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Stage One: Desired Results Stage Two: Assessment Evidence

How can I make sure I understand nonfic- Students have practiced paying attention
Essential Question:
Open-ended, interpretive tion? Pre- Assessment: to details, putting the parts of the text to-
How will students show
questions reflecting on the that they have the re- gether in their minds, asking questions of a
big ideas of the unit de- How can I figure out the main idea of a non- quired background- text, and previewing pictures to think
signed to promote inquiry.
Typically they begin- fiction text? knowledge to complete about what the text might be teaching be-
the lesson?
Why? How? or To What How will previous student fore beginning to read. Student notes in
Extent? learning data be used to their journals and teacher-observations of
differentiate instruction? pair-shares show that students are ready
to add another layer to understanding non-
fiction texts.

By the end of the lesson, students will be able Circulate while students preview their
Mastery Objective(s): to identify and use nonfiction text features to Formative Assessment: chosen books with a partner during our
What knowledge, skills or How will students pro-
procedures, aligned with answer the question, what is this book (or gress towards the mas- We Do part of the lesson. Scaffold their
the standard do students this part) going to teach me? tery objective(s) be moni- thinking and previewing as needed.
need to master? tored and assessed?
What higher-level thinking How will feedback be
action will students provided to students so Student sticky-notes labeling nonfiction
demonstrate? that teacher and students text features in their texts, and student
Written in SMART form may adjust the learning journal responses will be assessed after
(Specific, Measureable, process?
Attainable, Relevant, the lesson.
Time-bound) and must
contain the criteria/metric
used to determine wheth-
er students have met the
Unit: Students will read and respond to a
Summative Assessment:
objective. How will students mas- nonfiction text with proficiency.
tery of the objective(s)
described in stage one be
formally assessed?
Stage Three: The Learning Plan
Differentiation / Lan-
Teacher Moves Student Moves
guage Acquisition

Foster excitement by comparing nonfiction Come to the rug area with book baskets Interesting vocabulary
Framing the Learning/Warm
Up/Activator: books to gifts gifts of knowledge. Remind ready to learn. in context
How will the learning be students of the work they did on Monday to
connected to the EQ/ big pay attention to details in order to think: Analogies
ideas of the unit?
How will the mastery ob- what is this book or this part going to teach
jective be communicated? me? Refer to previous day's
How will teacher(s) use learning
an activator to surface
students knowledge and
Time Frame:
5 minutes
I Do: I Do: Anchor Chart
Active Instruction:
How will teacher(s) ex- Teaching point: When readers get ready to Watching, listening, thinking.
plicitly present infor- read and learn from a nonfiction book, they Turn and Talk
mation, model and in- preview all the different parts of the book Turn and talk
struct students towards
mastery of the lesson ob- when they get a sneak peek. Readers look Gradual release
jective(s)? carefully and think, what is this book teach- We Do:
How will teachers transi- ing me? Work with a partner to preview text fea- Voicing model re-
tion between learning ex-
periences? tures and use them to answer, what will sponses
What resource materials Preview front and back cover, go further by this book teach me?
will be used to enhance thinking about what kinds of things might be
student learning?
Time Frame: in the book, use the table of contents.
10 minutes
Brainstorm other nonfiction text features we
could preview before we read. Turn and talk.
How will those help us predict what we will
learn and get our brains ready for the gift of
new information?

We Do:
With your partner, choose a book that you
can preview together from one of your bas-
kets. Preview the text features and together
talk about what this book will teach you.
You Do: You Do: Previewing a text to get
How will work towards or Explain their job while they are reading today Notice, label, and use nonfiction text fea- brain ready to read
mastery of the objec- during reading workshop: label nonfiction tures to predict what the book will teach words and figure out
tive(s) be demonstrated? text features with a sticky note when you see them. Record predictions and what was unknown words
How will evidence be
gathered of student learn- them in your books, and in your journals learned after reading. Continue reading for
ing? write what you think you will learn, and then the full 40 minutes of reading time, choos- Text features wall with
How will higher-level after you read, what you did learn from read- ing a successful spot, and staying engaged visual reminders.
thinking be incorporated?
How will students who ing. the whole time.
need more help due to Write response in
misconceptions or gaps in While students read: notebook -- concrete
prior learning be assist-
ed? Strategy Groups: reminder
How will students who - 10 mins: Engagement Group: Keep Engagement Group:
need to go deeper be ad- your eyes and mind in the book. Model Listen and learn during the modeling, then Tailored strategy
Time Frame: getting distracted and then backing up try to remember the strategy and use it groups that are concise
40 minutes and rereading that section to get both when the mind starts to wander, or the and student-centered
the eyes and mind back in the book. eyes and mind are distracted.
Students practice with their own 1-1 conferences that
books while I observe and coach with allow students to have
reminders and questions. Write this individualized support
strategy on their Reading Goal book- and strategies.
marks, and tell students to try this
while they are reading to self.
- 10 mins: Accuracy Group: Chunk Accuracy Group:
words into sounds, then reread the sen- Listen and remember during the modeling,
tence to see if it makes sense. Remind then try to use the strategy when coming to
the group of the work we did last time an unknown word. Re-read the whole sen-
we met to chunk words. Show them tence and think, does that make sense?
an example of breaking a word not let-
ter-by-letter, but into sounds, then re-
reading the whole sentence to see if it
makes sense. If it doesnt, try different
sounds. Students take out their own
choice books and get started. Listen in
as they each read, providing remind-
ers and coaching through the strategy.
Tell students that they should contin-
ue to try this strategy in their own
books when they read.

After about 20 mins, ring the chime and wait Listen and check-in on their own reading.
for students to look up at you. Remind them Am I taking in the whole page or zipping
not to zip through their nonfiction books, but through the words?
to stop and think and keep tabs on your com-
prehension while you read. Really take in the
whole page and all of those text features.

1-1 Conferences At conferences, be prepared to talk about

- 4-5 conferences with students indi- the work you are doing as a reader what
vidually, lasting 4-5 minutes each have you been thinking about and doing
(check the calendar, and the keeping while reading the book. Listen and learn
track form to see who to meet with to- and try to apply strategies while the teach-
day). er is there and after she leaves.

Symphony share on the rug -- interesting Students will share interesting things they Think time
Summarizing/Anchoring the
Learning: things you learned learned.
How will the learning be
How will the learning be
connected to the MO and

5 minutes

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