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Project Charter Project Title and Description (What ithe projet?) Customer Satisfaction Fiat Projet ‘Over the last fw mnths the quay ausurance department has discovered many of our castomar’ orders for our XYZ cequprent have taken thecstomer ton times Lge to place trough our computer network than our competitor petworks. The purpoe ofthis projec ito Inseitigate the reason forthe prolem and propose elution. The solution Wil be authorized as a subsequent projec: Quality Control has detailed records oftheir findings hat can be wed to speea pth projet. Z ; Project Manager Assigned and Authority Level (Whois gen authority to lead the project, and can he/she determin, ‘manag and approve changes to budge, schedule, staffing. et?) “Alexis Sherman shall Be the project manager for hs project ana have authority to select tam members and determine the ial project budget. ‘Business Need (Why isthe project being done?) “This project is being completed in onder to prevent a further breakdown of customer satisfaction. Project JastBatton (Business essen what nancial or other basis can we justify dog this projet?) ‘We expect that improved customer satisfaction wel increase revenue to the company in the fist yea due toa decrease inservice calls, As aside benefit, we hope that theproec wl generate ideas on improving customer satisfaction while fixing his problem, ‘Resources Pre-assgned (How many or what resources willbe provided) ‘Morgan Kolb and Denny Levins are already dedicated tothe project because oftheir expertise in computer networks of ‘his type- Other resources wil be determined by he project manager kcholders (Who wil fet, or be flected bythe project (infuence the proj) as known to date) ‘Stakeholders include Conner representing Quality Contr, Ruth ix Customer Service and Mary in Marketing These resoarces are avilable fo assis the project as needed by the projec manager. Staltholder Requirements As Known (Requirements related to both project and prodect scope) ‘Astached this dociamentare the detailed specifications for the exiting system the requirements thatthe existing system ‘was designed to meet. Is expected that this projet willnot change how the system acs the existing requirement. "The project must include witzing the data avalable fom Quality Conral Product Decriton Deliverables (What speci proc lvertie are wae ant wile the nd el the roe 7A port thao wha cone changed, how muccach change wil ot and the expected deren th ine {aks topes am ner wing cch change Po words re necary nthe tt ered tron and be rend by he eas of Quay Cota, Castor Servs and Martini adion the 4 A of te nrc with customers nectry a complete hae. A wrk kon sac dee within ve weeks tha uline the plan fr comping te projec lowed ne week late by st of sin ompleing he prof. Contaatsand Assumptions (A ons is which ny ot betroe) Complete the projec ote than September 20X%. Spend no moe than US aga, Wehave aud that Kerry wl Beall it the proc and ha eing canbe done on hele comper. ny limiting factor and an assoraption s something taken tobe true, but Project Sponsor Approval: ‘Samantha Levins, Executive Wee President Kerry Muah, Vice President

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