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Jacob Milburn

Mr. DiStefano

Utopia & Terror

22 September 2016

Treaty of Versailles

Nazi Germany was said to arise from the Treaty of Versailles for many reasons. World

War I was supposed to be the war that ended all wars but little did anyone know that a treaty

would cause the second World War. World War I started in 1914 and ended in 1918. The Treaty

of Versailles wasnt official until June 28, 1919. Around 17 million people died including

civilians and military personnel. This war was the deadliest anyone at the time had ever seen

because many new technologies and tactics were used. Tanks and tear gas became manufactured

as well as at the end, planes started to be used. Trench Warfare was used in most battles which

led to most military deaths because of the constant back and forth battling for ground. Why

would the Treaty of Versailles start another war if it was meant to help?

World War II started because Hitler was seen as a God by many Germans. The Treaty

might as well taken Germany completely off the map and off the face of the world at that time. It

took away most of the land Germany captured from fighting and gave it back to where it was

originated. The treaty also limited the size of the German military to only 100,000 troops

including officers, as well as not letting them have a Navy. On the other hand, the League of

Nations was formed to ease Country feuds. Even with the League of Nations the outcome of the

Treaty of Versailles started World War II


Germany during World War I was mostly an offensive. Meaning that they took over much

land. France, Denmark, and Prussia are just a few of the many places of land that Germany had

taken.. When the Treaty of Versailles was brought about Germany was definitely not happy about

all the land they were required to give back. With giving back the land they took, they were also

required to give some of their own land to start new, small territories.

Germany was also limited by was the might of the military force. This was limited

because,, no one is ever going to go on an offensive battle with only 100,000 troops. All

Germany was allowed to have only 100,000 troops, including officers. They were also limited to

the extent of no exception for a navy. This angered many Germans because their thoughts were

what happen if Germany gets attacked? They would barely have anyone or anything to defend

them against foreign rule. This is one of the things that is pushing Germany to their edge.

Finally, one of the things the treaty did was form the League of Nations. It was created to

provide a forum for resolving international disputes. The Treaty was proposed by Woodrow

Wilson as a part of his fourteen point plan for equitable peace in Europe. The U.S never became

a member, meaning that it was mainly a European thing. Basically, if Germany or any other

country starts fighting with anyone, then the League would try to handle it. This worked for the

most part and would later become known as the UN or United Nations.

In conclusion, the Treaty of Versailles did a lot of bad things to Germany in many ways..

It took away much of the German army as well as most of their land, angering most of Germany.

Germans felt it made them look weak. When this treaty was approved it was never thought of to

be a good one.

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