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Losing Fragments with

Communion in the Hand:

Estimating the Problem with Unconsecrated Hosts
by Father X The Communion of Saint Jerome

Ut autem impleti sunt, dixit discipulis suis: Colligite of particles clearly visible on the gloves prompted
qu superaverunt fragmenta, ne pereant. numerous comments questioning the prudence of the
(And when they were filled, He said to his disciples: gather up the fragments that practice of Communion in the hand. Objections to the
remain, lest they be lost.) John 6,12 experiments, such as the suitability of felt gloves, or
of gloves in general, were raised, and the number of
hile there is considerable concern

counts ranged from reporting the results from only a
about losing fragments of the Eucha- single incident to a trial of three instances. Hence, it
rist after receiving Communion in the was thought that a more rigorous scientific study, using
hand, there is little data regarding the conditions approximating more closely the actual recep-
scope of this problem. I conducted a tion of Communion in the hand, and a higher number
study with two types of unconsecrated hosts to estimate of observations to give a better estimate of the problem
the average number of visible fragments after Com- would be of use to the entire Church.
munion in the hand. Receiving and handling 13/8" round Here I report the results of 200 instances approach-
whole wheat altar breads was associated with at least ing as nearly as possible the reception of Communion
one fragment in 70 of 100 cases, with an average num- in the hand; unconsecrated hosts were, of course, used.
ber of particles of 1.18. Receiving and handling pieces One hundred trials were made using small, round hosts,
derived from large 5" large whole wheat altar breads and another 100 trials were made using the pieces from
with impressed lines for easy breaking was associated large hosts, manufactured with impressed lines so that
with at least one fragment in 100 of 100 cases, with they can be broken easily into 24 parts. Both kinds
an average number of particles of 2.94. I conclude that of host are commonly used in parishes in the United
Communion in the hand is likely to be associated with a States.
substantial loss of fragments. Therefore, Communion on For the purposes of this study, only particles visible
the tongue, which is devoid of this risk, should be con- to the naked eye are reported; such particles must be
sidered. I also briefly discuss the potential for infection safeguarded if real sacrilege is to be avoided. I believe
with Communion in the hand. this criterion would certainly be required for a reason-
In March 2009, two experiments involving unconse- able reverence for the Mystery of Transubstantiation;
crated hosts placed on black gloves were reported on the one which seeks to balance the care and attention due
blog What Does the Prayer Really Say.1,2 The number Our Lord most truly present in even the smallest par-

Fall 2009 27
Losing Fragments with Communion in the Hand: Estimating the Problem with Unconsecrated Hosts

ticle of the Most Blessed Table 1. Frequencies of number of particles detected after receiving unconsecrated vations were made under
round 13/8 hosts in the hand. The total number of trials was 100. The total number
Sacrament, while at the of particles observed was 118.
bright lighting conditions.
same time avoiding the The person distributing,
pitfalls of scrupulosity.3 the person receiving, and
a third observer came to a
Methods consensus regarding if and
One hundred 13/8" round how many particles were
whole wheat altar breads present, and the results
(Group A), and 100 pieces were recorded. To ensure
from five 5" large whole accuracy, when particles
wheat altar breads with were observed on the palm
impressed lines for easy or the thumb or index
breaking into 24 pieces finger, they were then
(Group B) were prepared in two brushed onto a black cloth and
separate bowls. All altar breads their presence confirmed. This
were produced by the Cavanagh procedure was then repeated for
Company (Greenville, Rhode all of the altar breads in Group A
Island), which, according to the and Group B. Please note that it
companys website, provides 85 is to be presumed that the person
percent of the altar breads in the distributing the altar bread would
USA and Canada.4 Given the basic not lose particles, since his fin-
recipe and modern manufactur- gers should be properly purified
ing techniques, I expect the results Figure 1. Histogram for the results using unconsecrated round after distribution was complete if
13/8 hosts (Group A).
obtained in this study to be repre- he had actually been distributing
sentative of the results that would Holy Communion. For some of
be found with other brands of altar the observations digital photo-
breads. The hands of the person graphs were taken (Canon Pow-
distributing the altar bread and erShot S5 IS Digital camera - 8
the hands of the person receiving Megapixel).
the altar bread were thoroughly
washed, dried, and examined to Results
ensure no stray objects were pres- For Group A, results are shown in
ent which could be mistaken for Table 1 and Figure 1. The num-
particles. A piece of black cloth ber of particles left on the palm,
was prepared, so that any particle Figure 2. Two macroscopic particles after receiving and handling thumb or index finger of the per-
could be brushed onto the cloth an unconsecrated round 13/8 host (Group A). son receiving the altar bread from
from the palm or fingers of the Group A ranged from zero to five,
person receiving the altar bread with an average of 1.18 (median:
for easier confirmation of its pres- 1) particles. At least one particle
ence. was observed in 70% of instances.
Next, the person distributing Figure 2 and Figure 3 show pho-
the altar bread placed one uncon- tographs of particles remaining
secrated host on the palm of the on the palm after two instances of
person receiving the altar bread. receiving a host from Group A.
The person receiving the altar For Group B, results are shown
bread picked up the unconsecrated in Table 2 and Figure 4. The num-
host from the palm of his hand and ber of particles left on the palm,
placed the unconsecrated host in thumb or index finger observed
a pile to be discarded. Then, the for Group B ranged from one
palm, thumb and index finger of Figure 3. Two macroscopic particles after receiving and handling to nine, with an average of 2.94
an unconsecrated round 13/8 host (Group A).
the person receiving the altar bread (median: 2.5). It should be noted
were examined for particles. Obser- that in 100% of instances there

28 Fall 2009
Losing Fragments with Communion in the Hand: Estimating the Problem with Unconsecrated Hosts

was at least one particle Table 2. Frequencies of number of particles detected after receiving unconsecrated possible sources of hand
hosts derived from larger altar breads in the hand. The total number of trials was 100.
observed for this group. The total number of particles observed was 294.
contamination, so that
the communicants hands
Discussion are potentially covered
I report that after approxi- with viruses when they
mating Communion in the receive Communion in
hand with unconsecrated the hand. Thus, recom-
hosts, microscopic frag- mending this mode for
ments on the hand could infection control may
be detected in 70% of be well-intentioned but
observations with small, appears counter-intuitive
round hosts, and in 100% and potentially counter-
of observations with hosts productive.
obtained from large hosts
with impressed lines. These Conclusions
results are far from surpris- Based on my findings,
ing and are consistent with I recommend receiv-
what can be observed by ing Communion on the
anyone who has been involved tongue. Those who receive Com-
with the purification of fingers or munion in the hand should check
the sacred vessels after distribut- diligently their palms, thumbs and
ing Holy Communion. Since the index fingers for particles and
accidents, i.e. the physical proper- consume those particles. In times
ties, of bread remain after Tran- of epidemic, one should consider
substantiation, the results of this Spiritual Communion if one is at
study should be identical to what high-risk of developing complica-
one would observe for the actual tions with infection.
reception of Communion in the Finally, given that the practice
hand. Figure 4. Histogram for the results using unconsecrated pieces of Communion in the hand, as this
obtained from large 5 whole wheat altar breads (Group B).
At Mass, it is seldom observed study suggests, does not ad-
that communicants, after receiving equately safeguard the Eucharist, it
the Eucharist in the hand, check their palm, thumb and may be prudent for those in authority in the Church to
index finger for particles of the Sacred Host. Given re-evaluate whether Communion on the tongue should
the findings of this study, it can therefore be assumed again become the norm of receiving Our Lord in the
that a substantial number of particles fall to the floor Eucharist. This is especially the case as no extenuat-
and are lost as a direct result of the practice of receiv- ing circumstances that would justify taking such a risk
ing Communion in the hand. appear to be present.
Importantly, with Communion on the tongue an al-
ternative is available which does not endanger parti- Notes
1. Father John Zuhlsdorf, What Does the Prayer Really Say, Poll: Communion in
cles of the host. Of note, in the name of preventing the the Hand. March 15, 2009,
spread of infectious diseases, most recently the H1N1 nion-in-the-hand/ (accessed August 23, 2009).
influenza strain, some Bishops in the United States 2. Father John Zuhlsdorf, What Does the Prayer Really Say, Hand in Glove 02
Another Communion in the Hand Experiment. March 17, 2009, http://wdtprs.
have been promoting the practice of Communion in the com/blog/2009/03/hand-in-glove-02-another-communion-in-the-
hand over Communion on the tongue. This is surpris- hand-experiment/ (accessed August 23, 2009).
ing, since, to the best of my knowledge, no scientific 3. J.B. OConnell, The Celebration of Mass (Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing
Company, 1964), pp 185, 289-292.
study has linked the practice of receiving Communion
4. The Cavanagh Company.
on the tongue with a higher risk of infection. In fact, vanagh-History.html (accessed August 23, 2009).
the opposite may be true. If Communion is distributed
on the tongue properly, there should be no contact
between the Priests fingers and saliva from the tongue
of the recipient. In contrast, touching a church door Father X is a Priest and former chemist who lives and works
handle, pew, or hymnal and shaking hands are all in both Europe and the United States.

Fall 2009 29

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