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Ghazal alnahar

Miss nour Othman


Genetically modified foods are developed from genetically modified
organisms. GM crops are the crops whose DNA has been changed by using
genetic engineering techniques, with the aim to introduce a new property to
the plant which does not occur naturally in the species. Specific changes are
made in the DNA of these crops by genetic engineering techniques that
encourage extra food to be produced, faster growth and ability to resist
diseases and other purposes. Almost in every area in the food production
market is using genetic modification to produce foods that taste better, grow
faster, resist disease and improve the number of nutrients found in the
world. Society has the responsibility of using science to develop crops that
can continue providing us with safe foods. In this essay, I, will be talking
about insect resistance problems and solutions, impacts on the society.

Insect attack is a serious problem leading to produce losses and

reduced product quality. Insects can cause damage both in the field and
during storage in the storehouse. Each year, insects destroy about 25
percent of food crops worldwide. The European corn borer which is an insect
can destroy up to 20 percent of a maize crop. There are many pests that can
serious damage a high number of crops such as corn, cotton, wheat. which
have led to massive crop failures in the past. Plants attacked by young pests will
have small holes or scratches in the leaves. Plants may suddenly fade, because the stem has been
removed out or fed on underground.

Corn has got the gene which is insect resistance and due to this, the farmers
do not have to spray pesticides that are harmful to the soil as well as the
crop. Soybean on the other hand which is very much used in every altered
form is also being produced genetically, so that the farmers do not have to
spray insecticides or pesticides. They have been genetically modified to offer
improved oil profiles for processing or for healthier oils. Tomatoes have been
modified in order to increase their shelf life. It was genetically modified to
prevent it from rotting. Canola oil has been genetically altered for resistance
against pesticides

Insect resistance GMO effect the environment because farmers do not have
to spray pesticides that are harmful to the soil and the crop and are harmful
to the air because its piousness. It is more friendly to the environment
because it is harmless and it does not have the same effects on health.

In my perspective Im with GMO because GM foods can last for a longer

period of time, it is dryness resistant, Higher resistance to bacterial and
fungal disease, if there is a slight chance of health hazards, then it will not be
allowed to enter the market, more environment friendly, We do not have to
use pesticides as the crop will be pest resistance.

Four. Genetically Modified Foods and Drugs, Food, Medicine, and the Quest for
Good Health, 2008

Insects and Pests of Field Crops: Corn Insects and Pests ,Insects and Pests of Field
Crops: Corn Insects and Pest December 1,2015

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