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Precision Camshafts Limited

(100% EOU Division)

PR2CtSTOX Works:D-5,D-6,7,7-1,M lD C, Chincholi, Solapur4l3 255

Date: 13th February, 2Ot7

Sec/ Fe b/S E/N &B/O L I 2OL7

National Stock Exchange of India Limited BSE Limited,

"Exchange Plaza" 5h Floor,
Plot No. C-1, G Blocl! Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,
Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Datat Street,
Mumbai - 4OOO51 Mumbai - 4OOOO1
NSE Scrip Code - PRECAII BSE Scrip Code - PRECAM (539636)

sub - Outcome of Board Meeting held on 13th February, 2O17

Re: submission of Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter and nine months
ended on 31d December 2O16

Dear Sir / Madam,

In compliance of Regulation 30 & 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure

Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and other applicable provisions if any, we are pleased to
inform you that the Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting held today i.e 13th
February, 2Ol7 , has approved and taken on record the following:

a) Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and nine months ended on 31st
December 2016 along with Limited Review report, issued by Statutory Auditors of the
Company; and

b) Statement of assets and liabilities as at the nine months ended on 31st December, 2016,

c) Allotment of 22,725 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each, to the Option Grantee(s) upon exercise
of 22,725 options by them pursuant to the terms of PCL ESOS 2015 of the Company. Post
allotment, the Company's issued and paid up share capital stands increased to Rs.
94,79,45,300 divided into 9,47,94,530 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each. The said shares shall
rank pari - passu with the existing shares of the Company in all respects.

The Board meeting commenced at 1.00 p. m. and concluded at 6.00 p.m.

Kindly take the same on your record and acknowledge the same.

This intimation will also be published on Company's website i.e. www.pclindia. in.
Thanking you,

For ion Camshafts Limited

,/" \

Swapneel S Kuber R
Company Secretary


Phone: r91-9168646531i32/33 .Fax:91 -217-2357645 .e-mail

Regd. Offlce E-1021103 M.l.D.C., Akkalkot Road, Solapur-413 006. CIN-124231 PN 1992P1C067126
Chartered Accountants
C 401,4th Floor
Panchshil Tech Park, Yerwada
(Near Don Bosco School)
Pune 411 006. lndia
Te :+9120 5603 5000
Fax : +91 20 6601 5900

Limited Review Report

Review Report to
The Board of Directors
Precision Camshafts Limited

We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results of Precision

Camshafts Limited ('the Company') for the quarter ended December 31, 2016 and year to date
from April 01, 2016 to December 3l,2016 (the "Statement") attached herewith, being submitted
by the Company pursuant to the requirements of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,2015, read with SEBI Circular No. CIR/CFDIF ACl6212076
dated J uly 5,2076.

This Statement is the responsibility of the Company's management and has been approved by the
Board of Directors/ committee of Board of Directors. Our responsibility is to issue a report on the
Statement based on our review.

We conducted ouT review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagements (SRE) 2410,
Review of lnterim Financial lnformation Performed by the lndependent Auditor of the Entity issued
by the lnstitute of Chartered Accountants of lndia. This standard requires that we plan and perform
the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the Statement is free of material
misstatement. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of company personnel and analytical
procedures applied to financial data and thus provides less assurance than an audit. We have not
performed an audit and accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.

Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to
believe that the accompanying Statement, prepared in accordance with recognition and
measurement principles laid down in the applicable lndian Accounting Standards prescribed under
Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013, read with relevant rules issued thereunder and other
recognised accounting practices and policies has not disclosed the information required to be
disclosed in terms of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations,2015, read with SEBl Circular No. CIRICFDIF AC/6212015 dated July 5, 2016,
including the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement.

We draw attention to note 2 of the Statement and, we report that the figures for the corresponding
quarter ended December 31,2015 and year to date from April 1. 2015 to December 31, 2015, has
not been sub.iected to any audit or review by us and have been presented solely based on the
information compiled by Management and has been approved by the Board of Directors. Our
conclusion is not qualified in respect of this matter.

lCAl Firm regist ation number: 3249 A?E/ E3OOOO3
Cha d Acco ts
Ic .o
(D t
per Paul Alv S
t Ut
Partner e
Membership No: 10575
Place: Pune TDA i/
Date: February t3, 2Ot7

SR BC & CO LLP, a Lrm ed Lrabilily Partnrshp wilh LLP dentity No. AAA.43tB
ReOd Ollce r 22, Camac Sl.eel Aoch C',3rd aloor Xolkali-7oo016
Reg.I Orr. : Ell)Zl(BMIDC, Al*rltor R6d, Sol.pur ala0o6
CIN: U2,12!lPNl992PI-C067126


(R3. in l.cs)
Sr. Nd
3l D.ccmb.r 2016 3l Dd.Db.r 2016 3r D6c.6nr 2015
I Tool imodc t n opgrtions (na) 10,944.25 34,557 _t4 9,859_92
2 Na Profil f'qn Ordhlry Activiti6 licr t x t37162 4,524.t3 1,311_9
l Nc! Profil fo. dlc priod afrcr trx (An.' cxhordinry llems) 1,111_62 4,524.t3 1,317.99
4 Torll ComprdEosivc lrcsDc f6
dE pcriod [Conprisitrg Pmfit for ih. pdiod (rfrf tlx) ,nd 1,386.34 4,567 _53 1,330.88
odlr comprerEDsiw Incom. (an r t!x)l
5 Pai&Up cquity sh.rc clpit8l ( vrlue of R!. l0 ach) 9,471.14 9,417-t8 8,184.16
6 Eimings pr shor (bfore lnd rfrr cxtraordimry items; not rnnualisod) (of Rs.10 each)
Basic: 1.46 4.42 1.63
Dilul.d: 146 4.81 t_62

Thc lforEsaid finmcill resnlts for lhc qoanr and nin mmths cndcd D6flb6 31,2016 have bcn subjedcd ro a limucd rview by lhc stalxlory ludilors ofotc Cmpqry
in rsms ofRegulauo. S3 of rhc S.curites ard Exclanse Bofid of Indir ('SEBI') (Ustirs oblig ions and Disclorur Requiremnls (LODR )) Rcsul.licns, 2015 ud
revicwed by th. Audil Comlnillc. snd approvd by thc B@rd of Diredors of the Company at their r6p.c1iv mc.lings held on February 13, 20 17.

1 The lbove is an cx!"cl ofrhc dcbilcd fomal ofQusncrty Financial Results filed with lh Stock Exchange under Rcgulaaion 33 oflh Scurilics and Excharge Board of

{re available on dlc srock Excbans's websiie (www.tseindi!.com a"d !!!4E!!43j9) and slso on ih companys wbsil - !!!:EUI!!!&b.
l FlBtlin.dopriouofIdAS:Th.CompnyadopredIndiarAc.ou ins Standards ("Ind AS") ftoin April I,20|6 3nd accordingly, th rallsitior wrs clrried out, fi'om lh
AccmtiDg Prhciplca Een.nlly lcacprcd ia lndia as spcifid undcr Sc.ti6r I 33 ofrh Cmp8nis Act, 201 3 wilh nrle ? of the Comp.ni6 (Accomt!) Rules, 2014
('FcviotB CAAP} iD accordlncc wirh lrd AS-101- Fir$ timc rdoption ofttrdif Accomting Stsnd''ds. Acc.rdindy, the impacl oa t"afitjoi hls b.q rt. rded ir opering
rcs..v6 as d Aril l, 2015 !trd rtl lhc p..iods h6v. bc.r rcsrltcd.
As drc Coinpany gpl listcd m Fctrury 8,2016, the Srat.mnl vrs d''wn in accsdrnc. wilh RcSulation 13 ofSEaI LODR Regulalioos. 2015 for lhc fir$ lim for lte
qurnr ad yc'r cdcd Mffcl11.2016. Therefore, figurcs fo.dlc qudcr md nirc morths aded Dccenber 31,2015 ,Ic aeither subj.i.d to r limilcd rEvi* nor
3ubj61.d to m rudil rrd prcpff.d ,nd pr*nl.d bsd on lh. informrtion cmpild by lhe man
Th Company has ilso prcpard ! r.c.ncilirtion of thc or profir for rhc quan.r nded Decembr 3 I , 201 5 uId. previous OAAP with $e lolal comprchensive ircome as
rpoftd in lhse finrncirl r.sults under I AS. The net profit rcconcilisrion for lhe quarter eidn Dccmber 31,2015 is preser ed blo*:

(Rs. in lrcs
Sr. No.
I N.t prolia ud.r (Iadi.o GAAP) r215.06
(i) Frir valu rdjultnnls on inlstncnls in preference shres I t5.E2
O) Defi.ed ples Eosnis.d ir (rI
(trd of irx) (r2.E9)

N.t proft for tb. p.riod ud.r tnd AS r3l7.v9

3 Oit.r coDprch. iv. ircom. (OCI) r2.89
1 ToLl caDDrrhcNivc bcoD. for lh. D.riod or&r Id AS 1330.EE

A,I! For ord oD bchalrofth. Borrd ofDi

o UR a Xrfildn R Jdhi



R.*d.Onlc : E-roZl(B MIDC,ALltllol Xo.d. Sol.plr413{x,6
CIN: U2,O3 r PN t9rPLCt)6r 126


hcom. froD opc..liont

I a) Incomc fron oplralioE 10,8024? I t,!4t.73 9,4?9 08 )1,96116 33,30051
b) Othcr op.Blns ircom. l4l ?8 t99 02 53993 l,lrl4l5
Tol.l llcoD. rDE oD.r.tio.r (.+b) !0,9,r4.25 1rr4o.r5 9,859,92 34.557.1d ,4.t1{:1.63

s) Con of Ed6i.L @tllEd ,,?1437 l,ll? 43 zlos 94 9,739 60 r0,2?t.lE

b) Chdlgcr n ntmtorid of fnilhd t@& ltd Nt-in{rosr!3r (l16 s?) (22058) 43.72 tza 34 (18?.0t)
c) Exce dlty on 3.1. ofSood! 6t8.0? 6ll 19 156 62 I,743 8l t,230.25
d) Etuploy.c bci.fib srycn!. l.@ 5l t,41J t1 t,46198 4,51249 4.2017?
.) D.p@iali@ .d lmrtisti@ dpcn$ 9)t a7 942 34 969 99 2,80J 36 2,702
0 PoE {d tuGl cxpd.r t,r7t.0l 1,t78 52 t,050.21 1,588 87 1,65160
2,262.01 2.4t312 l.8ll03 6,613 72 6,419.t0
9,745.21 I e:1122 8,401.71 29,t92.19 23J56.r'6

3 Prfir l.oo operrtionr b.lor.olh.r ln.on., finrtrcecoltsrnd etceptior.l iteE.(l-2) 1,198.91 tJ.22,16 1,,158.21 5r64,95 5r0a8.62

t,0t7 t3 51i 47 ) ?48 8l 2,37160 1,898 00

5 Prorii f.oo ordiltry ..llvilld b.for. rl6tnc co.l! ..d .t..ptioD.l lt.h! Gna) 2' ,rroji ]
2307.U 7,73tJ5, 1,146.62

6 t70.65 l8t 5l ?lt m 589 l5 6?5 88

7 Prolii fioe ordhrry..lhitld rn.r bri b.for. d..ptio..l ii.ot (tu) 2,045.{6 !,tor.t5 l,ra.l.0.t 7,1{9..O 7Jl0.7a

9 Pro6i fron ordin.ry .ctlvltl.i b.ror. t.r (7{) 2,015.16 2,t09.a5 l,eE{.04 7,149.40 7.3to.74

l0 6B a4 805 63 (,66 05 . 2,625 26 2,48990

ll Nl profi t from ordir.ry lclivitier rflr r.r (9-10) t)71.62 t)u.22 l)17.99 4,524.13 4,820.L

t2 Exr&.d@ry ,t ms (!.t of tsx cxp.M)

tl Nt profit for ttc p.riod (11-12) t31tn2 tuo1.72 r3r7.9' +ra.rl 4$ro.u

t4 Oth.r @DprctEdiv. ituomc (!nd bx) (r.fd.ot..o 6) 14.72 t4% 12.E9 41.40 5851

t, Tol.l coopr.h.nriv. Itr.on. lor rn. p.riod (13+14) lJ863.l lJl9:0 rJ3O8! 4,56r.53 4,47931

t6 Paid-up cquity sha. capiLl (fs vdu. of Rr l0 c&h) 9,47718 9,474:18 E,t84l6 9,477 t8 8.t84.16

t7 E.rnlngr D.r rh.r. of

t39 r6l 447 596
t39 \62 4 3l 5.95

R.!d. Ofli.. : E.loZllB MIDC, Alkr&ot Ro.d, S.l.rur ,l lJ66
CIN: U2a23lPNl99!PLCn67t16

I TlE.turd 6.sil IBJE tudr qun r !d nhc ihodr ad.d D@nbq 3l,2016 ts b@ ro. [iiEl Biv hy d. tudy rii4 oldE CdnFry n i.@ of X!&Lrb! 33 of6. ei
ErdlE 8dd oa bdn 6EBI) (ud,s obl:niB rn Di*rcft x4nitffi ( LODR )) LscLiiff, ,olJ rrd Fvi.*rd by di Audn cmmi@ ald TpDEd by dE Bad of Dnlao.t oa dE CdD{, , 6.t
EdiEs hd d F.hirry 13. 2017
nrr h..d.rri- rl.a AS. Tnc CoFynq.odini.'A@dB Sd,rL('lln Aslaqn 4rl 1,2015dsdirt,d.rEiinE {ii a4imrb A4odiu l.icallsemly...adn hdi-
?aitu ds S.dn lrl o,ri. Cqd.. A.r, r0l3 &d mrh oL 7 oa.h CdFir {A@d) l!b,2ola (}.BiE C An b.@d& *irh Id Agl0l- Filt nE iqtd o,rnb A6& S..d.dt.
A<6dislr. !L itrFd @ rii, lB b Elia n "p--t ffi . a lplil l. 2oll .d .! ri. Fin, !{Ecd EE i.a Ecd.
Ar e CouaySd &.d e F.tru.y l,2016. ti. Sits!.dsdtu hstde sin r.Slhir ll dSEAMDR R.S!hIc, mll fd rtr t.d. qurrsud l.s..d.d l,Lrd ll,2016 ft@tft, ft@
6. d. qqrtrrn !ii. i.db ad.d D@mb.r ]1,2015 & E.n r sbFced b llini.d Bi.v m$ t'!d & pq.,.d rld p@r.d b-d 6dE ilt n d oFLd bt.lE m!684d
l T|]t&616.d{&.dq'ltrly@lEspts.r.nnSEB&cid&rCIMMD/DFA}9/Io1td..dNo6b{27,2015.iclrvcFDMD/ltrolsd.rdNGibd3qml5hFh.6nodi6.dbmlpt*ind.
GquicrElnofsEaatcimhrcnrcf'I,F cr'62r0l5 d.&d hv r, 2016

Tt CarFry l$.L ptF,ld. @ilirn oarh. ic Fdr fdd. q4tr 6d.d De6b.r 31.2015 uda pEtiu CAA? (l'iiu GAAP) * n d. roEJ Mp'dB& b6@ a r@fd id lhd n&i, BlA Ed.r
bdAS.It dpltn'!o.i|ln &d.q!r.r.d.dDErb.r,I,2oliipE.ddbcbw:

riaF6re F6Brr\ t
(,FtErl.4tuo -'! &.d.b!G&@ ec f:
I Ii 32

O) Md lc6t ph. h OO (d oaE )

lNd lrofir for.h. criod uid.r lnd AS l3l7pe
lorh.r cmon$..iiY. ii.on. iOCl)

=Ir@ i
r rosiuli 61 66c q!,rciy fEsl ehr m.y quiE.djrsd h.6r d.itri'E d.6.d bd AS nl@ 5iiar6t ! ofln ft. dE F, adiB IlL.d ]1,20,7 d& b d.t6 n 6&&l @onio8
tquiE!.d.itB f6 @ 6 air.d oid.d.6 crylliE !fld tr MC-A / oiLr qule.y dhairir d.nds6 a dE e of * 4 tle mfliD im n llt!.pdiE {pu..rr oaeiEh tn AS a
FDibd d6 B ASl0l.
rL C-t-, i aa{.d il Mlndlif, dce.b&. 3.!.d d ion ,* ,i!r rd Brd nudlc dr.dro erEJa rd irdE EDatir sye't d. CoFy lE tutdlrd !,op.dG no
c oFriE ..!-n rl@r b-.d d d. a.qf,di.l di*ihro d.ayo6, rL. C@t-y L- ilarir.d I'di d 6iL Mn . tuo rr..t tk gcoBndi:l (pqtiq ard . d.6,.d hy d AS lc "Or6.ic
q'lE6-. Tl rb- n Etitr 6 ri. idi6.d g.qndi:l q.diE !.rrr.a & a f.lbw

I O.lril! of -!D-r 6dr (ims ol .r.ik du.y on t l. of 3oodll

r-----rE ET------tua
Ddit J.rrri.r u-. .a !o aEl .!..r'

I 3rJ7l3r I UJle.r I 3lJTrJl I r'Jl9ll

' Ar &6Ed ii Fr.giph 33 O) of lid l\S I oFr.'E !.srE " r oEdr .ss ci.lud. tuffiil iDlrnsc, &Gned !x i,n po.i{pbFmqt ba{n et
6 OIEcmpldBiE ie, rd oahx,6r dE qulnrat d tr.@h.r 31.2016 in 1.ud6 d d.ii.d bE6. rbE mMrB b Rl 14 72 tit
OdEr UEmc fd dE curEi qurs tlud.r R! ,93.4J ls rr.rdr.d t! .h. CdF!, o @d of &r ntu .drrstllfu G$lunA d ..@d oI lll of 62,fix),000 t% EdenEbl mtotJ. pf.|m
e ofc.tu Tcdnologb Limit d.pDmd hy dE tlmfbL Mmhd tl{gh C.on i& nr od.r dcd OchDr 20,2016 Csr T.chelosic! Umit d ls Gdo.d.lE cnif 62,m0,m0 J%,rl!frDL e.@nibE
DGEG& rlEB o j@.ry lr, 2017 &rg win @hu&riF pE&E@ dnibid; s lsnnn dE c.nicr pr.pd.n d.& olsptcmbn 201?.
t T:E CmFIy [rt oFld tl Frblrr o]y n d.ldE @dir.d 6lmiil BuX' nE C6p$, Eld b. pcdidg ie mlid.r.d fmc6l tuctu E Ld ft. d. ].{ adcd Meh 3 l. 2017
*rniu Fin 6gG !.8 ba rstuD..y rrrE d*t mr 6EiL'Ed EEry

For. o. ot ri. B.trd ot

A 14s


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