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Manalastas,J.M ,Manganaan,V.P, Mangilit,A.A, Medina,G.P, Merina.,A.N,

Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy

University of Santo Tomas


Gluten is a protein composite that appears in foods processed from wheat, barley,
and rye. Gluten helps foods maintain their shape, acting as a glue that holds food together.The
intact protein was isolated by washing the dough with water which removes starch. Gluten was
subjected to the different color reaction tests namely, Biuret, Ninhydrin, Xanthoproteic, Millon,
Hopkins-Cole, Sakaguchi, Nitroprusside, Pauly, Fohls and Amide test which determined the
structure, functional group and presence of amide and aromatic side chains. The intact protein
was also alkaline hydrolyzed, and the hydrolyzed protein was also subjected to the different
color reaction tests.


Nucleic acids are biomolecules that allow The backbone of a nucleic acid is made of
organisms to transfer genetic information alternating sugar and phosphate.
from one generation to the next. There are
two types of nucleic acids: deoxyribonucleic In most living organisms (except for
acid (better known as DNA) and ribonucleic viruses), genetic information is stored in
acid(better known as RNA). the molecule deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA is
a double stranded nucleic acid. It is
compose of nitrogenous bases such as
guanine, adenine, thymine, and cytosine.
The Nucleotide sequence has the
information found in the DNA and this
nucleotide is has a unique complimentary
nucleotide, each strand contains all the
information required to synthesize a new
DNA molecule.

The Four different nucleotide bases occur in

DNA: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine
(G), and thymine (T). Guanine and adinine
are have purine as their nitrogenous bases
while for cytosine and thymine its

In forming the DNA there are base pairs

Figure 1. DNA structure There are two important reasons why DNA
is composed of complementary bases. The
first is that only with complementary bases solution should be heated and stirred.
can the two strands of DNA have After the water bath 1.5 grams of papain
complementary sequences. Without the or 4 ml of meat tenderizer was added to
complementary sequences DNA replication the solution then water bath, 60 degrees
as we know it would be impossible. The Celsius, for another 10 minutes.
second reason is that the pairs of bases are
complementary because their chemical After water bath the flask should be in
structure allows for strong hydrogen an ice bath for 5 minutes. The solution is
bonding and they fit together well. swirled for it to cool evenly. This process
will impede the breakdown of the DNA
by deoxyribonucleases. After it cool, it
was poured in a blender, for
METHODOLOGY 45 seconds for it to homogenized. With
the pipette 15-20 ice- cold ethanol is
A. Materials added to the mixture. allowing it to
dripped down at the side of the tube.
The material needed in isolating the
The ethanol formed on top of the onion
DNA from onion was two(2) yellow onions. A
homogenizing solution compose of 5%
2. Ultraviolet Measurement of Isolated
sodium dodecyl sulphate or sodium lauryl
sulphate (SDS), 0.15 M NaCl (sodium
For high volume determination 0.5 ml of
chloride), 0.15 M sodium citate and 0.001 M
the aliquot solution was dissolved in a
EDTA. For acid hydrolysis 1M HCL, 1M
4.5ml TE buffer, or dilute with the ratio of
KOH and glacial acetic acid was the
1:20. After dilution the solution is
reagents. The glacial acetic acid was used
transferred to the microplate for the
in adjusting the PH value of thr solution.
determination of absorbance (at
For the deoxyribose test or also known as 260,230 and 280).
the Dische test, along with the DNA sample 3. Acid Hydrolyisis
diphenylanamine reagent was used.

In the test for purines concentrated HNO3 4. Test for Deoxyribose

and 10% of potassium hydroxide was used The 3.5 diphenylalanine reagent was
and guanine and adenine are tested . While added nto the 1.5 hydrolyzed DNA and
in pyrimidines where cytosine and uracil repeated with the 0.5-ml standard
was tested, it is treated by the bromine deoxyribose solution, then the both
water and barium hydroxide was the tubes was placed in a boiling water
reagent used. bath for 10 minutes then cooled

The UV Vis/ Microplate was used for the 5. Murexide test (test for purines)
ultraviolet measurement of the isolated DNA In a small evaporating dish with 5-10
drops of nucleic acid solution fes\w
B. Procedure drops of concentrated nitric acid was
added. After addition the solution was
1. DNA isolation from onion
In a 125-ml Erlenmeyer flask 50 ml of evaporated carefully until dry, then the
residues were moistened with 10%
the homogenizing solution was added
then the solution is heated water bath potassium hydroxide the n heated. After
heating the solution was tested again
until it reaches 60 degrees Celsius. The
garlic was next minced and weighed up with potassium hydroxide then heated
again . after heating a few drops of
to 25 g and then added to the
homogenizing solution, for 5 minutes the water was added then warmed. Lastly,
the residue was evaporated again. The
process was repeated for guanine and CONCLUSION

6. Wheeler-Johnson test (test for

The 0.5 ml of nucleic acid was treated
with excess bromine water until solution
turned to yellow, it must be repeated
with cytosine and uracil, after treating
the solution was boiled, to remove the
excess, the solution should be colorless
or light yellow. Then barium hydroxide REFERENCES
was added to the solution. Lastly test
the solution with a litmus paper. Anthony Carpi, Ph.D. Nucleic Acids
. Visionlearning Vol. BIO-1 (1), 2003
retrieved 2011 from:
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Mc-Graw Hill DNA: the genetic
,material from:
Table 1. test for purines results
Results na_structure.html
Nucleic acid Red
Adenine Yellow
Guanine Red

Table 2 . test for pyrimidines result

Nucleic acid Yellow
Cytosine Violet/ Purple
urcil Purple

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