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In 1960, an international committee created a set of standard unit for measuring the basic
quantities which is the adaptation of metric. This system of measuring is called Systme International
dUnits as known as SI. Thus makes people in different places in the world be able to yield the same
result when conducting experiment

In addition to the basic SI unit, we also use some prefixes in order to measure the substances
that is either relatively large or small.

Newtons law of motion

Newtons first law of motion

Every object continues in a state of rest or of uniform speed in a straight line unless
acted by a nonzero net force

The crucial word in this law is the word continue. According to this law, the motion of the object will
remain in the same condition unless there is another force acting on it. In the case that the object is at
rest, it will stay in the same positions until someone applies a force on it. In the case that object is
moving, it will continue to move at the constant speed until there is another force that applies on it.

Net force

To fully understand about the first law of motion, you need to know several concepts. One
important concept is net force. Before proceeding to the net force, let defining the term of force first.
Force is the thing that makes the object change in motion which is simply known as a push or pull. There
are various types of source that can produce energy like gravity, electricity or ourselves that applied
force on that particular object. When there are one more force exert to that object, the force will all
combine and move to the certain direction with certain speed which can be called the net force. One
thing that you need to remember force is the vector quantity which indicate both magnitude and
direction. It can be written down in the form of arrow. Its head indicate the direction of force while its
length represents the magnitude of that certain force.

Equilibrium rule

When there are two force acting on the object in the equal amount and opposite direction, the
net force will become zero in which we can call mechanical equilibrium. There are two types of
equilibrium. If the object is moving in uniform motion, it is dynamic equilibrium. If the object is at rest, it
is static equilibrium. It can also be written as a mathematical formula like the the following picture.

In this formula, stands for the sum of vector and F stands for force.

Equilibrium of moving things

When object moves at the constant speed in the straight line, it is in the equilibrium. Due to the
first law, object cannot move in the uniform motion, if there is only one force present. It supposes to have
at least two or more forces that applies to the object. For instance, a man pushes the box and it moves
at the constant speed in the straight line. This can happen in the case that friction that encounters the
force of girl in equal and opposite direction.

Support force

When you place an object on a table, there are two forces involving in the system. The first force
that push the object downward is the force due to the gravity which is the weight of that object. The
second force is the force that pushes the object upward which must be equal and in the opposite
direction is called support force.

Newtons second law of motion

The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on the
object, is in the direction of the net force, and is inversely proportional to the mass of
the object.

This can be written as an acceleration equals to the net force dividing by mass. The unit of the force is
newtons (N), the unit of the mass is kilogram (kg) and the unit of the acceleration is meter per second
squared (m/s2)

Free Fall
Free fall is occurs when the object falls at the acceleration of gravity which is approximately 10
m/s . In this case, the objects that has greater mass will has greater attraction toward the earth and

greater in the resistance to move which indicate greater inertia properties. However, it will always has
the same acceleration regardless of any masses and air resistance.

Non free fall

When an objects falls from the top of building, there are two forces that acting on it. The first
force is gravity that pushes the object upward while the second force is air drag that push it upward. By
having these two forces acting on the object, acceleration of fall is less than gravity. It is now depended
on two things which are speed and frontal area. When the objects moves fast enough, it will reach the
certain point when the force of gravity is equal to the air drag. At this point, these two forces are equal
and opposite in which they cancel each other and the net force become zero. When there has no net
force, there will be no acceleration and the object will move at the same speed till it reach the group. The
point that the gravity equals to the air resistance is called terminal speed. It can also be called the
terminal velocity in the case that the direction is taking into account.

Newtons third law of motion

To every action there is always equal and opposite reaction.


When we exerts a force on an object, we will feel another force acting back. One is called action
and another force is called reactions which can be called co-pair interaction This means that the force
will exist only in the case that there are two forces. These two forces are always equal but they act on
the different objects s. When we apply a force on an object, there will be another force acting back. One
is called action and another force is called reactions. These can be called co-pair interaction which
means that neither force can exist without one another. These two forces are always equal but they act
on the different objects which can have different masses.

Linear Motion (Free fall)

Linear motion is the motion influences by internal force and moving in one dimension
only. This motion give us straight line pathway.

Linear displacement and distance

- The linear displacement is the length moved in a given direction - it is a
vector quantity.
- The magnitude of the displacement is the distance - a scalar quantity.
Linear velocity and speed
- The linear velocity is the rate of change of displacement with time. As
displacement is a vector so velocity is a vector.
-The magnitude of the velocity is speed. It is the rate of change of distance
with time - hence it is a scalar.
- If a body moves with uniform velocity then it must move in a fixed direction
with constant speed.
- The average speed of a body is the total distance moved divided by the total
time taken.

Free Fall
An object that falls through a vacuum is subjected to only one external f orce, the
gravitational force, expressed as the weight of the object. An object that is moving only
because of the action of gravity is said to be free falling and its motion is described by
Newton's second law of motion. This motion is considered in null of air resistance. With
algebra we can solve for the acceleration of a free falling object. The acceleration is constant

and equal to the gravitational acceleration g which is 9.8 meters per square second at sea
level on the Earth. The weight, size, and shape of the object are not a factor in describing a
free fall. In a vacuum, a beach ball falls with the same acceleration as an airliner. Knowing
the acceleration, we can determine the velocity and location of any free falling object at any
time using the following equations.

This is 5 formalas for calculating linear motion

where a is the acceleration, V is the velocity, and S is the displacement from an initial
location. If the object falls through the atmosphere, there is an additional d
rag force acting on
the object and the physics involved with d
escribing the motion of the object is more complex.
Acceleration change when either direction or magnitude change. It is equal to change
of velocity over time. In free fall, acceleration is equal to gravity.

Example of Free fall

Feather and coin fall at the equal acceleration and time in the vacuum because the
absence of air resistance.

coin is heavier than feather but reach the ground at the same time
The coin and the feather fall in the vacuum tube at the same rate. They both reach
the ground at the same time. Mass and surface area of objects are not the factor of velocity
in free falling motion.


A projectile is an object upon which the only force acting is gravity. There are
a variety of examples of projectiles. First, an object dropped from rest is a projectile
(provided that the influence of air resistance is negligible). Second, an object that is
thrown vertically upward is also a projectile (provided that the influence of air
resistance is negligible). And an object which is thrown upward at an angle to the
horizontal is also a projectile (provided that the influence of air resistance is
negligible). A projectile is any object that once projected or dropped continues in
motion by its own inertia and is influenced only by the downward force of gravity.
By definition, a projectile has a single force that acts upon it - the force of gravity. If
there were any other force acting upon an object, then that object would not be a
projectile. Thus, the free-body diagram of a projectile would show a single force
acting downwards and labeled force of gravity (or simply Fgrav). Regardless of
whether a projectile is moving downwards, upwards, upwards and rightwards, or
downwards and leftwards, the free-body diagram of the projectile is still as depicted
in the diagram at the right. By definition, a projectile is any object upon which the
only force is gravity.

vertical motion only without air drag, speed lost while going up
with gravity equals speed gained while coming down:
Time going up equals time coming down

Ideal pathway is pathway from the calculation but actual path is the pathway
that come from doing the experiment. Actual path is not the same with the ideal path
because air resistance and wind that blow against the object when the object fall.
Ideal path is calculated when the air resistance is negligible.

An satellite is simply a projectile falls around Earth.


The speed of the satellite must be great enough to ensure that its falling distance
matches Earths curvature. Satellite need to travel at 8 km/s or 29,000 km/h.


Something that enables objects to do work which is measured in Joules.

One of the important types of energy is mechanical energy. It is the energy depending on
movement and position of an object. There can be divided into two types of energy. First energy is
potential energy. It is the energy that is stored in that particular objects. This can be found in fossil fuel,
electricities batteries and even the food that we eat. Sometimes, potential energy is depended on gravity
of the Earth which can be called gravitational potential energy. This can be written in the formula as
gravity equal to the weight times height. For the height, you can choose the reference level as a point to
measure the distance from it to indicate the height.

Another type of energy is kinetic energy. It is energy of moving objects which is depended on
mass and the velocity. It can be written as energy equals to the mass multiplied by the square of the
speed, multiplied by the constant . It can be equals to work that is needed to bring the object to

rest or bring it at that certain speed.

Conservation of energy

Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it may be transformed from one form into another, but the
total amount of energy never changes.


Work is the changes on the motion of the object depending on both amount of force and the
length of the distance. It is the effort that we put on an object that will alter its energy. In the simple case,
force is the constant and the movement of the motion is in the straight in the direction of the force can be
defined as force time distance. It can be classified into two categories which are work that done against
another force and work done to change the speed of the object.


It can be defined as how fast you complete the work which can be written as work divided by
time interval. The units that can use to measure power are watt/kilowatt and joules per second. The
examples of power is a man who run up the stair uses more power than a girl who walks slowly along
the beach.

Work-Energy Theorem

Work is equal to the change in kinetic energy which is based on the net force and the speed of
the objects. For instance, in order to double the speed, an object requires 4 times the work. This is also
applied to the potential energy too. The result of the work is the gain and reduction of energy.

The machine is the device that helps in increasing or changing the direction of the force. It is
underlined the concept of conservation of energy. However, it cannot multiply or change the direction of
the work.One of the simple machines that you can see is a lever. This is an example of changing the
direction of the force in which we put down one side of the lever and another opposite side will lift up. In
this case, the friction is neglected, thus work input is equal to work output. The point that supports is
called a fulcrum. When it is near the load, it will make small input be able to produce large output. This
is because a force is exerting in a larger distance which makes another side that has a shorter distance
from the point be able to move further. Another common mechanism is a pulley. It is the simple
collection of wheels that will make you be able to change the object direction or multiply the force so that
you can lift heavy stuff easier.


Some machine is ideal machine; the amount of work input is the same as amount output.
However, in practice, we do not expect this to occur. This is because not all energies are converted to
kinetic energy, some are converted to thermal energy that is why surroundings of machine become
warmer. For instance, sometimes there is friction at fulcrum which is converted to thermal energy. The
lower efficiency of a machine, the greater amount of energy is degraded to thermal energy. We can
calculate the efficiency of a machine by looking at the ratio of useful energy output by total energy input.

Energy for life

Every organism on earth needs energy to generate their bodies. However, we can see insufficient in this
as large organism has to feed on many small organisms to sustain the amount of energy that they need.

Source of energy
Sunlight sometimes can use as an alternative source of energy while it can produce nuclear
fusion thermal energy which makes us feel hot in the sunny day. The first example is generator turbines.
In this example, sunlight evaporates water and then water falls as rain that flows into the river and into
generator turbine. Another example is a solar cell that transform sunlight into electricity by photovoltaic

Wind power turns turbines which can later transform into electricity

Concerntrated energy
The example of this type of energy is a nuclear power. Nuclear power is usually stored in
uranium and plutonium as to prevent it radiation from spreading out. The byproducts of nuclear power
are geothermal energy that is held in underground reservoirs of hot water to produce the steam that will
drive the turbogenerators. Another example is a dry-rock geothermal power which produces electricity.
At first, water is filled in cavities in deep, dry and hot rock that will make water become steam. When
water becomes steam it will reach the turbine at the surface. After that, it will exit the turbine and fall
back in order to cavities in order to reuse again.


Another important concept that we would like to explain is momentum. It is the product of the
mass and velocity. It is the vector quantity which we have take both magnitude and direction in
consideration. For example, two trucks move with the same speed in different direction, so these two
forces have different momentum. Impulse is the change of momentum over time. This can be written
down in the formula as the product of the quantity of force and a period of time. We can prove this by
using newtons second law of motion which can be written down as mass times acceleration equals to
force. When we move time to the other side, we will get force times time equals to change of velocity
time mass.(F * t = m * v).

Conservation of momentum
Another concept that is important in momentum is conservation of momentum. It means that
momentum will remain unchanged in the case that no external force interferes with the system. This is
because force inside the system is balanced and net force becomes zero. This reminds us of newtons
third law in which two object interacts and exert an equal and opposite force on one another. One thing
that we have to consider is that momentum is a vector quantity in which we have to take the direction of
the force into account.

Collision is one of important situations that can use to explain conservation. Collision is when
two objects hit with each other. No matter what type of collision it is, momentum before and after the
collision will always remain the same. There are two type of collisions in momentum. First one is elastic
collision. This is when two objects hit and rebound. Second type of collision is inelastic collision which is
when two objects hit each other and stick together or generate some heat.

It is the change of force over time which is the product of force and time. For instance, a brief
force applied over a short time interval produces a smaller change in momentum than the same force
applied in the longer period of time. This can indicate that the greater the impulse exerted on something,

the greater the change in momentum. There are three cases that impulse changes momentum. First
case is increasing the momentum. This can be done by exerting the largest amount of force as long as
possible to increase the time of contact. For example, baseball player hit a ball and follow through to
increase the time of contact.

Another example is decreasing momentum over a long period of time. This can be done by
increasing period of time contact while momentum is decreasing as the force will also become smaller.
The good representative of this situation is the car that is out of control is better to hit hay stack rather
than concrete wall.

The last example is decreasing momentum over short period of time which will eventually produce the
large amount of force. The example of this is the karate athlete splits the large stack of brick by using
her hand against the bricks with the considerable momentum. In this case, the time of contact is too
short and force of impact is relatively large. That is why the brick is break.


Impulse is generally larger when that particular objects are bouncing.


For instance, you catch the flower pot that is falling from the self by hand. In this case, you provide an
impulse to decrease the momentum to zero. If you want to throw the pot up, you need an additional
impulse. That is why bouncing has greater impulse than those that do not bounce.

Purpose & Hypothesis

In this experiment, we made a bottle rocket by using the chemical reaction between vinegar and
baking soda as the energy for launching. The main objective of this lab were to find out how to launch a
bottle rocket successfully. The rocket need to hit the target that is 20 metres away from the launcher. We
have to consider about the angle of the launcher as well as the amount of chemical that we use. We
hypothesized that if the angle of the launcher is 45 degree and we use 25 grams of baking soda mixing
with 250 mL of vinegar, then the rocket can launch about 20 metres and hit the target precisely.

Dicussion of design

First Design


At first, we choose soft drink bottle because it resist to large amount of pressure that can occur
from the reaction of acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate or as we know as baking soda. Also, bottle are
shaped in aerodynamic styles which makes it be able farther even in the windy condition. We design to
use balloon to put baking soda in so that when it reacts, balloon will keep the gas, thus reaction occurs.
The gas will store in it till the limitation of balloon and as it releases, our rocket would fly to the target
precisely. We also use feature board to make wings of the rocket that we can better control the direction
of the rocket when launching. We decided to put only three wings so that we can have space to place on
the launcher. The size of wings is decided by the compare to the bottle. The size of wing is shorter than
the half of the length of the bottle. The wings will help the rocket to go straight in the pathways that we
want the rocket to go. We use tape to stick the wing with the body of rocket. The tape make the surface
of the rocket not smooth so we try to find other material to stick the wing to the body and make the
surface smooth. We decided to put cone on the top of the rocket so the wing can pass through it
smoothly and go further. The cone is made by the plastic from the bottle. At first, we use the plastic from
the second bottle that we cut the top part from to make the cone but that pieces of plastic is curve so the
cone is distort and make the rocket go in different pathway. We use the top of the second soft drink
bottle and stick it to the end of the first bottle to make the shape of the rocket like the rugby ball. We put
the vinegar in the first soft drink bottle and the baking soda at the top of the first bottle. When we put the
rocket at the launcher, vinegar will react with baking soda at the bottom of the bottle and produce carbon
dioxide gas. Carbon dioxide created in the bottle will act as the fuel to launch the rocket. We use the clay
to gravitated the rocket. It make the rocket fall by facing down to the floor. We decided to put the clay in
the cone at the top of the rocket and increases mass of the rocket. The clay will increase the mass of the
rocket so it can stay in the pathway. The wind cannot blew the rocket and the rocket will hit the target.
When we did the first trial, we put too much sodium bicarbonate or baking soda so it becomes an excess
reagent. This is tell us that we should calculate how much the reagent should we use so we can save
our money. We have calculated and found that 100 ml of coking vinegar react complete with 14 g of
sodium bicarbonate or baking soda. The cooking vinegar that we use is 5% concentration which means
that in vinegar 100ml there are 5 grams of acetic acid. We decided that the rocket need to have wing for
balancing so we stick the wings to the body of rocket. The next problem that we face after we decided to
put the wing to the rocket is the launcher. If we put the 4 wings on the rocket, we cannot design the
launcher of the rocket. So, we put only 3 wings on the rocket. The wings are made of feature board and
stick to the body of the rocket by hot glue. The launcher made of polyvinyl cholride. We cut PVC tube in
half and stick it to wood plate and we will adjust the angle of the launcher by adjust the angle of wood
plate. Our launcher can adjust into 3 angle which are 30, 45, and 60 degree. At first, we think that we
should launch the rocket at 45 degree because according to projectile. When we launch the rocket at 45
degree, the rocket will go furthest in horizontal path according to projectile. When we try to launch the
rocket at 45 degree, it go to high and the wind will easily blow it in different direction so we decide to

launch the rocket at 30 degree. The result of launch the rocket at 30 degree is better than when we
launch the rocket at 45 degree.

Latest design

Discussion (Wing longer shallower, change to water bottle so that rubber cap with fit, change the head of the rocket)

After we test rocket for a few times, we see that the old design did not work well. The old rocket
could fly only few meters away from the launcher no matter how much substance we increased from the
previous trials. After those attempts that failed to reach the target, we decided to use water bottle instead
of soft drink bottle and the result comes out so well. Through those trials to the trial that we use normal
bottle of water and work, we see some flaws that made our rocket not be able to fly through the target
precisely. Therefore, we decided to make new rocket that improved and changed quite a few things.
First things that we change is a head of the rocket. At first, we use a part of soft drink bottle
which is quite rough. This made the old design have so many curves at the head of the rocket, thus
cannot resist through the air well. At this time, we use the water bottle that is smoother to make the
head. This helps us in enclosing the rocket which results in the head that is a point at the end of the
head. The head of the rocket that is well-enclosed and smooth help us in shaping rocket in better
aerodynamic styles which made it be able to resist and fly better in the windy condition. We also use
dough that is shaped like a head of the rocket to make it balance and hit a target accurately and
precisely. Moreover, it also helps rocket to gravitate the rocket to the ground when it nearly hit the target
and did not launch too far way from the target that is set. The second thing that we change is the wing of
the rocket. At first, we used the wings that were quite large which made them have more surface areas
to encounter wind and pressure. Thus, it cannot fly so well in the windy condition. At this time, we decide
to use the wing that is longer and shallower that will helps it in reducing air resistance and pressure. We
also made sure that wings were placed in the right position which meant that they were evenly spaced.
The last but very important is changing from soft drink to normal bottle of water. One thing that we notice
when we launch is that the chemical like the vinegar always leaks before it fully reacts with the sodium
bicarbonate or as known as baking soda. We changed quite a few cap and noticed that most of the caps
did not fit well with soft drink bottle, hence chemical still kept leaking. By seeing this problem, we
decided to change to a normal water bottle to see if this can be used to solve a problem or the result will
remain the same. Surprisingly, the result came out very well that even we use a plain water bottle that
did not attach wings or head yet, it still flies farther than soft drink bottle that is fully attached to both
wings and head. This made us decide to make a new rocket from a normal water bottle. By applying all
these changes to the rocket, we came up with the new design as you can see from the picture. This
design is good and can fly to the target precisely. Moreover, it gives us quite a constant result which
helps us in ensuring the accurate result in the day that we actually launched our rocket. Also, it helps us
in decreasing the amount of chemical that we used in the previous design due to the efficiency in
preventing chemical to leak, the design that can resist to air and pressure and the weight that is lighter
than the previous design. We use only 25 grams of baking soda and 250 mL of vinegar and the result
comes out very good; all of the baking sodas are used up in the reaction and only a little amount of
vinegar is left. However, in the actual demonstration day, the weather is in the windy condition. This
makes our rocket was not be able to reach the target. Therefore, we choose to increase the amount of
vinegar to at about 40 grams and adjust the launcher a little bit to make our rocket reach target in which
we reach point 4 in accuracy.

Data table

Chemical equation: CH3COOH + NaHCO3 => NaC2H3O2 + H2O + CO2

Trial Vinegar Baking soda gas an dista hit

gle nce the
volu Mw mol Ma Mw (g) mol mol Mw g targe
me ss t

1 200 5% .166 20 84.007 .238 .166 44 7.304 45 8 F

2 200 5% .166 20 84.007 .238 .166 44 7.304 40 7.5 F

3 400 5% .332 40 84.007 .476 .332 44 14.608 45 7.5 F

4 400 5% .332 40 84.007 .476 .332 44 14.608 45 3 F

5 400 5% .332 40 84.007 .476 .332 44 14.608 45 0 F

6 480 5% .399 50 84.007 .595 .399 44 17.556 45 0 F

7 300 5% .249 50 84.007 .595 .249 44 10.956 45 5 F

8 250 5% .208 30 84.007 .357 .208 44 9.152 45 4 F

9 400 5% .332 50 84.007 .595 .332 44 14.608 30 13 F

10 400 5% .332 50 84.007 .595 .332 44 14.608 30 25 F

11 320 5% .266 35 84.007 .416 .266 44 11.704 30 20 T

12 250 5% .208 25 84.007 .297 .208 44 9.152 45 20 T

13 250 5% .208 25 84.007 .297 .208 44 9.152 30 19.5 T

14 250 5% .208 25 84.007 .297 .208 44 9.152 30 19.5 T

15 250 5% .208 25 84.007 .297 .208 44 9.152 30 21 T

16 250 5% .208 25 84.007 .297 .208 44 9.152 30 20 T


Material: 2 water bottles, Balloon, Plastic wrap, Tape(silver and black), Baking soda, Pvc
tube, Rubber band, Vinegar, Wood, Paper, Future board, Spray(silver), scissors, cutters,
hinge, screw
Rocket body

2 Water bottles

Plastic Cork


corrugated plastic sheet

Chemical part

Baking Soda


Rocket launcher




PVC tube





Tape (Black or silver)



Spray (Sliver)

Elephant Glue



Rocket Part
1.Decide the rocket and the launcher

2.Research about how to do or any needed information such as angle, chemical reaction.

3. Prepare the materials for the rocket body, chemical part, rocket launcher, decoration part and also the
equipment. The materials and equipment included 2 water bottles, plastic cork, stocking, corrugated
plastic sheet, baking soda, vinegar, clay, wood, hinge, screw, PVC tube, glitter, cutter, scissor, spray,
hot glue gun, gun stick and saw

4. Cut the top part of bottle (1) to make head of the rocket.

5. From pervious step, connect the head of bottle (step4) to bottom of another bottle (2) by using hot
glue gun.

6. Cut the waste plastic of bottle (1) and curve it in cone shape for making the pointed head of the

7. Put the clay in the cone for load the weight.

8. Then, use hot glue gun to connect the cone (step 6) to the bottle (step5).

9. Bring the corrugated plastic sheet out and cut it in triangle for 3 pieces.
11. Then glue the corrugated plastic sheet (step 9) to the bottle (Rocket).

12. Spray the rocket and put might put some glitter (Just for decoration).

Launcher Part

1. First, cutting the PVC tube by using a saw for about 65 cm.

2. Then cut the PVC tube from step1 in half by horizontal way.

Cut the wood into two large pieces.

3. Cut the wood into six medium pieces.


4. Cut the wood into three small pieces(square shape).

5. Cut the wood into long thin piece of wood(chopstick shape)

6. Use hot glue gun to stick four medium pieces of wood on the front and back edge of the base wood

which is the first large wood(Stick in the top and bottom of the base).

7. Stick one small piece of wood(square shape) on the front edge of the base wood which it is next to

the medium wood on the front edge.

8. Stick the long thin piece of wood(chopstick shape) next to the medium wood on the back edge.

9. Then on the second large wood, stick one of the medium wood as the stopper next to the back edge.

10. Put the hinge on the large wood and the medium wood on the back edge to join the wood together.

11. Put the hinge on two small pieces of wood(square shape) and join it on the bottom of the second

large wood.

12. Stick the PVC tube from step two on the second large wood as the launcher of the rocket.

13. After finish the launcher, its time to decorate. First we spray whole of the launcher which are the

wood part with black color.

14. Spray some part of the wood with blue color.

15. Spray some part with purple color.

16. Dip the brush into white color.

17. Slat the brush into the wood(making a star in the universe)

18. Wait for everything dry.

*How to make the rocket fly* 20 Meters

1. Weight baking soda for 25 grams and vinegar for 250 ML.

2. Pour the vinegar (step1) into the rocket.


3. Put the baking soda into the stocking. Then, slowly put it in the rocket that have vinegar, but do not
drop it (be careful do not make vinegar touch the stocking).

4. Use the plastic cork close the bottlenose by overlay the stocking.

5. Press down the rocket on the launcher.

Due to the physic theory, we cannot hit the target at first because we didnt put enough of baking soda
which is a limit reagent of the chemical reaction. We had to put baking soda more for increasing the
pressure of the carbon dioxide gas so, our rocket can fly farther.

After we try and try in making our rocket to reach the target. Finally, our rocket hit the target four on the
last day. On that time that it reaches the target four, we used 250 mL of vinegar 40 g of baking soda.
Before, using the baking Soda for 40g, we had tried on changing the baking soda amount for 6 times. At
first, the amount of baking soda were 25 grams. Then we changed to 27 grams, 30 grams, 35 grams,
38 grams, and finally to the most effective result on hitting the target which was 40 grams. Also, We
have tried on setting the angle for two angles which is 30 degrees and 45 degrees. From the result,
setting the angle of the launcher to be 45 degrees was the best angle for doing the rocket experiment.
From all of the result that our rocket reaches the target(target 2, 3, and 4) were set up to use 45
degrees. For the vinegar, we always use 250mL in all trial. However, for the baking soda, when it reach
target 2 we used 35 grams but when our rocket hit target 3 and 4 we used the best amount of baking
soda which was 40 grams. On departing the rocket, after the chemical reacted to each other, our rocket
soar up high and landing just 20 meters on the target.

However, how hard we try to reach the target five, its failure because due to the external factor that we
cannot control, the wind.Since our experiment area was the open space, the wind is always changed
whether in the morning or afternoon. We cannot predict which way the wind will come so, even though
we try to put more baking soda, but the wind is stronger than the previous time, the rocket will not hit the
target for sure. According to the data table, after we hit the target two, we put more baking soda. At this
point, our rocket hit four. Then, we tried again. This time, it hit three. Why? Because of the wind.

Discussion of first design

At first, we choose soft drink bottle because it resists to a large amount of pressure that can occur from
the reaction of acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate or as we know as baking soda. Also, the bottle is
shaped in aerodynamic styles which make it be able farther even in the windy condition. We design to
use a balloon to put baking soda in so that when it reacts, a balloon will keep the gas, thus reaction
occurs. The gas will store in it till the limitation of a balloon and as it releases, our rocket would fly to the
target precisely. We also use feature board to make wings of the rocket that we can better control the
direction of the rocket when launching. We decided to put only three wings so that we can have space to
place on the launcher. The size of wings is decided by the compare to the bottle. The size of a wing is
shorter than the half of the length of the bottle. The wings will help the rocket to go straight in the
pathways that we want the rocket to go. We use tape to stick the wing with the body of the rocket. The

tape makes the surface of the rocket not smooth so we try to find other material to stick the wing to the
body and make the surface smooth. We decided to put a cone on the top of the rocket so the wind can
pass through it smoothly and go further. The cone is made from the plastic from the bottle. At first, we
use the plastic from the second bottle that we cut the top part from to make the cone but that pieces of
plastic are curved so the cone is distorted and make the rocket go in a different pathway. We use the top
of the second soft drink bottle and stick it to the end of the first bottle to make the shape of the rocket like
the rugby ball. We put the vinegar in the first soft drink bottle and the baking soda at the top of the first
bottle. When we put the rocket at the launcher, vinegar will react with baking soda at the bottom of the
bottle and produce carbon dioxide gas. Carbon dioxide created in the bottle will act as the fuel to launch
the rocket. We use the clay to gravitated the rocket. It makes the rocket fall by facing down to the floor.
We decided to put the clay in the cone at the top of the rocket and increases the mass of the rocket. The
clay will increase the mass of the rocket so it can stay in the pathway. The wind cannot blow the rocket
and the rocket will hit the target. When we did the first trial, we put too much sodium bicarbonate or
baking soda so it becomes an excess reagent. This tells us that we should calculate how much the
reagent should we use so we can save our money. We have calculated and found that 100 ml of
cooking vinegar react completely with 14 g of sodium bicarbonate or baking soda. The cooking vinegar
that we use is 5% concentration which means that in vinegar 100ml there are 5 grams of acetic acid. We
decided that the rocket needs to have a wing for balancing so we stick the wings to the body of the
rocket. The next problem that we face after we decided to put the wing on the rocket is the launcher. If
we put the 4 wings on the rocket, we cannot design the launcher of the rocket. So, we put only 3 wings
on the rocket. The wings are made of feature board and stick to the body of the rocket by hot glue. The
launcher made of polyvinyl chloride. We cut PVC tube in half and stick it to a wood plate and we will
adjust the angle of the launcher by adjusting the angle of a wood plate. Our launcher can adjust into 3
angles which are 30, 45, and 60 degrees. At first, we think that we should launch the rocket at 45
degrees because according to the projectile. When we launch the rocket at 45 degrees, the rocket will
go furthest in horizontal p

Discussion of lastest design

After we test rocket for a few times, we see that the old design did not work well. The
old rocket could fly only a few meters away from the launcher no matter how much
substance we increased from the previous trials. After those trials that failed to reach
the target, we decided to use a water bottle instead of the soft drink bottle and the
result comes out so well. Through those trials to the trial that we use the bottle of
water and work, we see some flaws that made our rocket not be able to fly through
the target precisely. Therefore, we decided to make a new rocket that improved and
changed quite a few things.
The first thing that we change is head of the rocket. At first, we use a part of soft
drink bottle which is quite rough. This made the old design have so many curves at
the head of the rocket, thus cannot resist through the air well. At this time, we use

the water bottle that is smoother to make the head. This helps us in enclosing the
rocket which results in the head that is the point at the end of the head. The head of
the rocket that is well-enclosed and smooth help us in shaping rocket in better
aerodynamic styles which made it be able to resist and fly better in the windy
condition. We also use dough that is shaped like the head of to make it balance and
hit the target accurately and precisely. Moreover, it also helps rocket to gravitate the
rocket to the ground when it nearly hit the target and did not launch too far way from
the target that is set. The second thing that we change is the wing of the rocket. At
first, we used the wings that were quite large which made them have more surface
areas to encounter wind and pressure. Thus, it cannot fly so well in the windy
condition. At this time, we decide to use the wing that is longer and shallower that
will helps it in reducing air resistance and pressure. We also made sure that wings
were placed in the right position which meant that they were evenly spaced. The last
but very important is changing from soft drink to normal bottle of water. One thing
that we notice when we launch is that the chemical like the vinegar always leaks
before it fully reacts with the sodium bicarbonate or as known as baking soda. We
changed quite a few cap and noticed that most of the caps did not fit well with soft
drink bottle, hence chemical still kept leaking. By seeing this problem, we decided to
change to the normal water bottle to see if this can be used to solve the problem or
the result will remain the same. Surprisingly, the result came out very well that even
we use a plain water bottle that did not attach wings or head yet, it still flies farther
than soft drink bottle that is fully attached to both wings and head. One thing that we
can notice is that no chemical was leaking from the bottle which means that the cap
can fit with this bottle well. This made us decide to make a new rocket from the
normal water bottle. By applying all these changes to the rocket, we came up with
the new design as you can see from the picture. This design is good and can fly to
the target precisely. Moreover, it gives us a quite constant result which helps us in
ensuring the accurate result in the day that we actually launched our rocket. Also, it
helps us in decreasing the amount of chemical that we used in the previous design
due to the efficiency in preventing chemical to leak, the design that can resist to air
and pressure and the weight that is lighter than the previous design. We use only 25
grams of baking soda and 250 mL of vinegar and the result comes out very good; all
of the baking sodas are used up in the reaction and only a little vinegar is left.ath
according to the projectile. When we try to launch the rocket at 45 degrees, it goes too high and the wind
will easily blow it in a different direction so we decide to launch the rocket at 30 degrees. The result of
launch the rocket at 30 degrees is better than when we launch the rocket at 45 degrees.

Analysis of data
The first 8 time of this experiment is failed because we use the first designed rocket.
The design of the rocket did not follow the aerodynamic theory so it resists the air
flow. And the launcher does not finish yet so we use another thing instead of the
launcher. We also didnt calculate the limiting and excess reagent when we did the
first 8 trials so the amount of vinegar and baking soda is not suitable for each other.
Also the first 8 trial, we did not use the rubber cap to stop the vinegar at the end of
the rocket and we did not use ladies stocking to put the baking soda inside but we
use the tissue to hold baking soda. Tissue cannot hold the baking soda inside and
the vinegar can hardly pass through the tissue to eat with baking soda so we try to
change the material use to keep the baking soda
The next 8 trial, we decided to change the design of our rocket to be like the picture
above. We change a lot of things as we already mentioned in the discussion of
design part. The result of changes is very impressive because it makes the rocket
cover the 20 meters distance. We also change and use the rubber cap to plug the
end of the rocket. This time we use the ladies stocking to carry the baking soda.
When we launch the rocket, we use the angle of 30 degrees because it looks
suitable. But according to the projectile pathway, the most suitable angle should be
45 degrees so we try both 30 degrees and 45 degrees. We can find the most
suitable amount of substance that we will use for the real trial. From the 6 trials, we
found that the most suitable amount of substance is 25 grams of baking soda with
250 ml of vinegar and the most suitable angle is 30 degree.
From the trial number 17-20, our rocket missed the target because of the wind and
sometimes the fuel needs to launch the rocket is not enough so the rocket did not
reach 20 meters. The rocket that can travel 20 meters is not straight to the target.
We also use 30 degrees for the launcher.
For trials number 21-23, our rocket hit the target. The rocket can hit the target
because there is no wind and there is enough fuel for the rocket to launch and hit the

target. We use 250 ml of vinegar with 40 g of baking soda and use 45 degrees of the

Our group, Silver Bullet, had made two rocket and one launcher up for doing the rocket
experiment. We decide our rocket have sharp cone head and have three wings to help the rocket fly
better and reach the target. We also decorating our rocket by spraying a silver color and smear silver
glitter on both the head and the wing. The color of our rocket is the origin of our group name. We made
up two rocket because if one of the two rocket is broken, then there is a substituting one. So, we do not
have to make up the rocket again on the day that we do the experiment because it is waste of time.
However, both of our rocket have broken. It always broke when the rocket was landing after we launch it
in our experiment. This is because our rocket hit and dart on the hard concrete floor. The parts that often
broke were the head(the head is broke out from the rocket or sometimes the sharp part of our head was
dented) and the wings(the wings were broke out from the rocket). Another reason why it is broke is
because the glue didnt stick much. We using the glue gun in sticking. At first, we thought that all the part
will remain on our rocket which our group thought wrong. Therefore, if we need to made the rocket again
next time we need to find the glue that is stickier than the one that we use or we need to add much more
glue. Also, the spray for decorating the rocket was peeled out of our rocket. We suggest that next time,
we need to use the color that will not be abraded easily. All of this is the error in the rocket part. On the
other hand, our launcher also has an error. The error is that out PVC tube for placing the rocket before
depart was broke out from its place. This also because of the glue. The glue wasnt stuck that much
which made the launcher broke. So, we decided that next time we will stick the PVC tube and the wood
of the launcher together by using the screw instead of the glue. This will make our launcher last longer
than on the present one.

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