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Intro: Hypertension is high blood pressure (160/100 mmHg). Normal blood pressure is less than or equal
to 120/80mm Hg. Hypertension can cause artery lining damage, coronary artery disease, heart failure,
enlarged left heart, stroke, kidney failure, nerve damage, vision problems and bone loss. A proper
balanced nutritional diet based on DASH guidelines is important in treating this condition with emphasis
on decreased fats, saturated fat, added sugars, cholesterol, low sodium and increasing Calcium and

Breakfast: Quinoa: Vitamin B9 (folate): amino acid synthesis; homocysteine

metabolism; prevents neural tube defects, anencephaly and spina
Quinoa Breakfast bifida Egg white, Avocado: Pantothenic acid (Vit B5): synthesizes
bowl fatty acids and conversion to energy; converts pyruvate to acetyl CoA;
converts amino acids to substrates for TCA cycle; synthesis of
cholesterol, steroid hormones; and Acetylcholine (neurotransmitter).
Lipids: insulation, steroids and bile, storage and energy, transporting
fat-soluble nutrients, sex hormones, structure of cell membranes,
neuron coverings. Corn: Vitamin B7(Biotin): synthesis of fatty acid
and amino acids; DNA replication and transcription of genes; hair and
nails health; maintaining cognitive function. Chia seeds: Selenium:
regulates thyroid hormones; protects cells from free radical damage

Lunch: Mushrooms: Vitamin B2: accepts hydrogen ions; transports

electrons to the ETC to make ATP; enhances the function of other B
Lentil Soup Vitamins Beets: Phytonutrients: antioxidants-neutralize free radicals
and counteract the oxidation. Tomatoes: Vitamin C: antioxidants-
neutralize free radicals and counteract the oxidation, bone health,
collagen synthesis, immune function- promotes white blood cell
synthesis, enhanced non-heme iron absorption from plant, helps
conversion of tryptophan and tyrosine to neurotransmitters, aids
synthesis of thyroxine Tofu: Calcium: build strong bones and teeth;
muscle contractions; nerve transmission; blood vessel dilation and
contraction; blood clotting. Vitamin B12 (cobalamin): blood clotting
and cell (mostly red blood cell) synthesis; catabolism of amino acid;
protein metabolism and synthesis; converts homocysteine to
methionine for Krebs cycle; activates folate; maintains myelin sheath
of nerve tissue Kale: Vitamin K: blood clotting and red blood cell
synthesis, bone health; carboxylation of other proteins Peas: Vitamin
B1: produce ATP from carbohydrate metabolism; breaks down
pyruvate into acetyl CoA; makes pentose used to synthesize DNA and
RNA; transmission of nerve impulses Spinach: Iron participates in
oxidation; component hemoglobin and myoglobin- transportation of O2
and CO2, participates in energy metabolism; production of
lymphocytes, and macrophages; protects from free radical damage;
needed for brain function; production of neurotransmitters.
Manganese: cofactor for metalloenzymes; metabolism of
carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids; formation of bone matrix and
cartilage Potatoes: Chromium: increases insulin effectiveness in
cells; improve blood glucose levels Lentils: Molybdenum:
metabolism of amino acid; involved in oxidation-reduction reactions
Copper: apart of electron transport chain and some enzymes and
proteins; minimize free radical damage; attaches collagen and elastin
in connective tissue; blood clotting; immune health; synthesizes
Dinner: Plum Tomatoes: Chlorine part of cell membrane; liver metabolism;
precursor to acetylcholine(neurotransmitter); nerve transmission; lipid
Chicken and Sun- transport; fetal development; assist in the removal of CO2 from blood;
Dried Tomato Orzo maintains pH; digestion as HCl in the stomach
Sun-Dried Tomatoes: Vitamin B3(niacin): energy production; skin
cell and digestive system healthy; lowers total cholesterol and
triglycerides in blood; raises HDL cholesterol
Chicken Breasts: Protein: structural support; movement; enzymes to
speed up of reactions; chemical messenger (hormones) regulate cell
action; fluid balance; acid base balance; transport; immune system;
energy; satiety; appetite regulation Vitamin B6: blood clotting and red
blood synthesis; protein metabolism and synthesis; glycogenolysis;
gluconeogenesis; makes hemoglobin; immune and nervous system
health; reduces nausea and vomiting
Orzo: Carbohydrates: serve as the primary source of energy in the
body. Artichoke Hearts: Sodium: fluid balance; transmits nerve
impulses; muscle contractions

Snack: Hummus: Iodine: essential for thyroid hormones; regulate metabolic

rate; reproduction and energy production in TCA cycle; nerve, muscle
Organic Hummus and heart function. Carrots:beta-carotene (Vit A): bone health;
with broccoli, celery, growth and reproduction; immune function; vision function; protein
raw carrots, synthesis; cell formation. Soluble Fiber- lowers cholesterol and LDL;
cucumber and raw lower blood glucose; appetite control. Insoluble Fiber- increases stool
sliced orange. bulk; relieves constipation; removes toxic waste. Broccoli: Vit E:
antioxidants- neutralize free radicals; counteract the oxidation of LDL
cholesterol; anticoagulant. Sulfur: part of amino acid methionine and
cysteine to make protein. Cucumber: Fluorine: fluorapatite for
healthy teeth; increases bone mineral density Bananas: Potassium:
fluid and blood pH balance; muscle contractions; nerve impulse
conduction; lowers blood pressure; causes kidneys to excrete excess
sodium; preserves calcium and phosphorus in bones; reduces kidney
stones. Cashews: Phosphorus: formation of bones and teeth; part of
the phospholipids in cell membrane; ATP and creatine phosphate;
buffer in acid-base balance; apart of DNA/RNA. Magnesium:
metabolism; synthesis of DNA/RNA and certain proteins; bone
metabolism; cell synthesis; muscles and nerves function; lowers blood
pressure. Zinc:wound healing; DNA/RNA synthesis; turns genes on
and off; immune system health; improves taste perception

Organic raw yellow

banana, and
unsalted Almonds,
Hazelnuts, Cashews,
dried cranberries

Beverages: Water: acid-base balance; polarity attracts charged particles into the
solution that dissolves proteins, glucose, and minerals; digestion;
Water transport dissolved nutrients, oxygen, hormones, and waste products;
body temp; lubricant and protection for joints, eye proteins tissues,
mouth and intestinal tract, cushion for organs, and fetus in the uterus;
structure to the cells; hydrolysis and condensation reaction. Fat free
milk: Vitamin D bone health- stimulates intestinal calcium and
phosphorus absorption; maintains healthy ration of calcium and
phosphorus in blood; controls osteoblasts and osteoclasts (bone
cells); growth and reproduction; immune function.

Fat free milk

eText Mastering Nutrition Chapters 1-20
Powerpoints from Chapters 9-13 Blackboard

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