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From 3 Chapter 7

Electricity and Magnesium

7.1 Understanding electrostatic
1. Underline the correct answer below to describe what electrostatics is.

(Electrostatic / Electricity) is the study of static electrical charges.

2. Underline the correct answer below to state the types of static electrical charges
a. Objects with the same type of charges (repel / attract) each other.

b. Objects with different types of charges (attract / repel) each other.

3. Underline the correct answer below to state the properties of static electrical charges.
a. A positively-charged object has more (protons / electrons) than
(protons / electrons).
b. A negatively-charged object has more (protons / electrons) than
(protons / electrons).
c. A (positively charge / neutral) object has the same number of protons and
4. a. Underline the correct answer below to describe ways to detect static electrical

The gold leaf of an (electroscope / microscope) will (diverge / collapse) when a

charged object is brought near the metal plate.

b. Tick the correct boxes below to show what happens to the gold leaf of an
electroscope in the following situations.

b. Positively-charged electroscope

Effect on gold leaf

Metal plate of electroscope Metal plate of electroscope


a. No change
Uncharged electroscope

Effect on gold leaf

No change
c. Negative-charged electroscope d. Uncharged electroscope and
uncharged rod

Metal plate of electroscope Effect on gold leaf

Effect on gold leaf
Metal plate of electroscope
From 3 Chapter 7
Diverges Diverges
No change No change
f. Uncharged electroscope and
negatively-charged rod

Metal plate of electroscope Effect on gold leaf

Metal plate of electroscope
Uncharged electroscope and No change
positively-charged rod

Effect on gold leaf

No change

5. Underline the correct answer below to explain some examples of everyday phenomena
caused by static electrical charges.
a. Lightning occurs when the (electrons / protons) that collect at the bottom of the
cloud move to the (positively / neutral) charged areas of nearby clouds.
b. Lightning also occurs when sparks (jump / stay stationary) between the clouds
and the Earths surface.

6. Underline the correct answer below to state the safety measure to be taken when
dealing with static electricity.
a. Tall buildings usually have (lightning conductors / lightning insulators) installed to
prevent damage during lightning strike.
b. A lightning conductors consists of a thick (copper /plastic) strip which is
connected to a piece of copper buried in the ground.
c. When lightning strikes a tall building directly, the (electrons / protons) will flow
down to the ground through the (lightning conductors / lightning insulators)

7.2 Understanding electricity

1. The diagram below show two sources of electrical energy.
Name these sources of electrical energy using the words given.

Lead-acid accumulator Dry cells

a. b.
From 3 Chapter 7

2. Underline the correct answer in the statement below to state what electricity is.

Electricity energy is the flow of electrical charges or (electrons / neutrons) in one


3. Underline the correct answer in the statement below to state what is voltage and

a. Voltage is the energy required to move electrical charges or (electrons / neutrons)

from one point to another.
b. Resistance of a conductor (opposes / does not oppose) the flow of electrical charges
through it.

4. Label the diagram to show the directions of current and electron flow in an electric
circuit using the words below.

Electron flow Current flow


7.3 Applying The Understanding Of Measuring Electricity

1. The diagram below shows an instrument and the circuit symbol to measure current.

From 3 Chapter 7

Name this instrument: ________________

2. The diagram below shows an instrument and the circuit symbol to measure voltage.

Name this instrument: _____________

Underline the correct answer in question 3 and 4 below.

3. The unit for measuring current is (volt / ampere).

4. The unit for measuring voltage is (volt / ampere).

5. The diagram below shows a resistor in a circuit.

Name the unit for measuring resistance: _______ or

1. The diagram below shows the reading of 0.72A on an ammeter.

From 3 Chapter 7

Measure the current from the ammeters below.

a) Current = ______ A b) Current = ______ A c) Current = ______ A

2. The diagram below shows the reading of 4.5V on a voltmeter.

Measure the voltage from the voltmeters below.

a) Voltage = _____ V b) Voltage = _____ V c) Voltage = _____ V

From 3 Chapter 7

7.4 Synthesising the relationship between current, voltage and resistance

1. The table below shows the result of an experiment to determine the effects of the
changes in resistance on current.

Resistance () Ammeter reading (A) Brightness of bulb

1 5.00 A Very bright
the 2 2.50 A Bright following
questions 5 1.00 A Dim based on
the 10 0.50 A Very Dim results
a. What is the ammeter reading when the resistance is at 1 ? _____________

b. What is the ammeter reading when the resistance is at 10 ? _____________

c. What is the brightness of the bulb when the resistance is at 10 ? ______________

d. Underline the correct answer based on the result above.

i. As the resistance in the circuit increases, the brightness of the bulb

(increases / decreases)
ii. As the resistance in the circuit increases, the ammeter reading becomes
(smaller / larger)

2. Underline the correct answer below to show the effects of the change in resistance on
current in the experiment above.
The current that flows in a circuit (increase / decreases) when the resistance in the
circuit is increased.

3. The table below shows the result of an experiment to determine the effects of the
changes in voltage on current.

Number of dry cells Voltmeter reading (V) Ammeter reading (A) /I = R
1 1.0 0.5 2
2 2.0 1.0 2
3 3.0 1.5 2
4 4.0 2.0 2
Underline the correct answer below to show the relationship between the voltage
and the current in this experiment.
From 3 Chapter 7
As the voltage increases, the current flowing through a conductor
(increases / decreases)

4. Underline the correct answer in the statement below that represents Ohms Law.

Current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage if the

resistance (R) is (constant / not constant).

7.5 Synthesising the concept of parallel and series circuit

1. Label the diagram below to identify the components of an electric circuit and their
symbols using the words given.

Bulb Voltmeter Switch Earth Connection

Dry cell Ammeter

1. 2._ 3._

4. 5._ 6._

Resistor Galvanometer
7. 8._ 9._

Resistor Rheostat
10. 11._ 12._


2. Draw a complete circuit, using the following components in the diagram below.

From 3 Chapter 7

switch bulb voltmeter ammeter dry cell

dry cell

switch voltmeter

ammeter bulb

*A complete circuit is a closed circuit.

From 3 Chapter 7

*An incomplete circuit is an open circuit.

3. Draw a series circuit on the dotted line using all the components below.

switch bulb bulb ammeter dry cell

4. Draw a parallel circuit on the dotted line using all the components below.

From 3 Chapter 7

5. Compare and contrast the arrangement of components in a series circuit and a parallel
Underline the correct answer below.

Series circuit Similarities Parallel circuit

The dry cells supplies the current

The switch controls the flow of current


One the (same / two or more) Arrangement of On the (same /two or more)
path components path

7.6 Analysing current, voltage and resistance in a series circuit

1. The diagram below shows the amount of current flowing through the components in a
series circuit.

Based on the diagram, underline the correct answer in the statement below.

The amount of current flowing in a series circuit is the (same / different) at any point.

2. The diagram below shows the voltages across the components in series circuit

From 3 Chapter 7

Based on the diagram, underline the correct answer in the statement below.

The sum of the voltage that flows across the components in a series circuit
(equals /does not equal) to the voltage of the battery.

3. The table below show the result of an experiment.

Bulbs in a series circuit Brightness

Very bright


Very dim

Based on the result in the table above, underline the correct answer to describe
resistance in a series circuit.

The more resistance added in a series circuit, the amount of current flowing will
(decrease / increase) because resistance opposes the flow of current.

4. Write True (T) or False (F) for the following advantages and disadvantages of a series

From 3 Chapter 7
a. Only one is needed to control all electric appliances in a series circuit.

b. The current in a series circuit will increase if the number of dry cells
connected in series is increased.

c. If one bulb blows, the other bulbs will light up in the series circuit.

d. The voltage supplied by dry cells is shared equally among all the bulbs in
the series circuit.

e. If more bulbs are added in a series circuit, the voltage across each bulb
will decrease.

f. If more bulbs are added in a series circuit, the brightness of

the bulbs will decrease

1.7 Analysing current, voltage and resistance in a parallel circuit

1. The diagram below shows the amount of current flowing through the components in a
parallel circuit.

Based on the diagram, underline the correct answer in the statement below.

The total current flowing in the circuit is (equals / does not equal) to the sum of the
current passing through each bulbs.

2. The diagram below shows the voltages across the components in parallel circuit.

From 3 Chapter 7

Based on the diagram, underline the correct answer in the statement below.

The voltage that flows across each component in a parallel circuit is

(the same /not the same) as the voltage of the battery.

3. Underline the correct answer to describe resistance in a parallel circuit.

When more resistance is added in a parallel circuit, the voltage

(remains the same / decreases) and the total current flowing in the circuit is
(equals / does not equal) to the sum of the current passing through each bulbs.

4. Underline the answer in the statements below to explain the advantage and
disadvantage of a parallel circuit

a. Parallel circuits (allows / does not allow) other components to be functional when one
component is switch off or burnt out.
b. Parallel circuit (allows / does not allow) more components to be added in parallel
without the need for more voltage.

5. Complete the diagram below to compare and contrast a series circuit and a parallel
circuit in terms of current, voltage and resistance using the formula given.

V = V1 + V2 V = V1 = V2
I = I1 + I 2 I = I1 = I 2

Series Circuit Parallel Circuit

From 3 Chapter 7

Total voltage

Total current

1.8 Understanding magnetism

1. The diagram shows a bar magnet with several compass placed at different positions
around it.
Draw ( ) on all the compasses to show the directions of the magnetic field


2. Underline the correct answer to relate the magnetic field lines and the strength to the
magnetic field.
a. The magnetic field is strongest at the (middle / end).
b. The closer the magnetic field line, the (stronger / weaker) the magnet.
c. The magnetic field always point from the (north / south) pole to the (north /
south) pole.
d. The direction of a magnetic field can be detected by using a
(compass / stop watch )
3. Complete the statement to explain the use of a magnet in a compass using the words

magnetic field North-South

A magnetic compass works because the earth is surrounded by a large

___________________________. This magnetic field causes the needle of the
magnetic compass to rest in the _____________________ position.

4. Underline the correct answer below to describe what a magnetic field is.

From 3 Chapter 7

A magnetic field is the space around a (magnet / current) under the influence of a

N 5. The diagram below shows iron filings being sprinkled onto a piece of sheet glass

(Iron filing are sprinkled over)

(Sheet glass)

(Bar magnet beneath)

a. Draw the pattern to show the direction of the magnetic field formed by the
iron filing below.

1.9 Understanding electro-magnetism

1. The diagram below shows an experiment to relate the current flow through a conductor
with magnetism

Copper wire




From 3 Chapter 7

a. Draw arrows ( ) at P, Q, R and S to show the direction of the magnetic field line
around the copper wire.

b. Draw the pattern of magnetic field line in the box given.

2. Underline the correct answer to describe what an electromagnet is.

An electromagnet is a magnet when a (current / resistance) flow through the coil of



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