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Teacher Guide & Answers Passage Reading Level: Lexile 680 Featured Text Structure: Descriptive ~ the writer explains, defines or illustrates a concept or topic Passage Summary: This passage is about the Wright Brothers and their invention of the first flying machine. It describes their work to build the machine, their first flight, and ways their machine was innovative. The passage ends with a description of other “firsts” in flight, inciuding breaking the sound barrier and orbiting the moon. ya Who of the following was the first to fly faster than the speed of sound? (® Orville Wright \_B-Charles Lindbergh Chuck Yeager D John Glenn (C2. wien of the following does the author describe last in the passage? A. Orville and Wilbur Wright's first flight B_ Orville and Wilbur Wright's work making bicycles /S>the flying machine designed by Orville and Wilbur Wright (© other men who achieved firsts in flight ys t can be inferred from the passage that the Wright brothers’ flying machine is displayed at the National Air and Space Museurn because A. it was the first machine to fly across the Atlantic Ocean 8 it was better than flying in a basket under a hot-air balloon € jt can be controlled in three impartant ways —B it is an important part of the history of flight in the United States iy The passage states, "In 1962, John Glenn became the first man to orbit Earth.” In the sentence orbit means oY CA fircte ~B leave fly near D display (3 /vnat Would be another good title for this passage? 7B How to Build a Flying Machine (CB \The Wright Brothers Take Flight “t™ Bicycles, Hot Air Balloons, and Flying Machines D_ Flying Across the Atlantic Ocean oo the Wright brothers invented a flying machine, what was the only way to fly? Suggested answer: Before the Wright brothers invented a flying machine, the only way to fly was ina basket under a hot-air balloon. [paragraph #6] 2.222210" 1 2csme cournssension ReadWorks Teacher Guide & Answers: The Amazing Fing Machine y do you think the author describes Orville’s flight as “short but. very sweet"? uggested answer: Orville’s flight was “short but very sweet” because although it only lasted 12 ~/seconds, it was extremely thrilling because it proved that people could fly. [paragraph #10] Fivst tne: j 44 (The question below is an incompike {fiitence. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. ‘The Wright Brothers originally made bicycles they really wanted to build a flying machine, and so because but voup) elanswer the following questions based on the sentence below. The Wright brothers made 4 flights that day in thelr flying machine in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina Who? the Wright brothers Yaa) What? made 4 flights When? that day Dow? in thi (where? in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina flying machine 10. ReadWorks recommends that you teach this vocabulary Word to the whole class out loud using the four steps listed below. Vocabulary Word: hi: Step 1: Introduce the work @. Teacher writes the word on the board and divides it into syllables: (his - tor « ic) b. Teacher says: “This word i “historic.”] Step 2: Provide a child-friendly en ‘a. Teacher says: “Historic means famous or important in history.” b. Teacher says: “In the text, the author states that the National Air and Space Museum has the largest collection of historic aircraft and spacecraft in the world, ‘This means that this museum has lots of aircraft and spacecraft that are famous or important in history. Historic means famous or Important in history.” historic. What is the word?" [All students reply together out loud: ©. Teacher says: ‘What is the word?” [All students reply together out loud: “historic."] Step 3: Practice the word t the word. Read the 1* sentence out loud 1e vocabulary word prompt students to out loud to your students. 11: 22.2229 220m compncnension Teacher provides examples and additional opportunities to repi to your students. Begin reading it again and when you come to say the vocabulary word out loud. Then, finish reading the senteni Trouble in the Ocean Save the Ocean Animals ‘Some sea creatures need help. Many kinds of animals li the ocean. Some of those animals are endangered. That means they are in danger of dying out. Only a few are left in the world. Scie 5 are trying to keep endangered animals safe. Green Sea Turtle The green sea turtle ves in warm waters. An adult green sea turtiejeats mostly plants. It can weigh up to 440 pounds. Its shell can grow to 4 feet long. A green sea turtle can't pull its head into its shell the way some turtles can. Why are green sea turtles endangered? People hunt them for their meat and eggs. ‘The turtles also get trapped in nets used to catch fish. Pollution hurts the turtles too. If turtles eat trash, it can kill them. Blue Whale ‘The blue whale is the largest animal in the world. itis a5 big as an airplane. The whale can grow to 90 feet long and weigh more than 100 tons. A ton is equal to 2,000 pounds. ‘The blue whale lives in all the oceans. It eats tiny animals called krill. A blue whale can eat about 4 tons of krilleach day. Blue whales are endangered. People once hunted them for their meat and fat. The fat was used to make oil for lamps. Special laws now protect blue | whales. People no longer hunt them, Great White Shark The great white shark is the largest meat-eating shark. it grows to about 15 feet long. It weighs up 105,000 pounds. The shark has rows of long, sharp teeth. It eats fish, dolphins, seals, and other ocean animals. Great white sharks are often found in waters near the coast. A coasts land next to the ocean. People are a threat to great white sharks. People hunt them for their teeth, jaws, and meat. The sharks also get caught in fishing nets. Readers ong @ “Totboin the Oowant Name: Date: ye What does "endangered" mean? A) in danger of dying out WOtT 6) in danger of being eaten C) in danger of getting sick D) in danger of being hunted that does the text list and describe? ‘A) three laws passed to protect ocean animals 8) three endandered ocean animals C) three types of pollution that harm ocean animals 0) three ways people are working to protect oceans, 3. Fishing nets can be harmful to a number of species. What evidence from the text supports this conclusion? A) Some ocean animals are endangered, or in danger of dying out. B) People are a threat to great white sharks. ©) Green sea turtles and great white sharks get trapped in fishing nets. 1D) Blue whales used to be hunted for their meat and fat. »* What is a common threat of great sea turtles, blue whales, and great white sharks? A) fishing nets 8) food shortages C) pollution ) humans ae ae is the main idea of this text? A) Green sea turtles, blue whales, and great white sharks are protected by special laws, B) Green sea turtles, blue whales, and great white sharks live in the ocean. (C) Green sea turtles, blue whales, and great white sharks are endangered animals, D) Green sea turtles, blue whales, and great white sharks get caught in fishing nets. , Réad this sentence from the text: People are a threat to great white sharks. People hunt them for their teeth, jaws, and meat.” What does the author mean by the sentence, “People are a threat to great white sharks"? A) People put great white sharks in danger. B) People scare great white sharks, C) Great white sharks put people in danger. D) Great white sharks scare people. ReadWorks LOFG. MESOLUTONTO READING COMPREHENSION

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