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Lung inflammation (pneumonia) - is an infectious inflammation of the lung tissue where

the pulmonary alveoli derived microorganisms accumulate fluid and inflammatory cells.
Most often this is caused by the following bacteria: Streptococcus pneumoniae
(Pneumococci), Haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus
aureus), but there are many cases in which the lungs (pneumonia) caused by other
bacteria, fungi, viruses.
Lung inflammation (pneumonia) is suffering from both children and adults, but the
disease is especially dangerous for infants and the elderly. Incidence of Lithuania is 3-4
cases per 1000 population per year. Lithuania, this disease takes 6th place in the scale of
mortality. The likelihood of developing pneumonia (pneumonia) are highly dependent on
the characteristics of the human body's defense (immune) environment.

Risk factors for facilitating the start of pneumonia:

Viral respiratory tract infections (colds, flu);
Chronic respiratory disease (brochitas, bronchial asthma);
diabetes mellitus;
Alzheimer's disease;
Down's syndrome;
HIV infection;
heart, kidney, and liver disease;
weakened immunity;
fatigue and stress;
old age.

Pneumonia main symptoms and signs

dry cough, later becoming purulent sputum coughing (haemoptysis)
coughing up blood;
pain in the chest;
dyspnea (difficulty breathing);
loss of appetite;
fatigue and weakness;

Signs of pneumonia depends on the agent, patient's immunity and age. Severe pneumonia
cases may reveal respiratory failure, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, can impair

Lung inflammation ( pneumonia ) Diagnosis and Treatment

In case of suspected pneumonia performed auscultation (lung paklausomi
Stetofonendoskopas ) - moist rales are heard . Blood tests (elevated white blood cell
count ) indicates inflammatory processes seen in X-rays of pneumonia characterized by
change . To find out pneumonia agent conducted microbiological study of sputum or
blood culture .
Pneumonia should be based on the potential pathogen , illness, symptoms, immune status,
age and other risk factors. Essential medicines are permissible or oral antibiotics
( penicillin, cephalosporin , macrolide drugs). Treatment usually given to one antibiotic ,
but with severe pneumonia may be given antibiotic combinations . Antibiotic treatment
lasts for at least 1-3 weeks needed rest, bed rest . Without antibiotics administered
expectorant , temperature -lowering drugs . Respiratory failure on oxygen therapy . It is
necessary to drink plenty of fluids, because of the need to rehydrate . It is very important
to follow your doctor's instructions and nesigydyti themselves. It is important to take
antibiotics for as long as directed by your doctor .

Timely treatment of unsuccessful or improperly treating various possible pneumonia -

pneumonia complications
acute respiratory failure;

Lung inflammation (pneumonia) prophylaxis

In order to prevent lung inflammation (pneumonia) should try to freeze, to strengthen the
immune system, do not smoke, eat healthy.

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