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Calvin Chase

Annotated Bibliography

Source 1: The Paradox of Choice

Schwartz 0:21 , if we are interested in maximizing the welfare of our
citizens, the way to do that is to maximize individual freedom.
What Schwartz is saying is that if we have more choice we have more
opportunities for disappointment. If we have a wide selection to choose
something and it isn't perfect we will think about the one that is perfect and
not enjoy the object we have. Some choice is good, no question, but too
much choice is a recipe for displeasure.

Source 2: Theres More to Life Than Being Happy

Smith pg 2 Happiness without meaning characterizes relatively
shallow, self-absorbed or even selfish life, in which things go well, needs and
desire are easily satisfied, and difficult or taxing entanglements are avoided,
I think that the authors quote is saying that true happiness isnt given
but earned. Whether you suffer for it or give back for it, true happiness cant
be obtained.

Source 3: The New Era of Positive Psychology

Seligman 10:00 The first life is the pleasant life, and it's simply, as
best we can find it, it's having as many of the pleasures as you can, as much
positive emotion as you can, and learning the skills savoring, mindfulness
that amplify them, that stretch them over time and space.
I think that this message is the closest definition of true happiness. I
dont think that there is a solid definition but this is the closest. We view
happiness as a perfect feeling of being really content, pleasured or the
positive emotion. This saying that happiness is the greatest force known to

Source 4: Happy

Source 5: OECD Better Life Index

OECD Measuring feelings can be very subjective
I think that this statement is saying that measuring feelings is almost
impossible. Some people say that they are happy even though they arent.
People can mask their emotions. Like John said in BNW, Id Rather sit in
solitude than mask a fake happiness.
Calvin Chase

Independent Research Source 1: The Paradox of Choice

Schwartz 16:09 Clinical depression has exploded in the industrial
world in the last generation. I believe a significant not the only, but a
significant contributor to this explosion of depression, and also suicide, is
that people have experiences that are disappointing because their standards
are so high, and then when they have to explain these experiences to
themselves, they think they're at fault.
To my understanding, this statement is saying that having a choice is
incredibly important but having too many can be bad or influence our mood
negatively. If we choose something but it isn't perfect, we dont enjoy it for
what it is or we think about the better or perfect options that we missed out

Independent Research Source 2: Dopamine linked to a personality trait and happiness

Lang Depue has concluded that dopamine is strongly related to the trait some
researchers call extraversion, but Depue and his colleagues prefer to refer to it as
"positive emotionality."
Scientist Richard Depue states that dopamine can influence our personalities
and current mood. There is a lot of neuroscience behind being happy or sad. It's not just
that you are having a good day or moment, it's the chemicals your brain releases at that
moment or day.

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