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5. Explain the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.

The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation describes the behavior of weak acids &

buffers. Its general equation is as follows: It is valid when the acid and
conjugate base are in equilibrium. Notably, when an acid is exactly half-neutralized,
[A] = [HA]. A change in pH by one unit relative the the acid dissociation constant
(pKa) reflects a change in the ratio by factors of 10.

It could be used to calculate how the changes in CO 2 and HCO3- affect blood

pH. The equation is as follows: The equation shows that the amount
of CO2 is determined from the partial pressure of CO 2 (PCO2) and its solubility ().
pK is the negative logarithm of the overall dissociation constant for the reaction
and has a value of 6.1 for plasma at 37 C, same as the pK (6.1) of the bicarbonate
buffer system.

Figure X. Acid-base balance in the body

Acid-base balance is vital as the lack of it could cause disorders. Metabolic
acidosis occurs when there an excess of H+ over HCO 3- occurs in the tubular fluid
because of decrease filtration of HCO3- while metabolic alkalosis is caused by the
decreased H+ concentration because of reduced H+ secretion. On the other hand,
respiratory acidosis is caused by excess H+ in the tubular fluid is due to the rise of
ECF PCO2 and respiratory alkalosis occurs when there is a decrease in PCO 2 caused
by hyperventilation. Metabolic disorders are compensated by respiratory
mechanisms such as changes in ventilation while respiratory disorders are
compensated by metabolic mechanisms such as the buffer systems of the body
fluids and changes in ion secretion by the kidneys.

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