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Issue II


Fight Words with Truly Inclusive?

Words, not Fists abled, minority, immigrant
What I have seen as a dis-

conservative at Bucknell
A4 A4


The Obsession with PANDING CIRCLE OF
Accusations of Nazism
A1 A6 A2

LITERALLY HITLER The Counterweight

Spring 2017 Edition

The Obsession with Accusations of Nazism

Volume XVIII, Issue II

Justin Pinard cent history of political instabili- fascism is is a highly complex po- starting in the late 1920s, politics ty, civil war, or international ter- litical ideology that has not been took a trend toward extremism, Literally hitler | A1
Youve seen it before: every six rorism. seen in the real world in over sev- which culminated in the dissolu-
seconds, someone, somewhere enty years, and likely will never tion of all political parties, except The Eternally-Expand-
on television, Facebook, Twit- be seen again. for the Imperial Rule Assistance ing Circle of the Hate-
ter, in a newspaper, news confer- The education system or, per- Association, which espoused its ful Racists | A2
ence, or in person is branded a haps more accurately, the public own fascist ideologies and policies
Nazi, neo-Nazi, fascist, or education system from kinder- with a Japanese tinge. It spoke of
garten through the twelfth grade the united cause of all East Asian TRULY INCLUSIVE?| A4
Hiterlite. People, in great num-
bers, have been accused of fascist does a spectacularly poor job of people against the West, while
sympathies, secret membership in educating our students on the simultaneously speaking of Jap- Fight with words, not
various neo-Nazi political parties, history of the twentieth century anese racial superiority over the fists | A4
and of having a shrine to Hitler and, clearly, the rise of Mussolini Chinese, Koreans, Filipinos, In-
in their bedroom (yours truly in- and Hitler and the radicalization donesians, and others, thereby An Open Letter to Pro-
cluded). You can help these unfor- of Japan in the 1920s and 30s, both justifying the governments ter-
fall within that category. It might rible oppression of those groups.
fessor Aaron Hanlon | A5
tunate victims of actual hate and
ignorance no, not by donating be easy to say that the driving force While all of this is true, this is not
twenty-five cents but by under- behind the March on Rome and the defining characteristic of fas- THe Call to Debate| A6
standing what fascism actually is. Poster of Trump as Mussolini by the Nazi electoral victories in cism.
Fascism, surprisingly, is not Sabo. Can be ordered as a print or
1932 and 33, and the following Perhaps the best way to get a Memory Eternal| A6
defined as a policy proposal or Machtergreifung (seizure of pow- simple (if somewhat superficial)
button at er), was anti-Semitism. definition of fascism is to read
general political ideology one dis- What does B.A.D. Really
agrees with. Fascism is not just a Fascism is not the ideology Hitler and his ilk promoted from the man that created the
to which the current President the belief that the Jews were be- ideology itself: Benito Mussoli- Stand for? | A7
form of government wherein the
state maintains a grasp on a great (whether in the years of Bush, hind the German defeat in the ni. The Duce of Italy famously
deal of power. Fascism is not tem- Obama, or Trump) subscribes. First World War, and caused the wrote, Everything within the Mission Statement and
porarily banning - or restricting, Fascism is not nationalism, and economic (and moral) collapse of state, nothing outside the state, Contributers | A8
for that matter - immigration or vice versa. Fascism is not want- Germany in the early 1920s and nothing against the state. Fascist
visitation, for whatever reason, ing a strong military. Fascism is again in the wake of the stock
not social conservatism. What market crash of 1929. In Japan, - Continued on A5 -
from seven countries with a re-

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A2 The Counterweight Spring 2017


Alexander Riley This was a thoroughly thug-
gish action, complete with as-
A not so funny thing hap- saults of both Murray (whose car
pened at Middlebury College was attacked as he tried to leave
on March 2nd. Charles Murray, campus) and the Political Science
a mild-mannered fellow at the professor on hand to critically
American Enterprise Institute question his work (the day after
with a PhD in Political Science she was wearing a neck brace, in-
from MIT and author of several jured by a rioter who pulled her
best-selling books that explore hair). Had any of the bellowing
inequality in American society, ruffians in that horde read even a
arrived to give an invited talk and full paragraph of Murrays work?
was violently prevented from Doubtful. I would wager that
speaking by a riotous agglom- not one member of that anarchic
eration of shouting, belligerent assemblage would have been ca-
youth. While Murray stood pa- pable of accurately summarizing
tiently at the podium, these indi- the essence of any of Murrays
viduals, allegedly students at the books, nor would they have felt
college but giving no obvious ev- Charles Murray at Middlebury College on March 2nd, 2017. Source: YouTube
it important to be able to do so.
idence of their claim to this title She claimed to vehemently dis- his own discipline, whose work cess that differs from the typi-
And yet they were utterly assured
beyond their age, drowned out agree with many of his con- is not peer-reviewed and when cal peer review process in the
of the meaning of intellectual
his efforts to speak with a barrage clusions, though these were not it does get post-publication peer social sciences in a number of
work that they had not trou-
of witless couplets and unfound- named, and my suspicion is that review, people tend to find that it ways. However, the idea that
bled to read, and of its supreme
ed accusations, e.g.,: if she had been made to name is full of claims that are not well this means by definition that his
malevolence, and of the need to
Charles Murray go away, racist them, it would have taken Mur- supported, misinterpretation of work is less rigorous or less sub-
trample on a colleges sacred pol-
sexist anti-gay! ray a few minutes to demonstrate data, methodological problems jected to intellectual criticism
icy of protection of free expres-
Who is the enemy? White su- that he had not himself reached in how social statistics get con- than the typical scholarly article
sion and civil debate in order to
premacy! those conclusions and that the verted into conclusions. published in some minor social
forcibly prevent those ideas from
Your message is hatred, we can- fact that she believed him to I know Charles Murrays work science journal with a clear ideo-
being expressed.
not tolerate it! have reached them was proof fairly well, having read sever- logical tilt by someone who has
Just as startling as their behav-
The placards they brandished that she could not possibly have al of his books and a significant colleagues/friends on the jour-
ior was the absence of any effort
gave more evidence of the same carefully consulted his work be- amount he has written online. nals editorial board, or who can
to practically defend the colleges
degree of scholarly refinement: fore negatively caricaturing it. Sheridan is correct that many count on her submission being
principles. There were no secu-
F*#k white supremacy She repeated several times the academic social scientists ignore read by a friend simply because
rity officers in sight, and no calls
F*#k eugenics colleges commitment to all stu- his work, and some others are the sub-field is so small and in-
were made to bring in the experts
Respect existence or expect resis- dents regardless of race, class, clearly hostile to it, but there is sular, is risible. Murrays work is
trained in the only language riot-
tance sexual orientation, religious ori- an ocean of important unspoken read by far more readers, and far
ers understand. Although the
Charles Murray is fake news entation, disabled status, or any background in those points. If I more professional social science
mob was reminded prior to Mur-
Let us be clear: this was not a other demographic marker, and had a dollar for every time I have readers, than will ever set eyes
rays ascension to the podium of
protest. It was, in the words of reminded them that they all be- heard or read someone in a social on the typical academic peer-re-
the possible sanctions for efforts
Bill Burger, the Vice President longed [t]here, as though Mur- science discipline speak or write viewed social science journal ar-
to stop him from speaking, they
for Communications, a mob, a rays mere presence were a threat negatively about something he ticle, which is initially evaluated
acted nevertheless, and with ap-
frightening sea of youthful faces to that commitment or their be- disagreed with on ideological by a mere handful and consulted
parently complete impunity.
twisted into crooked, self-righ- longing. Although it lukewarm- grounds but that it was patently even cursorily post-publication
What could make young peo-
teous sneers, chanting roboti- ly invoked the colleges policy obvious he had not read, I could in most cases by only a slightly
ple so recklessly and stupidly
cally, twitching spasmodically protecting free expression and comfortably retire today. More, larger number of people. One
certain of the righteousness of an
in their raging moral superiori- debate, Pattons introduction, in my own discipline of sociology must have absolutely no knowl-
action so manifestly despicable
ty, looking for all the world like situated as it was in scarcely con- at least, it is common knowledge edge of how intellectual opinion
and contrary to the life of the in-
strangely large-bodied two year cealed contempt for whatever that there are many journals in and peer review work in much
stitution in which it took place,
olds in the midst of a collective misunderstanding of Murrays which the vaunted process of of the social sciences to say or
and so seemingly certain that the
temper tantrum, denied the ideas she holds, can scarcely have peer review consists first and believe what Sheridan says here,
authorities would not have the
cookie and reacting by throw- represented to the mob any seri- foremost of an ideological sniff and he must know how dishon-
courage to stop or punish them?
ing themselves precipitously ous moral check on their illiberal test, and if your work does not est a framing this is, unless he is
The baleful ignorance of those
and limply to the ground in or- intentions. pass this test, if it leads even po- wholly professionally incompe-
shrieking at Murray had received
der to demand the attention of Patton, a religious scholar, can tentially to observations or poli- tent.
a potent material contribution
the adults in the room, who in perhaps be excused for knowing cy proposals not consonant with Even where social science peer
from the failure of numerous
this case were not present, and nothing of substance of Mur- leftist politics, it does not matter review works relatively rigor-
professors and administrators
so the primal fit continued for a rays work (though she should how rigorous the analysis, how ously and non-ideologically, one
at Middlebury to do their own
half hour. The video is online, therefore have refrained from robust the data, how elegant the typically has to be working in
homework and adhere to the te-
and everyone interested in in- commenting on it). The same prose--you will not be published the relevant sub-field to fully un-
nets of their professional calling.
tellectual freedom on American cannot be said of Sociology/An- in that journal. derstand and comment knowl-
Some of those paid to teach did
campuses should see it in its en- thropology Chair Michael Sher- Murray produces serious re- edgeably on work in that field,
not do their jobs and thereby ef-
tirety, however difficult it may idan, who was widely quoted in search for a largely but not en- and differences in theoretical or
fectively set the benighted, bel-
be to stay the course all the way local media after a public radio tirely non-scholarly audience, methodological orientation can
ligerent tone for their students.
through this wretched document interview concerning Murrays in popular presses that do not produce significant difficulties
The college president, Laurie Pat-
of the depths into which some visit. Sheridan called Murray a operate according to academic for mutual comprehension even
ton, gave introductory remarks
parts of the American intellectu- scientific racist pseudo-scientist peer review, and it is true enough
in which she went out of her way
who is not engaging the rest of that this is a publication pro-
- Continued on A3 -
al world have plummeted. to distance herself from Murray.

We accept letters to the editors!

Send them to
A3 The Counterweight Spring 2017


The Counterweight @BUConservatives

way to pursue a set of questions of ad hominem denunciation and certainly a more difficult social by labelling them as racists in-
- Continued from A2 - might not be the only legitimate factually incorrect categorization problem to resolve than the stock stead of understanding and crit-
within substantive sub-fields. A way to do so, and that the fact of Murrays work as something leftist defenders of the Blank icizing their arguments will ever
quick glance at Sheridans own that other researchers arrive at all respectable social scientists Slate/everything caused by op- bother to inquire into the fact
meager publication record and conclusions you do not like is not reject, is described incredibly pression and poverty vision of that such organizations count
his areas of scholarly expertise a sufficient ground for eliminat- by these students as a gateway human nature would have us basically any individual who has
give no reason to be confident ing their work a priori from the to productive discourse. One think (their proffered solution e.g., been publicly critical of post-
that he is remotely capable of ac- conversation. While Sheridan scarcely knows whether to laugh is simple, if limited in effect: re- 1965 American immigration pol-
curately evaluating the supposed did not call for banning Mur- or cry at such a preposterous distribute, redistribute, redistrib- icy as a de facto racist and white
methodological weaknesses in ray, he did viciously, ignorantly effort at summary of this intel- ute, and then redistribute some supremacist. The regressive left
Murrays work, given that he defame him in a manner that lectually entirely one-sided ex- more until theres nothing left to online media have, in the wake
does not write or teach in any of reveals how poorly Sheridan change. redistribute). One can disagree of Middlebury, giddily taken up
the areas and topics with which fulfills his intellectual responsi- The Middlebury mob gives the with Murrays arguments, but the task of transforming Murray
Murrays work deals. bilities, and that provided useful lie to the assertion that is made one can hardly reasonably see into a member of the Ku Klux
Sheridan presents his personal cues to the members of the mob on the left, sometimes ingenu- them as belittling individuals Klan by fiat of simply referring
disdain for Murrays work (bol- as to how to approach Murrays ously, sometimes with malign who are literally not described to him over and over, with no
stered by no concrete referenc- appearance on campus. motivation, about the nature of by the statistical analyses and mention of anything he has writ-
es to any specific arguments or Sheridans libelous commen- campus protest of hate speech. macro-sociological data in Mur- ten or said, as the racist Charles
evidence presented by Murray) tary on Murrays work was di- Aaron Hanlon, a Bucknell alum rays work. And how can one Murray. This is what they do,
as though it were self-evident rectly invoked by a group of four and former BUCC member, seriously charge that Murray is and the process is undeniably ef-
that it is uniformly shared by students who wrote an open makes this claim in a recent New not dedicated to teaching and fective at convincing people who
his colleagues. Prior to listen- cannot be bothered to think for
ing to Sheridans comments, I
had never bothered to see what, The Middlebury mob gives the lie to the asser- themselves what right-minded
folks ought to believe and what
they ought to do when racists
if anything, is made of Murrays
work in the academic social sci-
ence review journals. Within tion that is made on the left, sometimes ingenu- appear on their campuses.
What could the speakers who
preceded Murray at the Mid-
five minutes, however, I was
able to find several reviews of
probably Murrays most contro-
ously, sometimes with malign motivation, about dlebury event have conceivably
said to the mob to change their
minds? Perhaps nothing. The
versial book, The Bell Curve, in
the sociology journals, and none
of these reviews even remotely
the nature of campus protest of hate speech. primitive emotional power of
the mob can effortlessly override
suggested that the book was not much rational communication.
a legitimate and intellectually letter, signed by more than 600 York Times op-ed, opining that if learning, if one can be bothered Still, I might have liked to have a
respectable entry into the schol- other members of the Mid- only conservatives would stop to watch any of the videos online shot at this. What would I have
arly discussion on the subjects dlebury community, in which inviting those who belittle of his many appearances at simi- said to them? Something like
with which it deals. As an ex- they engaged in an interpretive students of leftist sensibilities lar events at campuses and other this:
ample, the book was reviewed in travesty even more spectacularly and extend invitations instead intellectual venues? If Hanlon Id like you to do me a favor,
one of the most venerable such dishonest than Sheridans. After to those engaged in teaching is correct, why are leftist student before you get involved in the
journals, the American Journal of reading of Sheridans mischarac- and learning, there would be no mobs now reacting to Murray in emotionally satisfying, sancti-
Sociology, by an eminent scholar terization of his work, Murray riots such as those which took exactly the same way they react- monious work of shutting down
who, though critical of the books wrote a 2500 word response pub- place recently at Berkeley and ed to Yiannopoulos? the most basic function of a col-
argument on numerous points lished by the Middlebury Campus Middlebury, only civil if vigor- The truth is that the circle lege. Please, calm yourselves a
(show me the wholly uncritical online site the day before his ous debate. Hanlons example of of hate speech is ever-expand- moment. I wont keep you long.
book review and I will show you visit. The four Middlebury stu- the belittling kind of speaker ing. As soon as one enemy is Just one favor, in keeping with
a bad book review), nonetheless dents were apparently aware of is Milo Yiannopoulos, an admit- targeted and liquidated, one has the claim that you are students.
characterized it as an effective Murrays response, as they refer- tedly provocative figure made to find others. If the definition You do say you are students, do
bookwell written, clearly ar- enced it in their letter, but they even less easily defensible by must be stretched still further you not? Well then. If you are
gued, lively, engaginga model could not conceivably have read the recent revelation of his com- to find those new enemies, this students, here is some home-
of how to write an effective social or understood it, to judge from ments regarding homosexual re- is an easy matter to accomplish. work: go learn about the Red
science book aimed at a general their bizarre characterization of lationships involving adult men There exists a whole network Guards during the Great Prole-
public. the exchange. They described and boys. of zealously ideological sourc- tarian Cultural Revolution in
Whence then comes Sheri- Murrays detailed summary and I knew and liked Aaron Han- es that, despite the haphazard, China. Study how they comport-
dans claim that there is broad defense of the argument in The lon while he was at Bucknell, and often scandalously unscientific ed themselves, how they endeav-
consensus on this book and the Bell Curve on the relationship of I have no reason to doubt that he methods that drive the produc- ored to bring about changes they
rest of Murrays work regarding race and IQ as dismissive of goes in the category of the in- tion of their data, are uncriti- desired in Chinese educational
its position outside the boundar- Sheridans critique (because it genuous defenders of this idea cally accepted by many on the institutions and society. Study
ies of respectable research? Per- showed that the critique was that students and professors with left as objective and non-parti- closely, spend enough time to get
haps he has heard this from col- based on fallacies?) and as con- radical ideological axes to grind san, sometimes even by college a sense of their motivations and
leagues and taken it as fact. But stituting evidence that he is will naturally arrest the concept professors who should be immu- of the social and human costs of
if this is the case, it would have not willing to engage in discus- creep of their moral denuncia- nized against this credulous per- their actions. Reflect on the re-
taken him but a few minutes to sion about his ideas (because tions at speakers like Yiannopou- spective by their training. Such lationship of that action to a true
check the claim before speaking it obviously constituted an en- los. The evidence from Middle- sources effortlessly paint poten- understanding of the workings
publicly about it. It is unflatter- gagement in discussion about his bury makes clear however that tial enemies in precisely the col- of the world. Got it? OK. Now
ing to him in the extreme that ideas? Perhaps by engage in dis- Hanlon is wrong on this point, ors required to produce riotous watch the video of yourselves in
he did not bother to do so, and cussion about his ideas, the stu- even if he is not malicious in in- mobs slavering radical sanctimo- the event you are currently cre-
nonetheless he did not refrain dents mean fully acknowledge tent, and the mistake is import- ny and virtue signaling. ating here, once it is posted from
from uttering his groundless that a malicious, mendacious ant. Where has Charles Murray How far can the circle be ex- the phones recording it to You-
opinion as if it were established critique made in a ten minute belittled those who silenced panded? Just as far as the South- Tube and other sites. What do
fact. Sheridan failed woefully at radio interview constitutes a him at Middlebury, or anyone ern Poverty Law Center and you see? And who, after all, are
a basic requirement of modern crushing refutation of a scholars else? He has made book-length other such regressive left organi- the totalitarians?
intellectual life: the recognition lifework?). Sheridans insulting arguments, bolstered with evi- zations decide to expand it, and
that what you think is the right critique, which consisted solely dence, that inequality is almost few seeking to dispatch enemies
A4 The Counterweight Spring 2017

What I have seen as a disabled, minority, immigrant conservative at Bucknell
Sasha Carpenter member said: The racists came where is the article about the Sitting in the audience when it appear as though their true in-
out to vote last night in Ameri- March for Life, or about women, Christina Hoff Sommers came to terests lay in proving Sommers
I am a woman of Chuvash-Tar- KKK-a. Another member said: like myself, who voted for Presi- speak at Bucknell, I agreed with wrong, not engaging in a peaceful
tar (Mongolian) descent, adopted I have not felt this bad since dent Trump on November 8th? much of what she said, particular- exchange of different opinions.
from Russia, with a mild form 9/11. As someone who is a Rus- Becoming more aware of unbal- ly about oppression. According to This was disappointing to me as a
of Cerebral Palsy that affects sian minority, with sisters from anced reporting combined with the progressive viewpoint, I have student.
my walking. I have six adopt- other countries, I politely shake a lack of conservative/libertarian plenty of reasons to consider my- Bucknell has a focus on pro-
ed, special-needs sisters, some of my head in disagreement with views presented on campus has self oppressed. Yet, in my opin- moting campus diversity, which is
color, with ethnic backgrounds those who might call me a racist. made me question in new ways ion, as a college-educated Amer- a good thing. The campus Diver-
including: Hispanic, Rus- In regard to the latter comment, where my voice fits into the Buck- ican woman, I have no right to sity Statement says, An essential
sian-Ukrainian, Asian, and Roma I felt it very disrespectful to those nell community. complain of oppression. Rather, component of Bucknells com-
Bulgarian. I am also an Evangel- affected by 9/11, particularly con- These events have gotten me oppression is the lack of oppor- mitment to academic excellence
ical Christian and Conservative is our commitment to fostering
Republican who voted for Presi-
dent Trump.
In light of the election and re-
My recent experiences have shown me that many on an inclusive, diverse campus
community. However, I suggest
that Bucknell needs to consider
cent events across college campus-
es, such as UC Berkeley and NYU, campus, both students and faculty, consider my view- whether their treatment of con-
servative/libertarian viewpoints
I have been surprised at the reac- is truly inclusive.
tion within the Bucknell commu-
nity. Perhaps most surprising to
points worthy of ostracization, far from the diversi- The assumption that I, because
of my background and identi-
me is the assumptions both my
peers and professors have made ty and tolerance I am assured of as a student. ties, should be progressive is con-
cerning because it is the opposite
about me and my views. From be- of being open-minded and inclu-
fore the election, to the days fol- sidering it was Veterans Day. thinking: What if people knew my tunities I would have had as a dis- sive. My recent experiences have
lowing it, I decided to not share That being said, I understand opinion? If this is what they are abled orphan in a Russian mental shown me that many on campus,
my political views with others un- if these are your thoughts and saying in front of me now, what institution. both students and faculty, consid-
less specifically asked. I sat silent- I believe you have a right to ex- would they do if they knew There has been a lot of con- er my viewpoints worthy of os-
ly, while most friends, professors, press them. However, that means where I really stood? Yet, I dont versation since Sommers came to tracization, far from the diversity
and peers rarely stopped to ask my equal coverage should be given think it occurs to people that I Bucknell. What I saw during the and tolerance I am assured of as a
opinion. to conservative/libertarian view- would be anything but progres- open Q&A session was such a lack student. I simply want the equal
One day after the election, points. I noticed on social media sive. After all, I am a minority, an of respect, that it prompted Tom opportunity to express my opin-
while working on a project, a a campus article about students immigrant, a female, and I have a Ciccotta, organizer of the event, ions and be heard with respect,
group of faculty discussed the who participated in the Wom- disability. According to my iden- to call out them out. People were without the fear of ostracization
results right behind me. One ens March - and thats great! But tities, I should be a progressive. yelling and interrupting, making by the university.


Kevin Chabrier be viewed through the lens of action for offenses perpetrated in This brings us to the incident ing this philosophy, as exempli-
victimhood. Consequently, when the name of social justice are at Berkeley, which illuminates fied by the debate over the bat-
On February 1, 2017, a UC you indulge a generation of mi- slim to none. While these are just the dichotomy between the Lefts tery of Richard Spencer, in which
Berkeley event featuring notori- norities with the idea that they are a few examples of inappropriate views on free speech in the 1960s reputable media outlets like The
ous media personality and provo- perpetual victims of bigotry, they conduct toward conservative stu- and those of today. Berkeley, once New York Times legitimately en-
cateur Milo Yiannopoulos was are trained to feel as if any action, dents and speakers at Bucknell, known as the birthplace of the Free tertained the notion that you can
shut down by masked, anti-fas- no matter how illegal or immoral, they pale in comparison to the Speech Movement, has decayed punch a Nazi for what he says or
cist thugs. This flagrant display is justified, so long as it is commit- utter felonies that are committed into a Leftist breeding ground believes. This is how free speech
of ideological intolerance and ted in response to racists, sexists, and justified elsewhere. of speech codes and ideological dies.
intellectual infantilism was the homophobes, xenophobes, trans- America noticed a resurgence bigotry. Leftists persisted in their Fortunately, we havent yet
latest in a string of incidents in phobes, Islamophobes, ableists, of violent protests in the wake display of intolerance of oppos- reached that point, but the idea
which protesters have shut down or any -ist or -phobe in the book. of a number of police killings in ing viewpoints, as Yiannopoulos of violence as a reaction to speech
speeches, damaged property, as- This philosophy illustrates per- late 2014. The Black Lives Mat- event was quickly and violently is insidiously gaining traction
saulted conservatives, blocked fectly why professors like Marcel- ter movement has instigated shut down, such that Yiannopou- among the Left. In one of The
traffic, and committed a litany of lus Andrews believe it to be pro- innumerable protests, marches, los had to be evacuated from the Daily Californian editorials,
other offenses. These individuals, fessional and acceptable to libel and riots, many of which have building by his cohort of security Nisa Dang asserted, As I recent-
emboldened by the Lefts deplor- conservative students, and make devolved into outright chaos, re- guards. Even more troubling, a ly wrote in a tirade against this
able approval of such criminality, nuanced threats against them. sulting in empty stores and tens few days later a collection of edi- brand of idiocy, asking people to
are gradually blurring the line be- This mentality also explains why of thousands of dollars in prop- torials appeared on the website of maintain peaceful dialogue with
tween a legal protest and an illegal feminist students seem to think erty damage. BLM leader DeRay The Daily Californian, Berkeleys those who legitimately do not
riot. What is equally problematic they are entitled to rudely and McKesson has since begun teach- student newspaper. The titles think their lives matter is a vio-
is the Lefts proclivity to justify audaciously interrupt Christina ing a course at Yale University, of some of these pieces included lent act. The fundamental claim
the violation of the speech and Hoff Sommers, for committing entitled In Defense of Looting, Condemning Protesters Same as behind such absurdity is that
property rights of others, under the cardinal sin of presenting a in which he describes looting as Condoning Hate Speech, Vi- physical retaliation against ver-
the banner of social justice. viewpoint with which they dis- a righteous tactic. Its no secret olence Helped Ensure Safety of bal expression is justifiable based
Leftists, on the whole, believe agree. Last year, there were nu- that American universities are Students, and Check your Priv- on the content therein. That is to
in the existence of systemic iniq- merous instances of vandalism, hotbeds of Leftism. But the fact ilege when Speaking of Protests. say, it is permissible to brutalize
uities, mystical forces like white in which posters advertising an that such a prestigious university The existence of a contingent of anyone with whom you disagree,
privilege and the patriarchy, event featuring Milo Yiannopou- has introduced looting and riot- Americans willing to advocate for so long as you claim that you were
designed to oppress minority los were torn down or stolen. ing into the realm of defensible physical violence in response to a offended by their words. This
groups for the benefit of straight, These individuals recognize that forms of a First Amendment right mere speech, and to equate feel- would officially mark the death
rich, white, Christian, able-bod- under a left-leaning administra- underscores the extent to which ings of offense with bodily injury of free speech in America, and
ied, cisgender males. Basing your tion, in a vastly and incontro- the Left is prepared to justify fel- is, if not unsurprising, particular- alarmingly, its not as preposter-
policies and proposals on this core vertibly left-leaning institution, onies in response to perceived in- ly disconcerting.
premise necessitates that politics - Continued on A5 -
their odds of facing disciplinary justices. The Left is increasingly adopt-
A5 The Counterweight Spring 2017
ceived instances of bigotry. When bel of conservative students. Had and indefensible, and I highly your right to say it. If you oppose
- Continued from A4 - you combine that notion with the he actually attended the speech, doubt that similar behavior would somebodys ideas or find them
ous as it once would have seemed. culture of victimization, with mi- he would have found that Yian- have been condoned during An- offensive, rather than attempting
All of the nonsense and law- croaggressions, trigger warnings, nopoulos, whom the racists and derson Coopers event. All of this to quash his right to speak, or re-
lessness connects back to the idea and safe spaces, which encourage fascists invited, acknowledged can be resolved by restoring basic lying upon physical intimidation,
of social justice. The impetus be- individuals to seek out evidence the historical discrimination of standards of decency and civility, criticize and refute the arguments
hind such a tremendous spike in of bigotry in innocuous words African-Americans, and argued and actually disciplining those themselves in an honest debate.
violent protests and riots is the and actions, this phenomenon that they are still owed some- who act improperly, irrespective Free speech is one of your most
Lefts continuous assurance that, perpetuates, and it manifests in thing. Similarly, the conduct of a of race, gender, or religion. fundamental and inalienable hu-
because minorities are oppressed ways that affect all of us. number of students, and a profes- As Voltaire so eloquently said, man rights. Use it.
by evil white men, they are jus- There was no justification for sor, during Christina Hoff Som- I disapprove of what you say,
tified in retaliating against per- Professor Andrews cowardly li- mers lecture was downright rude but I will defend to the death

LITERALLY HITLER CONT. outside the state, nothing against sions; the abolition of child labor; the statement Donald Trump is of the Jews and Trumps immi-
- Continued from A1 - the state echoes his demands for an expansion of public education- a fascist. gration policy and therefore
rhetoric of the 1920s and 30s es- the state the government to be al opportunities; and increased This brings me to my final Trumps alleged neo-Nazi sympa-
poused a deep rejection of liber- all-encompassing, for the state to taxes on heavy industries (this point. My point is not to ram- thies not only does a disservice
alism, republicanism, and main- have no opposition, for the na- all literally comes out of the Par- ble on about the history of the to those that suffered through the
stream conservatism; similarly, it tional leader to be hailed as the ty Program, which can easily be founding of fascism. Rather, it is Holocaust, it reveals an underly-
looked with horror (humorously savior of the nations ethnic pride Googled. The Nazis implemented to tie into present-day politics the ing layer of intellectual laziness,
enough) at the totalitarian com- and dignity. The government much of this after they came to politics of the 1920s, 30s, and 40s, ignorance, and irresponsibility
munist system being imposed in plays a game of realpolitik, taking power). and to reveal a glaring lack of un- that border on the immoral.
the Soviet Union at the time by what it can at the expense of other Gregor Strasser, a noted early derstanding on the part of many Is Donald Trump a fascist for
Josef Stalin. nations, without outright invok- Nazi before being executed by people. nominating Elaine Chao (born
in Taiwan), Nikki Haley (born

not only does a disservice to those that

Fascists hated - and continue
to hate - capitalism as much as a part of an Indian Sikh family),
communism; they would spit on Ben Carson (born into a black

suffered through the Holocaust, it re-

the graves of Adam Smith and family from Detroit, a city de-
Milton Friedman as much as they stroyed by outsourcing and high
would on those of Karl Marx taxes under decades of Democrat-
and Vladimir Lenin. To fascists,
both of these models have been veals an underlying layer of intellectual ic leadership), Steve Mnuchin (a
Jew), and others to his Cabinet?
Is Donald Trump a fascist for

laziness, ignorance, and irresponsibility

tried and both have failed. To
Mussolini, people needed a third promoting gay rights since before
path. His solution was fascism, Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton

that border on the immoral.

an ideology that brought about publicly supported them? Is Don-
the most destructive war in world ald Trump a fascist for opposing
history, killing three percent of the outsourcing of jobs, which
the world population in six years ing war after all, Hitler did not Hitler in 1934, went further, de- When people want to com- most leftists similarly opposed be-
and all but destroying dozens of expect the British or French to manding the abolition of social pare politicians they dont like to fore June 2015? Is Donald Trump
countries. declare war on Germany, as they classes in what was eerily remi- something, they compare them a fascist for being the most pro-Is-
Fascism does more than pro- ended up doing, when he invaded niscent of communist rhetoric. to Hitler. It sort of makes sense rael presidential candidate in
mote racial purity and a new Poland. At the same time, the 25 Point in most regards: no man or group the 2016 race, and perhaps being
third position. Fascism seeks Fascisms opposition to capital- Program outlined the racist ten- of men have so shaped world his- as pro-Israel as George W. Bush
to mobilize the choice racial or ism was expanded upon during dencies of the ideology, stating tory, politics, and culture through (who was noted for his particu-
ethnic group in Germany, the Hitlers early days as leader of the that only a member of the race more terrible acts than Hitler larly strong pro-Israel stance)? Is
Aryans; in Italy, the Italian NSDAP (National Socialist Ger- [Aryans] can be a citizen . no and his cronies in the Nazi Party Donald Trump a fascist for tem-
Romans; in Japan, the Japanese man Workers Party in German), Jew can be a member of the race, leadership. However, not all anal- porarily restricting people from
into doing all that it takes, and as seen in the partys 25 Point Pro- and every public office [may] be ogies were made equal. Sharing a coming to the United States from
sacrificing everything if need be, gram, which, among many other filled only by citizens. With this NowThis or Occupy Democrats seven countries for 120 days, a
in the name of the nation, the things, demands: the nationaliza- information - excluding the ra- video on Facebook titled How similar length of time as when a
state, and the national leader. tion of trusts and corporations; cially-charged bits - I could more did Hitler rise to power? which similar policy was implemented
Mussolinis proclamation of ev- wide-reaching land reform; an easily support the statement insinuates some vague similari- by Barack Obama or Jimmy Car-
erything within the state, nothing expansion of welfare and pen- Bernie Sanders is a fascist, than ty between the Nazi persecution ter? You decide.

An Open Letter to Professor Aaron Hanlon

Alex Suss ally attractive to me. Walter Lip- ary. His words resonate with me experienced anything but fairness try, the brainchild of the pro-
pmann, described it best, The deeply. In the ancient and ongo- and support as you mentioned in gressives, causes immeasurable
Dear Professor Hanlon,
collectivists [] have the zest for ing struggle between Emotions the closing lines of your article. damage. Victimization is present
I read your article, Advice for
progress, the sympathy for the and Reason, I am firmly on the My second comment concerns in our culture in great many man-
My Conservative Students (The
poor, the burning sense of wrong, side of Cogito. your passage, What I am getting ifestations. It is a tool widely and
New York Times, February 16,
skillfully used to divide and con-
2017) with interest and anticipa-
tion caused by my belief that tak- We have past victims, present victims, vic- quer. Regrettably its emotion-
al power resonates with many.
ing advice from people who know
more and have greater life expe- tims in the making, and of course future vic- You assert, You know the world
doesnt love a victim. I would
riences is a wise course of action.
I will start with full disclosure; tims. If that is not the case in Maine, I am love to believe that, yet every
day I read the papers, books or
I must admit that I do consider
myself conservative. First, to transferring to Colby! hear on television a monotone
monologue about victims. Con-
follow Socrates, I know how little
the impulse for great deeds []. To start I must acknowledge at is that I was never a victim. I cepts like social justice, access to
I really know to assert my philo-
But their science founded on a that, at Bucknell, where I have agree with you, I dont feel that healthcare or education, and im-
sophical or political credo with a
profound misunderstanding [] taken classes lead by professors I am a victim. There are much migration are fully loaded with
substantial level of certainty. Sec-
and their actions, therefore, are from both sides of the political bigger and greater issues at stake
ond, because the other option,
deeply destructive and reaction- or cultural spectrum, I have not where the victimology indus- - Continued om A7 -
progressive was not intellectu-
A6 The Counterweight Spring 2017

Alf Siewers
MEMORY ETERNAL While understandably there ile from Nazism Hannah Arendt martyr saints who form a part of of virtue from the battle against to-
According to European scholars is criticism in US history of noted in her classic The Origins of our extended family. talitarianism on both the Left and
in The Black Book of Communism, 80 McC-rthyism, sometimes an hys- Totalitarianism that totalitarian Defending both free expression the Right in the last century: The
to 100 million people were killed terical and needlessly damaging movements and regimes on both and opposing the hateful catego- importance of moral courage, free
by communist regimes in the last search in Cold War America for the Left (Communism) and Right rization of people for quota-style expression, resistance to objectify-
century, ranging from victims of Communist enemies within our (Nazism) had a common core: persecution, from the Right or ing ones self or others in the name
labor camps to those of food ter- society, and a demonizing of peo- Terror identified with isolation. Left, is the best way to remember of ideology, and an active love for
ror famines. ple so labeled, today some of the Both involved the categorization the tragic centennial of the Russian community and other human be-
This year marks the notorious same spirit arguably infuses the of people and quotas for their per- Revolution. ingsall in the struggle to be an
centennial of the Russian Revolu- loose categorizing by the Left of secution, often immersing them This is indicated strangely by authentic person. They remind
tion, which gave birth to this phe- people as fascists or by other labels. culturally according to Arendt in a two of the most critically acclaimed us of the biblical dictum for love
nomenon. The Black Book notes Yet totalitarian movements are social identity fostering the men- films of the Western genre that of country and community and
that the deadly global phenome- dangerous in the willingness of in- tality of being able to embrace be- typified American myth-making human beings versus totalitarian-
non of Communism had a direct dividuals to devote themselves to ing both persecutor and thought/ in the twentieth century: High ism: Greater love hath no man
genealogy from ideology and ideology as a kind of new religion identity criminal simultaneously. Noon and Rio Bravo. High Noon than this, to give up his life for
practices that grew out of the Oc- without God, in which paradox- In the case of Nazism it was racial was made according to its script his friends. Not to give up life for
tober 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, ically the ultimate autonomy of genocide, in the case of Commu- writer, a former Communist who ideology, Big Brother, or the deep
and also helped inspire Nazi death the individual leads to servitude nism class and cultural genocide. was later blacklisted, as an allegory state.
camps and methods. to an ideological cause without Our blindspots often tell as critiquing McCarthyism, although To such virtue-lessons I would
add discernment of the dangers in

Our blindspots often tell as much or

On our secular and leftward-tilt-
ing campus there are no solemn our secular age of replacing God
remembrances or critical examina- with worship of an idea or ideol-

more about ourselves as our ideals.

tions of this communist phenom- ogy, turning toward power. The
enon scheduled currently. On the historically unprecedented mass
contrary, occasionally there are killings of the twentieth century
displays of Red Army and com- moral restraint. The release of in- much or more about ourselves as its director, a Jewish refugee from were committed in the name of
munist images by faculty with ap- formation from Soviet and US in- our ideals. Nazism, saw it as an allegory for humanity, not God.
parent approbation, as one faculty telligence archives in recent years My children are the first in a few the dangers of appeasing Hitler. The Russians have a saying in
member quoted Lenin seemingly has revealed that there indeed generations in their family line Rio Bravo was made as a response their church funerals: Memory
approvingly in a discussion, all was a widespread Communist spy able to be publicly baptized and ex- to High Noon, to emphasize how eternal. It forms the end of Dos-
without remark. network in the US, knowledge of press their faith identity. Millions average Americans could stand up toevskys classic book The Brothers
Nazis ideas and insignias un- which was kept from the public by of my faith community were killed against Communism. The com- Karamazov. Its purposeful ambigu-
derstandably are taboo, given the US intelligence agencies. Its exten- or tortured or silenced under Com- mon denominator: Bravery and ity means both a call to keep those
horrible record of the Nazi regime, sive nature ironically largely was munism, as many are today in the decency in the face of bullying by departed in memory and a prayer
to the extent that even a quar- missed in McCarthyite politics. Middle East by radical extremists power-hungry and violent orga- for God to remember themre-
ter-sized swastika drawn on a bath- And if someone was known to acting falsely under the banner of nized crime, which in their allego- ally an affirmation that we are all
room stall prompts campus-wide have been a Nazi ally, would that Islam. The memory of the Com- ries rightly equate with totalitari- related to each other in the larger
soul-searching (as should be the justify blackballing or expecting munist persecutions is a trauma an systems. mystery Gods memory, beyond
case), and periodically campus public repentance, given the atroc- still within the warp and weft of Today, both films remain clas- whatever any categories and objec-
hosts remembrances and critical ities of that systems deadly acts? If our tradition, and those slain dwell sics, even as their precise political tifications that mortal ideologies
examinations of the Holocaust (as so, why not for a Communist after within our transgenerational and contexts have faded in the minds might impose
should be the case). But why the some of the atrocities of that sys- living memory continually in our of twenty-first-century audiences
silence in the case of communism? tem had become known? services and homes, and in what for classic 1950s Western films.
The philosopher and Jewish ex- we call the joyful sorrow of the What remains in them is a lesson


Josh Hunter
using this election as wakeup call the rally of people with very sim- mistaken for any sort of platform sumption that continues to be dis-
that there are many who do not ilar political views I had to stop of honest debate or discussion. proven daily.
I may be wrong and you may
accept the current liberal agenda, and wonder, who were they hop- Often times at these rallies the Similar behavior was seen on
be right and, by an effort, we may
many on the left have viewed this ing to change? Does the person viewpoints that are brought up February, 9th when Christina
get nearer to the truth. ~ Karl
election as a whitelash or fur- with the microphone honesty are talked about as if they should Hoff Sommers came to Bucknell.
ther proof of systemic racism and believe that things have changed simply be accepted by everyone. Ms. Sommers considers herself an
white supremacy. And have am- simply by preaching to the choir? You can make claims backed by equity feminist, however she does
Since the election of Donald
plified their old tactics. Whether The point of these rallies, walk- no facts and receive applause and not believe in what she calls fem-
Trump there has been an up-
it be making a new years reso- outs, teach ins, and safe spaces are snaps from your peers around inist myths. The point of her
roar on colleges and universities
lutions video for white guys, or not to make a change, but, they you, even if the statement made is lecture was to provide insight into
nationwide. There have been
stopping prominent conservative are so that people can have their a complete oxymoron. For exam- her beliefs on the origins of some
numerous walk-outs, teach ins,
of these myths, as well as debunk
strikes and safe spaces. All done
with the purpose of giving a mid-
dle finger to the current admin-
This lack of willingness to engage in honest them. After Ms. Sommers had
completed her lecture she opened
up a question and answer session.
istration. These actions are the
height of group thought and as debate is something that needs to change. During this event she was asked
very pointed questions intent to
Nietzsche and Kierkegaard would
speakers from lecturing on col- views validated. If these events ple, during the day of action, the prove that she must have a lack of
describe the herd mentality.
lege campuses one thing becomes were advertised as spaces to have following statement was made, compassion; for those who have
However, It should be known
clear: the left is not ready to come dialogue with those who share there is a gender pay gap, men personally experienced sexism in
that they all share common short-
to the debate table and make a le- similar thoughts, I would have no earn more than women. There their lives. I recall only one stu-
coming. They all fail to provide
gitimate case. complaint. As a conservative who was no correction by the profes- dent reciting any sort of facts to
the thing that given our current
As I attended the opening rally attends conservative lectures reg- sor by the end of this statement. dispute the claims made by Ms.
state of partisan politics is needed
for the Bucknell Day of Action, ularly, I must say I have no prob- There was just a room full of Sommers. Other than that most
most, genuine debate.
on February, 17 one question lem with this. Spending time with smiles and nods. There was no of the arguments contained state-
The current antics of those on
came to mind. What is the point those with similar views can of- statement of how we gender dis- ments such as I know a person
the left are how ESPN analyst Will
of all of this? Throughout the day ten be a worthwhile experience. criminate. Or who specifically who, or In my life. The
Cain describes those who have
I often heard the word change However, I believe that none of gender discriminates. There was
never had to win an argument
being used. But as I looked around these forms of action should be simply an acceptance of false pre- - Continued on A7 -
in eight plus years. Rather than
A7 The Counterweight Spring 2017


- Continued from A6 - so real one person rejecting its ex- today. person. This is why PC should be that were easily accepted. It took
istence should not result in shock. Those are just two of the many disregarded during open debates. evidence and debate to persuade
basic argument turns out being Instead, it should be easy to prove controversial topics that need While respect is needed during people that these ideas were cor-
I have seen/experienced some- that person wrong. to be discussed. However, often debates, moral policing is a bully/ rect. No political idea or concept
thing; therefore you rejecting This lack of willingness to en- times these conversations are dif- stall tactic that has no other pur- is so flawless that it should be ac-
that this happens on a large scale gage in honest debate is some- ficult to have in the first place be- pose than to hurt the credibility cepted by everyone immediately.
makes you ignorant or insensi- thing that needs to change. If you cause of the PC culture in college of the other person. It would be So I challenge all students who
tive. believe in white privilege, prove life. Which makes it so that you far more effective to discredit the want to make a difference to en-
First off, this is ironic because it. Explain how a young white have to constantly worry about other person through use of factu- gage those who disagree with you
this is an example of attacking male living in a trailer park in not marginalizing or offending al evidence. in debate.
the person and not the idea. It rural Pennsylvania enjoys cer- anyone. By constantly policing Throughout human history, Dont shout, slander or shame.
is a violation of the safe space tain privileges over all blacks. If the way in which the other per- debate was needed to convince Engage, convince and change.
many of these students claim they you believe in the gender pay gap son phrases his statements, we people of things we now consider
adhere to. Secondly, these state- prove it. Show graphically why shift the purpose of the debate common knowledge. Concepts
ments suggest a lack of ability to something that was outlawed from the original topic to the mo- like gravity and even notions that
debate on the points they wished over forty years ago still occurs rality or wokeness of the other earth is not flat were not ideas
to convey. If the gender pay gap is


abandoned traditional conserva- with conservative views there are bors that is antithetical to the and present danger. Those who
- Continued from A5 - tism. So did vast segments of our eight who do not. Sowell wrote very definition of a university stu- promote and produce climate of
yes, victims. We have past vic- culture, and most importantly ac- about it better than most. dent and college should be. How intellectual intolerance would
tims, present victims, victims in ademia. The shift is seismic you Lastly, I wish you would have do you discuss Sowell or Noonan benefit from your advice greatly.
the making, and of course future can get a degree in literature from written advice to a different audi- if trigger warnings go off? Should Best regards,
victims. If that is not the case in some of the most prestigious uni- ence, and I urge you do so. Advice conservative students insist on Alex Suss
Maine, I am transferring to Col- versities and never read a word of to progressive students is needed their own warnings when we read Bucknell University
by! Shakespeare. For every book writ- more than ever. It is their desire Marx, Sartre, or Foucault? Where
Furthermore, I agree with your ten by a conservative there are ten to shut down ideas and words that does negating open dialogue and
observation that conservative published by authors with oppos- are hurtful. It is their need for arresting and stifling free ex-
leaders and icons have largely ing views. For every academic trigger warnings and safe har- change of ideas lead? This is clear


Madison Cooney that they feel as though they can ones illegal activity? gressive liberals, as I know from the most problematic element - and need to - demand things, There are many other prob- personal experience and more of the campus activities initiat-
The election of President they should really consider going lematic subsections under the than one death threat from peo- ed by B.A.D. is the open support
Trump into office has seen many to school that has already imple- first demand, such as the demand ple of that political persuasion they have from faculty. I think it
things for the country, but also mented their demands. No one for the right to live, party, and on campus. This demand is also is great that Professors want to
for Bucknell. One of the biggest is making them stay. mingle in a space distinct from problematic because the use of support their students and should
things that Bucknells campus This letter started off by de- university housing restrictions the phrase hate-speech which has freely speak their opinions on po-
has seen is the rise of a new group manding Bucknell become a and limits of conduct. The only a loose definition that has never litical matters, but not to the det-
called B.A.D., or Bucknell Alter- sanctuary for all marginalized spaces that are distinct from uni- been clearly defined. When it is riment of other students in their
native Delegation. I affectionate- community members who have versity conduct violations are the defined, almost anything said on classes. There have been many
ly call this group Babies Against chosen to pursue their education downtown houses. I know con- campus should be hate-speech so instances where Professors have
Donald, which fits their acronym here. Almost anyone should be duct violations take place in Fra- should we just stop engaging in canceled class and all but forced
and their purpose on campus. able to pursue an education at ternity houses on a regular basis, dialogue because heaven forbid their classes to participate in the
Since the founding of B.A.D., Bucknell, not just the marginal- but Bucknell does not willingly we offend someone. If B.A.D. has protests through their actions of
Bucknell has seen an absurd ized community members. The let that happen. If misconduct a problem with campus political following their classes outside.
amount of unnecessary protests key phrase in that demand is happens and the University is discussion, they should address it If B.A.D.s entire purpose is for
and many students have learned chosen to pursue, meaning that made aware of it, they address it. within their own community, not everyone to have the freedom to
just how entitled our peers feel. the students they are demanding The only place to be mostly free as a campus-wide discussion. speak, then Bucknell students
Bucknell was first introduced sanctuary for chose to go here full from University conduct policies The Bucknell Alternative Dele- who do not support them should
to B.A.D. through an open let- well knowing what the university is in downtown housing and even gation has since that letter caused not be forced by Professors to
ter that was sent out to all of the was like. The demands have sub- then, some University conduct many disruptions on campus for attend these protests and stu-
student body that was full of de- sections and one subsection that rules still apply So why would seemingly no other purpose than dents who do not support these
mands. While the letter provided I found appalling was the section Bucknell give something to this to disrupt campus business. They actions should not be academi-
some things that may have been that stated the Bucknell should organization that they do not give have held two student walkouts cally harmed because their Pro-
legitimate talking points, I lost re- provide financial support for the to everyone else? and a day of protest, but the only fessor decided to not have class.
spect for those who wrote it from undocumented students because The second demand states, thing I see happening throughout I completely support a freedom
the very beginning. The fact that they cannot receive federal fund- the university become a sanctu- those events is those students los- of expression in almost whatever
the students felt so entitled that ing. It amazes me that this is not ary for open dialogue of political ing out on class time and the sig- form you choose but I wish that
they could demand things from common sense to students on discussion and practice regardless nificant amount of money they the Bucknell Alternative Delega-
the President and the Universi- our campus. There are intelligent of ideology, barring hate-speech, pay to be in class. While peaceful tion would wake up and see they
ty was astonishing to me. I have people on this campus who think personal attack, and/or threat and nonviolent protest is abso- appear as entitled babies to those
never seen such a sense of entitle- that Bucknell should be providing to the safety of individuals and lutely their right, I simply do not who do not agree with them.
ment. Who are they to demand support because undocumented groups. While this would be understand what change they
things? Request things, sure, but students are unfairly kept from great, it is almost completely un- think they are causing on Buck-
to demand something requires federal funding. Of course undoc- attainable, mostly because of the nells campus by doing so. It is
power and that is the kind of umented students are kept from members of B.A.D. or other stu- not as though the national news
power that students do not and federal funding because they are dents who signed the letter. It is is going to notice the protests that
should not have. If these students not in accordance with the laws not the Conservatives on campus are happening and applaud some
have such a problem with the of the federal government. Why who have problems engaging in Bucknell students for it.
way the University is being run should Bucknell support some- dialogue , it tends to be the re- It is my firm belief that one of
A8 The Counterweight Spring 2017


ABOUT US: DISCLAIMER: Published by the Bucknell University
The Counterweight is a publication dedicated to The views expressed in the articles herein are
Conservatives Club since 2001
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