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For the first step in my evaluation I am going to go back and summarize the data that I

collected as part of my pre-campaign. This way I will be able to evaluate how successful or

unsuccessful my efforts were in achieving my informational and motivational objectives. From

my quantitative data I concluded that although people were exposed to messages about the

program, they still werent accepting of the programs key values. From my qualitative research I

gathered that only a very small population of UA students go abroad, due to the high cost of the

program compared to in-state tuition, along with difficulty in receiving course credit for their

major. Another important note that I learned was that the current fall semester students were

interested in seeing more of a variety of content on the Facebook page then what was previously

being posted.

At the start of my campaign my informational objective was by the end of this academic

semester, increase the awareness of what the Arizona in Italy Study Abroad experience entails by

30% between UA sophomore and junior female students. Normally informational objectives are

difficult to measure, but I composed a post-campaign questionnaire that I posted on the AZ in

Italy Facebook page as well as on the Class of 2018 and 2019 Facebook pages. As I needed to

see if my efforts had improved the awareness of the programs unique chartertics and values,

amongst the audience that I had originally tested. Although I got a smaller number of responses,

the responses that I did receive showed that I did in fact make an impact on the students

awareness, as their answers were more in line with the programs key messages. I also made a

point to test the readability level of my messages, as most digital-campaigns stick to a high

school freshmans reading comprehension level. My messages were fit for the consumption of an

18.3 year-old and older.


While at the beginning of the campaign my motivational objective was, by the October

25th application deadline, increase the number of female sophomore and junior applicants for the

2017 spring semester by 5% in comparison to the number of female sophomore and junior

applicants for 2016-fall semester. This current fall semester had a total of 8 sophomore and

junior female students studying abroad in Orvieto and according to Program Coordinator Alba

Frascarelli there is a total of 17 girls coming next spring. Unfortunately, I can't say for certain if I

was able to achieve my motivational objective because Alba doesnt have that information. She

only receives the total number of female and male students that will be coming each semester,

but not their specific year in school. Which is something that I should have asked her earlier on,

so that I could modify my objective.

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