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a strange guy in the classroom playing a chess alone and sudenly a curious girl

just passing by and she saw him playing alone

Heey there, what are you playing where is your friend?..... ehhm by the way im
fitria, we are from the same class you know hehe
Ouuu fitria, of course i know you, you are a girl who sat next to me soo of course
i know you....hmm im just like to playing alone
Hmmmm interesting...ahhh andri would you mind if you tell me something about
this thing or what ever it is you call
Sureee id love too, first of all this thing called chess, Chess is a two-player
strategy board game played on a chessboard, a checkered gameboard with 64
squares arranged in an eight-by-eight grid. It is one of the world's most popular
games played by millions of people worldwide in homes, urban parks, clubs,
online, correspondence, and in tournaments. and you have to know that this
thing is from india and it has been played from japan to europe since 1400
Well weell well this game such a old stuff..right? aand tell me more about it
okaay okay if you insist..ouu i forgot to tell you that chess is one of the oldest
game in the world Each player begins the game with 16 pieces: one king, one
queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns. Each of the six
piece types moves differently. and you know whaaat?
Whaaat? Just tell me
there is something interesting about this game
When one player is attacking the others king he says in english check and
when the king has been caught and cannot move any where he says check
Thats unique you knoow..thats new for mee if you must know
Hahahaha you are funny fitria
Tell me moree pleasee hihihi
Hmmm that words are come from Pakistan shah mat means the king is dead
Chess games may also be played with a time control, mostly by club and
professional players. If a player's time runs out before the game is completed,
the game is automatically.The duration of a game ranges from long games
played up to seven hours to shorter rapid chess games, usually lasting 30
minutes or one hour per game. In tournament game, time is controlled using a
game clock that has two displays, one for each player's remaining time.
Wow thats amazing you know that kind of detail
Of course i know about this game. Mr Zuhron had told us about this... you
remember that right??
Nopee..i dont remember, thats why i want youu to tell me about chess andriiii
Okay okay...and for your information the rule have not always been the same as
they are now
Aand for example?
At the time the queen could only move one square at a line but now it can move
more than just one square
Well you know better than me hahaha....i think you must be good at this game,
am i riight??
Noo im still learning you know
Okay keep learning.. i have to go to my class right now buut nice to talk to you
andri we should talk again later
Hahaha okay until we meet agaiin
Okaaay byee
Byeee fit

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