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Allysa Nguyen

Ms. Shaffer

English 1 GATE

22, February 2017

Verona Magazine - Gossip Column

This just in! New news by the famous, one and only Modern Tongue columnist of Verona

Magazine. Rest thy eyes upon the work in which the modern maiden pastes the insider truth of

all the latest drama within Verona!

Weve all had the family names of both the Montagues and the Capulets pass through our

ears and on this column quite frequently, havent we? Of course, I have taken no side in their

countless affairs and will continue to abstain from doing so. Why, a new reader may ask? I find

life very precious and think my head is better suited on my shoulders rather than down the

excretion canal... Well, onto the richer information! Earlier this week Gregory and Sampson,

servants of the Capulet household, and Abram and Balthasar, servants of the Montague

household, commenced in a sudden brawl over harsh and insulting exchanges of words between

said rivals in the middle of the street! The failed peacemaker Benvolio Montague and hot headed

Tybalt Capulet as well as the Lords and Ladies of both houses were also caught amongst the

ruckus and engaged in battle themselves! Oh the poor Ladies, so earnestly latching onto their

husbands to get them to stop. However, on and on more Capulets, Montagues, and even Citizens

and Peace Officers joined the battle and the once small flame ignited into an entire wildfire! That

is, until Prince Escalus appeared and commanded them to stop at once. His booming,

authoritative voice filled their ears, as well as mine, to order, and I quote, On pain of torture
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from those bloody hands, throw your mistempered weapons to the ground and hear the sentence

of your moved princeBy thee, old Capulet and Montague, have thrice disturbed the quiet of

our streets... If ever you disturb our streets again, your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace.

(1.1.79, 81, 89, 90).

Said peace would have been interrupted again, if not for the cold rejection of beautiful

Rosaline Capulet towards handsome Romeo Montague. From an overheard conversation

between the lovesick Romeo and Benvolio, the poor young man stated, as I quote, Shell not be

hit with Cupids arrow. She hath Dians wit, and, in strong proof of chastity well armed, from

Loves weak childish bow she lives unharmed. (1.1.201-204). And with this, the physical lives

of both families remain unharmed.

The Capulet party ended with good fun filled with the drunken laughter of noblemen and

ladies tired from the nights dancing. The ethereal couple that stood out on that dance floor,

kissing each other gently amongst coy flirtation, was none other than the daughter of Lord

Capulet! With a man, I fail to know the identity of. Perhaps, could this be Romeo? The young

boy was always rumored to be easily swayed by beauty. Juliet Capulet would be the epitome of

Romeo Montagues ideal. It was also overheard by Tybalts heated conversation with Lord

Capulet of a Montague roaming through their party. Tybalt had said, Uncle, this is a Montague,

our foe; a villain that is hither come in spite to scorn at our solemnity this night. (1.3.69-71).

This may be the trigger, a step closer, to the punishment the Prince has mentioned.

This has been Modern Tongue, and I bid you all a good read. Until next time.

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