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1. The diagram shows how the molecules in the exhaust gases diffuse into the air.

Which statement describes what happens to these molecules next?

a. The molecules fall to the ground because they are heavier than air molecules.
b. The molecules go back together as they cool.
c. The molecules spread further into the air.
d. The molecules stay where they are.

2. When heat is constantly supplied by a gas burner with small flame to melt ice, then the
temperature of ice
during melting:

a. Increases very slowly b. does not increase at all

c. First remain constant then increases d. increases to form liquid water.

3. A fruit drink colored orange contains a dissolved mixture of red and yellow coloring
agents. One of these
Coloring agents is suspected of being illegal. Which method could be used to show the
presence of this
illegal coloring agent?

a. chromatography
b. distillation
c. evaporation
d. filtration
4. The diagram shows an atom.

What is the proton number and neutron number of the atom?

proton neutron
number number

a 4 5
b 4 9
c 5 4
d 5 9

5. The symbols of two atoms may be written as shown.

23 X52 24 Y52

Which statement about these atoms is correct?

a. They are different elements because they have different numbers of neutrons.
b. They are different elements because they have different numbers of protons.
c. They are isotopes of the same element because they have the same nucleon number.
d. They are isotopes of the same element because they have the same proton number.

6. One of the following elements has an atomicity of one. This element is:

a. helium b. hydrogen
c. sulphur d. ozone

7. The atomic number of X element is 13. What will be the number of electrons in its ion X3-

a.11 b. 15 c. 16 d. 10

8. Which is the correct chemical formula?

a. CaCl b. Na3 N c. NaSO4 d. NaS

9. The formula of a compound is X Y. The valences of elements X and Y will be respectively.

a. 1&3 b. 3&1 c. 2&2 d.3&2

10. An element S has the proton number 18. The next element in the Periodic Table is an
element T.
Which statement is correct?

a Element T has one more electron in its outer shell than element S.
b Element T has one more electron shell than element S.
c Element T is in the same group of the Periodic Table as element S.
d Element T is in the same period of the Periodic Table as element S.

11. Which numbers are added together to give the nucleon number of an ion?

a. number of electrons + number of neutrons

b. number of electrons + number of protons
c. number of electrons + number of protons + number of neutrons
d. number of protons + number of neutrons

12. The atomic number of elements P , Q, R and S are 6,8 14 and 16 respectively. Out of
these, the element
known as metalloid is :

a. P b. Q c. R d. S

13. The electronic configuration of an element X is 2, 8, 4. In modern periodic table, the

element X is placed in:

a. 2nd group b. 4th group c. 14th group d. 8th group

14. Which of the element does not loose the electron easily?

a. Na b. F c. Mg d. Al

15. The correct increasing order of the atomic radii of the elements oxygen, fluorine and
nitrogen is

a. O, F, N b. N, F, O c. O, N, F d. F, O, N

16. On moving from left to right in a periodic table, the atomic number of elements
increases. What happens to the size of atoms of elements on moving from
left to right in a periodic table.

a. increases b. decreases c. remains the same d. First increases then


17. Where would you locate the element with electronic configuration, 2, 8 in the modern
periodic table?

a. group 8 b. group 2 c. group 18 d. group 10

18. You are given the solution of lead nitrate. In order to obtain yellow precipitate you
should with it a

Solution of:

a. potassium chloride b. potassium nitride

b. potassium sulphate d. potassium iodide

19. The chemical reaction between quick lime and water is characterized by:

a. evolution of hydrogen gas

b. formation of slaked lime precipitate

c. change in temperature of a mixture

d. change in color of the product

20. An acid which can decolorize purple colored potassium permanganate solution is

a. sulphuric acid b. citric acid

c. carbonic acid d. hydrochloric acid

21. The chemical equations are balanced to satisfy one of the following laws in chemical
reactions. The law is

Known as:

a. Law of conservation of momentum

b. law of conservation of mass

c. Law of conservation of motion

d. Law of conservation of magnetism

22. In the content of redox reactions, the removal of hydrogen from a substance is known

a. oxidation b. dehydration c. reduction d. dehydration

23. You are given the following chemical equations

Mg(s) + CuO(s) -------------> MgO (s) + Cu (s)

This equation represents

a. Decomposition reaction as well as displacement reaction

b. Combination reaction as well as double displacement reaction
c. redox reaction as well as displacement reaction
d. double displacement as well as redox reaction
24. Which of the following does not involve a chemical reaction?

a. digestion of food in our body

b. process of respiration

c. burning of candle wax when heated

d. melting of candle wax on heating

25. Carbon dioxide is an acidic oxide that reacts with aqueous calcium hydroxide.
Which type of reaction takes place?
a. decomposition
b. fermentation
c. neutralization
d. oxidation

26. The diagram shows the composition by volume of air.

What is X?
a. argon
b. carbon dioxide
c. nitrogen
d. oxygen

27. In which compounds are pairs of electrons shared between atoms?

1 sodium chloride
2 methane
3 lead bromide
a. 1 only b. 2 only c. 1 and 3 d. 1, 2 and 3

28. Element X has six electrons in its outer shell.

How could the element react?

A by gaining two electrons to form a positive ion

B by losing six electrons to form a negative ion
C by sharing two electrons with two electrons from another element to form two
covalent bonds
D by sharing two electrons with two electrons from another element to form four
covalent bonds

29. Clouds are formed when water vapor evaporates from the sea.

What is the energy change and what name is given to the type of change when water
energy change type of change
a. energy given out endothermic
b. energy given out exothermic
c. energy taken in endothermic
d. energy taken in exothermic

30. An element does not conduct electricity and exists as diatomic molecules.
In which area of the Periodic Table is the element to be found?
31. Which structure is incorrect?

. Which structure shows a compound that belongs to a different homologous series to

. What is the main constituent of natural gas?
a. carbon dioxide
b. ethane
c. hydrogen
d. methane

34. A compound has the formula CH3CH2CH=CH2.

Which row in the table shows the type of compound and the colour change when
aqueous bromine is
type of compound color change
A saturated brown to colorless
B saturated colorless to brown
C unsaturated brown to colorless
D unsaturated colorless to brown

35. The rows P, Q and R in the table show three pairs of structures.

Which pair or pairs are isotopes?

a. P only b. P and Q only c. Q only D. Q and R only

36. Which diagram shows a process in which an endothermic change is taking place?

37. The best way to recover sugar from an aqueous sugar solution is:
a. evaporation to dryness
b. distillation
c. filtration
e. crystallation
38. Which of the following scrap metal cannot be separated by magnetic separation?

a. nickel b. cobalt c. chromium d. steel

39. The formula of the sulphate of an element X is X2 (SO4 )3 . The formula of nitride of
element X will be:

a. X2N b. XN2 c. XN d.X2N3

40. An element has Z=7. What is the valency of the element?

a. 5 b. 4 c. 6 d. 7

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