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Configure authentication with Active Directory - Zimbra :: Tech Center

Configure authentication with Active Directory

1. Zimbra Tech Center
2. Certified
3. Configure authentication with Active Directory

1 Configure authentication with Active Directory
2 Configure authentication with Active Directory
2.1 Purpose
2.2 Resolution
2.2.1 Part 1
2.2.2 Part 2
2.2.3 Part 3
2.3 Additional Content

Configure authentication with Active Directory

- This article is a Work in Progress, and may be unfinished or missing sections.

Configure authentication with Active Directory

In this article we will explore the steps that needs to be taken in order to configure authentication with Active Directory and
Zimbra Collaboration.

The scope of this article is not covering configuring of AD. Check the Additional Content section at the bottom for
instructions on AD installation.


1. For this article we will be using Windows Server 2012. 2. Active Directory configured with couple of users which we will
use to test the configuration (see below).

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Configure authentication with Active Directory - Zimbra :: Tech Center

3. Right click on each user and select Properties. Make sure that each user has User Logon Name configured under the
Account tab.

Part 1

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Configure authentication with Active Directory - Zimbra :: Tech Center

Login to the AdminUI and navigate to the Configuration section.

Click on the Domains on the left side to show the available domains on the right side. Right click the domain you would like
to configure, and select Configure Authentication option.

On the following window select External Active Directory.

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Configure authentication with Active Directory - Zimbra :: Tech Center

Enter the AD domain name and its name/IP.

Leave the next window as it is.

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Configure authentication with Active Directory - Zimbra :: Tech Center

After completing the configuration, you can test if the authentication works on the next window.

Leave the next two windows unchanged.

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Configure authentication with Active Directory - Zimbra :: Tech Center

Part 2

To synchronize Zimbra with Active Directory, we need to create the same account names in Zimbra.

Click on the Home button to get back to the Manage option.

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Configure authentication with Active Directory - Zimbra :: Tech Center

Click on the Manage button to access the user section.

Click on the button top-right and select New, to create new user.

The user that we will create must have the same name as the AD user for which we are creating login. The domain name
should be the one used for zimbra, not the AD.

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Configure authentication with Active Directory - Zimbra :: Tech Center

If we scroll down at the same user creation window, notice that there is no password section. That is because it is taken from

Part 3

Test the configuration.

To test the configuration, we will try to login with the newly created user.

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Configure authentication with Active Directory - Zimbra :: Tech Center

If you can log in, then the configuration has been successful.

Additional Content
Here is a good external article on how to configure AD on Windows Server 2012:

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Categories: ZCS 8.6 ZCS 8.5 Certified WorkInProgress NeedSME

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