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Pandangan Fukuzawa Yukichi tentang tamadun dan ketamadunan Jepun


1. Dalam bab 10 fukuzawa Yukichi membincangkn tentang perkaitan kemajuan

tamadun dan kemerdekaan Jepun. Beliau menyatakan negara yang lebih maju
akan mengawal tamadun yang lebih rendah.
when some countries are more advance than others it is natural for the
the advanced to control the less advanced and the less advanced to be
controlled by the advanced
2. Fukuzawa mengatakan hasil hubungan yang baik dengan orang asing(orabg
barat) dewasa ini masyarakat telah mampu untum membandingkan tamadun
Jepun dengan tamdun barat danpada pendapat Fukuzawa tamadun barat lebih
maju dalm segala aspek berbanding Tamadun Jepun.
As a result of our recent ties with foreigners we have begun to contrast our
civilization with theirs. Our inferiority to them on the external technological level
is obvious, but our mentality also differs from theirs. Westerners are
intellectually vital, are personal well-disciplined, and have patterned and orderly
social relations. In our present state from the economy of the nation down to
the activities of single households or individuals we are no match for them. On
the whole it has been only recently we have realized western countries are
civilize while we as yet are not. And there is no one who in his heart does not
admit that.



Menurut Fukuzawa Yukichi tradisi kuno/lama sudah tidak sesuai

Bermula dengan kejatuhan Han dan penubuhan wilayah masyarakat perlu
menghapuskan semua penyalahgunaan kuasa yang lalu

- Dalam bab 10 Fukuzawa Yukichi membincangkan tentang kebaikan dan
keburukan hubungan dengan orang asing melalui sudut pandangan ekonomi.
- Teori hak asasi manusia yang dibawa masuk oleh orang asing

Teori hak asasi manusia telah menular dan diterima pakai oleh sebilangan
masyarakat Jepun
Hak asasi yang dimaksudkan adalah kesamarataan diantara sebuah
Negara dengan Negara yang lain.
Kedatangan orag aing telah membuka hubungan perdagangan melalui
nama hak asasi manusia seperti yang telah dihuraikan oleh Mr Obata
Memetik kata2 Fukuzawa Yukichi
This problem has ben describe in an article b my colleague Mr Obata. He
argues that at the time we first let Admiral perry bring his squadron of warship
into our waters, the gist of the argument given to persuade us into trade
relationship was that all men on this earth are brothers, sharing the same sky
above and the same earth beneath, that if we turn a man away and refuse to
deal with him we are sinners against Heaven and so even if it means fighting,
trade relations must be opened.

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