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CHAPTER X CALCULATION OF CHARGES FOR’ SMELTING ‘The method most often employed for extracting metals from their ores ix that of smelting, in which the object is to liquefy the ore by faxing. fand melting, at the same time bringing about those chemical changes necestary to produce metal (or sometimes matte) from compounds exist ing in the ore. An esitial feature of the process is that the unreduced parts of the charge shall unite to form slag, which is lighter than the metal fr matte, so that separation of the two liquids is effected by gravity Tt is ewsential that the slag shall be of such composition ax to melt and flow freely at a temperature readily attained in the furnace, This usually 1g the ore with a proper amount of flux. Often also it is necessary oF desirable to mix two or more ores in @ smelting charge, ae well as fo include the flux and fuel. Tt may he necessary, too, to adjust certain other properties of the slag as well ae its melting or flowing tem= peratures. It isnot within the provineo of this book to diseuss the prop- certies of difforent slag compositions or what types of slag the furnace nanager should aim for under different conditions, Tt will be assumed hhore that the manager has determined what. compositions he desires for the slag, and the question to he discussed ix in what proportions he shall mix the available materials in order to yield a slag of that, desired the preceding chapter. Tn a type of furnace in which the fuel is not mixed with the charge and in which the ash cannot fall on the charge, the amount of fuel weed has no bearing om the charge make-up. When, however, all or part of the ash from the fuel becomes of the aualtes 1 be allowed for in determining the charge. As between two possible fuels, the amount of ash and also its ‘percentage composition may be the deciding factors in determining whieh touse. Usually the ash must be fluxed, but the ach of some fuels may act ‘a8 flux itself. Here it will he assumed that tho choice of fuel has been made and that the amount to be used has been fixed by the heat requ ‘ments of the process or hy the amount of reduction required, since in ‘many processes the fuel fils the dual role of heat producer and reducing, agent. Usually the calculation of the charge for smelting will resolve itself into ealeulation for a desired slag composition, and the slag composition 182 tae, thin a CALCCUATION OF CHARGKS VOR SMELTING . 183 will be gaged by a ratio between the principal slag-forming constituents, such as the ratio Si0s:Ce0:FeO or SiOz:Ali0s:Ca0. Compounds presggt in minor amounts may be disregarded, oF rome of thei may be in with that principal constituent which they chemically resem- ble; for example, MnO may be counted with FeO, and MgO with CaO, ‘This is discussed more fully below. ‘As regards the comporition of the metal to be produced by the process, it may be necorsary to see that the charge does not contain more than & certain allowable amount of some impurity, as phosphorus or sulphnr in iron smelting: but this precaution is readily obverved and need not alfect the method of ealeulation. In general it may either be aswumed that the metal produced will be the pure element, or—as is usually preferable—it may be assumed that the metal will be of some compo- sition which previous experience has shown will be approximated under the conditions of operation. The composition of the metal i often controlled in the main by such factors as the temperature of the furnace or the amount of reducing agent or of ait, and the make-up of the charge need not be adjusted for metal composition, x9 long ax the ore mixture is of a suituble grado and purity, There are exceptions to this, and an important one is in smelting for matte. Tn this cave it ix necewary to calculate the charge both with reference to the desired matte composition and with reference to a proper slag. ‘This type of caleulation is taken up inalater chapter. Tt does not differ in general principle from the simpler Sovernl different methods of charge calculation are in use. Tn each th details of procedure will vary with the kind of smelting process. Once the student hax become familiar with the principles of the calculation, he will have litte dif culty in changing from one method to another ot in applying them to different. processes. ‘Two methods will be illus trated here, the same conditions and materials available being used for each, in order to bring out more clearly the points of similarity and difer- cence in the methods themselves. The process will be smelting in the iron blast furnace. Tt may be remarked that ealculation of charges is not a regular or routine part of furnace operation. When the furnace is running reg larly, minor adjustments of charge are often made simply on observation. For example, if itis found that the slag is becoming a little too basi, the furnaceman simply increases a little the proportion of a siliceous ore or reduces the proportion of « basic flux. If it becomes necewary to change to a new ore, which contains, say more silica than one previously used, the flux may simply be inoreased by an ertimated amount. In starting ‘anow furnace it may be possible to make up the charge by simply making it similar to one previously used. Tn some such eases, however, better 181 MBP ALLURGICAL PROBLEMS results might be obtained by ealeulation than by this practical trial-and- error method In starting to smelt an entirely new ore mixture, a caleulatioggmay be indispensable. ‘The charge ealeulation may be very useful in staying the operation of any furnace with improvement of the operation in view. Oiten failure to make good use of ealculations has been due to inability ‘on the part of the furnace manager, and the ability to handle this typo ‘of work may prove a valuable asset to the young engineer." Calculation of Charge for the Iron Biast Furnace.—Suppose that materials of the following percentage compositions are on hand for smelting: [ova [owe [ Owe [timetone] Coke Fes oa | ns | os 10 | our Mad, 1a} 41 30, no | u2 | ss | ss | 56 x0. ao | 24 | 02 | aro | 06 Mao ss | 1s | o1 | “36 | 06 ADs os | uz | ie | us | as Ho se | so | o7 | os | 15 00, | 0.9 ¢ 862 Assume that the composition of the pig iron will approximate the following Per Cent cto SUS Ma 0.6 ¥e 900 (‘The assumption as to the pig iron will be haved on previous experience. Another type of aswumption regarding the Si and Mn might: be that ‘certain percentages of all the siliea and manganese oxide charged would be reduced, the halance being slagged. For example, it might he assumed ‘hat one-half of all the MnO and nine-tonths of all the SiO, represented in each material would enter the slag.) ‘Before beginning the first method of charge ealeulation with the above ‘materials, it will be desirable to illustrate some of the principles involved “The aubjert of charge calculations, though with particular reference to smelting in the lad blast farner haa been well dacianed and ilstented y Hoye Dual, Mat hom Rng, 18, R7-88. wd 120-24 (1017) Pra Duly agin By "Perhaps here ta no better way for the student of metallurgy £0 eoome fax with the chemical and metallurgical principles involved ins melting process than for him to learn wmething of the elouation of Furnace charges to be employed in cone ‘lucting the opertion in question. CALCULATION OF CHARGES FOR SMELTING 185 with simplified data, ‘The slag of an iron blast furnace is essentially silicate of time; the main feature of the fluxing is to add sufficient fime= stone to supply CaO to flux the BiO- in the are o Ua the Farce manager in this ease has decided to make a slg containing 50 Ca0:30 Si0,, letting the other constituents fall ax they may. Assume also that ‘ore A is the only ore to be used. equied: 1. ‘Te pounds of ore ad of linwstone to be charge pe 1000, of pig Son produced, disegnednig ths coke 21 The same, aaruming 1,000 Tb f coke to be sel pee Solution: Ore A contains (00 Ib, of pig iron. co (or 07) % 881 = 48 percent Fe, 1,000 Ib, of ig will contain 940 Fo and require PE = 1,960. of ore. O48 "Tho ore wil conta O.11 % 1,960 = 216th. of $105, This will require 9959 %. 216 = 300 Tb, of CaO (neglecting 80, weiluend 0 8). The lets cutie 47.0 a 360) per cont CaO. ‘Therefore, 889 = 770th of hmestone is needed, with 1,080 th, of or (). he eoke will add 58 1b of Oy, rrquiving, in adition, #9 X 56 = 98 Ub, of £20, oF 3, ~ 200 tb, of mestons, making 970 Th jn €20, oF 82, ~ 200 bof mestons, making 070 Ib in ll (2) "This isthe simplest form of solution but is only a rough approximation ince it has negleeted all but the principal components. Evidently the ‘coke is such a large factor that it esnnot be omitted even from the rough= ‘est approximation, Let it now be assumed that a somewhat closer estimate is desired tand that two obvious eorreetions will he made. First, the Si in the iron will be taken into account, anc, second, the ore itself already con tains some CaO and the limestone contains some SiO. ‘he pig contain 158, which rane from *8jg X 15 = 32.810, ‘Total IO, to be Aiuxod = 216 + 58 — 82 = 240 Ib “Total (nO reqired = Muy % 240 = 490 Tb. But the ore contains 0.090 x 1,960 = 76 CxO, atid the oe eontnine 2006 X 1,000 = 6, total of 2b "The net mount to be supplist ws therefore 400 A2 ~ 318 Tb “The limexone eontans 470 por sent CaO; buts abs conta 5 5 por cent SOs, sa munt fh ie ow SK0s WHEN some OF ts CAO, only the emma CaO bein, “available” fr fina the oe 5 per cont SiO, requis 99 X 3S = 92 por cent CaO CAO avaiable ATO 02 = BTR per cont 318 “The mestone required thereto = 28, = 940 I. with 1,00 Ib, af or Summated Lime.—The next refinement to be made in the ealeulation is to note that both the ore and the limestone contain other bares, chiefly MgO, besides the CaO, and that these will reinforee the action of the CaO ‘and practically take the place of some of it, Accordingly, there is introduced the principle of “summating” the MgO and sometimes ‘other bases with the CaO. The term ‘‘summated lime,” written 2CaO, 186 METALLURGICAL PROBLEMS. ‘theri ineludes the lime and other bases. Summation is sometimes done by simple addition of the percentages prevent, but this prectice should not be generally followed. The molecular weight of MgO is 40, while That of CaO fs 50 In Toring slcates, s MiySi0, and CaSiOn, 40 parts ‘of MgO wal fx the same weight of Si0s as 86 parts of CaO.” Aceorde ingly, the 3.0 percent MgO inthe ore wil do the work of, or is equivalent to, 549 X 3.6 = 5.0 per cent CaO. 2Ca0 in the limestone then 7.0 + 5.0 ~ 82.0 pr cent. Shall the AlO, also he patamatd with CaO, or shall tbe summated with 814, oF with neither? This question ha eausedsnuch discussion, Whether AiO, ats as am acid ota bu in alag depends an the compost tion ofthe slag. ‘The question will not be distumed here except to say that in gneral ALO, veinforees the bases in an aid slag and the ack ina basi lag. In smelting most metas the pereentago of AsOs inthe slog is relatively oma, and It may be disregarded in the sag elcaation Ta ron smelling the Als is usualy too important to be dierentrded, Some managers may decide from their nag type whether the AI,0sehould be summated with tho 8i0y or with the CaO and il act accordingly Probably the bert way, however, isto handle AlsOy ax a separate con: stint in the nag ratio, am, for example, making the deed rato Ca0:8i04:A1,0s = 50:30:15 and adjuting the charge to yield this lg ‘MnO anid sometimes an estimated aunount of FeO may alo be Sum nated with CaO. ‘Ann example af namnmation, we shall go back tothe previous figures and make the rio SCA0-810y ~ 50°20, sammating MgO ant MnO ‘ith CaO Int omitting ALO, FeO will alo be omitted; but it wil be toured that tho ron of the imestone isnot reduce, while the ron of the coke i red “Sto. Aeaove on or A = 48 yr cot an Fo np = 81018, eo che nO IT ed He om one = O00 = 8h Ore equ = £25 = 488015 fiogin oe = 041 % LEO = 212 dng 8 rom stan 32 begun ot 0, red make 8, of 80st be ane 898 = 8 SCO gue "2000 ere: Ma0 in ore = 361 X 18 = 1.00 per ont, 00108 x 1,990 = 20Gb. of MnO. Mnin pig = 81h. = Tide X 5 or 6.315. of MnO. MnO in slag = 205 6.5 ~ 14 Ib, Thins equivalent to 8841 x 14 = 11 CaO, ‘MgO = 0.085 % 1,990 = 68 I, equivalent to #94» X 68 ~ 95 CaO. CaO in ore = 0.030 % 1,990 ='75 Ib, 3CAO = 75 +95 + 11 = 1811 CAO fom coke = 6 + #540 6 = IIb $2Ca0 node from Sue 490 — 181 — 14 ~ 108th, As shown above, 2C40 inthe limestone ~ 620 percent; but 02 per cant CaO ‘needed to fins the SiO, inthe Fmertone, leaving 42.8 percent 2CaO available. The 108, 28B, = 408 bof limestone necded with 1,080 Ib. of oe CALCULATION OF CHARGRS FOR SMELTING 187 It is obvious from the above ealeulations that the presence of any considerable amount of MgO greatly reduces the amount of actual CaO, fceded. When suitable oog ratio is stipulated, a somewhat larger ratio may be expected for ZCa0:Si0s than for actual CaO:Si0,, Obvi- ously, the ratio stated in terms of 2Ca0 affords « better contr ‘The calculation of w charge containing ores B and C as well ax 4, with adjustment for AIO, as well as Si0s and 2CaO, will now be taken tip. Certain preliminary considerations regarding the disposition of ‘ores A, B, and C must be male, It is evident that the principal difer- ences between A and B are the higher manganese and the lower alumi in B. Use of B should result in a higher manganese content in the pig iton, Use of B alone might reult in an undesirably low Al,Os content in the slag, and A alone might give too much AlOy in the slag. ‘ALOs then’ may be adjusted to a suitable proportion by proper mixing of A and B. Ore C is evidently a very rich ore; and we shall aasume, at would wally be the ease, that only limited amount of iis avilable. ‘There Is nothing pecullar about its gangue. ‘The usual practice In sueh a case is to put a eertain fixed amount ofthis material on each charge, an amount sina in proportion to the amounts ofthe prinipal ores. In many plants 4 fixed amount of fron serap would be ned on each charge; ure C willbe Jnauled in the same manner. It it he aswuned that the manages has decide to use 1 part of C for every 5 parte uf Chano® Catcutatios—Mernop%ov AVAILABLE FLUX: Brample 21 From the material listed above, eleulate a charge to yield 1,000 bof pig iron sands alg having the ratio 10,A0sOy:2Ca0 = 82:12:96. Assume that the pi will ontain 4 per ent C, 1.5 Si, 1.8 Mn, $3 Fe. The amount of coke wd bof pigeon." Asune that I part of oe Ce used to Sparta ol ore he wraalable-fax method gna wth taking 100 Ih of tho prinepal oe sind caleuntang the amount ofthe second ore tobe sod with this to yield the dens fatio between the SiO, aud AL,Oy, "The proper amount of coke w then added, and the Iiouut of fx eamry forthe poper &:Oy: 2CA0 ratio found, Take 100 Ib. of ore 4.” With this avs 20 Ib, of ore C. These contain 21.0 + (0058 X 20 = 12th. of $10, which requires 1352 % 12.1 = 4.516. of ALOy ‘There ‘1 present nA and C, 68 +0010 X20 ~ 6.7 Ib. of AlOy an excess of 87 — 45 — 22 Ih, ‘To balance this requites 8, X22 = 5.9 Th. of SOs, to be obtained from ore B Ore B contains 14.2 percent 810 but ita 1.7 per cont ALOynced 98/3 17 = 45, per east $10, Available SiO, in B= 14.2 —4.5 = 07 per cent. Weight of B to be taken then = g38) = 61 Ib. Be in 100 A +61 B +206 = 0708.4 +0714 X61 + 0.918 x 20) = 915. “uni mako 913 = 2 of hon. The coke requ for 098 x 82 = 0121 188 METALLURGICAL PROBLEMS "Total SiO, now ~ 110 4 0.142 x 61 + 0.058 X 20 + 0058 x 04.2 = 200 Th, But Siin pig ron = 0.015 x 982 = 1.5 Ih. = 3.2 Ib, of Si0y, SiO, 1 bo fuxed = W032 = 228 Ib. "Thin roquten 8940 % 228 ~ 20.0 Ih of 2x0. "ECaU present: AinUy ind and #= 13-008 X 6 = 38 lb, = 3.1 MnO, Mn in pig'= 0015 X 982 ~ 1.5, = 10 MnO. MnO to slag = 81-19 = 13 1b. This is equivalent to 8844 1.2 = 0.9 Ib. of 2C40. MgO = 3.5 + 0.015 x 61 +0001 % 20 +0006 x 04.2 = BID. 1849 x 50 = To Ibs of 2CW0. (CxO = 3.0 + 0021 x 61 + 0.002 X 20 + 0.006 x 94.2 = 5.8 1h. ‘Total ¥CaO = 0.9 47.0 4 58 = 187. ‘There i thetore deft of 39.0 — 18:7 = 26.2, to be obtained from the hmestone. “ZCaO in lmvomtone ~ 47.0 + 2%49 X 26 — 520 percent. Hut the 85 percent io requires °952 59 = YO percent 240, Therelor, the avilable SCAU Mt BY 520 ~96 = 424 percent. Weight of limestone needed = 282, = 61.81 “The charge i now completely balanced with respect to 810s and 240, the L0 percent Fo,Osin the ineatone being negligible. Hut the ltestne andl he cole have Introduced additional “Aly, which hus probably upset the previously. obtained Talanee af S10, to ALO, and may need additional A'gr B to take care of i. The ADs added 8 1015 % 61.8 + 0088 > O42 = 45 Ib, which equine 88i2 4.5 = 120 Th. of BIO, 80, present in the Lnnestone and uke 0088 X E18 + 0.058 X oiasarm ‘Av in determining the weight of fux, the SiO, reduced to S1 must now be deducted from the 810s present. 87 ~ 82 = 3.5 1b, of Ox remaining ‘Therein theevfore 8 Alfie of 120 ~ 5.5 = 6.5 Ib, of $0, which oan be obtained hy sing ditional oe es ‘Now this additional will i 8; ih, = 67.0 Ib, af B ie needed tie adit B wil require addtional ‘coke si limestone or xonig 670 Adaitional coke = 97 0714 £79 5 9.96 « 34,51h, esos: 1, B= O12 > 470 = O81. EO, in ee eke = (oot 348) ~ (36 x 0018 x2) = 08 3640 med = #8 X10 — 10H, 2Cx0 promt in B = (0 + #%9 X 0018970 = 25 I. (ogling Maoh” 2es0 pnt ines = 0011 S248 08 he cud tebe S60 147 28 ~ 1471, Limestone needed = 4%, = 34.7 “The charge in now again balanced except thatthe additonal 34.5 Ib of eoke and 247 Ib, of limestone wall again pet the 8x0, Al Oy ratio. — Without going through the oalolaton agai, in aed th raat by taking additonal amounte as fll Ore B: 2 x 070 = 0.01 Coke: -134 Limestone: 8%; X47 155 Obviously by repeating ths eleution atl closer alanee conld be obtained, ‘but it remonably certain that the above in wifiiently clone, "he ative charges Ore B = 61-407 + 20 = 158 Ore ¢ = 2. Limestone = 61.8 + 347 + 15.5 = 112 Coke = 842 + 345 4 184 = 148 CALCULATION OF CHARGRS FOR SMBLTING 189 Im onder to yiehl 1,000 pig ron (= $00 Fe), exch ofthe above amounts must bo ‘mereaie in certatn rat, the sane relative proportions being kept Fem above charge = O.7(684 ++ 0.714 x 188 + 0.018 X 20 + OOIT X 148) = 14115, "Hato of nerease = "P41 = 80 Final charge Ore A: 100 x 6.60 = en0 ty, Ore A: 188 % 6.60 1,040 Or: 20x 6.40 = "190 Limestone: 112 % 6:60 = 740 coke: Algebraic Method.—The algebraic method begins by assigning values of x, y, 2, ete, to the weights of materials to be determined. The number of unknowns used must not exceed the number of independent equations that can be set up for determination of the unknowns. A. prcliminury inspection should be made to determine the number of ‘The slag ratio Si02:AlOs:2Ca0 = 92:12:56 provide three eq tioms, but only two independent oncw, since the third fx a combination of the two others, ‘Two usuble equations a 12 X wt of 10s = 32 X wt. of ALOs o and 56 X wt, of SiO; = 32 X wh, of BCA0. @ A third equation is derivable from the total weight of Fe charged, which must equal 93.0 per cent of the pig iron = 930 Ih, (Of the four weights to be determined, only three need be counted ns algebraic unknowns, since the weight of ore C is known in terms of ore A. ‘Tho weight of the coke is 960 Ih, et 2 = pul of ore 1 = pounds of ore B: {P= ponds of limestone, ‘Then: 0.2 = pounds of ore €: foul 80, = ote +0188) +9988 4 00st + 0086 x on =f 1, 01 M0, = 0.0688 + 00179 + = 4 00152 + 0.088 x 60, Frown these and relation (1) 0.8002 + 1.160y + 0.18¢ = 207. ® ‘Total ZCeO: Ma = 734,(0.018e + O041y) ~ Hr X 0.015 X 1,000 = 0.01062 ++ 00885y — 1, (CxO equivalont to this O.0084= + 0.02e4y — 15. 190 MBPALLURGICAL PROBLEMS MgO = 0095 + 0015) + 22015 + os + 0.08 x B80 = 003822 + 0.015y + 0.0368 +6. (x0 equivalent to this = 0303" + O0210y + 0.05088 + & 40 = aan: + 00nty +202! + 0.7 +0008 x 0 = noses + oaiy +0472 +6. ‘otal 2Ca0 = 0.00712 4 O06 + 0.50042 ~ 5 rom this and relation (2) 8850 + 8 70y ~ 18TE = =1,875 ” “Total Pe charge 710 Ate 4 O7I4y 402 OOIRe + ANI: + MNT ¥ 940) 807 + 0.500y + 0.0078 + 11 “The total Fe = 990, oF ‘0607s + 0.500) + 0 0r: = 919, o Solving Fay. (8), (4), and () simultencously, x = 640, y = 1050, : = 720, inal charge: Ore = 640 ow R= 1050 owe = a0 r =m ‘Tol = 35401. Coke = 9801. Notes.—A device often used which may simplify the ealeulations is to caleulate ‘simplified compositions” of all materials before beginning the other steps of the charge calculations. present problem this ‘would consist of (1) changing all percentages of Fe:Os to percentage of Fe; (2) consolidating the percentage of MnO, CaO, and MgO into a ingle percentage figure for 2Ca0; (3) averaging the composition of ore C with that of A in the proper 5: ratio; and, if desired, (4) ealeulating the ‘amount of coke for the Fe in each material and modifying the percentage ‘composition of each by averaging in the components contributed by this amount of coke; as well ax dedueting the Si0s to be reduced to Si. "The algebraic method gives an instructive view of the relations involved but is more tedious to carry out and is more liable to mechanical ‘error than the arithmetieal method. ‘When the number of materials to be charged is greater than the ‘number whose amounts can be determined by the above methods, it ix necessary to decide beforehand on a fixed ratio hetween the amounts of ‘two oF more of them, as was done in Example 21 (page 187) in the ease of ores A and C. In this way the number of unknown quantities to be determined can be reduced to a workable number. device is often advisable and sor method as well as with the algebraic method. ‘The Cut-and-Try Method.—-Two methods of charge calculation have now been illustrated. A third method, known generally as the method of CALCULATION OF CHLARGRS FOR SMELTING 191 “ut and try,” is also of importance. Whether this method is better than cither of the two others is a matter of opinion and doubtless depends to some extent on the nature of the process. It waa recommended by Boyd Dudley, Jr., for ealculation of charges in the lead blast furnace and hax been fully explained by him.' ‘The method begins with the making of a preliminary estimate of tho amounts of the different materials to be placed ‘on the charge, simply by an inspection of their compositions, perhaps sided by a knowledge of which material is on hand in tho greatest amount tnd is therefore to form a principal component of the charge, ‘This preliminary estimate may be in part a guess, but a guess guided by com- paring the slag composition desired with the compositions of ore and flux available. “The greater the experience of the estimator, the closer will be this preliminary estimate to the final result and the less will be the work involved in arriving at the final result ‘The next step in the mothod in to calculate the products, or at least the slag, that will result from a charge of thix choven composition and then to compare the result with the compasition aimed for. For example, it ‘may be calculated that the charge will produce a slag having the ratio e°Al(Os:Ca0 = 32:10°48, whereas the desired ratio was 32:12:56. Obviously, the preliminary estimate wax deficient in AlOs by one-sixth and in CxO by onesweventh, The preliminary estimate will now be altered in such a way as to supply these deficiencies as nearly as possible, and the result again calculated. This process of making and correeting, ‘estimates and then trying the retult will be repeated until the correct charge is obtained to yield the desired result. ‘The ealeulation of products yielded by a given charge has been covered at length in Chap. VI. The explanation above should therefore suffice to make clear the procedure of the eut-and-try method without a detailed example. ‘The following problems are concerned with calculation of charges for the iron blast farnave. Calculation of charges for smelting of copper and lead are included in later chapters, without further discussion of method. Probleme 198, An ron blast furnace smells sn ore minture having the following componi- Per Cont Fe 8 50, 12 GO 8 "The Bux used contains 95 pr cent CaCO, and 5 por cent iO}. The coke contains £88 per cant C, 10 810), 2 C20, "Footnote, p. 184. 102 METALLURGICAL PROBLEMS Required: The weights of ore and ux to bo charged to yield 1,000, of pi io sontaining 94 per cont Fe, 4C, 281 and a slag having the ratio SiQ,!Ca0 = 2:3, ‘tung thatthe furnace requires 50 kx. of cake per ton of pa ron 100. A blest farmace a, per 1,00 Tb of iron predced, the following slag forming ingredient to ho alagged from the ore and coke: Pounds Pounds Sio, 300 Mno 22 ALO, 122 028 0; 15 ix 10 “The Limestone on hand for ws Hux snalyes ne fllows Per Cent (042 MeO “9 SO, 4 AO. 2 co, 48 1m this rnare, ALO, nd HO, are uted as ride and are summated with 0s, Required: "The weight of fx to be charged to make nang with the rato 2510s 2. The weight of ax tobe charged to nuke slg with 2 aloate degre of 18 (ey the weight of oxygen in the sen constituents shall be 18 tine the weit of ‘oxyren in the basic constituents). ‘3. Tho percentage rompontnn of the slag 8 on cane 400, We following materials ae Uo hee Baa furnace: owt, | Om, | Hox, | Coke, percent | percent | prremit | percent FeO, ws 0 4 1 Sid, " 6 4 6 AlOs 2 2 2 2 cao 5 2 6 2 Meo 4 4 CO, € 0 1 tan of eake ic ard per ton of pi iran me Wiedeared to produce wn having the ext SEND: ALOe0, = 55:15:30 Assume that the pig ion wil conta OF pot cent Fe, 4. 1 8 Required: Determine the weight of each material (pours) to be charg 2,000 To pi iron nace. ‘01. An iron blast Suruace is charged with miatermla Coyle slg ving the ratio Si04: AlOy: 2640 = 34:14:52 (ey santo) Oe A: FowO, 64 por cent; FeO 88; SIO}, 6; ALOs, 8: C20 1 (Ore B: FesOy, 70 percent; May 8 SOs 5; Als, 8; CaO 2. Sinver: FeO, 8 per eamt; Oy 12) AO, 4 CALCULATION OF CHARGES FOR SMELTING 193 “The limestone contains CO 39 per cent, MgO, 18; 80s 8: COy 45. ‘The coke os $8 per cent C10 810s, 2 ALOs "The weigh of wnter charged to be theee-tenth ofthe combined weight of ore tnd ore B. The coke iy $00 kg. pr 1,000 kgf pg ron made. ‘Assume complete reduction of ion und w piston analy of 4 pre erat C, 128i, 0 Mo, O88 Fe Requred: The weight of ewrh o 1000 of pi arom nae ‘202! An jron-blew furnace plant wos the folowing materia ow A, | Ore #, | Ore C, |Lamestone] Coke percent | pervent | pereent | percent | per cent 1 of sate, and of limestone to be taken, per 0, | so | m8 10 Feo, ous Mn0s ot | 1s | os 80, ao | sa | uz | ia | oz ALO. zi | 09 | 43 09 x0) o7 | o2 | 36 | ws | at ‘Meo oz | o3 | os | 56 mo se | m7 | sa | os | o6 CO. a1 © a7 Ht 1k dered to use 11h of ofe C for every 2 Uh. af ore B. ‘The amount of ok require 18 0.6 Th per pound of oe charged. Assume thatthe furnace reduces 0 ‘netal 905 por cent of the ron onde, OD prt cent of the MnO and 15 per ent of the ‘0, charged sides vo make aang containing S405, ALOm anil 240 tn the rate 20:93. Assume that tho pg ion comtamne 4 percent rho quired. Make pw charge ttl. 5,000 Th without the cake to yd the doar lag 2 Calrlate the woyght anal percentage composition of the pg ron snd slug trode fora thi charge.

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