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Diagram 1: Promotion Rate

Because the students

would frequently be
absent and lose track Because of the lack of
of their lesson and be motivation from
embarrassed to come parents to accomplish
back to school their assignments

Because the students

would not inform their
parents/guardians about
their difficulties at school
Why are
Becausethe Why is there a
Why is the of poor
study habits formation of
promotion students
poor study
rate low? absent habit?

Why is there a
lack of
from parents?
Diagram 2: National Achievement Test (NAT) Mean Percentage S (MPS)

Because the remedialBecause theintensive

class is not teachers are accomplishing other DepEd required activities

Diagram 3:

Because of poor
W h y is Because there is no
reading ability
th e qualified
W h ylibrarian
is t h e re
W h y is re m e d ia l a la c k o f
h e N Aof
T the lack of remedial
re a d in reading
g teachersre m e d ia l
M P S lo w ? not re a d in g
in t e n s iv e t e a c h e rs?
Because of socio-economic
Because the students are frequently absent in their classes
problems resulting to focus on more financial rela
and not able to pass requirements & assignments
Diagram 4: Failure Rate

Because there is no
reading materials and
the library is not

Because they lack interest in their studies and classes

W hy is W hy is
there there no
W hy is the reading
literary level m aterials
Because of the distance from school the the students to consistently be abd w h y is
Becausegof socio-economic problems, some would not go t
standard the library
? not
up date d?
Diagram 5:

Due toWhy did theof the school

Why WhyWhy
is is to school
theis the
the distance many of the students commute
Why is retention
the Why are commutin
distance there a
failure rate students
rate not from lackgofto the
not the frequently school
school a interest in a
standard? absent?
problem? problem?
Diagram 6:
Due to the distance
of the school many
of the students
commute to school

Why is the commute to

school a problem?

Because many of the students

has socio-economic problems,
commuting to school can
become a problem
Diagram 7: SPT Participation in Planning, implementing and M&E

Because it is not well


Why is the SPT Why is it not organized?

participation in Planning,
implementing and M&E
not up to standard?

Because it was taken

for granted/neglected

Diagram 8: Percentage of parents attendance during meetings (school activities)

Because prioritize how

to earn for a living
rather than attending a

Why is the percentage of

parents attendance
during meetings low?
Diagram 9: Stakeholders involvement in designing program to address school


Why is the stakeholders involvement in designing programs to address school need not within standard?


Diagram 10: Mediation and Conciliation mechanism (organized/functional)


Why is the mediation and Conciliation mechanism low?

Diagram 11: Alumni Participation (100%)


Why is the alumni participation not up to standard?

Diagram 12: Repair/construction of classroom #####

Why is the repair or construction of the classroom not up to standard?

Diagram 13: Hand washing/tooth brushing facilities

Diagram 14: Areas to supply to water

Diagram 15: Connection to electricity

Diagram 16: Painted classroom #####/other structures (100%)

Diagram 17: Comfort rooms

Diagram 18: Landscaping/beautification

Diagram 19: IMS/Device in every subject area

Diagram 20: Learning Centers in every subject area (established)

Diagram 21: Nonreader/non##### English, Filipino, Math

Diagram 22: Equipment/facilitates for ####,

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