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When I was young I traveled a lot of with my father, we went to Michoacn,

Zacatecas, Baja California and other many places.

My father is a trader, he sells spices and dried chilies, he needs to get them
traveling to others states, this is the reason for all my trips around the country; I
remember an specific trip, I had eight years old when we went to Zacatecas, we
went for guajillo chilies and other things.

We left Toluca around 6 AM, took the highway to Zacatecas, in that time I didn't
put attention at the things that happened, i was happy traveling with my father
and t talking whit he about stuff of life. The night came when we was in middle
of the highway but my father continued driving because we needed get that
merchandise, suddenly something occurred, we listened a sound like a
something crushed, my father stopped the pickup and down for see but there
was nothing.

We continued but some kilometers after the pickup stopped working, we

reviewed the pickup but didn't find the problem, we were in middle of the desert
and nobody around, no homes, shops, gas station or something like these.

We thought spend the night there but the cold was very heavy, we decided walk
to the nearby village, it was at 3 kilometers approx., we walked and when the
watch marked 9:30 we came and sought anyplace where spend the night.

We didnt find nothing, the people said that they didnt open the door because
we were strangers, and the legends of the place said that there were witches,
we convinced a family and we spent the night with they.

The next day we left the village and went to find a mechanic to fix the pickup,
but before we left the people spoke more with us about witches and that night
they had a child sucked, luckily nothing happened and we went from there.

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