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Date: Teacher: Subject Grade: Unit:

Laura Price Art 3

2/2017 Education Kindergarten
Unit Title:
African Primitive Mudcloths

Unit Big Idea: Printmaking (Stamping), Weaving, Neutral

Standards to address in Unit:
FCS Standards and Elements:
Engages in the creative process to generate and visualize ideas.
b. Participates in group brainstorming activity to generate ideas.

Formulates personal responses.
c. Makes connections between visual images and personal experiences.
e. Creates works of art inspired by universal themes (e.g., self, family,
celebrations, community, nature, world).

Identifies artists and offers ideas about what art is and who artists are.
c. Understands own ideas as unique to him/her.

Creates artworks based on personal experience and selected themes.
b. Identifies and creates artworks emphasizing one or more elements and
principles of art (e.g., color, line, shape, form,
c. Combines materials in new and inventive ways to make a finished work
of art.
e. Uses art terms with emphasis on principles of design (pattern, symmetry).

Understands and applies media, techniques, and processes of two-dimensional
works of art (e.g., drawing, painting, printmaking, mixed media) using tools
and materials in a safe and appropriate manner to develop skills.

e. Creates works of art mixing and using color schemes

(primary, secondary
and neutral).
i. Explores printmaking using a variety of stamping
thumbprints, cardboard, sponge, found objects).
j. Develops manual dexterity through craft techniques (e.g.,
stitchery, weaving).
m. Creates works of art that demonstrate an awareness of


Discusses his or her own artwork and the artwork of others using verbal and
written language.
a. Shows an interest in art.
b. Describes his or her artwork, revealing media subject and story.
c. Uses art terms with emphasis on the elements of art: space, line, shape,
form, color,
value, texture .
d. Identifies how elements of art communicate specific feeling.

Uses a variety of approaches to understand and critique works of art.
c. Connects life experience to artwork.
e. Expresses preference for one of two or three artworks (reproductions).

Develops life skills through the study and production of art.
b. Care in craftsmanship (whole is larger than the parts).
c. Demonstrates persistence: problems have more than one solution.

Diagnostic: Formative: Summative:
Teacher Observation and Ticket out the door Teacher will quiz student
questioning of prior knowledge weekly using neutral color
flashcards while lining up
and waiting for their
homeroom teacher.
Ticket out the door
Major Unit concepts and vocabulary:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Printmaking: Neutral colors: Weaving: Vocabulary Words:
Printmaking Mudcloths Weaving Prints
Prints Neutral Colors Warp Mud cloth
Stamping Repetition Weft Neutral colors
Found Objects Symmetry Repetition

Student Supplies: Teacher Supplies:

12x12 neutral colored construction paper Teacher sample
12x8 neutral colored construction paper Mudcloth Blendspace
Found objects for stamping: (corks, forks, Neutral colors poster
sponges, straws, bubble wrap, etc.) Mud Cloth interactive website:
Black Tempera paint
White Tempera paint ex_flash.html
Styrofoam trays
Edged scissors
Black sharpies

Step 1: Teacher and students talk about what they will learn and do

(Communication of Learning Intentions)

Review the Essential Question & Standards:
Week One:
How do artists make prints?
Getting students ready to learn
How can we make more than one of the same artwork quickly?
How do artists use neutral colors?
What is weaving?

Students will be creating a neutral colored, paper mudcloth using stamping and weaving

Step 2: How will you know when they have gotten it? (Communication of Success
Students will have completed a mudcloth stamped with neutral colors and woven
Students will complete a ticket out the door assessing neutral colors.

Step 3: Get the students interested (Build Commitment and Engagement)

Week One:
Introduce students to African Mud Cloth and find Africa on the globe
What is it? What can we tell about the people/culture that made this? Why?
Explore interactive website and give students opportunities to create mudcloth
What is symmetry? What is printmaking?
Demonstrate for students how to use the various printmaking supplies to create
prints that have repetition and symmetry on their neutral colored

Week Two:
Teacher will review the following week with students.
Teacher will brainstorm on board the neutral colors. How are these used in mud
cloth? What is mud cloth made of that makes it this color?
Teacher will make available the neutral color posterboard for students to view while
Teacher will demonstrate the printmaking process using found objects with students

Week Three:
What is weaving? Do we have anything woven in the art room today? Brainstorm
ideas of things we have in our society that is woven. Show examples of woven items.
Teacher will demonstrate to students how to cut the four strips in half to make eight
Teacher will demonstrate to students how to glue two strips together to make four
Teacher will demonstrate for students how to weave their neutral colored papers to
make their own mud cloth from the printed neutral papers.
Teacher will use remaining time to help students weave papers.

Step 4: Give students new information (Teacher Presentation Strategies)

Mudcloth Powerpoint
Teacher sample
Real mudcloth
Neutral color poster and neutral color flashcards
Printmaking supplies for students to stamp/print
Step 5: Have students use the new information (Guided Practice )

Week One:

Students are introduced to African Mud Cloth and look at Africa on the globe.

Students will look at a real mudcloth. What is it?

Students will discuss people/culture that made this? Why?
Students will explore interactive website and have the opportunity to create a
Releasing students to do the

mudcloth design if time allows

Students will choose neutral colored paper strips to print on the following week.
Week Two:
Student will print on neutral colored strips of construction paper using found objects

Students will continue printmaking until all students have completed making 4 strips
(4 x 12 or 2 x 12) of neutral colored printed paper
Student will place on drying rack to dry
Week Three:
Students will receive their printed strips back
Students will use scissors to cut their four strips in half (students will then have
Student will glue strips on top of each other to create four again
Students will weave the strips together
Week Four:
Student will mount woven papers on neutral colored backgrounds of their choice
Student will complete a ticket out the door
Step 6: Make sure they can do it

Week Two:
Teacher will walk around classroom assisting and monitoring students during the
printmaking process.
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Week Four:
Students will complete a Neutral Color Ticket Out the Door
their learning

Step 7: Have students practice at home (Independent Practice)

Students can go home and find different objects at home that can be used for
printing/stamping and bring to the art room for found object printing.

If a student finishes early or needs an extra challenge

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Students can get their personal student sketchbooks and create a drawing
only using neutral colors.

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