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Applications of Option-Pricing Theory: Twenty-Five Years Later^


The news from Slockholm that the prize in extrinsic application is central to research in
economic sciences had been given for option- modem finance.
pricing theory provided unique and signal rec- It was not always thus. The origins of much
ognition to the rapidly advancing, hut still of the mathematics in modem finance can be
relatively new, discipline within economics traced to Louis Bachelier's 1900 dissertation
which relates mathematical finance theory and on the theory of speculation, framed as an
finance practice.' The special sphere of finance option-pricing prohlem. This work marks
within economics is the study of allocation and the twin births of both the continuous-time
deployment of economic resources, both spa- mathematics of stochastic processes and the
tially and across time, in an uncertain environ- continuous-time economics of derivative-
ment. To capture the influence and interaction security pricing. Kiyoshi Ito (1987) was
of time and uncertainty effectively requires so- greatly influenced by Bachelier's work in his
phisticated mathematical and computational development in the l940's and early 195O's of
tools. Indeed, mathematical models of modem the stochastic calculus, later to become an es-
finance contain some truly elegant applications sential mathematical tool in finance. Paul A.
of prohahility and optimization theory. These Samuelson's theory of rational warrant pric-
applications challenge the most powerful com- ing, published in 1965, was also motivated by
putational technologies. But, of course, all that the same piece. However, Bachelier's impor-
is elegant and challenging in science need not tant work was largely lost to financial econo-
also be practical; and surely, not all that is mists for more than a half century. During
practical in science is elegant and challenging. most of that period, mathematically complex
Here we have both. In the time since publi- models with a strong influence on practice
cation of our early work on the option-pricing were not at all the hallmarks of finance theory.
model, the mathematically complex models of Before the pioneering work of Markowitz,
finance theory have had a direct and wide- Modigliani, Miller, Sharpe, Lintner, Fama,
ranging influence on finance practice. This and Samuelson in the late 195O's and 196O's,
conjoining of intrinsic intellectual interest with finance theory was little more than a collection
of anecdotes, rules of thumb, and shuffling of
accounting data. It was not until the end of the
196O's and early l970's that models of finance
in academe become considerably more so-
' This article is the lecture Robert C. Merton delivered
phisticated, involving both the intertemporal
in Stockholm, Sweden. December 9. 1997. when he re- and uncertainty dimensions of valuation and
ceived the Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Econotnic Sci- optimal decision-making. The new models of
ences. The article is copyright The Nobel Foundation dynamic portfolio theory, intertemporal capi-
1997 and is published here with the permission of the No- tal asset pricing, and derivative-security pric-
bel Foundation.
ing employed stochastic differential and
* Graduate School of Business Administration. Har- integral equations, stochastic dynamic pro-
vard University. Boston, MA 02163, and Long-Term Cap- gramming, and partial differential equations.
ital Management, L.P.. Greenwich, CT 06831. I am
grateful to Robert K. Merton. Lisa Meulbroek, and Myron
These mathematical tools were a quantum
Scholes for their helpful suggestions on this lecture and level more complex than had been used in fi-
for so much more. Over the past 30 years, I have come to nance before and they are still the core tools
owe an incalculable debt to Paul A. Samuelson. my employed today.
teacher, mentor, colleague, co-researcher, and friend. Try
as I have (cf.. Merton, 1983, 1992), I cannot find the
words to pay sufficient tribute to him. 1 dedicate this lec- The most influential development in terms
ture to Paul and to the memory of Fischer Black. of impact on finance practice was the Black-
' This section draws on Merton (1994, 1995. 1997b). Scholes model for option pricing. Yet

paradoxically, the mathematical model was world oil-price shock with the creation of
developed entirely in theory, with essentially OPEC; double-digit inflation and interest rates
no reference to empirical option-pricing data in the United States; and the extraordinary
as motivation for its formulation. Publication real-return decline in the U.S. stock market
of the model brought the field to almost im- from a peak of around 1050 on the Dow Jones
mediate closure on the fundamentals of Industrial Average in the beginning of 1973 to
option-pricing theory. At the same time, it about 580 at the end of 1974. As a result, the
provided a launching pad for refinements of increased demand for managing risks in a vol-
the theory, extensions to derivative-security atile and structurally different economic en-
pricing in general, and a wide range of other vironment contributed to the major success of
applications, some completely outside the the derivative-security exchanges created in
realm of finance. The Chicago Board Options the 197O's to trade listed options on stocks,
Exchange (CBOE), the first public options futures on major currencies, and futures on
exchange, began trading in April 1973, and by fixed-income instruments. This success in tum
1975, traders on the CBOE were using the increased the speed of adoption for quantita-
model to both price and hedge their option po- tive financial models to help value options and
sitions. It was so widely used that, in those pre- assess risk exposures.
personal-computer days, Texas Instruments
The influence of option-pricing theory on
sold a handheld calculator specially pro-
finance practice has not been limited to finan-
grammed to produce Black-Scholes option
cial options traded in markets or even to de-
prices and hedge ratios. That rapid adoption
rivative securities generally. As we shall see,
was all the more impressive, as the mathe-
the underlying conceptual framework origi-
matics used in the model were not part of the
nally used to derive the option-pricing formula
standard mathematical training of either aca-
can be used to price and evaluate the risk in a
demic economists or practitioner traders.
wide array of applications, both financial and
Academic finance research of the 196O's, nonfinancial. Option-pricing technology has
including capital asset pricing, performance, played a fundamental role in supporting the
and risk measurement, and the creation of the creation of new financial products and markets
first large-scale databases for security prices around the globe. In the present and in the im-
essential for serious empirical work, have cer- pending future, that role will continue expand-
tainly influenced subsequent finance practice. ing to support the design of entirely new
Still the speed of adoption and the intensity of financial institutions, decision-making by sen-
that influence was not comparable to the influ- ior management, and the formulation of public
ence ofthe option model. There are surely sev- policy on the financial system. To underscore
eral possible explanations for the different that point, I begin with a few remarks about
rates of adoption in the 196O's and the 197O's. financial innovation of the past, this adumbra-
My hypothesis is that manifest "need" deter- tion to be followed in later sections with a de-
mined that difference. In the 196O's, especially tailed hsting of applications of the options
in the United States, financial markets exhib- technology that include some observations on
ited unusually low volatility: the stock market the directions of future changes in financial
rose steadily, interest rates were relatively sta- services.
ble, and exchange rates were fixed. Such a New financial product and market designs,
market environment provided investors and fi- improved computer and telecommunications
nancial service firms with little incentive to technology, and advances in the theory of fi-
adopt new financial technology, especially nance during the past quarter century have led
technology designed to help manage risk. to dramatic and rapid changes in the structure
However, the 1970's experienced several of global financial markets and institutions.
events that caused both structural changes and The scientific breakthroughs in financial mod-
large increases in volatility. Among the more eling in this period both shaped and were
important events were: the shift from fixed to shaped by the extraordinary flow of financial
floating exchange rates with the fall of Bretton innovation which coincided with those
Woods and the devaluation of the dollar; the changes. Thus, the publication of the option-

pricing model in 1973 surely helped the de- amounts {and often involve double-counting),
velopment and growth of the listed options and they are meaningless for assessing either the
over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives markets. importance or the risk exposure to derivative
But, the extraordinary growth and success of securities.~ Nevertheless, it is enough to say
those markets just as surely stimulated further here that, properly measured, derivatives are
development and research focus on the ubiquitous throughout the world financial sys-
derivative-security pricing models. To see this tem and that they are used widely by nonfi-
in perspective, consider some of the innova- nancial firms and sovereigns as well as by
tive changes in market structure and scale of institutions in virtually every part of their fi-
the global financial system since 1973. There nancing and risk-managing activities. Some
occurred the aforementioned fall of Bretton observers see the extraordinary growth in the
Woods leading to floating exchange rates for use of derivatives as fad-like, but a more likely
currencies; the development of the national explanation is the vast saving in transactions
mortgage market in the United States which in costs derived from their use. The cost of im-
turn restructured that entire industry; passage plementing financial strategies for institutions
of the Employee Retirement Income Security using derivatives can be one-tenth to one-
Act (ERISA) in 1974 with the subsequent de- twentieth of the cost of executing them in the
velopment of the U.S. pension-fund industry; underlying cash-market securities.' The sig-
the first money-market fund with check writ- nificance of reducing spread costs in financing
ing that also took place in 1974; and the ex- can be quite dramatic for corporations and for
plosive growth in mutual fund assets from $48 sovereigns: for instance, not long ago, a 1-
billion 25 years ago to $4.3 trillion today (a percent (i.e., 100-basis-point) reduction in
90-fold increase), with one institution, Fidel- debt-spread cost on Italian government debt
ity Investments, accounting for some $500 would have reduced the deficit by an amount
billion by itself. In this same period, average equal to 1.25 percent of the gross domestic
daily trading volume on the New York Stock product of Italy.
Exchange grew from 12 million shares to more
than 300 million. Even more dramatic were the Further improved technology, together with
changes in Europe and in Asia. The cumula- growing breadth and experience in the applica-
tive impact has significantly affected all of us tions of derivatives, should continue to reduce
as users, producers, or overseers of the finan- transactions costs as both users and producers of
cial system. derivatives move along the learning curve. Like
retail depositors with automatic-teller machines
Nowhere has this been more the case than in banks, initial resistance by institutional clients
in the development, refinement, and broad- to contractual agreements can be high, but once
based implementation of contracting technol- customers use them they tend not to return to the
ogy. Derivative securities such as futures, traditional alternatives for implementing finan-
options, swaps, and other contractual agree- cial strategies.
ments^the underlying substantive instru- A central process in the past two decades
ments for which our model was developed has been the remarkable rate of globalization
provide a prime example. Innovations in of the financial system. Even today, inspecfion
financial-contracting technology have im-
proved efficiency by expanding opportunities
for risk sharing, lowering transactions costs,
and reducing information and agency costs. ^ Notional amounts typically represent either the total
The numbers reported for tbe global use of value of the underlying asset on which payments on the
derivative securities are staggering (the figure derivative is determined (e.g., interest rate swap contracts)
or the exercise price on an option. The value of the deriv-
of $70 trillion appeared more than once in the ative contract itself is often a small fraction of its notional
news stories surrounding the award of the No- amount.
bel Prize and there are a number of world 'See Andr^ F. Perold (1992) for a case study illus-
banking institutions with reported multi- trating the savings in transactions costs, taxes, and custo-
trillion-dollar, off-balance-sheet derivative po- dial fees from using derivatives instead of the cash market.
sitions). However, since these are notional Myron S. Scholes( 1976) provides an early analysis of the
effect of taxes on option prices.

of the diverse financial systems of individuai background and the process leading up to their
nation-states would lead one to question how discoveries. Happily, there is no need to do so
effective integration across geopolitical bor- here since that has been done elsewhere in
ders could have realistically taken place since Fischer Black ( 1 9 8 9 ) , Peter L. Bernstein
those systems are rarely compatible in insti- (1992 Ch. 11), Merton and Schoies (1995),
tutional forms, regulations, laws, tax struc- and Schoies (1998). Instead. I briefly sum-
tures, and business practices. Still, significant marize. My principal contribution to the
integration did take place. This was made Black-Scholes option-pricing theory was to
possible in large part by derivative securities show that the dynamic trading strategy pre-
functioning as "adapters." In general, the scribed by Black and Schoies to offset the risk
flexibility created by the widespread use of exposure of an option would provide a perfect
contractual agreements, other derivatives, and hedge in the limit of continuous trading. That
specialized institutional designs provides an is, if one could trade continuously without
offset to dysfunctional institutional rigidities.'* cost, then following their dynamic trading
More specifically, derivative-security con- strategy using the underlying traded asset and
tracting technologies provide efficient means the riskless asset would exactly replicate the
for creating cross-border interfaces among payoffs on the option. Thus, in a continuous-
otberwise incompatible domestic systems, trading financial environment, the option price
without requiring widespread or radical must satisfy the Black-Scholes formula or else
changes within each system. For that reason, there would be an opportunity for arbitrage
implementation of derivative-security technol- profits. To demonstrate this limit-case result, I
ogy and markets within smaller and emerging- applied the tools developed in my earlier work
market countries may help form important (1969, 1971) on the continuous-time theory of
gateways of access to world capital markets portfolio selection. My 1973a paper also ex-
and global risk sharing. Such developments tended the applicability of the Black-Scholes
and changes are not limited only to the model to allow for stochastic interest rates on
emerging-market countries with their new fi- the riskless asset, dividend payments on the
nancial systems. Derivatives and other underlying asset, a changing exercise price,
contracting technologies are likely to play a American-type early-exercise of the option,
significant role in the financial engineering of and other " e x o t i c " features such as the
the major transitions required for European ' 'down-and-out'' provision on the option. I am
Monetary Union and for the major restructur- also responsible for naming the model, "the
ing of financial institutions in Japan. Black-Scholes Option-Pricing Model."^

With this introduction as background, I turn The derivations of the pricing formula in
now to the key conceptual and mathematical both of our 1973 papers make the following
framework underlying the option-pricing assumptions:
model and its subsequent applications.

I. General Derivation of ^ My 1970 working paper was the first to use the
Derivative-Security Pricing "Black-Scholes" label for their model (cf., Merton 1992
p. 379). This same paper was given at the July 1970 Wells
Fargo Capital Market Conference, since made 'famous"
I understand that it is customary in these lec- (or notorious) by Bemstein (1992 p. 223) as the one at
tures for the Nobel Laureates to review the which I " . . . inconveniently overslept . . . " the
morning session and missed the Black and Seholes pre-
sentation. The second instance naming their model was in
the 1971 working paper version of Merton ( 1973a).
* Schoies and Mark A. Wolfson (1992) develop the Samuelson (1972) is the first published usage: both in the
principles of security and institutional design along these main text and in my Appendix to that paper which derives
lines. See also Perold (1992) and Merton (1993, 1995). the model and refers to it as the "Black-Scholes formula."
Inspection of the weekly International Einancing Review The formula is cited in Roger J. Leonard (1971) and
will find the widespread and varied applications of finan- Carliss Baldwin (1972), the earliest theses to apply the
cial engineering, derivatives, special-purpose vehicles, model. Somewhat ironically, all these references to the
and securities for private-sector and sovereign financing "Black-Scholes model" appear before the actual publi-
in every part of the world. cation of either Black and Schoies (1972) or (1973).

ASSUMPTION 1: "Frictionless" and is assumed to be a twice-continuously differ-

"continuous" marketsThere are no trans- entiable function ofthe asset price, V, default-
actions costs or differential taxes. Markets are free bond prices, and time.
open all the time and trading takes place con-
tinuously. Borrowing and short-selling are al- In the particular case of a nondividend-paying
lowed without restriction. The borrowing and asset {Z>i = 0) and a constant variance rate,
lending rates are equal. a^, these assumptions lead to the Black-
Scholes option-pricing formula for a
ASSUMPTION 2: Underlying asset-price European-type call option with exercise price
dynamicsLet V = V(t) denote the price at L and expiration date T, written as
time t of a limited-liability asset, such as a
share of stock. The posited dynamics for the (1)
instantaneous returns can be described by an
Ito-type stochastic differential equation with
continuous sample paths given by
where d = (ln[V/Z.] + [r + a - / 2 ] [ T -
dV = [aV - D,(V,t)]dt + aVdZ, t])/(T\T t and N( ) is the cumulative
density function for the standard normal
where: a = instantaneous expected rate of re- distribution.
turn on the security; a^ = instantaneous vari- Subsequent research in the field proceeded
ance rate, which is assumed to depend, at along three dimensions: applications of the
most, on V{t) and t {i.e., a^ = a^(V, t)); dZ technology to other than financial options
is a Wiener process; and D^ = dividend pay- (which is discussed in the next section); em-
ment flow rate. With limited liability, to avoid pirical testing of the pricing formula, which
arbitrage, V{t) = 0 for all t a t* ifV(t*) = began with a study using over-the-counter data
0. Hence D^ must satisfy /)i(0, t) = 0. Other from a dealer's book obtained by Black and
than a technical requirement of bounded vari- Scholes (1972); and attempts to weaken the
ation, a can follow a quite general stochastic assumptions used in the derivation, and
process, dependent on V, other security prices, thereby to strengthen the foundation ofthe ap-
or state variables. In particular, the assumed plications developed from this research. The
dynamics permit a mean-reverting process for balance of this section addresses issues of the
the underlying asset's returns. latter dimension.
Early concerns raised about the model's
ASSUMPTION 3: Default-free bond-price theoretical foundation came from John B.
dynamicsBond returns are assumed to be Long (1974) and Clifford W. Smith, Jr.
described by ltd stochastic processes with con- (1976), who questioned Assumption 5:
tinuous sample paths. In the original Black namely, how does one know that the option
and Scholes formulation and for exposition prices do not depend on other variables than
convenience here, it is assumed that the risk- the ones assumed (for instance, the price of
less instantaneous interest rate, rit) = r, is a beer), and why should the pricing function be
constant over time. twice-continuously differentiable? These con-
cerns were resolved in an alternative deriva-
ASSUMPTION 4: Investor preferences and tion in Merton (1977b) which shows that
expectationsInvestor preferences are as- Assumption 5 is a derived consequence, not
sumed to prefer more to less. All investors are an assumption, of the analysis.''
assumed to agree on the function a ^ and on
the ltd process characterization for the return
dynamics. It is not assumed that they agree on
the expected rate of return, a. " As another instance of early questioning of the core
model, a paper I refereed argued that Black-Scholes must
be fundamentally flawed because a different valuation for-
ASSUMPTION 5: Functional dependence of mula is derived from the replication argument if the R. L.
the option-pricing formulaThe option price Stratonovich (1968) stochastic calculus is used for mod-

A broader, and still open, research issue is CAPM.'* There has developed a considerable
the robustness of the pricing formula in the literature on the case of imperfect replication
absence of a dynamic portfolio strategy that [cf., Breeden (1984), Hans Follmer and
exactly replicates the payoffs to the option se- Dieter Sondermann (1986), Steven Figlewski
curity. Obviously, the conclusion on that issue (1989), Dimitris Bertsimas et al. (1997),
depends on why perfect replication is not fea- Mark H. A. Davis (1997), and Marc Romano
sible as well as on the magnitude of the im- and Nizar Touzi (1997)].
perfection. Continuous trading is, of course, On this occasion, I reexamine the imperfect-
only an idealized prospect, not literally obtain- replication problem for a derivative security
able; therefore, with discrete trading intervals, linked to an underlying asset that is not contin-
replication is at best only approximate. Sub- uously available for trading in an environment
sequent simulation work has shown that within in which some assets are tradable at any time.
the actual trading intervals available and the As is discussed in the section to follow, non-
volatility levels of speculative prices, the error tradability is the circumstance for several im-
in replication is manageable, provided, how- portant classes of applications that have evolved
ever, that the other assumptions about the over the last quarter century, which include
underlying process obtain. John C. Cox among others, the pricing of financial guarantees
and Stephen A. Ross (1976) and Merton such as deposit and pension insurance and the
(1976a, b) relax the continuous sample-path valuation of nonfinancial or "real" options.
assumption and analyze option pricing using a Since the Black-Scholes model was derived by
mixture of jump and diffusion processes to assuming that the underlying asset is continu-
capture the prospect of nonlocal movements in ously traded, questions have been raised about
the underlying asset's return process.' Without whether the pricing formula can be properly ap-
a continuous sample path, replication is not plied in those applications. The derivation fol-
possible and that rules out a strict no-arbitrage lows along the lines presented in Merton
derivation. Instead, the derivation of the (1977b, 1997b) for the perfect-replication case.
option-pricing model is completed by using
equilibrium asset pricing models such as the A derivative security bas contractually de-
Intertemporal CAPM (Merton,! 973b) and the termined payouts that can be described by
Arbitrage Pricing Theory (Ross, 1976a).*' functions of observable asset prices and time.
This approach relates back to the original way These payout functions define the derivative.
in which Black and Scholes derived their The terms are expressed as follows:
model using the classic Sharpe-Lintner
Let W(0

= price of a derivative security at time t.

eling instead of the Ito calculus. My report showed that
while the paper's mathematics was cotTect, its economics (2) If V ( 0 ^ V ( O f o r O ^ t< T,
was not: A Stratonovich-type formulation of the under-
lying price process implies that traders have a partial then W{t) = / [ V ( r ) , / ] ;
knowledge about future asset prices that the nonanticipat-
ing character of the Ito process does not. The "paradox"
is thus resolved because the assumed information sets are If V ( 0 ^ V ( O f o r O s t< T,
essentially different and hence, so should the pricing
^ Since a discontinuous sample-path price process for
the underlying asset rules out perfect hedging even with
continuous trading but a continuous-sample-path process
lft= T, then W(T) = h[V(T)].
with stochastic volatility does not, there is considerable
interest in testing which process fits the data better. See " See Black (1989) and Scholes (1998). Fischer Black
Eric Rosenfeld (1980), an early developer of such tests, always maintained with me that the CAPM-version of the
and James B. Wiggins (1987). option-model derivation was more robust because contin-
*"The important Douglas T. Breeden (1979) uous trading is not feasible and there are transactions
Consumption-based Capital Asset Pricing Model, which costs. As noted in Merton (1973a p. 161), the discrete-
was not published at the time of these papers, can also be time Samuelson-Merton (1969) model also gives the
used to complete those models. Black-Scholes formula under special conditions.

For 0 ^ ? < r , the derivative security receives

a payment flow rate specified by DjiV, r). The
terms as described in ( 2 ) are to be inter-
gj'eted as follows: the first time that Vil) ^
V(t) or V(/) ^ V_(0, the owner of the deriv-
ative must exchange it for eash according to
the schedule in (2). If no such events occur
for t < T, then the security is redeemed at / =
T for cash according to (2). T is called the
maturity date (or expiration date, or redemp- V(0)
tion date) of the derivative. The derivative se-
curity is thus defined by specifying the
contingent payoff functions/, g, h, D2, and T.
-- t
In some cases, the schedules or the boundaries
Vit) and V^(t) are contractually specified; in
others, they are determined endogenously as
part of the valuation process, as in the case of FIGURE 1. RELEVANT REGION OF V:
the early-exercise boundary for an American- V(i) s V ( f ) . O s f ^ T
type option.
By arbitrage restrictions, the derivative se-
curity will have limited liability if and only if fectly hedged positions or it securitizes those
g a 0, /i a 0, / > 0, andZ)2(0, r) = 0. positions by bundling them into a portfolio for
If (as drawn in Figure 1) the boundaries a special-purpose financial vehicle which it
y_(t), and V ( 0 are continuous functions, then then sells either in the capital market or to a
because V(/) has a continuous sample path in consortium of other institutions in a process
/ by Assumption 2, one has that: ( i ) if similar to the traditional reinsurance market.
V(t) < V_it) for some /, then there is a r, { < Although surely a caricature, the following de-
;^ so that V(t_) = y_(t_)\ and (iiHf V ( ' 0 ' > scription is nevertheless not far removed from
Vit) for sorne t, then there is a t, t < t, so real-world practice.
that V(7) = V(t). Hence, in this case, the in- The objective is to find a feasible, continuous-
equalities for V can be neglected in (2) and trading portfolio strategy constructed from all
the only relevant region for analysis is available traded assets including the riskless
y _ { t ) ^ V(t) ^ V(t),0 ^ t ^ T . asset that comes "closest" to satisfying the
With the derivative-security characteristics following four properties: if P{t) denotes the
fully specified, we tum now to the fundamen- value of the portfolio at time t, then for 0 rs r
tal production technology for hedging the risk : T:
of issuing a derivative security and for evalu-
ating the cost of its production. To locate the ( i ) a t / , i f V{t) = y_(,t), t h e n Pit) =
derivation in a more substantive framework, I
posit a hypothetical financial intermediary that (ii) = V(f),then/>(f)=/[V(/),
creates derivative securities in principal trans-
actions for its customers by selling them con- (iii) for each t, the payout rate on the port-
tracts which are its obligation. It uses the folio is ),{V, t)dt;
capital markets or transactions with other in- (iv) SLtt=
stitutions to hedge the contractual habilities so
created by dynamically trading in the under- Call this portfolio the ''hedging portfolio" for
lying securities following a strategy designed the derivative security defined by (2). That
to reproduce the cash flows of the issued con- portfolio is labelled as "portfolio ( * ) . " In the
tracts as accurately as it can. If the interme- special, but important, case in which the port-
diary cannot perfectly replicate the payoffs to folio meets the above conditions exactly, the
the issued derivative, it either obtains adequate hedging portfolio is called the "replicating
equity to bear the residual risks of its imper- portfolio" for the derivative security.

Bertsimas et al. (1997) study the comple- the difference between the return on the un-
mentary problem of " c l o s e n e s s " of dy- derlying asset and the traded portfolio's re-
namic replication where they assume that turn. That is, at each point in time, the
one can trade in the underlying asset but that portfolio allocation is chosen so as to mini-
trading is not continuous. They apply sto- mize the instantaneous variance of [dS/S -
chastic dynamic programming to derive op- dV/V]. As shown in Merton (1992, Theo-
timal strategies to minimize mean-squared rem 15.3 p. 501), the portfolio rule that does
tracking error. These strategies are then em- this is given by
ployed in simulations to estimate quantita-
tively how close one can get to dynamic
completeness. (5)
I determine the optimal hedging portfolio
in two steps: first, find the portfolio strategy where v^ is the ;tth-ith element of the inverse
constructed from all continuously traded as- of the variance-covariance matrix of the re-
sets that has the smallest "tracking error" in turns on the n risky continuously traded assets.
replicating the returns on the underlying as- From Merton (1992 p. 502), the instantaneous
set. For the underlying asset with price V, I correlation between the returns on the V-Fund
call this portfolio, the "V-Fund." In the sec- and the underlying asset, pdt = dZdg, can be
ond step, derive the hedging portfolio for the written as
derivative security as a dynamic portfolio
strategy mixing the V-Fund with the riskless
asset. (6) Z X ^k,
= I i = ]
Let 5,(0 denote the price of continuously
traded asset / at time t. There are n such risky and
assets plus the riskless asset which are traded
continuously. The dynamics for 5, are as- (7) S = pa.
sumed to follow a continuous-sample-path Ito
process given by The dynamics of the tracking error can thus be
written as
(3) ,, i= 1,... , n .
(8) dS/S - dV/V = {ii- a)dt + 6db,
where a, is the instantaneous expected rate of
return on asset /; rfZ, is a Wiener process; (T,y where ^^ - (1 - p^)g^ and the Wiener pro-
is the instantaneous covariance between the re- cess fit = (pdq - dZ)H\ - p ^ As shown in
turns on i a n d ; [that is, (dS./S^HdSJSj) = Merton (1992 equation 15.51), it follows that
Oijdt and a,, = GJ]\ let TJ, be defined as the
instantaneous correlation between dZ^ and dZ (9) i=
in Assumption 2 such that dZ^ dZ = rji dt. Let
5(/) denote the value of the V-Fund portfolio That is, the tracking error in (8) is uncorre-
and let w, ( 0 denote the fraction of that port- lated with the returns on all traded assets,
folio allocated to asset /, i = I, ... , n, at time which is a consequence of picking the port-
t. The balance of the portfolio's assets are in- folio strategy that minimizes that error.
vested in the riskless asset. The dynamics for
With this, we now proceed with a
S can be written as
"cookbook-hke" derivation of the production
process for our hypothetical financial inter-
(4) mediary to hest hedge the cash flows of the
derivative securities it issues. The derivation
where (j, = r + 2"=i begins with a description of the activities for
1.U\ S;=, Wi(t)wj(t)a,,, and dq = [1^ \ the intermediary's quantitative-analysis
Wi(t)(T,dZ^]I6. ("quant") department which is responsible
To create the V-Fund, the w, are chosen for gathering the variance-covariance infor-
so as to minimize the unanticipated part of mation necessary to use (5) to construct and

maintain the V-Fund portfolio. It is also as- as follows: At time ? = 0, give the trading
signed the responsibility to solve the following desk $ P ( 0 ) as an initial funding (invest-
linear parabolic partial differential equation ment) for portfolio (*) which contains the
V-Fund asset and the riskless asset. Let P{t)
denote the value of portfolio (*) at t, after
having made any prescribed cash distribu-
(10) tion (payment) from the portfolio. The trad-
ing desk has the job at each time t {0 -^ t ^

+ ^0+ , t) (a) determine the current prices of the under-

lying asset, V(t) and all individual
subject to the boundary conditions: for V^ traded assets held in the V-Fund, and
^ V ^ V ( O a n d r < 7, send that price information to the quant
(11) F[V(t),t] = / [ V ( / ) , t] (b) pay a cash distribution of $D2[V(0, t\dt
to the customer holding the derivative se-
(12) F{y_(t),t] = 8[V_(t),t] curity, by selling securities in the portfo-
lio (if necessary);
(13) F[V, T] = h[V] ^ 0, (c) compute the value of the balance of the
portfolio, P{t)\
where F,, = d^F/dV\ F, = dFldV; and (d) receive instructions on M{t) from the
F2 = dFldt. Note that the nonnegativity con- quant department;
ditions in ( U ) - ( 1 3 ) together with OjCO, t) = (e) readjust the portfolio allocation so that
0 implies that the derivative security has lim- is now invested in the V-Fund and
ited liability. As a mathematical question, this is invested inthe riskless
is a well-posed problem, and a solution to asset.
(10)-(13) exists and is unique.
Having solved for the function F[V, t], the It follows that the dynamics for the value of
quant department has the prescribed ongoing portfolio (*) are given by
tasks at each time t {{) -^ t ^T)lo\

{\) ask the trading desk for the prices of all (14)
traded assets necessary to determine the
price 5 ( 0 of the V-Fund and the best
estimate of the current price of the un- , t)dt
derlying asset, V{t)\
(ii) compute from the solution to (10) - (13) where

dS .
M(t) = pnce appreciation;
(iii) tell the trading desk that the strategy of
portfolio (*) requires that %M{t) be in-
vested in the V-Fund for the period t to M{t) ^ dt = dividend payments
t -I- dt;
(iv) compute Y{t) = F[V(/), f] and store received into the portfolio;
Y{t) in the intermediary's data files for
(later) analysis of the time series (i.e., [P-M(t)]rdt
stochastic process) Y{t).
= interest earned by the portfolio;
The prescription for the execution or
trading-desk activities of tbe intermediary is DjiV, t)dt = cash distribution to customer.

Noting that M(t) = F^{V, t]V, one has by sub- by the trading desk. Putting these two time se-
stitution from (4) into (14) that the dynamics ries together, we define Q{t) = P(t) - Y(t).
of P satisfy It follows that dQ = dP- dY. Substituting for
dP from (15) and for <i y from (18), rearrang-
(15) ing terms using (8), one has that

(19) dQ = rQdt -\- F,V{dSlS - dVfV)


+ F^Odb.

- r)
At this point, I digress to examine the spe-
cial case in which perfect replication of the
return on the underlying asset obtains (i.e.,
+ F.Vbdq.
p = I and there is no tracking error). In that
case, equation (19) reduces to an ordinary dif-
Return now to the quant department to de- ferential equation {QIQ = r) with solution
rive the dynamics for Y{t). From (iv), one
has that Y{t) = F[V, t] for V(t) = V. Because (20) QU) = e(O)exp(r/)
F is the solution to (IO)-(13), F is a twice-
continuously differentiable function of V and w h e r e QiO) = P(0) - Y(0) = P(0) -
t. Therefore, we can apply Ito's lemma, so that F[V(O). 0 ] . Therefore, if the initial funding
for Vit) = V, provided to the trading desk for portfolio (*)
is chosen so that P ( 0 ) = F[V(O), 0 ] , then
(16) dY = f,[V, , t]dt from (20), Q(t) = 0 for all t and


By comparison of (11)-(13) with (2), one

has from (21) that the (*)-portfolio strategy
generates the identical payment flows and ter-
minal (and boundary) values as the derivative
security described at the outset of this analysis.
because (fiV)^ = (7^V^/f. Because F[V,fl sat- That is, for a one-time, initial investment of
isfies (10), one has that $F[V(O), 0 ] , a feasible portfolio strategy has
been found that exactly replicates the payoffs
(17) to the derivative security. Thus, $F[V(O), 0]
is the cost to the intermediary for producing
= rF - rWF, - the derivative. / / the derivative security is
traded, then to avoid ("conditional") arbi-
Substituting (17) into (16), one can rewrite trage (conditional on a, r, >,), its price must
(16) as satisfy

(18) dY F - (22) = F[V(t),t].

+ F.VadZ. Since the absence of arbitrage opportunities is

a necessary condition for equilibrium, it fol-
Note that the calculation of y ( 0 and its dy- lows that equilibrium prices for derivative se-
namics by the quant department in no way re- curities on continuously tradable underlying
quires knowledge of the time series of values assets must satisfy (22). This is, of course, the
for portfolio ( ) , {P(r)}, that are calculated original Black-Scholes result and the V-Fund

degenerates into a single asset, the underlying Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Thus, by any of
asset itself. However, note that (22) obtains those theories, the equilibrium condition from
without assuming that the derivative-pricing either (8) or (19) is that
function is a twice-continuously differentiable
function of V and t. The smoothness of (23) = a.
the pricing function is instead a derived
conclusion. If (23) obtains, it follows immediately that the
Note further that the development of the equilibrium price for the derivative security is
(*)-portfolio strategy did not require that the F[V{t), t], the same formula "as if" the un-
derivative security [defined hy (2)] actually dedying asset is traded continuously. And as
trades in the capital market. The (*) -portfolio a consequence, the Black-Scholes formula
strategy provides the technology for "'manu- would apply even in those applications in
facturing" or synthetically creating the cash which the underlying asset is not traded.
flows and payoffs of the derivative security if As is well known from the literature on in-
it does not exist. That is, if one describes a complete markets, (23) need not obtain if the
state-contingent schedule of outcomes for a creation of the new derivative security helps
portfolio [i.e., specifies/, g, h, D2, T, V^it), complete the market for a large enough subset
V(t)], then the (*)-portfoiio strategy pro- of investors that the incremental dimension of
vides the trading rules to create this pattern of risk spanned by this new instrument is
payouts and it specifies the cost of imple- "priced" as a systematic risk factor with an
menting those rules. The cost of creating the expected return different from the riskless in-
security at lime t is thus F[V{t),t]. Moreover, terest rate. Markets tend to remain incomplete
if the financial services industry is competi- with respect to a particular risk either because
tive, then price equals marginal cost, and (22) the cost of creating the securities necessary to
obtains as the formula for equilibrium prices span that risk exceeds the benefits, or because
of derivatives sold directly by intermediaries. nonverifiability, moral-hazard, or adverse-
Returning from this digression to the case selection problems render the viability of such
of imperfect replication, one has, hy construc- securities untenable. Generally, major macro
tion of the process for Y, that Q = P - Y is risks for which significant pools of investors
the cumulative arithmetic tracking error for the want to manage their exposures are not con-
hedging portfolio. By inspection of (19), the trollable by any group of investors, and it is
instantaneous tracking error for the derivative unlikely that any group would have systematic
security is perfectly correlated with the track- access to materially better information about
ing error of the V-Fund. Hence, from (9), it those risks. Hence, the usual asymmetric-
follows that the tracking error for the hedging information and incentive reasons given for
portfolio is uncorrelated with the returns on all market failure do not seem to be present. In
continuously traded assets. Using this lack of systems with well-developed financial insti-
correlation with any other traded asset, I now tutions and markets and with today's financial
argue that in this case the replication-based technology, it is thus not readily apparent what
valuation can he used for pricing the derivative factors make the cost of developing standard-
security even though replication is not ized derivative markets (e.g., futures, swaps,
feasible. options) prohibitive if, in large scale, there is
a significant premium latently waiting to he
As we know, in all equilibrium asset-pricing paid by investors who currently participate in
models, assets that have only nonsystematic or the markets. On a more prosaic empirical note,
diversifiable risk are priced to yield an ex- in most applications of the option-pricing
pected return equal to the riskless rate of in- model, the "residual" or tracking-error vari-
terest. The condition satisfied by the ations are likely to be specific to the underly-
tracking-error component of the hedging port- ing project, firm, institution, or person, and
folio satisfies an even stronger no-correlation thereby they are unlikely candidates for
condition than either a zero-heta asset in the macro-risk surrogates. These observations
CAPM, a zero multibeta asset of the Intertem- support the prospects for (23) to obtain.
poral CAPM, or a zero factor-risk asset of the

However, the risk need not be macro in institutional structure of the financial system is
scope in order to be significant to one investor neither exogenous nor fixed. In theory and in
or a small group of investors. Obvious exam- practice, that structure changes in response to
ples of such risks would be various firm- or changing technology and to profit opportuni-
person-specific components of human capital, ties for creating new products and existing
including death and disability risks. To make products more efficiently. As discussed at
a case for instruments with these types of ex- length elsewhere (Merton, 1992 pp. 457-67.
posures to be priced with a risk premium, 535-36), a financial sector with a rich and
incomplete-market models often focus on the well-developed structure of institutions can
"incipient-demand" (or "maximum reserva- justify a "quasi-dichotomy" modeling ap-
tion") price or risk premium that an investor proach to the pricing of real and financial
would pay to eliminate a risk that is not cov- assets that employs "reduced-form" equilib-
ered in the market by the existing set of se- rium models with a simple financial sector in
curities. In the abstract, that price, of course, which all agents are assumed to be minimum-
can be quite substantial. However, arguments cost information processors and transactors.
along these lines to explain financial product However, distortions of insights into the real
pricing implicitly assume a rather modest and worid can occur if significant costs for the
static financial services sector. A classic ex- agents are introduced into the model while the
ample is life insurance. Risk-averse individu- simple financial sector is retained as an un-
als with families may, if necessary, be willing changed assumption. Put simply, high trans-
to pay a considerable premium for life insur- action and information costs for most of the
ance, well in excess of the actuarial mortality economy's agents to directly create their own
risk, even after taking into account moral- financial products and services does not imply
hazard and person-specific informational that equilibrium asset prices are influenced by
asymmetries. Moreover, if the analysis further those high costs, as long as there is an efficient
postulates a financial sector so crude that bi- financial service industry with low-cost, rea-
lateral contracts between risk-averse individ- sonably competitive producers.
uals are the only way to obtain such insurance,
then the equilibrium price for such insurance In considering the preceding technical anal-
in that model can be so large that few, if any, ysis, one might wonder if there are relevant
contracts are created. But, such models are a situations in which the price is observable but
poor descriptor of the real world. If the insti- trade in the asset cannot take place? One com-
tutions and markets were really that limited, mon class of real-world instances is character-
the incentives for change and innovation ized as follows: consider an insurance
would be enormous. Modem finance technol- company that has guaranteed the financial per-
ogy and experience in implementing it provide formance of the liabilities of a privately held
the means for such change. And if, instead, opaque institution with a mark-to-market port-
one admits into the model just the classic folio of assets. The market value of that port-
mechanism for organizing an "insurance" in- folio (corresponding to V in the analysis here)
stitution (whether government-run or private is provided to the guarantor on a continuous
sector) to take advantage of the enormous di- basis, but the portfolio itself cannot be traded
versification benefits of pooling such risks and by the guarantor to hedge its exposure because
subdividing them among large numbers of par- it does not know the assets held within the
ticipants, then the equilibrium price equals the portfolio. Elsewhere (Merton, 1997a), I have
"supply" price of such insurance contracts developed a model using an alternative ap-
which approaches the actuarial rate. proach of incentive-contracting combined
with the derivative-security technology to an-
As is typical in analyses of other industries, alyze the problem of contract guarantees for
the equilibrium prices of financial products an opaque institution. It is nevertheless the
and services are more closely linked to the case that discontinuous tradability of an asset
costs of the efficient producers than to the in- is often accompanied by discontinuous obser-
efficient ones (except perhaps as a very crude vations of its price. And so, the combination
upper bound to those prices). Furthermore, the of the two warrants attention. Hence, I com-

plete this section with consideration of how to ever, att = T,ViT)is revealed and the value
modify the valuation formula if the price of of 5 "jumps" by the total cumulative tracking
the underlying asset V is not continuously error of X ( 7 ) from its value S at t = T to
observable. 5 ( r ) - V ( r ) . The effect of the underlying
Suppose that in the example adopted in this asset price not being observable is perhaps
section, the price of the underiying asset is ob- well illustrated by comparing the solution for
served at / = 0 and then again at the maturity the European-type call option with the classic
of the derivative contract, / = 7". In between, Black-Scholes solution given here in (1). The
there is neither direct observation nor infer- solution to(25)and(26) with/[(V) = max[O,
ential information from payouts on the asset. V - L] is given by, for 0 < / < 7",
Hence, />,(V, t) = 0, and the derivative se-
curity has no payouts or interim "stopping (27) F[S,t])
points" prior to maturity las specified in (11)
and (12)] contingent on Vit). It is however = SNiu) ~ Le\pi-r[T - t])
known that the dynamics of Vare as described
in Assumption 2 with a covariance structure X Niu - iy),
with available traded assets sufficiently well
specified to construct the V-Fund according to where = (Int5/L] -I- r[T - t] + yl2)lfy,
(5). Define the random variable X ( 0 = Vit)/ 7 = d'^iT - 0 + &^T, and Ni ) is the cu-
Sit), the cumulative proportional tracking er- mulative density function for the standard nor-
ror, withX(O) = 1. By applying Ito's lemma, mal distribution.
one has from (8), (9), and (23) that the dy- By inspection of ( I ) and (27), the key dif-
namics for X can be written as ference in the option-pricing formula with and
without continuous observation of the under-
(24) dX = eXdb. lying asset price is that the variance over the
remaining life of the option does not go to zero
It follows from (24) that the distribution for as t approaches T, because of the "jump"
Xit), conditional on X(0) = 1, is lognormal event at the expiration date corresponding to
with the expected value of X(/) equal to 1 and the cumulative effect of tracking error.
the variance of In tX (/) ] equal to O^t. The par- This section has explored conditions under
tial differential equation for F, corresponding which the Black-Scholes option-pricing model
to (10), that determines the hedging strategy can be validly applied to the pricing of assets
uses as its independent variable the best esti- with derivative-security-like structures, even
mate of V{t), which is SO), and it is written when the underlying asset-equivalent is nei-
as ther continuously traded nor continuously ob-
servable. A fuller analysis of this question
(25) 0 = {6-S^Fu[S, t] + rSF^S, t] would certainly take account of the additional
tracking error that obtains as a consequence of
imperfect dynamic trading of the V -Fund port-
- rF[S, t] + F2I5, t],
folio, along the lines of Bertsimas et al.
subject to the terminal-time boundary condi- (1997). However, a more accurate assessment
tion that for 5 ( 7 - ) = S, of the real-world impact should also take into
account other risk-management tools that in-
termediaries have to reduce tracking error. For
(26) F[S,T] =E{hiSX)},
instance, as developed in analytical detail in
Merton (1992 pp. 4 5 0 - 5 7 ) , intermediaries
where h is as defined in (13), X is a log-
need only use dynamic trading to hedge their
normally distributed random variable with
net derivative-security exposures to various
E{X ] = I and variance of In [X ] equal to 0 ^T
underlying assets. For a real-world interme-
and E{ } is the expectation operator over the
diary with a large book of various derivative
distribution of X.
products, netting, which in effect extends the
Condition (26) reflects the fact that for all capability for hedging to include trading in
t < 7, the best estimate of V(r) is 5 ( 0 - How-

securities with "nonlinear" payoff structures, modei was underway, options were seen as
can vastly reduce the size and even the fre- rather arcane and specialized financial instru-
quency of the hedging transactions necessary ments. However, both Black and Scholes
to achieve an acceptable level of tracking er- (1972. 1973) and I (Merton [1970, 1974])
ror. Beyond this, as part of their optimal risk recognized early on in the research effort that
management, intermediaries can " s h a d e " the same approach used to price options could
their bid and offer prices among their various be applied to a variety of other valuation prob-
products to encourage more or less customer lems. Perhaps the first major development of
activity in different products to help manage this sort was the pricing of corporate liabilities,
their exposures. The limiting case when the net the "right-hand side" of the firm's balance
positions of customer exposures leaves the in- sheet. This approach to valuation treated the
termediary with no exposure is called a wide array of instruments used to finance firms
"matched book." such as debentures, convertible bonds, war-
rants, prefened stock, and common stock (as
II. Applications of the well as a variety of hybrid securities) as deriv-
Option-Pricing Technology ative securities with their contractual payouts
ultimately dependent on the value of the over-
Open the financial section of a major news- all firm. In contrast to the standard fragmented
paper almost anywhere in the world and you valuation methods of the time, it provided a
will find pages devoted to reporting the prices unified theory for pricing these liabilities. Be-
of exchange-traded derivative securities, cause application of the pricing methodology
both futures and options. Along with the vast does not require a history of trading in the par-
over-the-counter derivatives market, these ticular instrument to be evaluated, it was well
exchange markets trade options and futures on suited for pricing new types of financial se-
individual stocks, stock-index and mutual- curities issued by corporations in an innovat-
fund portfolios, on bonds and other fixed- ing environment. Applications to corporate
income securities of every maturity, on finance along this line developed rapidly.'"
currencies, and on commodities including ag-
"Option-like" structures were soon seen to
ricultural products, metals, crude oil and re-
be lurking everywhere; thus there came an ex-
fined products, natural gas, and even,
plosion of research in applying option-pricing
electricity. The volume of transactions in these
which still continues. Indeed, I could not do
markets is often many times larger than the
full justice to the list of contributions accu-
volume in the underlying cash-market assets.
mulated over the past 25 years even if this en-
Options have traditionally been used in the
tire paper were devoted to that endeavor.
purchase of real estate and the acquisition of
Fortunately, a major effort to do just that is
publishing and movie rights. Employee stock
underway and the results will soon be avail-
options have long been granted to key em-
able (Jin et al., 1998). The authors have gen-
ployees and today represent a significantly
erously shared their findings with me. And so,
growing proportion of total compensation, es-
I can convey here some sense of the breadth
pecially for the more highly paid workers in
of applications and be necessarily incomplete
the United States. In all these markets, the
without harm.
same option-pricing methodology set forth in
the preceding section is widely used both to The put option is a basic option which gives
price and to measure the risk exposure from its owner the right to sell the underiying asset
these derivatives (cf., Robert A. Jarrow and at a specified ("exercise") price on or before
Andrew T. Rudd [1983] and Cox and Mark a given ("expiration") date. When purchased
Rubinstein [1985]). However, financial op- in conjunction with ownership of the under-
tions represent only one of several categories
of applications for the option-pricing
'" See Merton (1992 pp. 423-27) for an extensive list
of references. See also Gregory D. Hawkins (1982) and
In the late 196O's and early 1970's when the Michael J. Brennan and Eduardo S. Schwartz (1985a) and
basic research leading to the Black-Schoies the early empirical testing by E. Philip Jones et al. (1984).

lying asset, it is functionally equivalent to an guarantees of student loans and home mort-
insurance policy that protects its owner against gages, and loans to small businesses and some
economic loss from a decline in the asset's large ones as well." The application to gov-
value below the exercise price for any reason, ernment activities goes beyond just providing
where the term of the insurance policy corre- guarantees. The model has been used to deter-
sj>onds to the expiration date. Hence, option- mine the cost of other subsidies includ-
pricing theory can be applied to value ing farm-price supports and through-put guar-
insurance contracts. An early insurance appli- antees for pipelines.''' It has been applied to
cation of the Black-Scholes model was to the value licenses issued with limiting quotas such
pricing of loan guarantees and deposit insur- as for taxis or fisheries or the right to pollute
ance (cf., Merton, 1977a). A contract that in- and to value the government's right to change
sures against losses in value caused by default those quotas.''^ Government sanctions patents.
on promised payments on a contract in effect The decision whether to spend the resources
is equivalent to a put option on the contract to acquire a patent depends on the value of the
with an exercise price equal to the value of the patent which can be framed as an option-
contract if it were default free. Loan and other pricing problem. Indeed, even on something
contract guarantees, collectively called credit that is not currently commercial, one may ac-
derivatives, are ubiquitous in the private sec- quire the patent for its "option value," should
tor. Indeed, whenever a debt instrument is pur- economic conditions change in an unexpected
chased in which there is any chance that the way."^ James L. Paddock et al. (1988) show
promised payments will not be made, the pur- that option value can be a significant propor-
chaser is not only lending money but also in tion of the total valuation of government-
effect issuing a loan guarantee as a form of granted offshore drilling rights, especially
self-insurance. Another private-sector appli- when current and expected future economic
cation of options analysis is in the valuation of conditions would not support development of
catastrophic-insurance reinsurance contracts the fields. Option-pricing analysis quantifies
and bonds." Dual funds and exotic options the government's economic decision whether
provide various financial-insurance and to build roads in less-populated areas depend-
minimum-retum-guarantee products.'^ ing on whether it has the policy option to aban-
don rural roads if they are not used enough.'^
Almost surely, the largest issuer of such Various legal and tax issues involving pol-
guarantees are governments. In the United icy and behavior have been addressed using
States, the Office of the Management of the the option model. Among them is the valuation
Budget is required by law to value those guar- of plaintiffs' litigation options, bankruptcy
antees. The option model has been applied to laws including limited-liability provisions, tax
assess deposit insurance, pension insurance. delinquency on real estate and other property
as an option to abandon or recover the prop-
erty by paying the arrears, tax evasion, and
valuing the tax " t i m i n g " option for the
" Cf., Alan Kraus and Ross (1982), Neil A. Doherty
and James R, Garven (1986), J. David Cummins (1988),
Cummins and Helyelle Geman ( 1995), and Scott E.
Harrington elal. (1995).
' Brennan and Schwanz (1976), Jonathan J. Ingersoll,
Jr. (1976), M. Barry Goldman et al. (1979), Mary Ann "Howard B. Sosin (1980), Baldwin et al. (1983),
Gatto et al. (1980), and Rene M. Stuiz (1982). In an early Donald F. Cunningham and Patric H. Hendershott (1984),
real-world application, Myron Scholes and I developed the Alan J. Marcus (1987). Merton and Zvi Bodie (1992).
first options-strategy mutual fund in the United States, Bodie (1996), Ashoka Mody (1996), and Robert S. Neal
Money Market/Options Investments, Inc., in February (1996).
1976. The strategy, which invested 90 percent of its assets '"Scott P. Mason and Merton (1985), Calum G.
in money-market instruments and 10 percent in a diver- Turvey and Vincent Amanor-Boadu (1989), and Taehoon
sified portfolio of stock call options, provided equity ex- Kang and B. Wade Brorsen (1995).
posure on the upside with a guaranteed "floor" on the '^ James E. Anderson (1987) and Jonathan M, Karpoff
value of the portfolio. The retum patterns from this and (1989).
similar "floor" strategies were later published in Merton " Lenos Trigeorgis (1993).
etal. (1978, 1982). " Cathy A. Hamlett and C, Phillip Baumel (1990).

capital-gains tax in a circumstance when only optimal education policy should be to pursue
realization of losses and gains on investments targeted training of the specific skills forecast
triggers a taxable event.'** and in the quantities needed. The alternative
In a recent preliminary study, the options of providing either more general education and
structure has been employed to help model the training in multiple skills or training in skills
decision of whether the Social Security fund not expected to be used is seen as a "luxury"
should invest in equities (Kenneth Smetters, that poorer, developing countries could not af-
1997). As can be seen in the option formula ford. It, of course, was understood, that fore-
of the preceding section, the value of an option casts of future labor-training needs were not
depends on the volatility of the underlying as- precise. Nevertheless, the basic prescription
set. The Federal Reserve uses as one of its in- formally treated them as if they were. In
dicators of investor uncertainty about the Samantha J. Merton (1992), the question is
future course of interest rates, the "implied" revisited, this time with an explicit recognition
volatility derived from option prices on gov- of the uncertainty about future labor require-
ernment bonds.''^ In his last paper, published ments embedded in the model. The analysis
after his death. Black (1995) applies options shows that the value of having the option to
theory to model the process for the interest change the skill mix and skill type of the labor
rates that govern the dynamics of government force over a relatively short period of time can
bond prices. In another area involving central- exceed the increased cost in terms of longer
bank concerns, Perold (1995) shows how the education periods or less-deep training in any
introduction of various types of derivatives one skill. The Black-Scholes model is used to
contracts has helped reduce potential quantify that trade-off. In a different context
systemic-risk problems in the payment system of the private sector in a developed country,
from settlement exposures. The Black-Scholes the same technique could be used to assess the
model can be used to value the "free credit cost-benefit trade-off for a company to pay a
option" implicitly offered to participants, in higher wage for a labor force with additional
addition to "float," in markets with other than skills not expected to be used in return for the
instantaneous settlement periods. See also flexibility to employ those skills if the unex-
Paul H. Kupiec and Patricia A. White (1996). pected happens.
The prospective application of derivative-
security technology to enhance central-bank The discussion of labor education and train-
stabilization policies in both interest rates and ing decisions and litigation and taxes leads
currencies is discussed in Merton (1995, naturally into the subject of human capital and
1997b). household decision-making. The individual
decision as to how much vocational education
In an application involving government ac- to acquire can be formulated as an option-
tivities far removed from sophisticated and rel- vaiuation problem in which the optimal exer-
atively efficient financial markets, options cise conditions reflect when to stop training
analysis has been used to provide new insights and start working.^** In the classic labor-leisure
into optimal government planning policies in trade-off, one whose job provides the flexibil-
developing countries. A view held by some in ity to increase or decrease the number of hours
development economics about the optimal ed- worked, and hence his total compensation, on
ucational policy for less-developed countries relatively short notice, has a valuable option
is that once the expected future needs for relative to those whose available work hours
labor-force composition are determined, the are fixed.^' Wage and pension-plan "floors"
that provide for a minimum compensation, and
even tenure for university professors (John G.
McDonald, 1974), have an option-Uke struc-
"* George M. Constantinides and Ingersoll (1984), ture. Other options commonly a part of house-
BrendanO'Flaherty (1990), William J. Bianton (1995),
Paul G. Mahoney (1995). and Charles T. Terry (1995).
'" Sylvia Nasar (1992). See Bodie and Merton (1995)
for an overview article on implied volatility as an example ' Uri Dothan and Joseph Williams (1981).
of the informational role of asset and option prices. Bodie etal,(1992j.

hold finance are: the commitment by an ment, having the flexibility to decide what to
institution to provide a mortgage to the house do after some of that uncertainty is resolved
buyer, if he chooses to get one; the prepayment definitely has value. Option-pricing theory
right, after he takes the mortgage, that gives provides the means for assessing that value.
the homeowner the right to renegotiate the in- The major categories of options within
terest rate paid to the lender if rates fall;^^ a project-investment valuations are: the option
car lease which gives the customer the right, to initiate or expand; the option to abandon or
but not the obligation, to purchase the car at a contract; and the option to wait, slow down, or
prespecified price at the end of the lease.^' speed up development. There are "growth"
Health-care insurance contains varying de- options which involve creating excess capac-
grees of flexibility, a major one being whether ity as an option to expand and research and
the consumer agrees in advance to use only a development as creating the opportunity to
prespecified set of doctors and hospitals produce new products and even new busi-
( " H M O p l a n " ) or he retains the right to nesses, but not the obligation to do so if they
choose an "out-of-plan" doctor or hospital are not economically viable.^^
("point-of-service" plan). In the consumer A few examples: For real-world application
making the decision on which to take and the of the options technology in valuing product
health insurer assessing the relative cost of development in the pharmaceutical industry,
providing the two plans, each solves an option- see Nichols {1994). In the generation of elec-
pricing problem as to the value of that flexi- tric power, the power plant can be constructed
bihty.^'' Much the same structure of valuation to use a single fuel such as oil or natural gas
occurs in choosing between "pay-per-view" or it can be built to operate on either. The value
and "flat-fee" payment for cable-television of that option is the ability to use the least-
services. cost, available fuel at each point in time and
Many of the preceding option-pricing ap- the cost of that optionality is manifest in hoth
plications do not involve financial instruments. the higher cost of construction and less-
The family of such applications is called efficient energy conversion than with the cor-
"real" options. The most developed area for responding specialized equipment. A third
real-option application is investment decisions example described in Timothy A. Luehrman
byfirms.^"^However, real-options analysis has (1992) comes from the entertainment industry
also been applied to real-estate investment and and involves the decision about making a se-
development decisions.^'' The common ele- quel to a movie; the choices are: either to pro-
ment for using option-pricing here is the same duce both the original movie and its sequel at
as in the preceding examples: the future is un- the same time, or wait and produce the sequel
certain (if it were not, there would be no need after the success or failure of the original is
to create options because we know now what known. One does not have to be a movie-
we will do later) and in an uncertain environ- production expert to guess that the incremental
cost of producing the sequel is going to be less
if the first path is followed. While this is done,
more typically the latter is chosen, especially
" Kenneth B. Dunn and John J. McConnell (1981) and with higher-budget films. The economic rea-
Brennan and Schwartz {1985b). son is that the second approach provides the
" Stephen E. Miller (1995). option not to make the sequel (if, for example,
^^ James A. Hayes et al. (1993) and Frank T. Magiera the original is not a success). If the producer
and Robert A. Mct^an (1996). knew (almost certainly) that the sequel will be
-^ Mason and Merton (1985), Robert L, McDonald and
Daniel R. Siegel (1985), Saman Majd and Robert S- produced, then the option value of waiting for
Pindyck (1987), Alexander J. Triantis and James E. more information is small and the cost of
Hodder (1990), Avinash K. Dixit and Pindyck (1994).
Nancy A. Nichols (1994), Trigeorgis (1996). and Keith
J. Leslie and Max P. Michaels (1997).
'"V. Kerry Smith (1984). Raymond Chiang et al.
(1986), David Geltner and William C. Wheaton (1989), " W. Carl Kester ( 1984), Robyn McLaughlin and
Joseph T. Williams (1991). and F. Christian Zinkhan Robert A. Taggart (1992), and Terrance W. Faulkner
(1991). (1996).

doing the sequel separately is likely to exceed wide ranging are the applications of our tech-
the benefit. Hence, once again, we see that the nology for pricing and measuring the risk of
amount of uncertainty is critical to the deci- derivatives. Nevertheless, there still remains
sion, and the option-pricing model provides an intense uneasiness among managers, regu-
the means for quantifying the cost/benefit lators, politicians, the press, and the public
trade-off. As a last example, Baldwin and over these new derivative-security activities
Clark (1999) develop a model for designing and their perceived risks to financial institu-
complex production systems focused around tions. And this seems to be the case even
the concept of modularity. They exemplify though the huge financial disruptions, such as
their central theme with several industrial ex- the savings-and-loan debacle of the 198O's in
amples which include computer and automo- the United States and the current financial cri-
bile production. Modularity in production ses in Asia and some emerging markets, ap-
provides options. In assessing the value of pear to be the consequence of the more
modularity for production, they employ an traditional risks taken by institutions such as
option-pricing type of methodology, where commercial, real-estate, and less-developed-
complexity in the production system is com- country lending, loan guarantees, and equity-
parable to uncertainty in the financial one.^" share holdings.
In each of these real-option examples as One conjecture attributes this uneasiness to
with a number of the other applications dis- the frequently cited instances of individual
cussed in this section, the underlying "asset" costly events that are alleged to be associated
is rarely traded in anything approximating a with derivatives, such as the failure of Barings
continuous market and its price is therefore not Bank, Proctor and Gamble's losses on com-
continuously observable either. For that rea- plex interest rate contracts, the financial dis-
son, this paper, manifestly focused on appli- tress of Orange County, and so forth.
cations, devotes so much space to the technical Perhaps.^^ But, as already noted, derivatives
section on extending the Black-Scholes are ubiquitous in the financial world and thus,
option-pricing framework to include nontrad- they are likely to be present in any financial
ability and nonobservability. circumstance, whether or not their use has any-
thing causal to do with the resulting financial
III. Future Directions of Applications outcomes. However, even if all these allega-
tions were valid, the sheer fact that we are able
As I suggested at the outset, innovation is a to associate individual names with these oc-
central force driving the financial system to- currences instead of mere numbers ("XYZ
ward greater economic efficiency with consid- company" instead of "475-500 thrifts" as
erable economic benefit having accrued from the relevant descriptor) would suggest that
the changes since the time that the option- these are relatively isolated eventsunfortu-
pricing papers were published. Indeed, much nate pathologies rather than indicators of sys-
financial research and broad-based practitioner temic flaws. In contrast, the physiology of this
experience developed over thai period have financial technology, that is, how it works
led to vast improvements in our understanding when it works as it should, is not the subject
of how to apply the new financial technologies of daily reports from around the globe but is
to manage risk. Moreover, we have seen how essentially taken for granted.
An alternative or supplementary conjecture
about the sources of the collective anxiety over
derivatives holds that they are a part of a wider
^" See also Hua He and Pindyck (1992). On an entirely
different application, Kester's (1984) analysis of whether implementation of financial innovations which
to develop products in parallel or sequentially could be have required major changes in the basic in-
applied to the evaluation of alternative strategies for fund-
ing basic scientific research: is it better to support N dif-
ferent research approaches simultaneously or just to
support one or two and then use the resulting outcomes to " Merton H. Miller (1997) provides a cogent analysis
sequence future research approaches? See also Merton refuting many of the specific-case allegations of deriva-
(1992 p. 426). tives misuse.

stitutional hierarchy and in the infrastructure makes them far more stable, across time and
to support it. As a result., the knowledge base across geopolitical borders, than the identity
now required to manage and oversee financial and structure of the institutions performing
institutions differs greatly from the traditional them. Thus, a functional perspective offers a
training and experience of many financial more robust frame of reference than an insti-
managers and government regulators. Experi- tutional one, especially in a rapidly changing
ential changes of this sort are threatening. It is financial environment. It is difficult to use in-
difficult to deal with change that is exogenous stitutions as the conceptual "anchor" for an-
to our traditional knowledge base and frame- alyzing the evolving financial system when the
work and thus comes to seem beyond our con- institutional structure is itself changing signif-
trol. Decreased understanding of the new icantly, as has been the case for the past two
environment can create a sense of greater risk decades and as appears likely to continue well
even when the objective level of risk in the into the future. In contrast, in the functional
system remains unchanged or is actually re- perspective, institutional change is endoge-
duced. If so, we should start to deal with the nous, and may therefore prove especially use-
problem now since the knowledge gap may ful in predicting the future direction of
widen if the current pace of financial innova- financial innovation, changes in financial mar-
tion, as some anticipate, accelerates into the kets and intermediaries, and regulatory
twenty-first century. Moreover, greater design.^'
complexity of products and the need for more
The successful private-sector and govern-
rapid decision-making will probably increase
mental financial service providers and over-
the reliance on models, which in turn implies
seers in the impending future will be those
a growing place for elements of mathematical
who can address the disruptive aspects of in-
and computational maturity in the knowledge
novation in financial technology while still
base of managers. Dealing with this knowl-
fully exploiting its efficiency benefits. What
edge gap offers considerable challenge to pri-
types of research and training will be needed
vate institutions and government as well as
to manage financial institutions? The view of
considerable opportunity to schools of man-
the future here as elsewhere in the economic
agement and engineering and to university de-
sphere is clouded with significant uncertain-
partments of economics and mathematics.
ties. With this in mind, I nevertheless try my
There are two essentially different frames of hand at a few thoughts on the direction of
reference for trying to analyze and understand change for product and service demands
changes in the financial system. One perspec- by users of the financial system and the
tive takes as given the existing institutional
structure of financial service providers,
whether governmental or private sector, and
examines what can be done to make those in- " During the last 25 years, finance theory has been a
stitutions perform their particular financial ser- good predictor of future changes in finance practice. That
vices more efficiently and profitably. An is. when theory seems to suggest that something "should
alternative to this traditional institutional per- be there" and it isn't, practice has evolved so that it is.
spectiveand the one I favoris the func- The "pure" securities developed by Kenneth J. Arrow
(1953) that so clearly explain the theoretical function of
tional perspective, which takes as given the financial instruments in risk bearing were nowhere to be
economic functions served by the financial found in the real world until the broad development of the
system and examines what is the best institu- options and derivative-security markets. It is now routine
tional structure to perform those functions.^" for financial engineers to disaggregate the cash flows of
The basic functions of a financial system are various securities into their elemental Arrow-security
component parts and then to reaggregate them to create
essentially the same in all economies, which securities with new patterns of cash flows. For the relation
between options and Arrow securities and the application
of the Black-Scholes model to the synthesis and pricing
of Arrow securities, see Ross (1976b), Rolf W. Banzand
'" For elaboration on the functional perspective, see Miller (1978), Breeden and Robert H. Litzenberger
Merton (1993, 1995), Dwight B. Crane et al. {1995), and (1978).DarTell J. Duffie and Chi-fu Huang (1986), and
Bodie and Merton (1998). Merton (1992 pp-443-50).

implications of those changes for applications stand for customers will create considerably
of mathematical financial modeling. more complexity for the producers of those
The household sector of users in the more products. Hence, financial-engineering crea-
fully developed financial systems has experi- tivity and the technological and transactional
enced a secular trend of disaggregation in fi- bases to implement that creativity, reliably and
nancial services. Some see this trend cost-effectively, are likely to become a central
continuing with existing products such as mu- competitive element in the industry. The re-
tual funds being transported into technologi- sulting complexity will require more elaborate
cally less-developed systems. Perhaps so, and highly quantitative risk-management sys-
especially in the more immediate future, with tems within financial service firms and a par-
the widespread growth of relatively inexpen- allel need for more sophisticated approaches
sive Internet accessibility. However, deep and to government oversight. Neither of these can
wide-ranging disaggregation has left house- be achieved without greater reliance on mathe-
holds with the responsibility for making im- matical financial modeling, which in turn will
portant and technically complex micro be feasible only with continued improvements
financial decisions involving risk (such as de- in the sophistication and accuracy of financial
tailed asset allocation and estimates of the modeis.
optimal level of life-cycie saving for retire-
Nonfinancial firms currently use derivative
ment)decisions that they had not had to
securities and other contractual agreements to
make in the past, are not trained to make in
hedge interest rate, currency, commodity, and
the present, and are unlikely to execute effi-
even equity price risks. With improved lower-
ciently even with attempts at education in the
cost technology and learning-curve experi-
future. The low-cost availability of the Internet
ence, this practice is likely to expand. Even-
does not solve the "principal-agent" problem
tually, this alternative to equity capital as a
with respect to financial advice dispensed by
cushion for risk could lead to a major change
an agent. That is why I believe that the trend
of corporate structures as more firms use hedg-
will shift toward more integrated financial
ing to substitute for equity capital, thereby
products and services, which are easier to un-
moving from publicly traded shares to closely
derstand and more tailored toward individual
held private shares.
profiles. Those products and services will in-
clude not only the traditional attempt to The preceding section provides examples of
achieve an efficient risk-return trade-off for current applications of the options technology
the tangible-wealth portfolio but will also in- to corporate project evaluation: the evaluation
tegrate human-capital considerations, hedging, of research-and-development projects in phar-
and income and estate tax planning into the maceuticals and the value of flexibility in the
asset-allocation decisions. Beyond the advi- decision about sequel production in the movie
sory role, financial service providers will industry. The big potential shift in the future,
undertake a role of principal to create financial however, is from tactical applications of deriv-
instruments that eliminate "short-fall" or atives to strategic ones." For example, a hy-
"basis" risk for households with respect to pothetical oil company with crude oil reserves
targeted financial goals such as tuition for and gasoline and heating-oil distribution but
children's higher education and desired no refining capability could complete the ver-
consumption-smoothing throughout the life tical integration of the firm by using contrac-
cycle (e.g., preserving the household's stan- tual agreements instead of physical acquisition
dard of living in retirement; cf.. Franco of a refinery. Thus, by entering into contracts
Modigliani, 1986). The creation of such cus- that call for the delivery of crude oil by the
tomized financial instruments will be made ec- firm on one date in retum for receiving a mix
onomically feasible by the derivative-security
pricing technology tbat permits the construc-
tion of custom products at "assembly-line"
levels of cost. Paradoxically, making the prod- " See Kester (1984), Stewart C. Myers {1984), and
ucts more user-friendly and simpler to under- Edward H. Bowman and Dileep Hurry (1993) on the ap-
plication of option-pricing theory to the evaluation of stra-
tegic decisions.

of refined petroleum products at a prespecified clearing, settlement, other back-office facili-

later date, the firm in effect creates a synthetic ties, and management-information systems.
refinery. Real-world strategic examples in nat- To perform its functions as both user and over-
ural gas and electricity are described in Har- seer of the financial system, government will
vard Business School case studies, "Enron need to innovate and make use of derivative-
Gas Services" (1994) and "Tennessee Valley security technology in the provision of risk-
Authority: Option Purchase Agreements" accounting standards, designing monetary and
(1996), by Peter Tufano. There is some evi- fiscal policies, implementing stabilization
dence that these new financial technologies programs, and overseeing financial-system
may even lead to a revisiting of the industrial- regulation.
organization model for these industries. In summary, in the distant past, applications
It is no coincidence that the early strategic of mathematical models had only limited and
applications are in energy- and power- sidestream effects on finance practice. But in
generation industries that need long-term plan- the last quarter century since the publication
ning horizons and have major fixed-cost of the Black-Scholes option-pricing theory,
components on a large scale with considerable such models have become mainstream to prac-
uncertainty. Since energy and power genera- titioners in financial institutions and markets
tion are fundamental in every economy, this around the world. The option-pricing model
use for derivatives offers mainline applications has played an active role in that transforma-
in both developed and developing countries. tion. It is safe to say that mathematical models
Eventually, such use of derivatives may be- will play an indispensable role in the function-
come standard tools for implementing strate- ing of the global financial system.
gic objectives. Even this brief discourse on the application
A major requirement for the efficient broad- to finance practice of mathematical models in
based application of these contracting general and the option-pricing model in par-
technologies in both the household and ticular would be negligently incomplete with-
nonfinancial-firm sectors will be to find effec- out a strong word of caution about their use.
tive organizational structures for ensuring At times we can lose sight of the ultimate pur-
contract performance, which includes global pose of the models when their mathematics be-
clarification and revisions of the treatment of come too interesting. The mathematics of
such contractual agreements in bankruptcy. financial models can be applied precisely, but
The need for assurances on contract perfor- the models are not at all precise in their appli-
mance is likely to stimulate further develop- cation to the complex real world. Their accu-
ment of the financial-guarantee business for racy as a useful approximation to that world
financial institutions. Such institutions will varies significantly across time and place. The
have to improve the efficiency of collateral models should be applied in practice only ten-
management further as assurance for perfor- tatively, with careful assessment of their lim-
mance. As we have seen, one early application itations in each application.
of the option-pricing model focuses directly on
the valuation and risk-exposure measurement
of financial guarantees. REFERENCES
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