of 6 GPa or to equal-channel-angular
grain size of about 0.1 pm, high ultimate strains pressing, the true logarithmic strains e being 4-7
can be used, with subsequent fixing of the initial [2, 4].
stages of recrystallization [2, 4, 6]. Such The transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
strain-heat treatment has two main advantages: it studies were conducted on a JEM-2000 EX
is applicable to a wide scope of metals and alloys, electron microscope. The density of dislocations
commercial materials included, and no residual was measured at points where dislocations are at
porosity is found in the SMG samples produced. the surface. The mechanical properties were
In this connection, it would be interesting to study studied during the tensile straining of the samples
the behaviour of the SMG alloys under deforma- on a universal testing machine of Instron type, the
tion. Unfortunately, however, their mechanical strain rate being constant.
properties and nature of deformation are almost
unknown; it is not clear whether the Hall-Petch
3. Results
relationship is applicable to them and no data on
the regularities of strain hardening are available. 3.1. Formation of the submicron-grained alloy
It is also important to find out the dependence on structures
the temperature of deformation. This paper pre- A detailed investigation of the SMG structure
sents the first systematic investigations in these formation was conducted on the A I - C u - Z r alloy
matters undertaken on a number of aluminium and MA8 alloy [7]. Figure l(a) shows a typical
and magnesium alloys. aluminium alloy structure after high deformation.

0921-5093/91/$3.50 Elsevier Sequoia/Printed in The Netherlands






i i i i i i

0 0,02 0~04 0,06 OT08 0o10 0,12

Fig. 2. True stress-strain curves of magnesium alloy MA8,
Taler=293 K; g = 5 1 0 4 S I: curve 1, S M G structure,
d = 0.3 ktm, non-equilibrium grain boundaries; curve 2, S M G
structure, d = 0.3/~m, equilibrium grain boundaries; curve 3,
alloy with mean grain size d = 10/~m.

pattern provides direct evidence that consider-

able misorientations are present in the structure.
It may be claimed that the structure of an alloy
after high deformation consists of microfrag-
ments separated by large-angle boundaries.
These boundaries are largely non-equilibrium
and the density of defects is very high there.
Fig. 1. Microstructures and diffraction patterns of The SMG structure looks slightly different
A I - C u - Z r alloy: (a) as-deformed, e = 7; (b) after addition after additional annealing. By selecting special
annealing at 493 K for 1 h. modes of heating, a structure was produced with
almost the same grain size, but without any inter-
It is evidently a well-formed grain (fragmented) nal stresses and with a typical banded contrast at
structure with a mean fragment size of about 0.2 the boundaries (Fig. l(b)). In this case, the
/tm. This structure is characterized by the follow- electron diffraction pattern also constains a large
ing two features: first, there are almost no disloca- number of reflections, but they have no azimuthal
tions within the fragments, but the extinction spreading. These are evidently equilibrium grain
contours are clearly seen, indicating large internal boundaries.
stresses. Second, there is no banded contrast at The patterns of the SMG structure formation
the fragment boundaries, characteristic of well- observed in the magnesium and AI-Li alloys
formed grain boundaries observed by TEM. Evi- were quite similar.
dently, it is these fragment boundaries that
function as sources of internal stresses in the 3.2. Mechanical properties of submicron-grained
alloy. From ref. 8, such non-equilibrium boun- alloys at room temperature
daries are known to be quite frequently observed Let us compare, for example, the deformation
after plastic deformation and their origin is behaviour of the MA8 alloys with submicron
related to the presence of grain boundary disloca- (do = 0.3/~m) and fine (do = 10 ~m) grains. Figure
tions and disclinations. 2 shows three typical stress-strain curves for the
At the same time, according to experiments on alloy at 293 K. Curves 1 and 2 refer to SMG
diffraction, the fragment boundaries have large- structures distinguished by the states of grain
angle misorientations. Figure l(a) presents an boundaries: non-equilibrium (curve 1) and rela-
electron diffraction pattern from a foil area of tive equilibrium (curve 2) states. In this case, the
about 0.5/~m 2. There are quite a number of ref- flow stresses are quite similar but there is a sharp
lections arranged in circles. Such a diffraction difference in the elongations to failure. Both the

curves are devoid of pronounced strain harden- much higher than in a conventional state, the
ing and this is what distinguishes in principle the plasticity being sufficiently high (Table 1 ).
alloy behaviour from that of an alloy with a grain
size of 10/~m (curve 3). Also, in the latter case, 3.3. M e c h a n i c a l p r o p e r t i e s at elevated
the yield point value is much lower. temperatures; superplasticity
Figure 3 presents the 00.2 VS. d - 1/2 dependence Figure 5 presents the temperature depen-
characteristic of this alloy. For small grain sizes dences of the magnesium alloy yield stress when
the linear dependence of 00. 2 on d 1/2 is the grain sizes are 0.3 and 10 ,um. In the case
evidently preserved, but at grain sizes smaller when d~ = 10 ktm, a drop in the aq~2value occurs
than 0.5 /xm the slope of this dependence
changes. From these data the Hall-Petch rela- % 21,
tionship parameters can be evaluated: a0.2=
a o + k d -1/2. Assuming that a 0 is the same for
both segments, we obtain k ~= 0.075 MN m-1/2
and k H 0.025 MN m - 1/2.

To analyse the nature of the observed depen-

dence of 0o.2 on d-1/2, it would be interesting to
study the dislocation structure of samples
strained by 2% (Fig. 4). In the alloy structure with
a grain size of about 1/~m (Fig. 4(a)), dislocations
can be clearly seen both within the grains and in
the grain boundaries. Their average density is
(2-3)x 108 c m --2. At the same time, when the
grain size is 0.3/~m (Fig. 4(b)), the density of dis-
locations was less than 109 cm-2, the boundaries
containing no defects. Here, in many of the grain
boundaries, only a residual contrast left by dislo-
cations can be found (see A in Fig. 4(b)). As is
well known [8], such a contrast is associated with
the spreading and vanishing of the trapped lattice
dislocation images.
In the aluminium alloys, the highest flow stress
is observed with a grain size of 0.3 ,urn. Hence,
the creation of the SMG structure provides for
the realization of a rather high strength state in
them. Thus, for example, in the A1-Li commer-
cial alloy 1420 with a SMG structure, the yield
stress o0.2 and ultimate strength ost values are

iff'002 DI/~.

200 j/




,oo ~o . I , oTs. or3' o..2. a,,~,,

0 0~4 ow8 112 lt6 210 2e4 J - 1 / 2 j j~ffl - 1 / 2
Fig. 4. Dislocation structure in magnesium alloy after 2%
Fig. 3. Yield stress as function of mean grain size in mag- tensile strain at room temperature: (a) d = 1 #m; (b) d = 0.3
nesium alloy M A 8 ( Tae e = 293 K). um.

at temperatures above 600-620 K (curve 2) and In the SMG aluminium alloys the superplastic
at 670 K the alloy displays superplastic features temperature is still lower. Thus, in the A I - C u - Z r
[8]. At the same time, when d0=0.3 ktm, an alloy, it decreases by almost 300 K (Table 2).
abrupt softening occurs in the temperature range Electron microscopy studies indicated that
350-400 K (crave 1) and the superplastic effect is structural changes occurring in the course of the
realized at 450 K (Table 2). The data presented deformation of SMG alloys are also typical of
indicate that the SMG alloy displays typical superplastic materials (Fig. 6). After deformation,
superplastic behaviour; its properties at 450 K grains remain equiaxial, no dislocations are found
are similar to the properties of this alloy with a in the structure, and certain growth of grains is
grain size of 10/~m displayed at 670 K. observed. Thus, after the 100% tensile straining,
the grain size was 0.5/~m.
TABLE 1 Hence, during the deformation of SMG alloys,
a typical superplastic behaviour can be observed.
Values of yield stress o 02 ultimate strength ast and maximum
elongation to failure in the submicron-grained alloys Since in this case the superplastic temperature
decreases by 200-250 K, we can speak of the so-
Alloy do o'0.2 ast 6 called relatively low temperature superplasticity
(/am) (MPa) (MPa) (%) of SMG materials.
AI-Cu-Zr 8 100 260 6
AI-Cu-Zr 0.3 220 300 9
4. Discussion
A l ~ l o y 1420 10 330 450 5
Alalloy1420 0.2 550 600 6 The data obtained indicate that intensive plas-
tic deformation provides for the formation of a
microfragmented structure in the alloys. Detailed
investigations of the structural changes under
6*" O) 2~IL?a high plastic deformations prove [7, 9] that micro-
fragments are formed owing to the development
200 of the rotational modes of deformation. The frag-
ment boundaries formed are rather non-equilib-
rium but, when heated, they are transformed into
large-angle grain boundaries. This is how the
SMG structure is assumed to be produced.
The SMG aluminium and magnesium alloys
under study display unconventional mechanical
behaviour, associated primarily with a reduction
. . . . . . . , , , , ,
in the Hall-Petch constant k, with the grain size
J, o 0 400 ~ 600 700 800 ~)K being less than 0.5 /~m. Quite recently, similar
features were discovered by Gleiter and co-
Fig. 5. Temperature dependence of the yield stress of mag-
nesium alloy MA8 ( g = 5 x 10 4 s-l): curve 1, d = 0 . 3 /~m; workers [10] while measuring the microhardness
curve 2, d = 10/~m. of nanocrystalline copper. These workers sup-

Conditions and parameters of superplastic deformation of the alloys

Alloy d T g a20 m 6
(~um) (K) (s ') (MPa) (%)

AI-Cu-Zr 8 773 3 x 10 -4 13 0.50 800

AI-Cu-Zr 0.3 493 3 10 -4 23 0.48 > 250 a
AI-Cu-Zr 8 493 3 10 -4 37 0.19 80
Mg based (MA8) 10 673 5 x 10-4 25 0.42 320
Mg based (MA8) 0.3 453 5 10-4 33 0.38 > 150 a
Mg based (MA8) 10 453 5 x 10-4 100 0.25 80

aMeasurements were restricted by test conditions.


posed that the decrease in microhardness in the

region of very small grain sizes was due to the
development of Coble diffusion creep even at
room temperature. This point of view has not
been confirmed experimentally so far [i1].
Nevertheless, the data presented in this paper
give direct evidence for the increasing role of dif-
fusion processes at small grain sizes. Indeed, the
study of the 2% strained samples (see Fig. 4) has
indicated that, in the grain boundaries of the mag-
nesium alloy of 0.3/zm grain size, the spreading
of trapped lattice dislocations is observed, which
is not the case when the grain size is 1 /~m. It is
well known [8] that the spreading of dislocations
in the boundaries is the initial stage of their
absorption and is connected with diffusion. Thus
the increasing rate of dislocation spreading
implies the acceleration of grain boundary diffu-
sion in a SMG alloy. It should be noted that quite
recently this conclusion has been confirmed by
experimental measurements of diffusion param-
eters undertaken on SMG aluminium alloys [2].
From the point of view of enhanced diffusion
0.2 j~m and accelerated absorption of lattice dislocations
! !
by grain boundaries in the region of small grain
sizes, the basic peculiarities of mechanical pro-
perties observed are quite understandable. This
is, first of all, the absence of work hardening
which arises because, at room temperature,
deformation acquires the features of hot strain-
ing. Second, under the acceleration of grain boun-
dary diffusion, the conditions of strain transfer
across grain boundaries change, which results in a
change in the HalI-Petch constant.
The acceleration of diffusion in a SMG alloy is
also of important significance for the relatively
low temperature superplasticity to be displayed.
It is well known that superplasticity is related in
its nature to the combined development of the
following mechanisms of deformation: grain
boundary sliding and intragranular deformation
under enhanced diffusion. The dependence of
strain rate g on flow stress o can be described by
the following expression [8]:

where A is a constant, o i is the threshold stresses,
D is the grain boundary diffusion coefficient and
all the other symbols have their usual meanings,
Fig. 6. The structure of the SMG A I - C u - Z r alloy: (a) initial Using this equation and data included in Table
state; (b) after superplastic deformation at e = 100%. 2, the ratio of the diffusion coefficient for "con-

ventional" to that for "low temperature" super- aries because of accelerated diffusion in such
plastic deformation in the aluminium alloy is materials.
evaluated to be 103 . (3) The superplastic temperature drops con-
At the same time, calculating the decrease in siderably in SMG alloys (by 200-300 K) owing to
the grain boundary diffusion coefficient which the enhancement of diffusion processes.
occurs when the temperature drops from 773 to
493 K and taking into account the exponential
dependence of D on temperature, we obtain
D773/D493 = 5 X 104.
Thus during the deformation of SMG alloys 1 R. Birringer and H. Gleiter, in R. W. Cahn (ed.), Ency-
we observe a considerable acceleration of grain clopaedia of Materials Science, Vol. I, Pergamon, Oxford,
boundary diffusion when the diffusion coefficient 1988, p. 339.
2 R. Z. Valiev, R. S. Musalimov and N. K. Tsenev, Phys.
is 1.5 orders of magnitude larger than that under
Status Solidi A, 115 (1989) 451.
"conventional" deformation. Such an abnormal 3 G. W. Nieman, J. R. Weertman and R. W. Siegel, Scr.
growth of diffusion in SMG alloys is probably the Metall., 24 (1990) 145.
main factor determining the possibility of "low 4 R. Z. Valiev, R. S. Musalimov, O. A. Kaibyshev, R. I.
temperature" superplasticity. Kuznetsov, and N. K. Tsenev, Proc. U.S.S.R. Acad. Sci.
301 (1988) 864 (in Russian).
5 J. Karch, R. Birringer and H. Gleiter, Nature (London),
5. Conclusions 330(1987) 556.
6 N. A. Smirnova, V. I. Levit, V. P. Pilyughin, R. I. Kuznet-
(1) The formation of the SMG structure sov, L. S. Davydova and V. A. Sazonova, Phys. Met.
during intensive plastic deformation is associated Metallogr. (Engl. Transl.), 61 (1986) 1170.
7 R. Z. Abdulov, R. Z. Valiev and N. A. Krasilnikov, Mater
with the formation of microfragments, whose
Sci. Lett., 9 (1990) 1445.
boundaries are non-equilibrium and can be re- 8 O. A. Kaibyshev and R. Z. Valiev, Grain Boundaries and
structured into large-angle boundaries under sub- Properties of Metals, Metailurgia, Moscow, 1987 (in
sequent heating. Russian).
(2) The SMG alloys under study display 9 V. V. Rybin, High Plastic Deformation and Metals Frac-
ture, Metallurgia, Moscow, 1986 (in Russian).
unusual mechanical behaviour: strain hardening
10 A. H. Chokshi, A. Rosen, J. Karch and H. Gleiter, Scr.
is not pronounced, and the Hall-Petch constant Metall., 23(1989) 1679.
decreases in the region of small grain sizes, owing 11 G. W. Nieman, J. R. Weertman and R. W. Siegel, Scr.
to the absorption of dislocations by grain bound- Metall., 24(1990) 145.

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