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J Am Soc Nephrol 15: 19711973, 2004

Overview: Mechanisms of Hypertension: Cells, Hormones,

and the Kidney
Weill Medical College of Cornell University, Lang Center for Research and Education, New York Hospital
Queens, New York.

Hypertension is the most ogy of elevated BP in individual patients. Recent advances in

prevalent treatable risk factor our knowledge of monogenic, inherited forms of hypertension
for stroke, coronary artery dis- have provided a glimpse into the future when it may be
ease, and renal disease. Inade- possible to identify the specific genes, hormonal pathways,
quately treated hypertension is cellular events, and environmental factors that contribute to
also a significant risk factor for elevated BP in the individual patient.
dementia. Despite the over- Frontiers in Nephrology in this issue of JASN focuses on
whelming evidence for the ad- mechanisms involved in hypertension. Each manuscript ad-
verse effects of hypertension on dresses an important area of research that has advanced our
health and the availability of knowledge of the understanding of the pathogenesis of ele-
effective therapy to treat hyper- vated BP. Moreover, these investigations highlight several
tension, large population sur- exciting possibilities for innovative and mechanistic-based
veys demonstrate that BP is ad- treatment of hypertension that have the potential to improve
equately controlled in only our management of this important risk factor.
Phyllis August, MD, MPH 34% of hypertensives (1). Freel and Connells article focuses on aldosterone, one of
Weill Medical College of
There are many reasons for our the most interesting and important hormonal systems involved
Cornell University, Lang
failure to successfully lower BP in sodium balance and BP. They provide a comprehensive
Center for Research and
Education, New York Hospital in all patients. One concern is review of the role of aldosterone and cortisol in hypertensive
Queens, New York that some patients are reluctant disorders, and they advance an innovative hypothesis implicat-
to take the several pills daily ing excess aldosterone production, driven by ACTH, in the
required to normalize BP in pathogenesis of essential hypertension in subgroups of low-
most individuals with greater than stage 1 hypertension. Treat- renin hypertension. There is renewed interest in the role of
ment algorithms based on current national guidelines tend to aldosterone due in part to recent studies suggesting that hyper-
endorse a strategy that derives from evidence-based literature, tension resulting from excess aldosterone (identified by an
demonstrating that certain drugs (e.g., diuretics) are associated elevated aldosterone renin ratio [ARR]) is more common than
with reductions in important clinical outcomes such as MI, previously thought (2). Another reason for renewed interest in
stroke, and death (1). Current guidelines do not recommend aldosterone is the recognition that its fibrogenic actions con-
treatment strategies on the basis of a mechanistic assessment of tribute to the progression of renal disease, cardiac fibrosis, and
elevated BP in individual patients because clinical trial data possibly vascular remodeling (3).
supporting such an approach are limited. Better approaches to Considerable efforts have been made over the years to identify
individualizing antihypertensive therapy to achieve optimal a more prominent role for adrenal hormones in essential hyper-
clinical outcomes and optimal patient adherence are needed. tension. Abnormalities of the adrenal cortex including hyperplasia
Fifty million Americans have hypertension, and at least 90% and increased production of various adrenal steroids have been
are believed to have essential hypertension, defined as hyper- suggested to play a role in some cases of essential hypertension.
tension without a known cause. This terminology underscores Identification of the molecular basis for glucocorticoid remediable
the limitations of our knowledge regarding the pathophysiol- aldosteronism (4) and 11- hydroxylase deficiency (5), both rare
monogenic hypertensive syndromes, lend support to the notion
that the adrenal cortex may be pathogenetically involved in sub-
Correspondence to Dr. Phyllis August, Weill Medical College of Cornell
groups of essential hypertension.
University, Lang Center for Research and Education, New York Hospital
Queens, 525 East 68th St, New York, NY 10021. Phone: 212-746-2210; Fax: Primary aldosteronism, due to a solitary functioning adenoma,
212-746-8277; E-mail: and bilateral adrenal hyperplasia are well-recognized causes of
1046-6673/1508-1971 secondary hypertension. The principle hormonal features are sup-
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology pressed renin and augmented aldosterone secretion. Several in-
Copyright 2004 by the American Society of Nephrology vestigators have proposed the notion that patients with low-renin
DOI: 10.1097/01.ASN.0000133197.23478.76 essential hypertension may represent one end of this spectrum of
1972 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 15: 19711973, 2004

hypertensive syndromes of altered regulation of renin and aldo- Endothelial dysfunction may be directly responsible for el-
sterone characterized by suppressed renin and inappropriate aldo- evated BP itself, as well as for the long-term untoward vascular
sterone secretion. In support of this hypothesis are the observa- consequences of hypertension, particularly atherosclerosis.
tions that adrenal hyperplasia has been demonstrated in patients Rather than being unique to a specific type of hypertension, it
with low-renin essential hypertension and that, in some patients represents a final common pathway of injury in all hyperten-
with presumed solitary functioning adenomas, more careful sive conditions. Understanding the mechanisms involved in
pathologic examination of the adrenal gland demonstrates hyper- endothelial dysfunction, developing the technology to monitor
plasia, suggesting that a solitary adenoma may arise in an already endothelial function in a clinical setting and tailoring therapy to
abnormal gland (6,7). target specific aspects of endothelial dysfunction represent
Freel and Connell discuss a possible genetic basis and a important challenges with the potential to have a significant
mechanism for a subgroup of patients with low-renin essential benefit for patients with all forms of vascular disease.
hypertension and an elevated ARR. They summarize studies of Textors article on ischemic nephropathy underscores the
polymorphisms in the CYP11B2 gene, which codes aldoste- challenges and the advantages of a mechanistic approach to
rone synthase, and they suggest that these polymorphisms may diagnosis and treatment of hypertension, in this case renovas-
play a role in the pathophysiology of hypertension character- cular hypertension. True renovascular hypertension is charac-
ized by an elevated ARR. Interestingly, they report that these terized by hypertension that is a direct consequence of reduced
polymorphisms are also associated with elevated basal and renal perfusion, usually due to an obstructive lesion of one or
ACTH-stimulated levels of the 11-deoxysteroids, DOC, and more major renal arteries. The result is activation of the renin-
deoxycortisol. They hypothesize that the genetic polymor- angiotensin system and hypertension. When renal excretory
phism in the promoter region of CYP11B2 is in close linkage capacity is compromised, for example, with a solitary kidney,
disequilibrium with a locus in CYP11B1, which results in or with intrinsic parenchymal renal disease, there may be
increased levels of 11 deoxysteroids. Their theory is that 11- considerable sodium retention that may also contribute to ele-
hydroxylation is impaired, leading to increases in DOC and 11 vated BP. Renovascular hypertension, by definition, will im-
deoxycortisol and slight reductions in cortisol. This in turn prove, after successful revascularization, provided there are no
leads to increases in ACTH-driven zona glomerulosa hyper- intervening complications of the procedure. The potential for
plasia and enhanced aldosterone secretion in response to other cure, or dramatic improvement, is a strong incentive for iden-
more conventional stimuli such as angiotensin II or potassium. tification of patients with true renovascular hypertension; how-
This hypothesis is provocative and lends itself to further in- ever, more recent clinical trials have demonstrated that with
vestigation. It is also important because it broadens our per- currently available antihypertensive agents, BP may be satis-
spective of essential hypertension and proposes a more mech- factorily controlled without an invasive procedure (8). Textor
anistic approach to pathogenesis and certainly treatment. Both discusses the complex clinical condition referred to as ischemic
spironolactone and the newer selective aldosterone receptor nephropathy, defined as renal dysfunction in association with
antagonist eplerenone offer targeted approaches to therapy of obstructive renal artery lesions. The pathophysiology of isch-
aldosterone driven hypertension. emic nephropathy is not well understood, and it is likely that
Endemann and Schiffrens article on endothelial dysfunction prolonged or repetitive ischemic episodes are only one com-
addresses a structural as well as a functional dimension of the ponent. This is underscored by the important observation that
hypertensive disease process. Their comprehensive review of en- young individuals with fibromuscular disease, and significant
dothelial dysfunction highlights an important pathway in the de- renovascular hypertension almost never have clinically detect-
velopment of hypertension as well as in the progression of target able renal dysfunction. Identifying older patients with athero-
organ damage. Endothelial cell dysfunction is characterized by sclerotic renovascular disease and renal functional impairment
reduced vasodilation, oxidative excess, increased inflammation, that may improve after revascularization is a major challenge.
and thrombosis. Endemann and Schiffrin discuss the complex Renovascular revascularization is associated with morbidity,
interrelationships involved in these processes. They review the patients often have serious comorbid illness, and available
role of reactive oxidant species in nitric oxide production, leading clinical trials have reported less than dramatic rates of signif-
to exaggeration of oxidant excess and increased generation of icant improvement in renal function (9). Textor emphasizes the
inflammatory mediators such as VCAM-1, ICAM-1, and MCP-1. need for better clinical trials to more precisely define the role
They discuss the significance of asymmetric dimethylarginine of renal artery revascularization as well as aggressive medical
(ADMA), a competitive inhibitor of eNOS that has been linked to management with particular attention to lipid lowering, hyper-
endothelial dysfunction. Plasma ADMA levels have been mea- tension control, and reduction of inflammation. Until such
sured in a variety of clinical conditions, such as renal failure, trials have been conducted, the clinician is challenged when
hypercholesterolemia, hyperhomocystemia, and hypertension, forced to decide whether revascularization (either angioplasty
and may turn out to be a useful marker of vascular dysfunction. or surgery) is appropriate treatment.
With respect to treatment, Endemann and Schiffren discuss the The articles that comprise this installment of Frontiers in
benefits of treatment directed at endothelial dysfunction, such as Nephrology represent a comprehensive review of exciting di-
L-arginine, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) and rections being pursued to improve our understanding of mech-
angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB), statins, and peroxisome anisms involved in hypertension. The therapeutic benefits of
proliferator-activated receptor activators alpha and gamma. this approach are apparent. Freel and Connels article high-
J Am Soc Nephrol 15: 19711973, 2004 Mechanisms of Hypertension 1973

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4. Lifton RP, Dluhy RG, Powers M, Rich GM, Gutkin M, Fallo F,
medications that interrupt the renin angiotensin system. Ende-
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mann and Schiffren discuss the potential for targeting endo-
ta]-hydroxylase/aldosterone synthase gene causes glucocorti-
thelial dysfunction in the treatment of hypertension and its coid-remediable aldosteronism and human hypertension. Nature
complications. Continued emphasis on understanding mecha- 355: 262265, 1992
nisms will hopefully lead to optimal BP control in all patients 5. White PC. Steroid 11beta-hydroxylase deficiency and related
with hypertension. disorders. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am 30: 6179, vi, 2001
6. Sokolova RI, Volkov VI, Bulkina OS, Zhdanov VS. Hyperplastic
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