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Everyone talks about artificial

intelligence these days. Are we on

the verge of the singularity the
moment in which artificial
intelligence surpasses humans. Will
robots replace doctors and other
care practitioners, or can we even
make robots that properly care for
living organisms like humans? If so,
can machines then actually learn to
empathize with us and perhaps even
have emotions? And are we, without
even realizing it, becoming more
robotic ourselves by depending on so
many interfaces with machines?

These and related questions are the

subject of much debate, both in the
mainstream media and in
academia.It also fascinates us to
think of ourselves as vulnerable to
our own creations as much as we
can be advanced by them. It is no
surprise that the topic of artificial

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intelligence (AI) has become central
in discussions about emotion, ethics,
consciousness, and self-
So coming on to Artificial
Consciousness is the state of
being aware of an external object or
something within oneself.

And ,Artificial Consciousness means

imitating this consciousness in


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Alan Turing said if machines can
think like humans, they are
Conscious. For that they need to
pass the Turing Test.
And in order to pass the test, a
computer must be able to imitate a
human well enough to fool

Drawback was given by John Searle.

John Searle proposed the Chinese
room argument.
It goes like this, To make a Turing
machine that speaks Chinese, John
imagines a room with one English
speaker, a book that maps a
combination of Chinese symbols to
be output paired with Chinese

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symbol input, and boxes filled with
Chinese symbols. In this case, the
English speaker is acting as a
computer and the rulebook as a
program. John argues that with such
a machine, the speaker would be
able to process the inputs to outputs
perfectly without having any
understanding of Chinese, nor
having any idea what the questions
and answers could possibly mean.
If the experiment were done in
English, since the speaker knows
English, he would be able to take
questions and give answers without
any algorithms for English questions,
and he would be effectively aware of
what was being said and the
purposes it might serve.
Speaker would pass the Turing test
of answering the questions in both
languages, but he is only conscious
of what he is doing when he speaks

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Another way of putting the argument
is to say that computer programs
can pass the Turing test for
processing the syntax of a language,
but the syntax cannot lead to
semantic meaning.

So therefore, Consciousness is
subjective, like human mind. A
conscious person can perform
computation but consciousness is
not only being computational the
way computer programs are.

So,We define consciousness in a

realm perceivable by humans. For
e.g Deep Blue is artificially conscious
only when playing chess but humans
perform other tasks as well.

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Therefore,All our aspects of
consciousness then reduce down to
definitions of human-like.
Sentience: Sentience is the ability to
recognise stimuli. Any entity which is
conscious must respond to stimuli.

Personality: Personality is regarded

as another criterion for
consciousness. Moreover, that
personality develops when you
interact with other people .

Learning : Learning is also

considered necessary for
consciousness. Conscious experience
is needed to represent and adapt to
significant events.
Anticipation is a characteristic that
can make a machine appear
conscious. An artificially conscious
machine must be able to anticipate

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events correctly in order to be ready
to respond to them when they occur

Franklins Intelligent
Distribution Agent
Its task is to negotiate new
assignments for US Naval sailors

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after they end a tour of duty, by
matching each individuals skills and
preferences with the navys
It interacts with the sailors through
Natural language email dialogue.
It consists of 0.25 million lines of
Java code .
The architectural approach here is
top down and based on LIDA model.

The LIDA cognitive cycle can be subdivided

into three phases: the understanding phase, the
attention (consciousness) phase, and the action
selection and learning phase.In understanding
phase, incoming stimuli activate low-level
feature detectors (like shape, color) in Sensory
Memory. The output engages Perceptual
Associative Memory where higher-level
feature detectors feed in more abstract entities
such as objects, categories, actions, events,
etc. The resulting percept moves to the
Workspace where it cues both Transient
Episodic Memory and Declarative Memory
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producing local associations. These local
associations are combined with the percept to
generate a current situational model which is
the agent's understanding of what is going on
right now.
The attention phase begins with the forming of
coalitions in current situational model, which
then compete for attention, that is a place in
the current conscious contents.
These conscious contents are then broadcast
globally, initiating the learning and action
selection phase. New entities and associations,
and the reinforcement of old ones occurs, as
the conscious broadcast reaches the various
forms of memory.
In parallel with all this learning, and using the
conscious contents, possible action schemes
are instantiated from Procedural Memory and
sent to Action Selection, where they compete
to be the behavior selected for this cognitive
cycle. The selected behavior triggers Sensory-
Motor Memory to produce a suitable
algorithm for its execution, which completes
the cognitive cycle.

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Concept of Artificial Consciousness
has been used in many Science
Fiction Movies like
Avengers : Age of Ultron.
Matrix Agents.
WestWorld Hosts.
Terminator Series.
iRobot by Issac Assimov.

Although we have made so much

progress in field of Artificial
Intelligence, but not much in human-
like consciousness. It is as much a
product of experience learning and

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emotions as it is of analytical
reasoning and numerical logic.

But,Emergent behavior resulting

from neural network in which the
individual units interact and form the
final properties seem to be the most
possible and realistic approach to
consciousness .

To sum up, with advancement in

neural networks, the days of
Artificially Conscious machines
need not be far away.

Thank You so much for being a

wonderful audience and if you have
any questions please feel free to ask.

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