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I have one unforgettable experience, it happened When I was in high school

One day I was called from a meeting. all teachers were scowling at me. the teacher
even punished set me and asked me to stand on the chair with my eyes closed in
the middle of the school yard. I had no idea Why they were being So cruel to me. I
was so sad that I could not help crying.

then saddenly, I heard my teachers and friends sang "happy birthday". after that,
they showered me with water until I was soaking wet. next, They took me to my
Class. my classmates Congratulated me and gave my parents.

I was very surprise. I will never forget that moment.

7. What kind of the text above?

a. narrative text b. report text c. recount text d. descriptive text

8. What is the purpose of the text above?

a. to announce the story. c. to retell the past story of experience

b. to entertain the reader of the listener. d. to make a procedure

9. What is the grammatical used in the text above?

a. simple present tense. c. simple future tense

b. simple past tense. d. simple past continue tense

10. "after that, they Showered me..."(paragraph 3)

the Bold word refers to...

a. the teacher. c. the writer's classmates

b. the writer's friend. d. the writer's teacher and Friends

11. How did the teacher "punish" the writer?

a. baik giving her a lot of tasks to do in the middle of the Yard

b. by asking her to stand on a chair with her eyes closed

c. by asking her to run around the school yard

d. by calling her bad name

Last year, I went to a dance party. in the middle of the party. I saw a guy that had a
crush on. to get his attention, I went to the Suspect and started to dance with His
Friends. it was my first dance and I was so busy... (12) that I didn't pay attention to
anything else. ....... (13) I trapped and fell of the stage. the music stopped for a
while and everyone loughed, including the day that I had a crush on. I felt so stupid.

it was the dance party that I would never .....(14)

12. a. dancing. b. swimming. c. learning. d. showing

13. a. finally. b. suddenly. c. fortunately. d. instantly

14. a. Remember. b. did. c. fell. d. Forget

arrange these Words into good sentence!

15. for - Can - what - do - you - i ?

a. 3-2-6-4-1-5. b. 1-2-3-4-5-6. c.5-1-6-4-3-2. d. 6-5-4-1-2-3

Translate these sentences into English of simple past tense!

1. Pamanku adalah seorang kepala sekolah

2. Ayah memberiku buku baru kemarin
3. saya dapat menari
4. kami tidak datang ke rumahmu
5. ini bukan sebuah buku.

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