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FEMAP Neutral File Format

This Document describes the FEMAP Neutral File Format. This information is not required unless you are going to
write your own interfaces to read or write Neutral Files.

A.1 File Structure

FEMAP Neutral files follow a very structured format that makes them relatively easy to read and write. All data is
contained in "data blocks". Each data block begins with a "-1" and an ID, and also ends with a "-1". In a formatted
Neutral file it looks like the following:
Description File Contains
Column Numbers
Start of Data Block -1
Data Block ID 100
All of the data for this data block. This is usually Data
multiple records.
End of Data Block -1
Any number of data blocks can be in the file, and they can appear in any order. Data blocks of the same type can
even be repeated, when necessary.

A.1.1 Formatted Neutral Files

Formatted Neutral Files contain free-format, record oriented data blocks. You will notice that each value is separated
by a comma, and there are even trailing commas at the end of each record (line). These commas are not required, but
values must be separated by at least one or more spaces. The only fixed field requirements are for the "-1" start and
end of block indicators - they must always be preceded by 3 spaces and start in the fourth column. All other records
should start in the first column.

Integer Values
Integer values are all subject to the limitations for the corresponding numbers in FEMAP. In no case can an ID ever
exceed the range 1 to 99999999. Other limitations are described in the formats shown below.

Real Values
Real numbers can be written in either floating point or exponential format. Any reasonable number of significant
digits can be included, but the total length of any line can not exceed 255 characters.

Character Strings
Titles and other text items are simply written as a series of characters. In a formatted file, they are always the only
item in the record, so the end of the line terminates them. If the character string is really empty (has no characters),
FEMAP will write the special string "<NULL>". If you are reading a Neutral file, you should interpret this as a blank

A.1.2 Library File Formats

FEMAP library files (materials, properties, report formats and views) are saved in an enhanced formatted neutral file
format. This format follows these rules:
1. The first line of the file is a one-line header that identifies the file as the appropriate type of library. For example,
the material library must say:
FEMAP Version 5.0 Material Library

2. Each entry in the library is preceded by a comment line that looks like:
A-2 FEMAP Neutral File Format

$COM 0 5.0 AISI 4340 Steel

It must start with $COM. The second field must be the entity type (i.e. for materials - 0=Isotropic, 1=2D
Orthotropic...). The third field is the FEMAP version of the datablock. The remainder of the line is the entity title.
3. Following the comment is a standard FEMAP data block containing one, and only one entity.
If you follow these formatting rules, a FEMAP library can be read either one entity at a time with the various Load
from library options, or in its entirety with the FEMAP Neutral Read Translator.

A.2 Data Block Formats

This section defines all of the data blocks that are currently used by FEMAP. The following table lists all of the
supported blocks:
ID Description Write Read
1 Materials (obsolete) No Yes
2 Properties (obsolete) No Yes
3 Nodes (obsolete) No Yes
4 Elements (obsolete) No Yes
5 Coordinate Systems (obsolete) No Yes
6 Constraints (obsolete) No Yes
7 Loads (obsolete) No Yes
8 Groups (obsolete) No Yes
9 Display Option (obsolete) No No
10 Window (obsolete) No No
50 Postprocessing Option (obsolete) No No
51 Report Format (obsolete) No No
100 Neutral File Header Yes Yes
101 Variables (obsolete) No Yes
102 Active Data (obsolete) No Yes
200 Output Sets (obsolete) No Yes
201 Output Data Vectors (obsolete) No Yes
401 Materials (obsolete) Yes,v4 Yes
402 Properties Yes Yes
403 Nodes Yes Yes
404 Elements Yes Yes
405 Coordinate Systems Yes Yes
406 Constraints (obsolete) Yes,v4 Yes
407 Loads (obsolete) Yes,v4 Yes
408 Groups Yes Yes
409 Views Yes Yes
410 Variables Yes Yes
411 Report Formats Yes Yes
412 Active Data Yes Yes
413 Layer Data Yes Yes
420 Functions Yes Yes
430 Active Views Yes No
431 Free Edge Lists Yes No
432 Free Face Lists Yes No
433 Model Max/Min ID Info (obsolete) Yes,v4 No
450 Output Sets Yes Yes
451 Output Data Vectors (obsolete) Yes,v10.1 Yes
470 Points(obsolete) Yes, v4 Yes
471 Curves(obsolete) Yes, v4 Yes
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-3
472 Surfaces(obsolete) Yes, v4 Yes
473 Volumes(obsolete) Yes, v4 Yes
474 Boundaries(obsolete) Yes, v4 Yes
475 Text Yes Yes
506 Constraints Yes Yes
507 Loads Yes Yes
514 Geometry Attach Info Yes Yes
521 Design Optimization Parameters Yes Yes
533 Model Max/Min ID Info Yes No
540 Model Notes Yes Yes
570 Points Yes Yes
571 Curves Yes Yes
572 Surfaces Yes Yes
573 Solid/Volume Yes Yes
601 Materials Yes Yes
615 Contact Segments Yes Yes
822 Analysis Sets Yes Yes
823 API User Data Yes Yes
824 API Set Data Yes Yes
918 Connection Property Yes Yes
919 Connection Yes Yes
926 Global Ply Yes Yes
927 Layup Yes Yes
928 Data Surface Yes Yes
941 References Yes Yes
942 Color Palette Yes Yes
943 Output Orientation Yes Yes
999 End of File No Yes
1006 Constraint Set Combinations Yes Yes
1007 Load Set Combinations Yes Yes
1008 Group Referenced Groups Yes Yes
1029 FREQ Data Yes Yes
1044 Entity Visibility Yes Yes
1045 Forced Response Yes Yes
1046 Set Lists Yes Yes
1051 Output Data Vectors Yes Yes
1052 Output Attach Yes Yes
1053 Output Case Yes Yes
1055 Output Attach Index Yes Yes
1056 Analysis Study Yes Yes
1060 Aero Panel Yes Yes
1061 Aero Property Yes Yes
1062 Aero Spline Yes Yes
1063 Aero Surface Yes Yes
1064 Aero Divisions Yes Yes
1070 Freebody Entities Yes Yes
1071 Freebody Cache Yes Yes
1080 Superelement References Yes Yes
1090 Charts Yes Yes
1091 Chart Data Series Yes Yes
1092 Chart Data Series List Yes Yes
1093 Chart Data Series Source Yes Yes
A-4 FEMAP Neutral File Format

Data blocks that are listed as obsolete are not written in the current version of the Neutral File. They have been
superseded by another similar datablock. Since FEMAP can write Neutral files for previous versions, some of these
obsolete datablocks may still be produced if you select an old version format. In that case, the datablocks are still
documented. In most cases, these data blocks can still be read by FEMAP, but may be removed completely in a later
release. You should never write any new interfaces that use these obsolete formats.
When you look at the following tables, the record numbers refer to the line numbers relative to the start of the
datablock in a formatted neutral file. You can tell the type and size of these numbers (or characters) by referring to
the "Size" column.
Changes from previous versions have a version number included in the description - like (4.1+) to mean version 4.1
and later. If you find the version number change in the Record or Field column, this implies that that record or field
was added in that version - files generated in previous versions will not have this data present. If the version change
is listed in the Description column, this implies that the description was changed. This usually occurs when
additional options or meanings are given to an existing field.

Data Block 100 - Neutral File Header

Record Field Description Size
1 Title Database title character string
2 version The version of FEMAP used to create this file. 8 byte, double precision
Currently should be 6.0
Data Block 401 Materials (obsolete)
Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of material 4 byte, long integers
color ID of color
type Type of material (0=Iso, 1=2D Ortho, 2=3D
Ortho, 3=2D Aniso, 4=3D Aniso,
5=Hyperelastic, 6=General, 7=Fluid)
layer ID of layer
has_functions Function Flag (Record numbers 19 thru 34, 2 byte, boolean
the function references, are included only if
this flag is nonzero)
2 title Material Title (max 79 char) character string
3 e[0..2] Young's modulus 8 byte, double precision
4 g[0..2] Shear modulus
5 nu[0..2] Poisson's ratio
6 thru 10 GMatrix_3D[0..20] Upper triangle of 6x6 3D anisotropic elastic
matrix. Written 5 entries per record, 1 in last.
11, 12 GMatrix_2D[0..5] Upper triangle of 3x3 2D anisotropic elastic
matrix. Written 5 entries per record, 1 in last.
13, 14 alpha[0..5] Thermal expansion coefficients. 5 entries per 8 byte, double precision
record, 1 in last.
15, 16 k[0..5] Thermal conductivity coefficients. 5 entries
per record, 1 in last.
17 thermal_cap Specific Heat 8 byte, double precision
density Material density
damping Damping coefficient
temperature Reference temperature
18 tension_limit[0..1] Stress Allowables in tension
comp_limit[0..1] Stress Allowables in compression
shear_limit Stress Allowable in shear
tsai_wu Tsai_wu interaction factor
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-5
has_strain_limitFlag if material uses strain limits instead of 2 byte boolean
stress limits
19-23 Amatrix [0..20] Hyperelastic Amatrix values, written 5 per 8 byte, double precision
record, 1 in last
24 Dmatrix[0..4] Hyperelastic Dmatrix values
25 Hard_slope Plasticity Hardening Slope
yield_limit[0..1] Plasticity Yield Limits - Initial Yield Stress
and Friction Angle
26 yield_limit[2..4] Additional Yield limits 8 byte, double precision
hard_type Hardening Data Type 4 byte, long integer
yield_func Yield Function
27 hyp_exp[0..4] IDs of Hyperelastic Experimental Data 4 byte, long integer
28 hyp_polyord[0..1] Strain Energy Polynomial Order for
nonlin_type Nonlinear Type (0=None/Linear, 1=Nonlinear
Elastic, 2=Plastic, 3=Elasto-Plastic
nonlin_func ID of function for Plasticity
hard_type Hardening Rule (0=Isotropic, 1=Kinematic,
yield_type Yield Criterion (0=von Mises, 1=Tresca,
2=Mohr-Coloumb, 3=Drucker-Prager)
29 creep_thresh Creep Threshold Stress 8 byte, double precision
creep_temp Creep Reference Temperature
creep_rate Temperature Dependent Creep Rate
30-31 creep_emp [0..6] Empirical Creep Law Coefficients, written 5
on first line, 2 on last.
32 creep_type Creep Type (0=None, 1=Empirical, 4 byte, long integer
creep_func[0..2] Tabular Model Creep Function IDs
33 creep_form [0..3] Empirical Creep Law Format Flags
The following rows contain the IDs of all functions that are referenced by this material. They are only present if the
"has_functions" flag in record 1 is not zero.
34 fe[0..2] Young's modulus functions 4 byte, long integer
35 fg[0..2] Shear modulus functions
36 fnu[0..2] Poisson's ratio functions
37 thru 41 fGMatrix_3D[0..21] 3D anisotropic elastic matrix functions.
Written 5 entries per record, 1 in last.
42, 43 fGMatrix_2D[0..5] 2D anisotropic elastic matrix functions.
Written 5 entries per record, 1 in last.
44, 45 falpha[0..5] Thermal expansion coefficients functions.
Written 5 entries per record, 1 in last.
46, 47 fk[0..5] Thermal conductivity coefficients functions.
Written 5 entries per record, 1 in last.
48 fthermal_cap Thermal capacity function 4 byte, long integer

fdensity Material density function

fdamping Damping coefficient function
temperature Reference temperature function
49 ftension_limit[0..1] Stress Allowables in tension functions
fcomp_limit[0..1] Stress Allowables in compression functions
A-6 FEMAP Neutral File Format

fshear_limit Stress Allowable in shear function

Data Block 601 Materials

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of material 4 byte, long integers
format Always set to -601
color ID of color
type Type of material (0=Iso, 1=2D Ortho, 2=3D
Ortho, 3=2D Aniso, 4=3D Aniso,
5=Hyperelastic, 6=General, 7=Fluid)
subtype Subtype for General Materials
layer ID of layer
Function Count In regular Neutral Files this is always 0. If
nonzero, it is the number of functions that
follow the material data (used for libraries)
2 title Material Title (max 79 char) character string
3 Bcount Number of Boolean Flags (always 10) 4 byte, long integers
4 bval[0..9] Boolean flags 2 byte, boolean
5 Icount Number of Integer values (always 25) 4 byte, long integer
6,7,8 ival[0..24] Integer values, 10 per record, 5 on last record
9 Mcount Number of Real values (always 200)
10 thru 29 mval[0..199] Real values, 10 per record 8 byte, double precision
30 Fcount Number of Function IDs (always 50) 4 byte, long integer
31 thru 35 fval[0..49] Function IDs, 10 per record
36 Tcount Number of Addl Function IDs (always 70, was
60 prior to v7.1)
37 thru 43 tval[0..69] (7.1+ was 0..59) Function IDs, 10 per record
The remaining data is only present if Function Count is nonzero. The entire set of records is repeated Function
Count times.
1 record ID ID of function 4 byte, long integer
type Type of Function (see Data Block 420)
1 record title Function Title character string
n records index value 1..n of function data pair (-1 for last 4 byte, long integer
record in this function)
x X value 8 byte, double precision
y Y value

The following table gives the locations in the material data tables for the data that is defined for the standard
materials. Other custom materials can use these locations, or any other location, as defined in the material definition
file that is described later in this document.

Material Values
Type Value Description Locations
Integer Values
HYPER_POLYORD(i) Strain Energy Polynomial Order for ival[0],ival[1]
NONLINEAR_TYPE Nonlinear Type (0=None/Linear, ival[2]
1=Nonlinear Elastic, 2=Plastic, 3=Elasto-
HARDENING_TYPE Hardening Data Type ival[3]
YIELD_TYPE Yield Criterion (0=von Mises, 1=Tresca, ival[4]
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-7
2=Mohr-Coloumb, 3=Drucker-Prager)
CREEP_TYPE Creep Type (0=None, 1=Empirical, ival[5]
CREEP_EMPIRICAL_FORM(i) Empirical Creep Law Format Flags ival[6..9]
DP_HARDENING_DATA_TYPE Drucker-Prager Hardening data type ival[10]
Boolean Values
HAS_STRAIN_LIMITS Flag if material uses strain limits instead of bval[0]
stress limits
FLUID IS LIQUID Flag if a fluid type materia is a liquid vs. a bval[1]
OPT_REV_SIDE bval[3]
DMATRIX_HYP_D1_ZERO Flag to write D1 in Nastran Hyperelastic bval[4]
material as Zero
Real Values
E(i) Young's modulus mval[0..2]
G(i) Shear modulus mval[3..5]
NU(i) Poisson's ratio mval[6..8]
GMATRIX_3D(i) Upper triangle of 6x6 3D anisotropic mval[9..29]
elastic matrix.
GMATRIX_2D(i) Upper triangle of 3x3 2D anisotropic mval[30..35]
elastic matrix.
THERMAL_EXPANSION(i) Thermal expansion coefficients. mval[36..41]
THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY(i) Thermal conductivity coefficients. mval[42..47]
THERMAL_CAPACITY Specific Heat mval[48]
DENSITY Material density mval[49]
DAMPING Damping coefficient mval[50]
TEMPERATURE Reference temperature mval[51]
TENSION_LIMIT(i) Stress Allowables in tension mval[52..53]
COMPRESSION_LIMIT(i) Stress Allowables in compression mval[54..55]
SHEAR_LIMIT Stress Allowable in shear mval[56]
TSAI_WU_INTERACTION Tsai_wu interaction factor mval[57]
AMATRIX_HYP(i) Hyperelastic Amatrix values mval[58..78]
DMATRIX_HYP(i) Hyperelastic Dmatrix values mval[79..83]
HARDENING_SLOPE Plasticity Hardening Slope mval[84]
YIELD_LIMITS(i) Plasticity Yield Limits - Initial Yield mval[85..89]
Stress, Friction Angle, addl yield limits
CREEP_THRESHOLD_STRESS Creep Threshold Stress mval[90]
CREEP_REF_TEMP Creep Reference Temperature mval[91]
CREEP_TEMP_DEP_RATE Temperature Dependent Creep Rate mval[92]
CREEP_EMPIRICAL_COEFF(i) Empirical Creep Law Coefficients mval[93..99]
HEAT GENERATION Heat Generation Value mval[100], or
REFERENCE ENTHALPY Enthalpy for Phase Change mval[101]
PHASE CHANGE TEMP Temperature for Phase Change Onset mval[102]
PHASE CHANGE TEMP RANGE Temperature Range for Phase Change mval[103]
LATENT HEAT OF FUSION Latent heat of Fusion mval[104]
SPECIFIC HEAT ABOVE PHASE Specific heat above Phase Change Temp mval[105]
OPT EMISSIVITY Optical Emissivity mval[106]
OPT EMISSIVITY REV Optical Emissivity, Reverse Side mval[107]
OPT ABSORPTIVITY Optical Absorptivity mval[108]
OPT ABSORPTIVITY REV Optical Apsorptivity, Reverse Side mval[109]
OPT TRANSMISSIVITY SOLAR Optical Solar Transmissivity mval[110]
OPT TRANSMISSIVITY IR Optical InfraRed Transmissivity mval[111]
OPT REFLECTIVITY SOLAR Optical Solar Reflectivity mval[112]
A-8 FEMAP Neutral File Format

OPT REFLECTIVITY SOLAR REV Optical Solar Reflectivity, Reverse Side mval[113]
OPT REFLECTIVITY IR Optical InfraRed Reflectivity mval[114]
OPT REFLECTIVITY IR REV Optical InfraRed Reflectivity, Reverse mval[115]
GAS CONSTANT Fluid Gas Constant mval[116] or
DYNAMIC VISCOSITY Fluid Dynamic Viscosity mval[117] or
PRANDTL NUMBER Prandtl Number mval[118] or
ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY Electrical Resistivity mval[119]
Function Values
EXPERIMENTAL_FUNCTIONS(i) IDs of Hyperelastic Experimental Data fval[0..4]
NONLINEAR_FUNCTION ID of function for Plasticity fval[5]
CREEP_FUNCTIONS(i) Tabular Model Creep Function IDs fval[6..8]
DP_YIELD_FUNCTION ID of Drucker-Prager Yield Function fval[9]
OPT EMISSIVITY FUNCTION ID of Optical Emissivity Function fval[10]
OPT_EMISSIVITY REV FUNCTION ID of Optical Emissivity Rev Side fval[11]
OPT ABSORPTIVITY FUNCTION ID of Optical Absorptivity Function fval[12]
OPT ABSORPTIVITY REV FUNC ID of Optical Absorptivity Rev Side fval[13]
OPT TRANSMISSIVITY SOLAR ID of Solar Transmissivity Function fval[14]
OPT TRANSMISSIVITY IR FUNC ID of InfraRed Transmissivity Function fval[15]
OPT REFLECTIVITY SOLAR FUNC ID of Solar Reflectivity Function fval[16]
OPT REFLECTIVITY SOLAR REV ID of Solar Reflectivity, Rev Side fval[17]
FUNC Function
OPT REFLECTIVITY IR FUNC ID of InfraRed Reflectivity Function fval[18]
OPT REFLECTIVITY IR REV FUNC ID of InfraRed Reflectivity Rev Side fval[19]
ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY FUNC ID of Electrical Resistivity Function fval[20]

Data Block 402 Properties

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of property 4 byte, long integers
color ID of color
matlID ID of material
type Type of property (see accompanying table)
layer ID of layer
refCS Reference coordinate system
2 title Property Title (max 79 char) character string
3 flag[0..3] Property flags (see accompanying table) 4 byte, long integers
4 num_lam Max material lamina
5..N lam_MID Materials for each ply of laminate, 0
[0..num_lam-1] otherwise. Num_lam IDs, 8 values per record.
Additional materials on the plate property are
stored as follows:
Bending = lam_MID[0]
Transverse Shear = lam_MID[1]
Memb-Bend Coupling = lam_MID[2]
N+1 num_val Max number of property values
N+2 thru M Value[0..num_val-1] Property values. Num_val entries, 5 values per 8 byte, double precision
record. See accompanying table for
interpretation of values.
M+1 num_outline Max number of outline points (0 except for 4 byte, long integers
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-9
properties that reference a general cross
section) If 0, next records do not exist.
M+2 thru u U location of point on outline of cross section 8 byte, double precision
M+2+ v V location of point on outline of cross section
num_outline draw Flag indicating type of point (0=Off, 2 byte, boolean
(if present) 1=Normal, 2=Start of Loop, 3=End of Loop,
4=Stress Recovery)
M+1 num_outline_2 Same as previous num_outline, u, v and draw, 4 byte, long integers
M+2 thru U_2 but for cross section at second end of a 8 byte, double precision
M+2+ V_2 tapered beam
num_outline_ Draw_2 2 byte, boolean
2 (if present)

Property Values
Type 1 2 3 4 5/ (8.2+)37 6
0 cable tapered Bush Csys on(8.3+)
1 cable gap shape type shape type axial(1)/torsion(0)
2 section method section method A Bush LOC on(8.3+)
3 section method B CBUSH(0)/Other(1
0 Area Area Dout Ku_A Area_A Stiffness
1 Cable, (8.2+)Inertia I1 Din Kv_A I1_A Damping
2 I2 Kw_A I2_A Bush Structural
3 I12 Kthu_A I12_A Bush Location(8.3+)
4 J J Kthv_A J_A Bush Stress TR coef

5 Ctors K1,eff Kthw_A K1_A,eff Bush Stress RO

coef (8.3+)
6 K2,eff Ku_B K2_A,eff Bush Strain TR
coef (8.3+)
7 NSM NSM NSM Kv_B NSM_A Bush Stress RO
coef (8.3+)
8 Cable,Init Yf_A1 Kw_B Yf_A1
9 Cable, Slack Zf_A1 Kthu_B Zf_A1
10 Cable, Allow Yf_A2 Kthv_B Yf_A2 Bush DOF1Struct
Stress Damp (10.2+)
11 Zf_A2 Kthw_B Zf_A2 Bush DOF2Struct
Damp (10.2+
12 Yf_A3 Yf_A3 Bush DOF3Struct
Damp (10.2+
13 Zf_A3 Zf_A3 Bush DOF4Struct
Damp (10.2+
14 Yf_A4 Yf_A4 Bush DOF5Struct
Damp (10.2+
15 Zf_A4 Zf_A4 Bush DOF6Struct
Damp (10.2+
16 Yoff_A
17 Zoff_A
18 Warp_A
20 Area_B
21 I1_B
22 I2_B
23 I12_B Damp Force vs Freq
A-10 FEMAP Neutral File Format

24 J_B
25 K1_B,eff
26 K2_B,eff
27 NSM_B
28 Yf_B1
29 Zf_B1
30 Yf_B2
31 Zf_B2
32 Yf_B3
33 Zf_B3
34 Yf_B4
35 Zf_B4
36 Yoff_B Bush Stiff dof 1
37 Z_offB Bush Stiff dof 2
38 Warp_B Bush Stiff dof 3
39 Bush Stiff dof 4
40 Std Shape H, Std Std Shape H, Std Bush Stiff dof 5
Shape R Shape R (8.3+)
41 Std Shape W1 Std Shape W1 Bush Stiff dof 6
42 Std Shape W2 Std Shape W2 Bush Damp dof 1
43 Std Shape T1 Std Shape T1 Bush Damp dof 2
44 Std Shape T2 Std Shape T2 Bush Damp dof 3
45 Std Shape T Std Shape T Bush Damp dof 4
46 Std Shape SR1 Std Shape SR1 Bush Damp dof 5
47 Std Shape SR2 Std Shape SR2 Bush Damp dof 6
48 Std Shape SR3 Std Shape SR3 Bush Stiff vs Freq
dof 1 (8.3+)
49 Std Shape SR4 Std Shape SR4 Bush Stiff vs Freq
dof 2 (8.3+)
50 Std Shape Orient Std Shape Orient Bush Stiff vs Freq
dof 3 (8.3+)
51 Std Shape RefLoc Std Shape RefLoc Bush Stiff vs Freq
dof 4 (8.3+)
52 Shape RefY Shape RefY Bush Stiff vs Freq
dof 5 (8.3+)
53 Shape RefZ Shape RefZ Bush Stiff vs Freq
dof 6 (8.3+)
54 Shape Outline ID Shape Outline ID Bush F/V vs Freq
dof 1 (8.3+)
55 Std Shape H, Bush F/V vs Freq
Std Shape R(end2) dof 2 (8.3+)
56 Std Shape Bush F/V vs Freq
W1(end2) dof 3 (8.3+)
57 Std Shape Bush F/V vs Freq
W2(end2) dof 4 (8.3+)
58 Std Shape Bush F/V vs Freq
T1(end2) dof 5 (8.3+)
59 Std Shape Bush F/V vs Freq
T2(end2) dof 6 (8.3+)
60 Std Shape Bush Force vs Disp
T(end2) dof 1 (8.3+)
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-11
61 Std Shape Bush Force vs Disp
SR1(end2) dof 2 (8.3+)
62 Std Shape Bush Force vs Disp
SR2(end2) dof 3 (8.3+)
63 Std Shape Bush Force vs Disp
SR3(end2) dof 4 (8.3+)
64 Std Shape Bush Force vs Disp
SR4(end2) dof 5 (8.3+)
65 Std Shape Bush Force vs Disp
Orient(end2) dof 6 (8.3+)
66 Std Shape Bush DOF1 Struct
RefLoc(end2) Damp vs Freq
67 Shape Bush DOF2 Struct
RefY(end2) Damp vs Freq
68 Shape Bush DOF3 Struct
RefZ(end2) Damp vs Freq
69 Shape Outline Bush DOF4
ID(end2) Struct Damp vs
Freq (10.2+)
70 Bush DOF5
Struct Damp vs
Freq (10.2+)
71 Bush DOF6
Struct Damp vs
Freq (10.2+)

Property Values (continued)

Type 7 8 9 11/12 13/14 15/16
0 Has CSys Top Fiber
shape type (10.2+)
1 Bot Fiber
2 DOF_A section method
0 Stiffness Area Gap,initial T T T
1 Damping I1 Stiff,tens
2 I2 Stiff,comp
3 I12 Stiff,trans
4 J Mu,y
5 K1,eff Mu,z
6 K2,eff PreloadT
8 Yf_A1 Plane Y F1,eff.fact. Top Fiber
9 Zf_A1 Plane Z F2,eff.fact. Bot Fiber
10 Yf_A2 Width/Area F3,eff.fact. 12I/T3
11 Zf_A2 MaxPenRat F4,eff.fact.
12 Yf_A3 MaxAdjRat
13 Zf_A3 MinPenRat
14 Yf_A4
15 Zf_A4
17 R, bend rad
40 Std Shape H, Std
Shape R
A-12 FEMAP Neutral File Format

41 Std Shape W1
42 Std Shape W2
43 Std Shape T1
44 Std Shape T2
45 Std Shape T
46 Std Shape SR1
47 Std Shape SR2
48 Std Shape SR3
49 Std Shape SR4
50 Std Shape Orient
51 Std Shape RefLoc
52 Shape RefY
53 Shape RefZ
54 Shape Outline ID


Type 17/18 19/20 21/22 27 28 30
(10.2+) (10.2+)
0 Top Fiber Top Fiber failure
(10.2+) (10.2+)
1 Bot Fiber Bot Fiber symmetry
0 Tavg,T1 T Bottom Fiber M11 K11
1 T2 NSM Ixx M12 K12
2 T3 (4.1+) Ixy M13 K13
Bond Shear
3 T4 (4.1+) Iyy M14 K14
Ref Temp
4 (4.1+) Izx M15 K15
5 (Not currently Used) Iyz M16 K16
6 (Not currently Used) Izz
7 NSM NSM (Not currently Used) M or Mx M22 K22
8 Top Fiber Top Fiber (Not currently Used) Xoff,refCS M23 K23
9 Bot Fiber Bot Fiber (Not currently Used) Yoff,refCS M24 K24
10 12I/T3 (4.1+) Zoff,refCS M25 K25
11 Ts/T (4.1+) My M26 K26
(8.3+) (4.1+)
12 TensOnly Dir T_2 Mz
(8.3+) (4.1+)
13 TensOnly Allowable Angle_2
(8.3+) (4.1+)
14 TensOnly XFactor T_3 M33 K33
(8.3+) (4.1+)
15 TensOnly YFactor Angle_3 M34 K34
(9.1+) (4.1+)
16 TensOnly Rev Type T_4 M35 K35
(9.1+) (4.1+)
17 TensOnly F1,eff.fact Angle_4 M36 K36
(9.1+) (4.1+)
18 TensOnly F2,eff.fact T_5
(9.1+) (4.1+)
19 TensOnly F3,eff.fact Angle_5
(9.1+) (4.1+)
20 TensOnly F4,eff.fact T_6
21 (4.1+) M44 K44
22 (4.1+) M45 K45
23 (4.1+) M46 K46
24 (4.1+)
25 (4.1+)
26 (4.1+)
27 (4.1+)
28 (4.1+) M55 K55
29 (4.1+) M56 K56
30 (4.1+)
31 (4.1+)
32 (4.1+)
33 (4.1+)
34 (4.1+)
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-13
35 (4.1+) M66 K66
36 (4.1+)
37 (4.1+)
38 (4.1+)
39 (4.1+)
... (4.1+)
98 (4.1+)
99 (4.1+)
100 T_46
101 Angle_46
... ...
188 T_90
189 Angle_90

Property Values (continued)

(8.2+) (9.1+)
Type 31 33 34 35/36 38
( 9.1+)
0 Penetration M-Set DOF
( 9.1+)
1 Spot Weld
(.8.2+) ( 9.1+)
0 Dout Stiffness Scale Static Friction 1 T Diameter
1 Din Nonsliding Static Friction 2
2 Dynamic Friction
3 Decay
4 Static Friction Viscous
5 Damping
10 Master Width
11 Slave Width
15 Abaqus Small Slide
16 Abaqus Hcrit
17 R, bend rad Abaqus Ext Zone
18 Abaqus Smoothing
19 Abaqus Tied
20 Abaqus Weight
21 Abaqus Thickness
22 Abaqus Slide Dist
23 Abaqus Friction Type
24 Abaqus Friction
25 Abaqus Max Shear
26 Abaqus Adjust
27 Abaqus Approach
A-14 FEMAP Neutral File Format

30 Dyna Type
31 Dyna One Way
32 Dyna Offset
33 Dyna Penalty
34 Dyna Birth
35 Dyna Death
36 Dyna Scale Slave
Penalty Stiffness
37 Dyna Scale Master
Penalty Stiffness
38 Dyna Over Slave
39 Dyna Over Master
40 Dyna Scale Slave
41 Dyna Scale Master
42 Dyna Scale Coulomb
43 Dyna Scale Viscous
44 Dyna Out SF
45 Dyna Out MF
46 Dyna Rigid Func
47 Dyna Rigid Force
48 Dyna Rigid Unload
49 Dyna Tie Norm
50 Dyna Tie Shear
51 Dyna Tie Norm Exp
52 Dyna Tie Shear Exp
53 Dyna Tie Function
54 Dyna Erode Sym
55 Dyna Erode Node
56 Dyna Erode Solid
57 Dyna Constraint
( 10.3+)
58 Dyna Static
Friction Coefficient
( 10.3+)
59 Dyna Dynamic
Friction Coefficient
( 10.3+)
60 Dyna
Exponential Decay
( 10.3+)
61 Dyna Viscous
( 10.3+)
62 Dyna Viscous
65 Marc Tolerance
66 Marc Sep Force
67 Marc Inter
68 Marc Disp
69 Marc Friction
70 Marc Stick Vel
71 Marc Fr Stress
72 Marc Con Type
73 Marc Con Shell
74 Marc Tol Bias
75 Marc Beam
76 Marc Sep
77 Marc Sep Max
78 Marc Sep Stress
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-15
79 Marc Slip Coeff
80 Marc Slip F
81 Marc Slip Trans
82 Marc Rig Avg
83 Marc Rig Cutoff
( 9.1+)
84 NX/Nas701Pen
Stiff Criteria
( 9.1+)
85 NX/Nas701
Normal Stiffness
( 9.1+)
86 NX/Nas701
Tangent Stiff Criteria
( 9.1+)
87 NX/Nas701
Tangential Stiffness
( 9.1+)
88 NX/Nas701
Damp Method
( 9.1+)
89 NX/Nas701
Damping Coefficient
( 9.1+)
90 NX/Nas701
Contact Type
( 9.1+)
91 NX/Nas701
( 9.1+)
92 NX/Nas701
Penetration Depth
( 9.1+)
93 NX/Nas701
Segment Normal
( 9.1+)
94 NX/Nas701
Offset Type
( 9.1+)
95 NX/Nas701
Offset Distance
( 9.1+)
96 NX/Nas701
Birth Time
( 9.1+)
97 NX/Nas701
Death Time
( 9.1+)
98 NX/Nas701
Surf Extension Factor
( 9.1+)
99 NX/Nas701
Compliance Factor
100 Sinda Type
101 Sinda Coeff1
102 Sinda View
103 Sinda Coeff2
104 Sinda Cfunc1
105 Sinda Vfunc
106 Sinda Cfunc2
107 Sinda Cfunc3

115 Ansys Closure

116 Ansys Min Pen
117 Ansys Max Pen
118 Ansys Close Stiff
119 Ansys Open Stiff
120 Ansys Norm Tol
121 Ansys Pinball
122 Ansys Surf Off
123 Ansys Max Fric
124 Ansys Penalty Type
125 Ansys Node Cont
126 Ansys Unsym
127 Ansys No Spurious
128 Ansys Shell Thick
129 Ansys Cont Surf
130 Ansys Init Pen
131 Ansys Time Inc
A-16 FEMAP Neutral File Format

135 NE/Nastran Scale
136 NE/Nastran Fric Stiff
137 NE/Nastran Static
138 NE/Nastran Pen Type
( 9.2+)
139 NE/Nastran Max
( 9.2+)
140 NE/Nastran Max
Adjust Ratio
( 9.2+)
141 NE/Nastran Max
Penetration Fraction
( 9.2+)
142 NE/Nastran
Penetration Surface
( 9.2+)
143 NE/Nastran Max
Activation Distance
( 9.2+)
144 NE/Nastran Max
Activation Distance

145 NX/Nas601 Type
146 NX/Nas601 NSide
147 NX/Nas601 Birth
148 NX/Nas601 Death
149 NX/Nas601 Initial
150 NX/Nas601
Penetration Depth
151 NX/Nas601 Segment
152 NX/Nas601 Offset
153 NX/Nas601 Offset
154 NX/Nas601 Initial
Penetration Duration
155 NX/Nas601
Consistent Stiffness
156 NX/Nas601 Tied
157 NX/Nas601 Tied
158 NX/Nas601 Surface
Extension Factor
159 NX/Nas601 Friction
160 NX/Nas601 Fric
Parameter 1
161 NX/Nas601 Fric
Parameter 2
162 NX/Nas601 Fric
Parameter 3
163 NX/Nas601 Fric
Parameter 4
164 NX/Nas601 Fric
Parameter 5
165 NX/Nas601 Eps N
166 NX/Nas601 Eps T
167 NX/Nas601
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-17
168 NX/Nas601
Penetration Tolerance
169 NX/Nas601 Normal
170 NX/Nas601
Tangential Modulus
171 NX/Nas601 Min
Tensile Freeing Force
172 NX/Nas601 Max
Total Freeing Force
( 9.3+)
173 NX/Nas601
Disp Formulation
( 9.3+)
174 NX/Nas601
Gap Distance
( 9.1+)
175 NX/Nas101
Max Force Iterations
( 9.1+)
176 NX/Nas101
Max Status Iterations
( 9.1+)
177 NX/Nas101
Normal Penalty
( 9.1+)
178 NX/Nas101
Tangential Penalty
( 9.1+)
179 NX/Nas101
Force Convergence
( 9.1+)
180 NX/Nas101
Number Allow
Contact Changes
( 9.1+)
181 NX/Nas101 Min
Contact Percentage
( 9.1+)
182 NX/Nas101
Shell Offset
( 9.1+)
183 NX/Nas101
Contact Status
( 9.1+)
184 NX/Nas101
( 9.1+)
185 NX/Nas101 Min
Contact Search Dist
( 9.1+)
186 NX/Nas101
Max Contact Search
( 9.1+)
187 NX/Nas101
Averaging Method
( 9.1+)
188 NX/Nas101
Initial Penetration
( 9.2+)
189 NX/Nas101
Gluing Search

( 9.2+)
190 NX/Nas101
Gluing Penalty Factor

( 9.2+)
200 NX/Nas701

( 9.2+)
201 Marc Friction

( 9.2+)
202 Ansys Friction

217 Dyna A Soft
A-18 FEMAP Neutral File Format

218 Dyna A Soft
Constraint Scale
219 Dyna A Airbag Load
Curve ID
220 Dyna A Maximum
Parametric Segment
221 Dyna A Segment
Based Contact
222 Dyna A Search Depth
223 Dyna A Number of
Cycles Between Sorts
(or Frequency Curve
ID x (-1))
224 Dyna A Cycles
Between Contact
Force Updates
225 Dyna B Maximum
Penetration Distance
226 Dyna B Thickness
227 Dyna B Shell
228 Dyna B Shooting
Node Logic
(0 = Enabled)
229 Dyna B Symmetry
Plane ( 0 = Off)
230 Dyna B Primary
Segment Searching
(0 = 2D; 1 = 3D )
231 Dyna B Solid
Element Thickness
232 Dyna B Solid
Element Stiffness
233 Dyna C Improve
Implicit Convergence
( 1= On; 2= Off )
234 Dyna C Ignore Initial
Penetration Options
235 Dyna C Pentration
Depth Reduction
Factor( or Time
Curve ID x ( -1))
236 Dyna C Stiffness
Time Step ( or Time
Curve ID x (-1))
237 Dyna C Angle
Tolerance for Feature
Lines (radians)
238 Dyna D Split
Quadrilateral Contact
Segments into two
239 Dyna D Time Interval
between Shell
Penetration Reports
240 Dyna D Scale Factor
for Neighbor Segment
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-19
241 Dyna D Incremental
Displacement Update
for Tied Contacts
242 Dyna ABCD Level
( 10.3+)
243 NE/Nastran
Maximum Normal
Activation Distance
( 10.3+)
244 NE/Nastran
Maximum Radial
Activation Distance
( 10.3+)
245 NE/Nastran
Maximum Allowable
( 10.3+)
246 NE/Nastran
D toggle

For Bars, Beams and Curved Beams, where shapes are available, flag[1] defines the type of shape selected.
Available values are:
Value Shape Value Shape Value Shape Value Shape
1 Rectangular Bar 5 Circular Bar 9 I 13 Z
2 Rectangular Tube 6 Circular Tube 10 Channel 14 Hat
3 Trapezoidal Bar 7 Hex Bar 11 Angle 15 General
4 Trapezoidal Tube 8 Hex Tube 12 T


Value Shape Value Shape Value Shape Value Shape
16 ROD 21 T 26 T1 31 T2
17 TUBE 22 BOX 27 I1 32 BOX1
18 L 23 BAR 28 CHAN1 33 HEXA
19 I 24 CROSS 29 Z 34 HAT
20 CHAN 25 H 30 CHAN2 35 HAT1

The following types are also available: Plot Only (10), Plot Plate(32), Axisymmetric (23/24), Solid (25/26), and
Rigid (29). When two types are listed, the first number corresponds to a linear type, the second to a parabolic type.
Data Block 403 - Nodes
Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of node 4 byte, long integers
define_sys ID of definition coordinate system
output_sys ID of output coordinate system
layer ID of layer
color ID of color
permbc[0..5] the six permanent constraints (0=free,1=fixed) 2 byte, boolean
x Coordinates of node in Global Rectangular 8 byte, double precision
coordinate system
node_type Type of Node (0=Node, 1=Scalar, 2=Extra) 4 byte, long integer
superelementID ID of Superelement that contains this node 4 byte, long integer

Data Block 404 Elements

Record Field Description Size
A-20 FEMAP Neutral File Format

1 ID ID of element 4 byte, long integers

color ID of color
propID ID of property
type Element Type (refer to the property tables for
topology Element Shape (0=Line2, (8.2+)1=Line3, 4 byte, long integers
2=Tri3, 3=Tri6, 4=Quad4, 5=Quad8,
6=Tetra4, 7=Wedge6, 8=Brick8, 9=Point,
10=Tetra10, 11=Wedge15, 12=Brick20,
13=Rigid, 15=MultiList, 16=Contact,
layer ID of layer
orientID Third node for bar/beam
matl_orflag Material orientation flag (0 if not set, 1 if set) 2 byte, boolean
geomID ID of associated geometry (curveID for line 4 byte, long integers
elem, surfaceID for planar)
formulation Flags setting specific information for this type
contact IDs of contact segments referenced by this
segment[0..1] element
formulation2 Flags setting additional information for this
MaterialCSys ID of material coordinate system
2 node[0..9] Nodes referenced by element
3 node[10..19]
4 orient[0..2] Element orientation vector for bar/beam. [0] 8 byte, double precision
contains material orientation angle for planar
warping Node or SPOINT used to add Beam warping 4 byte, long integers
connectTYPE[0.. connectTYPE[0] specifies type of weld 4 byte, long integers
1] element.
connectTYPE[1] Weld Location by:
Projection=0 Axis=1

connectSEG[0..1] Node, Element or Property ID for weld patch 4 byte, long integers
A and B respectively for individual of weld

5 offset1[0..2] Offsets at end1 of bar/beam

6 offset2[0..2] Offsets at end2 of bar/beam
(11.2 +)
7 .. if not releaseFormat 0 for all elements other than CBUSH. When 2 byte, Boolean
Spring type the first value is 0, use the release1, release2,
with CBUSH list line format. In versions prior to v11.2, this
option(11.2+) initial value is not present
Prior to 11.2 release1[0..5] Releases at end1 of bar/beam 2 byte, Boolean
this was for all release2[0..5] Offsets at end2 of bar/beam
types. list[0..3] Flag indicating lists of nodes are coming. Each 4 byte, long integers
nonzero requires a list
7..if Spring releaseFormat Specifies CBUSH release format when value 4 byte, long integers
type with is 1, and only used in v11.2+. Use the
CBUSH CBUSH line format to read this line
option(11.2+) springElemLocation Flag inidcating CBUSH location is specified 2 byte, boolean
on the element record
springLocation CBUSH location, on element record 8 byte, double precision
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-21
springPropLocation Flag indicating CBUSH location from 2 byte, boolean
property record is used
springUseElCid Flag indicating CBUSH CID orientation from 2 byte, boolean
element is used (not used in v11.2.0, defaults
to 0)
springNoOrient Flag indicating CBUSH has no orientation 2 byte, Boolean
(not used in v11.2.0, default 0)
ist[0..3] Flag indicating lists of nodes are coming. Each 4 byte, long integers
nonzero requires a list
The following records are only present when one or more of the flags in the previous record are nonzero. This
shows a single list, but the pattern repeats for as many lists as are required. Unused lists are not present (no
terminator is required). Only topology=MultiList and RigidList use these lists to reference their nodes.
1 record nodeID ID of node referenced by Elem. This must be - 4 byte, long integer
for each node 1 to end the list.
plus final
faceID Element Face ID
weight Weighting Factor for Interpolation Elements 8 byte, double precision
dof[1..6] Flags indicating active degrees of freedom for 4 byte, long integer
The nodes referenced by an element are stored in the following positions in the "node" array, based on the element
Node Reference Entries for Elements
Topology Array Entries
(optional/midside nodes in parentheses)
Point 0
Line2 0,1
(8.2+) (8.2+)
Line3 0,1,(2)
Tri3 0,1,2
Tri6 0,1,2, (4,5,6)
Quad4 0,1,2,3
Quad8 0,1,2,3,(4,5,6,7)
Tetra4 0,1,2, 4
Wedge6 0,1,2, 4,5,6
Brick8 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Tetra10 0,1,2, 4 (8,9,10, 12,13,14)
Wedge15 0,1,2, 4,5,6 (8,9,10, 12,13,14, 16,17,18)
Brick20 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,(8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19)
RigidList 0=Independent, Dependent Nodes use Element Lists, not Array Entries
RigidList2 REB1 0=Independent, 1= Dependent, Nodes use Element Lists, not Array Entries
MultiList Uses Element Lists, not Array Entries
Contact References Contact Segments, not nodes
Weld Weld Axis = 0,1 SegA= 4,5,6,( 7,8,9,10,11 ) SegB=12,13,14,( 15,16,17,18,19 )

Data Block 405 - Coordinate Systems

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of coordinate system 4 byte, long integers
define_sys ID of definition coordinate system
type Type of Coord Sys (0=Rect, 1=Cyl,
color ID of color
layer ID of layer
2 title CSys Title (max 79 char) character string
3 origin[0..2] Origin of coordinate system relative to Global 8 byte, double precision
Rectangular system.
4 rot[0..2] Rotation angles to orient coordinate system
A-22 FEMAP Neutral File Format

relative to Global Rectangular system.

Data Block 406 - Constraints (Obsolete)

Record Field Description Size
1 setID ID of constraint set 4 byte, long integer
2 title Constraint set title (max 79 char) character string
1 record for nodeID Node ID where constraint is applied. nodeID 4 byte, long integer
each must be -1 for the last record.
node plus final
color ID of color
layer ID of layer
DOF[0..5] Flags for constraints at each DOF (0=off, 2 byte, boolean
1 record for eqnID ID of constraint equation. eqnID must be -1 4 byte, long integer
each equation for the last equation
plus final
color ID of color for equation
layer ID of layer for equation
1 record for num_co Number of coefficients for equation 4 byte, long integer
each equation
num_co eqn_nodeID ID of node for this term in constraint equation.
for each
eqn_dof ID of DOF (1..6) for this term
coeff Equation Coefficient for this term. 8 byte, double precision

Data Block 506 Constraints

Record Field Description Size
1 setID ID of constraint set 4 byte, long integer
combinedSet True if this is a Combined Constraint Set, 2 byte, boolean
False for all other Constraint Sets.
Combinations are in Data Block 1006
2 title Constraint set title (max 79 char) character string
1 record for nodeID Node ID where constraint is applied. nodeID 4 byte, long integer
each must be 1 for the last record.
constrained color ID of color
node plus final layer ID of layer
DOF[0..5] Flags for constraints at each DOF (0=off, 2 byte, boolean
ex_geom Flag is 1 if constraint is from expanded
geometry load
nBCDefID ID of Constraint Definition that contains this 4 byte, long integer
constraint (0=None)
1 record for pointID point ID where constraint is applied. must be - 4 byte, long integer
each point 1 for the last record.
constraint plus color ID of color
end. layer ID of layer
DOF[0..5] Flags for constraints at each DOF (0=off, 2 byte, boolean
ex_geom Flag is 1 if geometry constraint is currently
expanded as nodal constraints
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-23
nBCDefID ID of Constraint Definition that contains this 4 byte, long integer
constraint (0=None)
1 record for curveID curve ID where constraint is applied. must be - 4 byte, long integer
each curve 1 for the last record.
constraint plus color ID of color
end. layer ID of layer
DOF[0..5] Flags for constraints at each DOF (0=off, 2 byte, boolean
ex_geom Flag is 1 if geometry constraint is currently
expanded as nodal constraints
nBCDefID ID of Constraint Definition that contains this 4 byte, long integer
constraint (0=None)
1 record for surfaceID surface ID where constraint is applied. must 4 byte, long integer
each surface be -1 for the last record.
constraint plus color ID of color
end. layer ID of layer
DOF[0..5] Flags for constraints at each DOF (0=off, 2 byte, boolean
ex_geom Flag is 1 if geometry constraint is currently
expanded as nodal constraints
nBCDefID ID of Constraint Definition that contains this 4 byte, long integer
constraint (0=None)
1 record for eqnID ID of constraint equation. eqnID must be -1 4 byte, long integer
each equation for the last equation
plus final color ID of color for equation
layer ID of layer for equation
nBCDefID ID of Constraint Definition that contains this 4 byte, long integer
constraint (0=None)
1 record for num_co Number of coefficients for equation 4 byte, long integer
each equation
num_co eqn_nodeID ID of node for this term in constraint equation.
records eqn_dof ID of DOF (1..6) for this term
for each coeff Equation Coefficient for this term. 8 byte, double precision
1 record defID ID of constraint definition 4 byte, long integer
for each enDataType Entity Type where constraint is applied 4 byte, long integer
constraint enOnType Entity Type constraint on 4 byte, long integer
definition plus
1 record defTitle Constraint Definition Title (max 79 char) Character string
for each

Data Block 1006 Constraint Set Combinations

Record Field Description Size
1 setID ID of constraint set 4 byte, long integer
1 record for combinedSetID ID of constraint set to combine, must be -1 for 4 byte, long integer
each combined final combined set
set plus final

Data Block 407 - Loads (Obsolete)

Record Field Description Size
1 setID ID of load set 4 byte, long integer
2 title Load set title (max 79 char) character string
3 CSys ID of coordinate system for body loads 4 byte, long integer
A-24 FEMAP Neutral File Format

Def_temp Default temperature 8 byte, double precision

temp_on Default temperature flag (0=off, 1=on) 2 byte, boolean
grav_on Global acceleration flag (0=off, 1=on)
omega_on Global rotation flag (0=off, 1=on)
4 grav[0..2] Translational acceleration 8 byte, double precision
5 grav[3..5] Rotational acceleration
6 origin[0..2] Origin for rotational loads
7 omega[0..2] Rotational velocity
8 stef_boltz Stefan-Boltzmann Constant 8 byte, double precision
abs_temp Offset of Temperatures from Absolute Zero
free_cnv_exp Free Convection Exponent
9 fc_flu_cond Forced Convection Fluid Conductivity 8 byte, double precision
fc_flu_cp Forced Convection Fluid Specific Heat
fc_flu_vis Forced Convection Fluid Viscosity
fc_flu_dens Forced Convection Fluid Density
10 fc_cons_coeff Forced Convection Equation Constant 8 byte, double precision
fc_reynolds Forced Convection Reynolds Exponent
fc_pran_in Forced Convection Prandtl Exponent Into
fc_pran_out Forced Convection Prandtl Exponent Out of
11 tfc_flu_cond Forced Convection Fluid Conductivity 4 byte, long integer
Function ID
tfc_flu_cp Forced Convection Fluid Specific Heat
Function ID
tfc_flu_vis Forced Convection Fluid Viscosity Function
12 alt_free_conv Flag for Alternate Free Convection 2 byte, boolean
fc_flu_flag Flag for Alternate Forced Convection
fc_conv_flow Flag for Forced Convection Convective
Energy Flow
13 nl_arc_scale Nonlinear Arc Length Method Constraint 8 byte, double precision
Load Scale
nl_arcmaxadj Nonlinear Max Arc Length Adjust
nl_arcminadj Nonlinear Min Arc Length Adjust
nl_bounds_rb Transient Bounds to Maintain Step
14 nl_conv[0..2] Convergence Tolerances for Displacement, 8 byte, double precision
Load and Work
15 nl_fstress Stress Fraction Limit 8 byte, double precision
nl_lsearch_tol Line Search Tolerance
nl_mxadj_init Max Adjusted vs. Initial Incr
nl_max_rot Max Rotation per Bisection
nl_stab_tol Transient Minimum Stability Tolerance
nl_time_inc Nonlinear Time Increment
16 dyn_damp_ov Overall Structural Damp Coeff 8 byte, double precision
dyn_dampW3 Frequency for System Damp
dyn_dampW4 Frequency for Element Damp
dyn_keep_freq[0..1] Range of Frequencies to include in further
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-25
dyn_trans_dt Nonlinear Transient Time Step
17 nl_arc_const Arc Length Constraint Type 4 byte, long integer
nl_arc_iter Arc Length Desired Iterations
nl_arc_maxst Arc Length Max Steps
nl_div_limit Nonlinear Max Diverging Conditions
nl_dom_pdstp Transient Steps for Dominant Period
nl_increment Number of Increments for Nonlinear Analysis
nl_inter_out Intermediate Output Type
nl_kstep Nonlinear Iterations before Stiffness Update
nl_mx_bisect Max Bisections per Increment
18 nl_max_iter Nonlinear Max Iterations per Step 4 byte, long integer
nl_max_lsrch Max Line Search per Iteration
nl_out_inter Output Interval
nl_quasi_newt Number of Quasi-Newton Vectors
nl_sol_strat Nonlinear Arc-Length Solution Strategy (Arc-
Length if nonzero)
nl_stiff_meth Stiffness Update Method
nl_skip_adj Trasient Time Step Skip Factor
nl_sol_over Solution Strategy Overrides
(0=none/advanced, 1=Full Newton Raphson,
2=Modified Newton Raphson)
19 dyn_freq_tab ID of function for Solution Frequencies 4 byte, long integer
dyn_damptab ID of function for Modal Damping Table
dyn_keep_md Number of Modes to Keep for Further
dyn_tran_ts Number of Transient Time Steps
dyn_out_int Transient Output Interval
dyn_rand_psd Random PSD Function ID
20 nl_on Flag for Nonlinear Analysis (0=Off, 1=Static, 2 byte, boolean
2=Creep, 3=Transient)
nl_conv_flag [0..2] On/Off Nonlinear Convergence Flags
nl_mnewt_ls Modified Newton Line Search Override
nl_mnewt_qn Modified Newton Quasi-Newton Override
nl_mnewt_bs Modified Newton Bisection Override
21 dyn_on Flag for Dynamic Analysis (0=Off, 1=Direct, 2 byte, boolean
dyn_type Addl Flag for Dynamic Analysis (0=Off,
1=Transient, 2=Freq)
dyn_unused Not Currently Used
dyn_massfrm Dynamic Mass Formulation
dyn_datarec Dynamic Data Recovery
1 record for loadID Node or element ID where load is applied. 4 byte, long integer
each struct- loadID must be -1 for the last record.
ural load plus
A-26 FEMAP Neutral File Format
loadtype Type of load (1=Nodal Force, 2=Nodal
Displacement, 3=Nodal Accel, 5=Nodal Heat
Generation, 6=Nodal Heat Flux, 7=Velocity,
8=Nonlinear Transient, 10=Distributed Line
Load, 11=Element Face Pressure, 13=Element
Heat Generation, 14=Element Heat Flux,
15=Element Convection, 16=Element
color ID of color
layer ID of layer
define_sys Definition coordinate system for load
sl_funcID ID of function for load 4 byte, long integer
1 record for phase Load phase (view factor for radiation) 8 byte, double precision
each struct-
ural load
coefficient Unused except for convection and
radiation, then ambient temperature
6 records per dof_face Degree of freedom flag (0=off, 1=on), or 4 byte, long integer
struct-ural element face for pressure. For Distributed
load, one for Line Load, record 1, 1=Elem X Dir, 2=Elem
Y Dir, 3=Elem Z Dir, 4=Global X Dir,
each DOF
5=Global Y Dir, 6=Global Z Dir
value Load Value for this DOF. For Distributed 8 byte, double precision
Line Load, the first value is the value at end 1.
1 record addl_coeff Absorptivity, or Diameter for Forced 8 byte, double precision
per load Convection. For Distributed Line Load, this is
the value at end 2.
addl_fnc[0..2] [0]=Temp vs Time 4 byte, long integer
[1]=Absorptivity vs Temp
[2]=View Factor vs Time
1 record can_shade Flags for View Factor Shading Calculations 2 byte, boolean
per load
subtype Flag that indicates Forced Convection, Vector 4 byte, long integer
Flux or Enclosure Radiation if nonzero
addl_id Additional Node IDs used for Nonlinear 4 byte, long integer
[0..1] Transient Loads
addl_typ Additional Load Types for Nonlinear 2 byte, boolean
[0..1] Transient Loads (0=Disp, 1=Vel)
1 record dir_func[0..2] Vector Flux Time Dependence Functions 4 byte, long integer
per load
1 record direction[0..2] Vector Flux Initial Directions 8 byte, double precision
per load

1 record for ndtempID ID for nodal temperature. Must be -1 for last 4 byte, long integer
each nodal record.
temp plus last
color ID of color
layer ID of layer
ndtemp Nodal Temperature 8 byte, double precision
ndtemp_co Unused
ndt_funcID ID of function for Node Temp 4 byte, long integer
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-27
1 record for eltempID ID for elemental temperature. Must be -1 for 4 byte, long integer
each element last record.
temp plus last
color ID of color
layer ID of layer
eltemp Elemental Temperature 8 byte, double precision
eltemp_co Unused
elt_funcID ID of function for ElemTemp 4 byte, long integer

Data Block 507 Loads

Record Field Description Size
1 setID ID of load set 4 byte, long integer
combinedSet True if this is a Combined Load Set, False for 2 byte, boolean
all other Load Sets. Combinations are in Data
Block 1007
combScaleFactor Scale Factor applied to all Combined Load 8 byte, double precision
2 title Load set title (max 79 char) character string
3 CSys ID of coordinate system 4 byte, long integer
Def_temp Default temperature 8 byte, double precision
temp_on Default temperature flag (0=off, 1=on) 2 byte, boolean
grav_on Global acceleration flag (0=off, 1=on)
omega_on Global rotation flag (0=off, 1=on)
Ref_temp on Reference temp flag (0=off, 1=on)
Ref temp Reference temperature 8 byte, double precision
accel_on Accelearation flag 2 byte, boolean
4 grav[0..2] Translational acceleration 8 byte, double precision
5 grav[3..5] Rotational acceleration
6 origin[0..2] Origin for rotational loads
6a (11.0+) Accel[0..2] Varying Translational Acceleration 8 byte, double precision
Accel_axis 0=X, 1=Y, 2=Z 4 byte, long integer
Accel_functionID Acceleration vs Location 4 byte, long integer
7 omega[0..2] Rotational velocity
8 stef_boltz Stefan-Boltzmann Constant 8 byte, double precision
abs_temp Offset of Temperatures from Absolute Zero
free_cnv_exp Free Convection Exponent
rad_space_element ID of element used for ambient temp in 4 byte, long integer
enclosure radiation
9 fc_flu_cond Forced Convection Fluid Conductivity 8 byte, double precision
fc_flu_cp Forced Convection Fluid Specific Heat
fc_flu_vis Forced Convection Fluid Viscosity
fc_flu_dens Forced Convection Fluid Density
10 fc_cons_coeff Forced Convection Equation Constant 8 byte, double precision
fc_Reynolds Forced Convection Reynolds Exponent
fc_pran_in Forced Convection Prandtl Exponent Into
fc_pran_out Forced Convection Prandtl Exponent Out of
A-28 FEMAP Neutral File Format

11 tfc_flu_cond Forced Convection Fluid Conductivity 4 byte, long integer

Function ID
tfc_flu_cp Forced Convection Fluid Specific Heat
Function ID
tfc_flu_vis Forced Convection Fluid Viscosity Function
12 alt_free_conv Flag for Alternate Free Convection 2 byte, boolean
fc_flu_flag Flag for Alternate Forced Convection
fc_conv_flow Flag for Forced Convection Convective
Energy Flow
13 nl_arc_scale Nonlinear Arc Length Method Constraint 8 byte, double precision
Load Scale
nl_arcmaxadj Nonlinear Max Arc Length Adjust
nl_arcminadj Nonlinear Min Arc Length Adjust
nl_bounds_rb Transient Bounds to Maintain Step
14 nl_conv[0..2] Convergence Tolerances for Displacement, 8 byte, double precision
Load and Work
15 nl_fstress Stress Fraction Limit 8 byte, double precision
nl_lsearch_tol Line Search Tolerance
nl_mxadj_init Max Adjusted vs. Initial Incr
nl_max_rot Max Rotation per Bisection
nl_stab_tol Transient Minimum Stability Tolerance
nl_time_inc Nonlinear Time Increment
16 dyn_damp_ov Overall Structural Damp Coeff 8 byte, double precision
dyn_dampW3 Frequency for System Damp
dyn_dampW4 Frequency for Element Damp
dyn_keep_freq[0..1] Range of Frequencies to include in further
dyn_trans_dt Nonlinear Transient Time Step
dyn_min_freq Minimum Frequency of interest
dyn_max_freq Maximum Frequency of interest
dyn_cluster_freq Spread for frequency clusters
dyn_min_freq2 Minimum Frequency of interest (second)
dyn_max_freq2 Maximum Frequency of interest (second)
dyn_cluster_freq2 Spread for frequency clusters (second)
17 nl_arc_const Arc Length Constraint Type 4 byte, long integer
nl_arc_iter Arc Length Desired Iterations
nl_arc_maxst Arc Length Max Steps
nl_div_limit Nonlinear Max Diverging Conditions
nl_dom_pdstp Transient Steps for Dominant Period
nl_increment Number of Increments for Nonlinear Analysis
nl_inter_out Intermediate Output Type
nl_kstep Nonlinear Iterations before Stiffness Update
nl_mx_bisect Max Bisections per Increment
18 nl_max_iter Nonlinear Max Iterations per Step 4 byte, long integer
nl_max_lsrch Max Line Search per Iteration
nl_out_inter Output Interval
nl_quasi_newt Number of Quasi-Newton Vectors
nl_sol_strat Nonlinear Arc-Length Solution Strategy (Arc-
Length if nonzero)
nl_stiff_meth Stiffness Update Method
nl_skip_adj Trasient Time Step Skip Factor
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-29
nl_sol_over Solution Strategy Overrides
(0=none/advanced, 1=Full Newton Raphson,
2=Modified Newton Raphson)
19 dyn_freq_tab ID of function for Solution Frequencies 4 byte, long integer
dyn_damptab ID of function for Modal Damping Table
dyn_keep_md Number of Modes to Keep for Further
dyn_tran_ts Number of Transient Time Steps
dyn_out_int Transient Output Interval
dyn_rand_psd Random PSD Function ID
dyn_no_freq Number of Frequency intervals
dyn_no_freq2 Number of Frequency intervals (second)
20 nl_on Flag for Nonlinear Analysis (0=Off, 1=Static, 2 byte, boolean
2=Creep, 3=Transient)
nl_conv_flag [0..2] On/Off Nonlinear Convergence Flags
nl_mnewt_ls Modified Newton Line Search Override
nl_mnewt_qn Modified Newton Quasi-Newton Override
nl_mnewt_bs Modified Newton Bisection Override
21 dyn_on Flag for Dynamic Analysis (0=Off, 1=Direct, 2 byte, boolean
dyn_type Addl Flag for Dynamic Analysis (0=Off,
1=Transient, 2=Freq)
dyn_massfrm Dynamic Mass Formulation
dyn_datarec Dynamic Data Recovery
dyn_log_inter Dynamic Frequency Log Specification 2 byte, boolean
dyn_freq_type Dynamic Frequency Specification Method 4 byte, long integer
dyn_psd_type Dynamic PSD Data Type
dyn_psd_interpol Dynamic PSD Interpolation Method
dyn_log_inter2 Dynamic Frequency Log Specification 2 byte, boolean
dyn_freq_type2 Dynamic Frequency Specification Method 4 byte, long integer
1 record for loadID Node or element ID where load is applied. 4 byte, long integer
each mesh- loadID must be -1 for the last record.
based loadtype See table for types of FEA Loads
structural load color ID of color
plus final
layer ID of layer
define_sys Definition coordinate system for load
subtype Flag that indicates Forced Convection, Vector
Flux or Enclosure Radiation if nonzero
is_expanded is 1 if load was expanded from a geometry 2 byte Boolean
nLoadDefID The ID of the load definition that contains this 4 byte, long integer
load (0=None)
1 record per dof_face[0] face number for elemental loads or x value 4 byte, long integer
load on/off for nodal loads
dof_face[1] y value on/off for nodal loads
dof_face[2] z value on/off for nodal loads
1 record per value[0..4] Single element value [0], x, y, z values[0..2], 8 byte, double precision
1 record per functions[0..4] [0]=Load func, Emissivity func 4 byte, long integer
load [1]=Absorbtivity vs. Temp
A-30 FEMAP Neutral File Format

[2]=Temp vs Temp
[3]=View Factor vs Time
[4]=Phase vs. Freq
1 record per Enclosure Radiation Enclosure Radiation on or off 2 byte, boolean
load can_shade Flags for View Factor Shading Calculations
1 record per dir_func[0..2] Vector Flux Time Dependence Functions 4 byte, long integer

1 record per direction[0..2] Vector Flux Initial Directions 8 byte, double precision

1 record for loadID Node or element ID where load is applied. 4 byte, long integer
each geometry loadID must be -1 for the last record.
based load loadtype See table for types of Geometry Loads
plus final color ID of color
layer ID of layer
define_sys Definition coordinate system for load
subtype Flag that indicates Forced Convection, Vector
Flux or Enclosure Radiation if nonzero
is_expanded is 1 if load was expanded from a geometry 2 byte Boolean
nLoadDefID The ID of the load definition that contains this 4 byte, long integer
load (0=None)
1 record for dof_face[0..2] x,y,z load values on/off 2 byte Boolean
each load
1 record per value[0..4] Single element value [0], x, y, z values[0..2], 8 byte, double precision
1 record per functions[0..4] [0]=Load func, Emissivity func 4 byte, long integer
load [1]=Absorbtivity vs. Temp
[2]=Temp vs Temp
[3]=View Factor vs Time
[4]=Phase vs. Freq
datasurfs[0..4] ID of Data Surface assigned to individual load 4 byte, long integer
1 record per Enclosure Radiation Enclosure Radiation on or off 2 byte, boolean
load can_shade Flags for View Factor Shading Calculations
addl_id [0..1] Additional Node IDs used for Nonlinear 4 byte, long integer
Transient Loads
1 record per dir_func[0..2] Vector Flux Time Dependence Functions 4 byte, long integer

1 record per direction[0..2] Vector Flux Initial Directions 8 byte, double precision

1 record per dir_mode 0=Components 4 byte, long integer

load 1=Vector
2=Along Curve
3=Normal to Plane
4=Normal to Surface
dir_ID ID of Curve or Surface if dir_mode = 2 or 4
1 record per dir_base[0..2] base point of direction vector 8 byte, double precision
1 record per dir_vector[0..2] end point of direction vector 8 byte, double precision
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-31
1 record per var_mode 0=None 4 byte, long integer
load 1=Equation
var_funcID ID of function for variable load
1 record per var_name name of variable used for variable load character string
1 record per var_equation equation of variable load character string
1 record per var_locate[0][0..2] x,y,z coordinates of end 1 of an interpolated 8 byte, double precision
load variable load
1 record per var_locate[1][0..2] x,y,z coordinates of end 2 of an interpolated 8 byte, double precision
load variable load
1 record per var_locate[2][0..2] unused 8 byte, double precision
1 record per var_locate[3][0..2] unused 8 byte, double precision
1 record per var_value[0..3] 0,1 are values of interpolated variable load at 8 byte, double precision
load end 1 and 2 respectively. 2,3 are unused
1 record per adjust_midside flag for adjusting midside node values when 2 byte, boolean
load load is expanded. 0 no, 1 yes
is_expanded flag if load is expanded. 0 no, 1 yes 2 byte, boolean
1 record for ndtempID ID for nodal temperature. Must be -1 for last 4 byte, long integer
each nodal record.
temp plus last color ID of color
layer ID of layer
ndtemp Nodal Temperature 8 byte, double precision
ndtemp_co Unused
ndt_funcID ID of function for Node Temp 4 byte, long integer

is_expanded flag is 1 if load is expanded 2 byte, boolean

nLoadDefID The ID of the load definition that contains this 4 byte, long integer
load (0=None)
1 record for eltempID ID for elemental temperature. Must be -1 for 4 byte, long integer
each element last record.
temp plus last color ID of color
layer ID of layer
eltemp Elemental Temperature 8 byte, double precision
eltemp_co Unused
elt_funcID ID of function for ElemTemp 4 byte, long integer
is_expanded flag is 1 if load is expanded 2 byte, boolean
nLoadDefID The ID of the load definition that contains this 4 byte, long integer
load (0=None)
tempgradient Thru-thickness Temperature Gradient 8 byte, double precision
1 record boltpreloadID ID Bolt Preload. Must be -1 for last record. 4 byte, long integer
for each bolt bpColor Bolt Preload Color 4 byte, long integer
preload plus bpLayer Bolt Preload Layer 4 byte, long integer
last bpLoad Bolt Preload Load 8 byte, double precision
nLoadDefID The ID of the load definition that contains this 4 byte, long integer
load (0=None)
1 record loaddefID ID of Load Definition. Must be -1 for last 4 byte, long integer
for each load record.
definition plus enDataType The entity type where load is applied (Node, 4 byte, long integer
last Elem)
enLoadType One of the load types described below 4 byte, long integer
1 record title Title of Load Definition character string
for each load
A-32 FEMAP Neutral File Format

FEA Load Types (n = Nodal; e = Elemental)

1 nForce 11 nHeatGen 20 nSlipCondition
2 nMoment 12 Transient 21 nFanCurve
3 nDisplacement 13 nPressure 22 nPeriodic
4 nRotDisplacement 14 nTotalPressure 41 eLineLoad
5 nVelocity 15 nScalar 42 ePressure
6 nRotVelocity 16 nSteamQuality 44 eHeatFlux
7 nAcceleration 17 nHumidity 45 eConvection
8 nRotAcceleration 18 nFluidHeight 46 eRadiation
10 nHeatFlux 19 nUnknownCondition 47 eHeatGen
48 eBoltPreload
Geometry Load Types (p = Point ; c = Curve ; s = Surface)
81 pnForce 129 cnVelocity 165 snMomentPerArea
82 pnMoment 130 cnRotVelocity 166 snMomentAtNode
83 pnDisp 131 cnAccel 167 snDisp
84 pnRotDisp 132 cnRotAccel 168 snRotDisp
85 pnVelocity 133 cnTemp 169 snVelocity
86 pnRotVelocity 134 cnHeatFlux 170 snRotVelocity
87 pnAccel 135 cnHeatFluxPerLength 171 snAccel
88 pnRotAccel 136 cnHeatFluxAtNode 172 snRotAccel
89 pnTemp 137 cnHeatGen 173 snTemp
90 pnHeatFlux 138 cePressure 174 snHeatFlux
91 pnHeatGen 139 ceTemp 175 snHeatFluxPerArea
92 pnPressure 140 ceHeatFlux 176 snHeatFluxAtNode
93 pnTotalPressure 141 ceConvection 177 snHeatGen
94 pnScalar 142 ceRadiation 178 sePressure
95 pnSteamQuality 143 ceHeatGen 179 seTemp
96 pnHumidity 144 cnPressure 180 seHeatFlux
97 pnFluidHeight 145 cnTotalPressure 181 seConvection
98 pnUnknownCondition 146 cnScalar 182 seRadiation
99 pnSlipCondition 147 cnSteamQuality 183 seHeatGen
100 pnFanCurve 148 cnHumidity 184 snPressure
101 pnPeriodic 149 cnFluidHeight 185 snTotalPressure
121 cnForce 150 cnUnknownCondition 186 snScalar
122 cnForcePerLength 151 cnSlipCondition 187 snSteamQuality
123 cnForceAtNode 152 cnFanCurve 188 snHumidity
124 cnMoment 153 cnPeriodic 189 snFluidHeight
125 cnMomentPerLength 161 snForce 190 snUnknownCondition
126 cnMomentAtNode 162 snForcePerArea 191 snSlipCondition
127 cnDisp 163 snForceAtNode 192 snFanCurve
128 cnRotDisp 164 snMoment 193 snPeriodic

Data Block 1007 Load Set Combinations

Record Field Description Size
1 setID ID of load set 4 byte, long integer
1 record for combinedSetID ID of load set to combine, must be -1 for final 4 byte, long integer
each combined combined set
set plus final ScaleFactor Scale Factor to apply to loads in this 8 byte, double precision
combined set
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-33
Data Block 408 Groups
Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of group 4 byte, long integers
need_eval Evaluation Flag (0=already evaluated,
1=needs evaluation before next use)
prev_enum Flag for preventing renumbering of a group. 1 2 byte boolean
is prevent
2 title Group title (max 79 char) character string
3 layer[0..1] Min and Max layers in group 4 byte, long integers
layer_method Type of layer usage (0=Off, 1=Greater,
2=Less, 3=Between, 4=Outside, 5=Single
4 coclip_on 1 if coordinate clipping is on, 0 otherwise
coclip_dof Coordinate clipping DOF (0=X, 1=Y, 2=Z)
coclip_meth Coordinate clipping method (0=Greater,
1=Less, 2=Between, 3=Outside)
coclip_csys Coordinate clipping CSys ID
coclip_min Lower limit for coordinate clipping 8 byte, double precision
coclip_max Upper limit for coordinate clipping
5 plclip_meth Plane clipping method (0=Off, 1=Screen, 4 byte, long integers
2=Plane, 3=Volume)
plclip_in If 1, clip inside planes, if 0, clip outside 2 byte, boolean
6 rec, 1 plclip_on 1 if respective plane is on
per plane(repe
at with next 2
plclip_neg 1 if clipping negative side of plane
6 records plclip_base[0..2] Coordinates of base of plane 8 byte, double precision
6 records plclip_norm[0..2] Components of plane normal
1 record max_rules Max number of types of rules 4 byte, long integers
repeat for each rule_type Type of rule. Must be -1 for last record.
rule type,
followed by
next records
repeat for each startID Minimum entity ID in rule. Must be -1 to end
entry in rule this rule.
stopID Maximum entity ID in rule
incID ID increment
include Include Flag (0=Remove, 1=Add, -
1 record max_lists Max number of entity lists
repeat for each list_type Type of list. Must be -1 for last record.
list type,
followed by
next records
repeat for each entityID ID of entity included into group. Must be -1 to
entry in list end this rule.

Group Rule Types

0 CSys_ID 44 Elem_atSurface 88 CSys_onPoint
1 CSys_byDefCSys 45 Elem_atSolid 89 Elem_byShape
2 CSys_byType 46 Load_byPoint 90 Node_OnElemOrientation
A-34 FEMAP Neutral File Format

3 Point_ID 47 Load_byCurve 91 ConnectionProp_ID

4 Point_byDefCSys 48 Load_bySurface 92 ConnectionProp_byColor
5 Point_onCurve 49 BCo_byPoint 93 ConnectionProp_byLayer
6 Curve_ID 50 BCo_byCurve 94 Connection_ID
7 Curve_byPoint 51 BCo_bySurface 95 Connection_byColor
8 Curve_onSurface 52 Text_byColor 96 Connection_byLayer
9 Surface_ID 53 Point_byColor 97 Connection_byConnProp
10 Surface_byCurve 54 Curve_byColor 98 Contact_onConnection
11 Surface_onVolume 55 Surface_byColor 99 ConnectionProp_onConnection
12 Volume_ID 56 Volume_byColor 100 Connection_byContact
13 Volume_bySurface 57 Solid_byColor 101 Layup_ID
14 Text_ID 58 CSys_byColor 102 Layup_byMatl
15 Boundary_ID 59 Node_byColor 103 Layup_onProp
16 Boundary_byCurve 60 Elem_byColor 104 Elem_byLayup
17 Node_ID 61 Prop_byColor 105 Prop_byLayup
18 Node_byDefCSys 62 Matl_byColor 106 Node_bySuperelement
19 Node_byOutCSys 63 Text_byLayer 107 Load_byRegion
20 Node_onElem 64 Point_byLayer 108 Contact_byElem
21 Elem_ID 65 Curve_byLayer 109 Contact_byNode
22 Elem_byMatl 66 Surface_byLayer 110 Contact_byCurve
23 Elem_byProp 67 Volume_byLayer 111 Contact_bySurface
24 Elem_byType 68 Solid_byLayer 112 Contact_byProp
25 Elem_byNode 69 CSys_byLayer 113 Elem_byAllNodes
26 Matl_ID 70 Node_byLayer 114 Elem_byGlobalPly
27 Matl_onProp 71 Elem_byLayer 115 Layup_byGlobalPly
28 Matl_onElem 72 Prop_byLayer 116 AeroProp_ID
29 Matl_byType 73 Matl_byLayer 117 AeroProp_byColor
30 Prop_ID 74 Solid_ID 118 AeroProp_byLayer
31 Prop_onElem 75 Solid_byCurve 119 AeroPanel_ID
32 Prop_byMatl 76 Solid_bySurface 120 AeroPanel_byColor
33 Prop_byType 77 Curve_onSolid 121 AeroPanel_byLayer
34 Load_byNode 78 Surface_onSolid 122 AeroPanel_byProp
35 Load_byElem 79 Point_byProp 123 AeroSpline_ID
36 BCo_ID 80 Curve_byProp 124 AeroSpline_byColor
37 BEq_byNode 81 Surface_byProp 125 AeroSpline_byLayer
38 Node_atPoint 82 Volume_byProp 126 AeroSpline_byPanel
39 Node_atCurve 83 Solid_byProp 127 AeroCtrlSurf_ID
40 Node_atSurface 84 Contact_ID 128 AeroCtrlSurf_byColor
41 Node_atSolid 85 Contact_byColor 129 AeroCtrlSurf_byLayer
42 Elem_atPoint 86 Contact_byLayer 130 CSys_onProp
43 Elem_atCurve 87 CSys_onNode 131 CSys_onCsys
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-35
Group Entity List Types
0 CSys 9 Material 18 Point Constraints
1 Point 10 Property 19 Curve Constraints
2 Curve 11 Nodal Load 20 Surface Constraints
3 Surface 12 Elem Load 21 Solids
4 Volume 13 Constraint 22 Connection Region
5 Text 14 Cosntraint Equations 23 Connection
6 Not used 15 Point Loads 24 Connection Property
7 Node 16 Curve Loads 25 Layup
8 Elem 17 Surface Loads 26 Region Load
Data Block 1008 Group Referenced Groups
Record Field Description Size
1 groupID ID of Group Referencing Other Groups 4 byte, long integer
1 record for ReferencedGrpID ID of Group to Reference, must be -1 for final 4 byte, long integer
each combined Group
set plus final

Data Block 409 Views

Record Field Description Size
1 ID View ID 4 byte, long integers
2 title View title (max 79 char) character string
3 mode Drawing Style (0=Draw, 1=Feature, 4 byte, long integers
2=Quick Hide, 3=Hide, 4=Free Edge,
5=Free Face, 6=XYvsID, 7=XYvsSET,
10=XY of Function)
form_deform Deformed Style (0=Off, 1=Deformed,
2=Animate, 3=Animate MultiCase,
4=Arrow, 5=Trace, 6=Streamline)
form_contour Contour Style (0=Off, 1=Contour,
2=Criteria, 3=Beam Diagram,
4=IsoSurface, 5=Section Cut)
4 rotation[0..2] Rotation angles 8 byte, double precision
5 center[0..2] Location of view center
6 mag Magnification factor (1=AutoScale)
aspect_rat View Aspect Ratio
use_rotation_center(7.1+) Flag to use rotation center for dynamic 2 byte, boolean
Rotation_center[0..2] (7.1+) Center of rotation for dynamic rotation 8 byte, double precision
Rotation_vector[0..2] (7.1+) Axis of rotation for dynamic rotation 8 byte, double precision
(4.1+) (4.1+) (4.1+)
6a prv_cen[0..2] Previous Center Location
(9.3+) (9.3+) (9.3+)
6aa prv_rot[0..2] Previous Rotation
(4.1+) (4.1+) (4.1+)
6b prv_mag Previous Magnification factor
7 left Position of View window on screen. In
percent of screen.
Rot_model_axes Rotate around model axes 2 byte, Boolean
Rot_single_axis Rotate around single axis 2 byte, Boolean
A-36 FEMAP Neutral File Format
UseRotationAxes Use Rotation axis settings for dynamic 2 byte, Boolean
8 border Border Mode 4 byte, long integers
back_color Background Color ID
title_bar Flag to indicate title bar is on 2 byte, boolean
erase_back 1 if background should be erased
undef_anim 1 if Undeformed Animation
multicolor_back 1 if Multicolor Background
back_color2 Second Background Color ID 4 byte, long integers
multicolor_option Option specifying multicolor style
horizon_percent Vertical location of horizon color
back_color3 Third Background Color ID (used for
show_logo Flag to show the logo bitmap 2 byte, boolean
logo_location[0..1] X,Y location of the logo bitmap 8 byte, double precision
9 constID Constraint SetID, or -1 for active 4 byte, long integers
loadID Load SetID, or -1 for active
groupID Group SetID, or -1 for active
outsetID Output Set ID for post
final_outset Final Output Set ID for multicase
final_outinc Output Set increment for multicase
def_vecID Output Vector ID for deformation
con_vecID Output Vector ID for contour
functionID Function ID for XY plot
deform_relative_to The ID of a node to deform around (prior to
_nodeID v8.3 this was the max size of a display list, but was never used)

1 record max_curves Number of XY curves

max_curves xy_setID Output Set ID for this curve
records xy_vecID Output Vector ID for this curve.
xy_entID Entity ID for this curve
xy_functionID Function ID for this curve
(4.1+) (4.1+) (4.1+) (4.1+)
1 record load_vec_len Length of Load Vectors 8 byte, double
(4.1+) (4.1+)
oth_vec_len Length of Other Vectors
(4.1+) (4.1+) (4.1+)
show_all_lay Flag to display all layers 2 byte, boolean
(4.1+) (4.1+)(10.2+) (4.1+)
surf_div No Longer Used 4 byte,long integers
(4.1+) (4.1+) (4.1+)
1 record sec_cut_mode Section Cut Mode
(4.1+) (4.1+)
sec_count Number of Cutting Planes
(4.1+) (4.1+) (4.1+)
sec_space Spacing Between Cut Planes 8 byte, double
(4.1+) (4.1+) (4.1+)
1 record sec_base[0..2] Origin for First Cut Plane
(4.1+) (4.1+) (4.1+)
1 record sec_nor[0..2] Vector Normal for Cut Plane
(8.2+) (8.2+) (8.2+)
1 record sec_plane_mode Section Plane Mode 2 byte, boolean
(8.2+) (8.2+)
section1_on Plane 1 Active
(8.2+) (8.2+)
section2_on Plane 2 Active
(8.2+) (8.2+)
section3_on Plane 3 Active
(8.2+) (8.2+) (8.2+) (8.2+)
1 record sec_base2[0..2] Origin for Second Cut Plane 8 byte, double
(8.2+) (8.2+) (8.2+)
1 record sec_nor2[0..2] Vector Normal for Cut Plane
(8.2+) (8.2+) (8.2+)
1 record sec_base3[0..2] Origin for Third Cut Plane
(8.2+) (8.2+) (8.2+)
1 record sec_nor3[0..2] Vector Normal for Cut Plane
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-37
1 record persp_dist Perspective distance 8 byte, double precision
persp_sep Perspective separation
shrink_fact Element Shrink factor
curve_err No Longer Used
1 record unused Not used
amb_light Ambient light value
light[0..2] Location of light source
render_mode Flag is1 if in render mode 2 byte boolean
push_factor Curve/line z offset factor 8 byte, double precision
spot_distance Spotlight distance
render_push_unit Factor used to offset models and 4 byte, single precision
eliminate bleed-through in render
render_undeformed_p Factor to push undeformed model 4 byte, single precision
ush forward
render_label_push Factor to push labels forward 4 byte, long integers
1 record axes[0..1] Location of screen axes
arrow_pctlab Percent of post arrows to label
def_relscale Deformed relative scale factor
def_absscale Deformed absolute scale factor
1 record anim_frame Number of animation frames 4 byte, long integers
anim_delay Animation delay factor
trace_opt Trace Option
trace_ID ID of Output Vector for Trace Plots
cntvec_hide 1 if Contour Vectors should be included 2 byte, boolean
in hidden line calc
cntvec_mode Contour Vector Output Relative To Mode 4 byte, long integers
cntvec_csys Contour Vector CSys
cntvecID[0..2] IDs of Output Vectors for Contour Vector
cntvec_dir[0..2] Components of Contour Vector direction 8 byte, double precision
1 record cntvecID2[0..2] IDs of Output Vectors for 2nd Contour 4 byte, long integers
cntvecID3[0..2] IDs of Output Vectors for 3rd Contour 4 byte, long integers
cntvec2_color Color for 2nd Contour Vector
cntvec3_color Color for 3rd Contour Vector
1 record freebody_on Flag indicating Freebody is on 2 byte, boolean
freebody_loads[0..5] Flags for load types for Freebody
freebody_force_mom[0..1] Show forces[0] and moments[1]
freebody_show_internal Show internal freebody data
freebody_show_summed Show summed data at each node
freebody_min_vector_flag Show vectors with a minimum length
freebody_show_comp Show vector components
freebody_show_xyz[0..2] Flags for X,Y,Z components
freebody_scale_mag Scale vectors based on their magnitude
freebody_show_resultant Show resultant of summed freebody info
freebody_entity_color Show freebody with entity colors
1 record freebody_group ID of group to be used in freebody 4 byte, long integers
A-38 FEMAP Neutral File Format

freebody_show_csys CSys ID for freebody display

freebody_show_mag Minimum magnitude vector to show 8 byte, double precision
freebody_show_len[0..1] Min/Max display length
freebody_result_loc[0..2] Location for resultant vector
freebody_res_color Color for resultant vector 4 byte, long integers
1 record elemcont_unaveraged Show unaveraged element contours 2 byte, boolean
elemcont_break_prop Dont average across properties
elemcont_break_matl Dont average across materials
elemcont_break_layer Dont average across layers
elemcont_break_color Dont average across colors
elemcont_break_geom Dont average across discontinuous
elemcont_break_angle Geometry break angle 8 byte, double precision
elemcont_addl_vecID Additional contour vector Output ID 4 byte, long integer
elemcont_addl_vecID2 Third contour vector Output ID
1 record Streamline_opt Streamline start point option (0=XYZ 4 byte, long integers
location, 1=use point in Streamline_id,
2=Use points in Group selected by
Streamline_id Point ID or Group ID for Streamline
Streamline_runge_kutta_or Runge-Kutta order (1,2,3)
Streamline_tolerance Runge-Kutta convergence tolerance 8 byte, double precision
Streamline_maxlen_factor Maximum allowed stream length. Defined
as a factor times model bounding box
Streamline_minspd_pct Minimum speed allowed. Defined as a
percent of maximum speed in velocity
output vector.
Streamline_max_time Not used
1 record Streamline_location[0..2] XYZ location of streamline starting point 8 byte, double precision
1 record BeamDiaScalePct Scale Percent for Beam Diagrams
1 record max_lev Maximum number of contour levels 4 byte, long integers

max_lev records levelID ID of level to set

level Contour level value 8 byte, double precision
1 record num_userlev Number of user defined levels 4 byte, long integers
con_labfreq Contour labelling frequency
con_legfreq Contour legend labelling frequency
con_labdigits Number of digits on contour labels
con_legdigits Number of digits on contour legend
iso_val Single iso-surface value 8 byte, double precision
load_vec_min_scale load vector minimum scale factor
con_legshrink Shrink percentage for contour legend
transparency_pct Transparency Percentage 4 byte, long integer
contour_group ID of group for contouring (0=Model) 4 byte, long integer
1 record con_vec_digits Number of digits on contour vector labels 4 byte, long integer
con_vec_length Length of contour vectors 4 byte, single precision
global_ply_loc Selection of Global Ply for Post 4 byte, long integer
(-1=Top, -2=Bottom, 0=None, Other=Ply
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-39
modeldata_cont_mode Model Data Contour Mode data to 4 byte, long integer
modeldata_cont_fmt Type of Model Data Contour 4 byte, long integer
modeldata_cont_labels Label Model Data Contours 2 byte, boolean
modeldata_cont_titleID Model Data Contour Title ID, Data Type, 4 byte, long integer
modeldata_cont_datatype and Data Offset. For internal use when
modeldata_cont_dataoff selecting a Contour of Other Property
or Material Data
modeldata_cont_group Group for Model Data Contour 4 byte, long integer
1 record cocolor[0..5] Contour Base Colors 4 byte, long integers
1 record Max_user_cont_pal_size Size of User Contour Palette 4 byte, long integer
8 records User_Contour_Palette Indexes of colors to be used for User 4 byte, long integers
[0..63] Contour Palette. Written 8 per record.
1 record limit_up Upper Criteria limit 8 byte, double precision
limit_down Lower Criteria limit
1 record x_range[0..1] XY X Axis Range
y_range[0..1] XY Y Axis Range
1 record max_xy Maximum number of XY Curves 4 byte, long integers
max_xy records xy_scale Scale factor for associated XY curve. 8 byte, double precision
1 record max_xyt Maximum number of XY titles 4 byte, long integers
max_xyt xy_title XY Plot titles character string
1 record xy_pos_cs CSys for XY vs Position 4 byte, long integers
xy_pos_dir Direction for XY vs Position
xy_xtics Number of Tics along X axis
xy_ytics Number of Tics along Y axis
1 record prev_xyleft Previous sizing of XY plot in window. 8 byte, double precision
1 record prev_xmin
1 record num_opt Number of option records to follow. 4 byte, long integers
num_opt color_mode View Option Color Modes
records, color View Option View Color
in the order label View Option Labelling
found in the draw View Option Draw Flags 2 byte, boolean
table below
1 record ViewRotateCSysID View Rotate CSys 4 byte, long integers
1 record XFormDeformOutput 0=None, 1=To CSys, 2=Node Out CSys 4 byte, long integers
XFormDeformCSYS ID of CSys to transform to
XFormDeformXCompone Flag to include component in transform 2 byte, boolean
nt display
XFormDeformYCompone Flag to include component in transform
nt display
XFormDeformZCompone Flag to include component in transform
nt display
XFormNodalVectorOutput Transform Nodal Contour Output
0=None, 1=To CSys, 2=Node Out CSys
XFormNodalVectorCSYS ID of CSys to transform to 4 byte, long integers
XFormPlateOutput 0=None, 1=Material, 2=CSys, 3=Vector
A-40 FEMAP Neutral File Format

XFormPlateCSYS ID of CSys for Plate Contour Transform 4 byte, long integers

XFormPlateDOF ID of DOF in XFormPlateCSYS for Plate
Contour Transformation
XFormPlateVector[0] Component value 1 of Vector for Plate 8 byte, double precision
Contour Transformation
XFormPlateVector[1] Component value 2 8 byte, double precision
XFormPlateVector[2] Component value 3 8 byte, double precision
XFormSolidOutput 0=None, 1=CSys, 2=Material 4 byte, long integers
XFormSolidCSYS ID of CSys for Solid Output Transform
XFormDeformXInput Flag to include component in 2 byte, boolean
transformation calculation
XFormDeformYInput Flag to include component in
transformation calculation
XFormDeformZInput Flag to include component in
transformation calculation
1 record ComplexExpandAtPhase Flag indicating whether to expand 4 byte, long integers
complex results to a phase
ComplexPhaseAngle Phase Angle to Expand Complex Results 8 byte, double precision
ComplexPhaseDelta Phase Angle Increment used for Complex 8 byte, double precision
Results Animation when expanding
1 record XFormPlateToleranceAng Angle Tolerance for Plate Transform 8 byte, double precision
1 record FontPointHeight 4 byte, long integers
FontWidth 4 byte, long integers
FontEscapement 4 byte, long integers
FontOrientation 4 byte, long integers
FontWeight 4 byte, long integers
1 record FontItalic 2 byte, boolean
FontCharSet 4 byte, long integers
FontClipPrecision 4 byte, long integers
FontQuality 4 byte, long integers
FontPitch 4 byte, long integers
FontFamily 4 byte, long integers
1 record FontName character string
1 record OffsetFactor 8 byte, double precision
num_vis layerID ID of visible layers. Last layerID must be 4 byte, long integers
records, one -1 to end the list
record per
visible layer
num_grp groupID ID of groups selected for multi-group 4 byte, long integers
records, one display. Last groupID must be -1 to end
record per group the list

View Option Draw, Label, Color and Color Mode Array Indexes
Labels, Entities and Colors Tools and View Style PostProcessing
Label Parameters 0 Free Edge and Face 22 Post Titles 40
Coordinate System 1 Shrink Elements 23 Deformed Style 41
Point 2 Fill, Backfaces and Hidden 25 Vector Style 42
Curve 3 Filled Edges 26 Animated Style 43
Combined Curve 95 Render Options 77 Deformed Model 44
Curve - Mesh Size 24 Transparency 92 Undeformed Model 45
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-41

Surface 4 Shading 28 Trace Style 74

Volume 5 Perspective 29 Contour Type 80
Text 6 Stereo 30 Contour/Criteria Style 46
Boundary 27 Axisymmetric Axis 87 Contour/Criteria Levels 47
Node 7 View Legend 31 Contour/Criteria Legend 48
Node - Perm Constraint 8 View Axes 32 Criteria Limits 49
Element 9 Origin 33 Criteria - Elements that Pass 50
Element - Directions 10 Workplane and Rulers 34 Criteria - Elements that Fail 51
Element - Offsets/Releases 11 Workplane Grid 35 Beam Diagram 86
Element - Orientation/Shape 12 Clipping Planes 36 IsoSurface 76
Element - Beam Y-Axis 13 Symbols 37 IsoLine 88
Element - Coordinate System 96 View Aspect Ratio 38 Streamline 89
Element - Weld 90 Curve and Surface Accuracy 39 Contour Vector Style 75
Element - Rigid 94 XY Titles 52
Load Vectors 78 XY Legend 53
Load Body 100 XY Axes Style 54
Load Force 14 XY X Range/Grid 55
Load Moment and Torque 15 XY Y Range/Grid 56
Load Temperature 16 XY Curve 1 57
Load Distributed 71 XY Curve 2 58
Load Pressure 17 XY Curve 3 59
Load Acceleration 18 XY Curve 4 60
Load Velocity 72 XY Curve 5 61
Load Enforced Displacement 19 XY Curve 6 62
Load Nonlinear Force 73 XY Curve 7 63
Load Heat Generation 66 XY Curve 8 64
Load Heat Flux 67 XY Curve 9 65
Load Convection 68
Load Radiation 69
Load Bolt Preload 93
Load Fluid Tracking 81
Load Unknown Condition 82
Load Slip Wall Condition 83
Load Fan Curve 84
Load Periodic Condition 85
Constraint 20
Constraint Equation 21
Connector 79
Connection Region 91
Combined - Eliminated Points 99
Combined - Eliminated Curves 97
Combined - Eliminated Surfaces 98
A-42 FEMAP Neutral File Format

Data Block 410 - Variables

Record Field Description Size
1 num_lines always equals 1 4 byte, long integers
2 variable_name full name of variable character string
3 expression equation that defines the variable character string
4 value the stored value of the variable 8 byte, double precision

Data Block 411 - Report Formats

Record Field Description Size
1 ID Report ID 4 byte, long integers
repTYPE Report for nodal (7) or elemental (8) data
2 title Report Title character string
3 numhdr Number of header flags to follow 4 byte, long integers
numhdr autocenter Automatic centering flag (0=off, 1=on) 2 byte, boolean
doublesp Double space flag (0=off, 1=on)
1 record rptline Number of report lines to follow 4 byte, long integers
rptline records format The formats for the lines in the header and character string

Data Block 412 - Active Data

Record Field Description Size
1 constraint ID of active constraint set 4 byte, long integers
load ID of active load set
group ID of active group
report ID of active report
analysis_set ID of active analysis set
automatic_merge Flag to use automatic merge tolerance 2 byte, boolean
coincident_merge Automatic merge tolerance 8 byte, double precision
point_mesh_size 8 byte, double precision
min_curve_elem 4 byte, long integers
auto_point_mesh 2 byte, boolean
chart ID of active chart 4 byte, long integer

Data Block 413 - Layer Data

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of Layer 4 byte, long integers
color ID of Color
2 title Layer Title character string

Data Block 514 - Nodal Geometry Attachment Info

Record Field Description Size
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-43
1 geom_type 0=Point,1=Curve=2=Surface,3=Solid 4 byte, long integers
geom_ID ID of geometry of type in goem_type
2..n each line start_ID starting ID of node in attached list
contains a list
of node ID's
that are
end_ID ending ID of node in attached list. If 0 start
ID is single attached node
n+1 -1,-1 signifies the end of the attached list of that
particular geometry ID

Data Block 615 Contact Segment

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of segment 4 byte, long integers
color Color
layer Layer
output Output on nodes(7) or elements(8)
refnode Reference Node ID
rigid Flag to indicate rigid segment 2 byte, boolean
Reference_csys Reference coordinate system for segment 4 byte, long integer
Offset Offset distance for segment 8 byte, double precision
SkipFace Flag to skip faces 2 byte, boolean
BodyFriction Body Friction value 8 byte, double precision
2 title Title for segment character string
3 box[0][0..2] Minimum dimensions of contact box 8 byte, double precision
box[1][0..2] Maximum dimensions of contact box
The following 3 records are only present for v9.3 and above
3a SegType Type of segment (0=Contact, 1=Fluid, 2=Bolt, 4 byte, long integer
3b Fluid_zfree_on Fluid Z-Free surface is specified 2 byte, boolean
Fluid_zfree Location of Z-Free surface of fluid 8 byte, double precision
Fluid_density Density of Fluid 8 byte, double precision
Fluid_xzsym Symmetry specification for XZ (0=None) 4 byte, long integer
Fluid_yzsym Symmetry specification for YZ (0=None) 4 byte, long integer
Fluid_charlength Fluid Characteristic length 8 byte, double precision
Fluid_fmexact Fluid Exact Integration Factor 8 byte, double precision
3c Rotor_w3 Frequency for Overall Damping 8 byte, double precision
Rotor_w4 Frequency for Material Damping 8 byte, double precision
Rotor_speed Rotor Speed (not used) 8 byte, double precision
Rotor_loadset ID of Load Set for Rotational Force 4 byte, long integer
Mass type(11.0+) Type of mass (0=Per Lenth, 1=Per Area, 4 byte, long integer
2=Total on Length, 3=Total On Area)
Mass(11.0+) Mass 8 byte, double precision
Bolt CSys Dir(11.0+) Solid Bolt Direction X=0, Y=1, Z=2 4 byte, long integer
Bolt Type Beam Bolt = 1, Solid Bolt = 2 4 byte, long integer
The following records are always present
4..n entityID ID of entity in contact list 4 byte, long integer
faceID ID of entity face in contact list
entityTYPE type of entity in list
expanded flag indicating an expanded record 2 byte, boolean
n+1 -1,-1,0,0 signifies the end of the list
A-44 FEMAP Neutral File Format

Data Block 918 Connection Property

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of property 4 byte, long integers
color Color
Zero1 Not used (set to 0)
type Connection Property Type (0=Contact,
layer Layer
Zero2 Not used (set to 0)
2 title Title for property character string
3 Flag[0..3] 4 byte, long integers
4 MaxExtraMatl Number of Extra Material IDs 4 byte, long integers
5..N ExtraMatl[0..MaxExtr IDs of materials referenced by this property,
aMatl-1] written 8 per record
N+1 MaxValues Number of Property Values
N+2 thru M Value[0..MaxValues- Property Values, 5 values per record 8 byte, double precision
M+1 Zero3 Not used (set to 0) 4 byte, long integers
M+2 Zero4 Not used (set to 0)

Data Block 919 Connection

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of connection 4 byte, long integers
color Color
Pid ID of connection property referenced by this
type Connection Type (0=Contact, 1=Glue)
layer Layer
Disabled If True, this connection is disabled. 2 byte, boolean
2 title Title for connection character string
3 regionID[0..1] IDs of the two connection regions referenced 4 byte, long integers
by this connection [0]=Master, [1]=Slave

Data Block 926 Global Ply

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of connection 4 byte, long integers
Mid ID of material referenced by this ply
Thickness Thickness of ply 8 byte, double precision
2 title Title for global ply character string

Data Block 927 Layup

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of layup 4 byte, long integers
2 title Title for layup character string
3 NumPly The number of plys in the layup 4 byte, long integers
The following row is repeated once for each ply (NumPly) in the layup
4..4+NumPly- Ply_matl The Material referenced by the individual ply 4 byte, long integers
1 Ply_GlobalID The ID of the global ply this ply references, if
Not used 0L
Ply_Thickness The thickness of this ply 8 byte, double precision
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-45
Ply_Angle The orientation angle of this ply
In FEMAP Neutral Files, this is the end of the Layup data block. In Library Files, the layup data block also contains
embedded material data following the data described here. In this case, for each material that the layup references, a
record is written with one 2 byte Boolean flag of True, followed by a standard material data block. After the last
material is written, a final 2 byte Boolean flag of False is written to signify the end of material data.

Data Block 928 Data Surface Version 9.3 and later

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of Data Surface 4 byte, long integer
Type Normal=0, Output Map=1 2 byte integer
Data Type Tabular=0,Equation=1, Mesh Nodal=2, 2 byte integer
Mesh Elem=3, Parametric Curve=4,
Parametric Surface=5, Along
Between 4 Points=7, Between 8 Points=8,
Between 2 Points=9, Arbitrary 3D=10
Dimension Dim_1D=0, Dim_2D=1, Dim_3D=2 2 byte integer
2 Title Title for Data Surface character string
3 nRows Number of Rows in Data Surface 4 byte, long integer
nCol Number of Columns in Data Surface 4 byte, long integer
nPages Number of Pages in Data Surface 4 byte, long integer
nValuesPerCell Number of values Per Cell in Data Surface 4 byte, long integer
4 Tabular Dim Var_X=0,Var_Y=1,Var_Z=2, 2 byte integers
Variable[0..2] Var_U=3,Var_V=4
5 Ref Csys ID of Reference CSys 4 byte, long integer
Is Parametric Flag indicating if Data Surface is parametric 2 byte, Boolean
Is Vector Flag indicating if Data Surface has Vector 2 byte, boolean
Undefined Option 4 byte, long integer
Undefined Value Value used for undefined cells. 8 byte, double precision
Parametric EntID ID of Curve/Surface used in parametric Data 4 byte, long integer
dInterpPercent Percent of Locations to use in Arbitrary 3D 8 byte, double precision
nMinInterp Mininum number of Locations to use in 4 byte, long integer
Arbitrary 3D interpolation
5a NastranLoadComb For Load Combination Data surfaces create 2 byte, Boolean
NASTRAN Load Combinations rather than
expanding loads in model database
AddFactorsToTitle Update Set Titles to include factors 2 byte, Boolean
5b ExtendDataSurface 2 byte, Boolean
IsTemporaryResult For Result Processing Data Surface create 2 byte, Boolean
combination sets as factors only rather than
expanding results in model database
AllowSelfConnection For Connection Manager Data Surface allow 2 byte, Boolean
master and slave regions to be equal
AllowReverseConnec For Connection Manager Data Surface allow 2 byte, Boolean
tion reversal of connections
6 Equation Equation if this is a Equation Data Surface character string
7 Output Map source 0 = OT_Any, 1 = OT_Disp, 2 = OT_Accel 4 byte, long integer
Output Category 3 = OT_Force, 4 = OT_Stress, 5 = OT_Strain
6 = OT_Temp, 7..15 = OT_User
8 Output Model Title Title of source model character string
9 IsVector Flag indicating if source data for Output Map 2 byte, boolean
is vector data
Is Nodal Flag indicating if source data for Output Map 2 byte, boolean
is nodal data
Node Count Number of Nodes defining Output Map source 4 byte, long integer
A-46 FEMAP Neutral File Format

ElemCount Number of Elements defining Output Map 4 byte, long integer

Unmapped Option 0=Zero, 1=Value, 2=Extend Closest, 4 byte, long integer
3=Interpolate, 4=No Output
10 UnMap Value[0..2] Value associated with Unmapped Option 8 byte, double precision
11 Map Offset Tolerance Value used to determine coincident map 8 byte, double precision
Data Surface Cell definitions
The following rows (1..3 )are repeated once for each Cell in the Data Surface
1 Data ID ID 1..n Cell Data defining Data Surface (-1 for 4 byte, long integer
last data record for this Data Surface)
2 Data Type DataSurf_Value_X = 0 2 byte integer
DataSurf_Value_Y = 1
DataSurf_Value_Z = 2
DataSurf_RowValue = 3
DataSurf_ColumnValue = 4
DataSurf_PageValue = 5
DataSurf_BaseColumnTitle = 6
DataSurf_ColumnTitle = 7
DataSurf_PageTitle = 8
DataSurf_PageSize = 9
Data Location 0 Row ID 4 byte, long integer
Data Location 1 Column ID 4 byte, long integer
Data Location 2 Page ID 4 byte, long integer
3 Cell Equation Cell equation character string
4 Cell Value Cell Value 8 byte, double precision
Cell Isblank Flag indicating cell is blank 2 byte, boolean
Output Map Nodal Definitions
The following rows ( 1..2 ) are repeated once for each Node in the Output Map definition ( 1..Node Count ) of the
Data Surface
1 Data ID ID 1..n Node Data defining Output Map(-1 for 4 byte, long integers
last data record for this Output Map)
2 nodeID ID of node 4 byte, long integer
locXYZ[0..2] Coordinates of node in Global Rectangular 8 byte, double precision
coordinate system
Nodal Val[0..3] Output values associated with node 8 byte, double precision
Output Map Element Definitions
The following rows ( 1..4 ) are repeated once for each Element in the Output Map definition ( 1..Elem Count ) of
the Data Surface
1 Data ID ID 1..n Elem Data defining Output Map(-1 for 4 byte, long integers
last data record for this Output Map)
2 Elem ID ID of Element 4 byte, long integer
Elem Topology Element Shape (0=Line2, (8.2+)1=Line3, 4 byte, long integer
2=Tri3, 3=Tri6, 4=Quad4, 5=Quad8,
6=Tetra4, 7=Wedge6, 8=Brick8, 9=Point,
10=Tetra10, 11=Wedge15, 12=Brick20,
13=Rigid, 15=MultiList, 16=Contact,
Elem Type Element Type (refer to the property tables for 4 byte, long integer
3 Nodes[0..19] Nodes referenced by element 4 byte, long integer
4 Elem Val[0..2] Output values associated with element 8 byte, double precision

Data Block 420 Functions

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of function 4 byte, long integer
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-47
func_type Type of function (0=Dimensionless, 1=vs. 4 byte, long integer
Time, 2=vs. Temp, 3=vs. Freq, 4=vs. Stress,
5=Func vs. Temp, 6=Struct Damp vs. Freq,
7=Crit Damp vs. Freq, 8=Q Damp vs. Freq,
9=vs. Strain Rate, 10=Func vs. Strain Rate,
11=vs. Curve Length, 12=vs. Curve Param,
13=Stress vs. Strain, 14=Stress vs. Plastic
Strain, 15=Function vs Value, 16=Function
vs. Critical Damping, 17=vs. Angle of
Incidence,18=vs. Direction of
Incidence,(10.1+)19=vs. Temp (TABLEM1
Linear,Linear), (10.1+)20=vs. Temp (TABLEM1
Log,Linear), (10.1+)21=vs. Temp (TABLEM1
Linear,Log), (10.1+)22=vs. Temp (TABLEM1
2 title Function title (max 79 char) character string
nitems entryID ID of entry (ascending order, must be -1 for 4 byte, long integer
records, one last entry)
per function
x X value for entry in function 8 byte, double precision
y Y value for entry in function

Data Block 521 DesignOpts

Record Field Description Size
1 op_type 0=None,1=Goal,2=Vary,3=Limit 4 byte, long integer
op_goal Goal of optimization
op_var Optimization variable
3=BarArea, 4=BarI1, 5=BarI2, 6=BarTorsion,
op_limit Optimization Limit
op_cycles Max design cycles
2 vary type Property=11 4 byte, long integer
vary ID Property ID to vary
vary extra ID unused
vary % max/min specified as % if true, values 2 byte boolean
vary min Min Allowable Value for Variable 8 byte, double precision
vary max Max Allowable Value for Variable
vary delta Max Change in Variable before new analysis
A-48 FEMAP Neutral File Format

3 resp type Response Type: 4 byte, long integer

0=None, 1=NodXDisp,
2=NodYDisp,3=NodZDisp, 4=NodXRDisp,
9=RodAxialStrain, 10=RodTorsionStrain,
11=BarAxialStress, 12=BarMaxStress,
13=BarMinStress, 14=BarAxialStrain,
15=BarMaxStrain, 16=BarMinStrain,
17=PltXNormalStress, 18=PltYNormalStress,
19=PltXYShearStress, 20=PltMaxPrinStress,
21=PltMinPrinStress, 22=PltVonMisesStress,
23=PltXNormalStrain, 24=PltYNormalStrain,
25=PltXYShearStrain, 26=PltMaxPrinStrain,
27=PltMinPrinStrain, 28=PltVonMisesStrain
resp ID ID of Node or Property for Response
resp min Min Allowable Response 8 byte, double precision
resp max Max Allowable Response

Data Block 822 Analysis Sets

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of analysis set 4 byte, long integer
active Not Used 2 byte boolean
solver ID of solver for analysis set (refer to 4 byte, long integer
output sets)
analysis_type ID of analysis type (refer to output
run_analysis_with_VisQ Flag to launch analysis using VisQ 2 byte boolean
2 Title Title of analysis set (max 80 char) Character string
Case 1 Case ID ID of analysis case (-1 for master, 4 byte, long integer
caseID for others)
Case 2 Skip_standard Flag to skip standard output for this 2 byte boolean
CaseType 0=Normal Subcase, 1=SUBCOM 4 byte, long integer
Case 3 Title Case title (max 80 char) Character string
Case 3a Label Character string
Case 3b ContactOption 4 byte, long integer
ContactSetType 4 byte, long integer
Case 4 Echo String for ECHO option Character string
Case 5..7 Bcset[0..14] SetIDs of Load and constraint sets 4 byte, long integer
for this case -Written 5 per line
Case 8..13 Output[0..29] Output requests for this case
written 5 per line. (0=off,-1=full
model, >0=groupID)
Prior to v8.1
Case 14..15 Options[0..10] Additional case options written 5
per line
Version 8.1 and later
Options for NX, MSC NASTRAN Solver (if analysis set type set to NASTRAN)
1 On Flag to write omodes string 2 byte boolean
2 Omodes String to write for OMODES option Character string
2a Rel_em_results Relative Enforced Motion Results 2 byte boolean
3..12 Subcase_number[0..199] 200 pairs of subcase IDs and scale 4 byte, long integer
Subcase_scale[0.199] factors for SUBSEQ combinations. 4 byte, floating point
Written 10 pairs per line.
Options for NX, MSC Solver (if analysis set type set to NASTRAN)
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-49
NasCaseNL On 2 byte boolean
use_loadset 2 byte boolean
NasCaseNL1(10. nl_increments 4 byte, long integer
nl_time_increment 8 byte, double precision
nl_max_iter byte, floating point
nl_convergence_flags[0..3] 2 byte boolean
nl_convergence_value[0..3] 8 byte, double precision
nl_stiffness_method 4 byte, long integer
nl_kstep 4 byte, long integer
nl_intermediate_output 4 byte, long integer
nl_output_interval 4 byte, long integer
nl_solution_strategy 4 byte, long integer
NasCaseNL1a Nl_convergence_MSC[0..2] 2 byte boolean

NasCaseNL2 nl_solution_overrides 4 byte, long integer

nl_modnewton_line_search 2 byte boolean
nl_modnewton_quasi_newton 2 byte boolean
nl_modnewton_bisection 2 byte boolean
nl_arc_constraint_type 4 byte, long integer
nl_arc_min_adjust 8 byte, double precision
nl_arc_max_adjust 8 byte, double precision
nl_arc_load_scale 8 byte, double precision
nl_arc_desired_iter 4 byte, long integer
nl_arc_max_steps 4 byte, long integer
NasCaseNL3 nl_time_skip_adjust 4 byte, long integer
nl_dominant_period_steps 4 byte, long integer
nl_bounds_rb 8 byte, double precision
nl_stability_tolerance 8 byte, double precision
nl_divergence_limit 4 byte, long integer
nl_quasi_newton_vectorsnl_qu 4 byte, long integer
nl_max_line_search 4 byte, long integer
nl_line_search_tolerance 8 byte, double precision
nl_max_bisections 4 byte, long integer
nl_max_rotation 8 byte, double precision
NasCaseNL4 nl_fstress 8 byte, double precision
nl_max_adjust_vs_initial 8 byte, double precision
nl_creep 2 byte boolean
bSkipNLPARM(10.1.1+) 2 byte boolean
NasCaseNL5 nl_KDAMP 2 byte boolean
nl_KUPDATE 4 byte, long integer
NasCaseAE1 On 2 byte boolean

NasCaseAE2 mach_number 8 byte, double precision

dyn_pressure 8 byte, double precision
iJunk 4 byte, long integer
b_rtrim 2 byte boolean
bWriteTrim 2 byte boolean
The following row is repeated once for each standard trim variable (12)
NasCaseAE3 use 4 byte, long integer
id 4 byte, long integer
3..14 dval 8 byte, double precision
The following row is repeated once for each user defined trim variable (30)
NasCaseAE15 Use 4 byte, long integer
A-50 FEMAP Neutral File Format
id 4 byte, long integer
15..44 dval 8 byte, double precision
NasCaseFL1 On 2 byte boolean

NasCaseFL2 flMethod 4 byte, long integer

flDensID 4 byte, long integer
flMachFactID 4 byte, long integer
flRfreqFactID 4 byte, long integer
Flimethod 4 byte, long integer
Fleig 4 byte, long integer
NasCaseFL3 Fleps 8 byte, double precision
bWriteFlutter 2 byte boolean
sDampID 4 byte, long integer
NasCaseSE1 SELoad 4 byte, long integer
Options for NEi NASTRAN Solver (if analysis set type set to NASTRAN)
NasCaseNL On 2 byte boolean
use_loadset 2 byte boolean
NasCaseNL1(10. nl_increments 4 byte, long integer
nl_time_increment 8 byte, double precision
nl_max_iter byte, floating point
unused_boolean 2 byte boolean
unused_real 8 byte, double precision
nl_stiffness_method 4 byte, long integer
nl_kstep 4 byte, long integer
nl_intermediate_output 4 byte, long integer
nl_output_interval 4 byte, long integer
nl_solution_strategy 4 byte, long integer
nl_convergence_flags[0..3] 2 byte boolean
nl_convergence_value[0..3] 8 byte, double precision
NasCaseNL2 nl_solution_overrides 4 byte, long integer
nl_modnewton_line_search 2 byte boolean
nl_modnewton_quasi_newton 2 byte boolean
nl_modnewton_bisection 2 byte boolean
nl_arc_constraint_type 4 byte, long integer
nl_arc_min_adjust 8 byte, double precision
nl_arc_max_adjust 8 byte, double precision
nl_arc_load_scale 8 byte, double precision
nl_arc_desired_iter 4 byte, long integer
nl_arc_max_steps 4 byte, long integer
NasCaseNL3 nl_time_skip_adjust 4 byte, long integer
nl_dominant_period_steps 4 byte, long integer
nl_bounds_rb 8 byte, double precision
nl_stability_tolerance 8 byte, double precision
nl_divergence_limit 4 byte, long integer
nl_quasi_newton_vectorsnl_qu 4 byte, long integer
nl_max_line_search 4 byte, long integer
nl_line_search_tolerance 8 byte, double precision
nl_max_bisections 4 byte, long integer
nl_max_rotation 8 byte, double precision
NasCaseNL4 nl_fstress 8 byte, double precision
nl_max_adjust_vs_initial 8 byte, double precision
nl_creep 2 byte boolean
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-51
NasCaseNL5 rel_em_results 2 byte boolean

Options for ABAQUS Solver (if analysis set type set to ABAQUS)
1 on 2 byte boolean
2 time_period 8 byte, double precision
3 num_eigvectors
min_frequency 8 byte, double precision
4 output_intervals 4 byte, long integer
nonlinear_geometry 2 byte boolean
5 step_amplitude 2 byte unsigned
analysis_case_solution 4 byte unsigned
slide_distance 2 byte boolean

Options for ANSYS Solver (if analysis set type set to ANSYS)
1 MDOF_on 2 byte boolean
2 MDOF_do_set
MDOF_set 4 byte, long integer
3 MODAL_on 2 byte boolean
4 MODAL_num_modes 4 byte, long integer
MODAL_min_freq 8 byte, double precision
MODAL_element 2 byte boolean
MODAL_method 8 byte, double precision
5 HEAT_on 2 byte boolean
6 HEAT_end_time 8 byte, double precision
HEAT_output_freq 4 byte, long integer
Options for MSC.MARC Solver (if analysis set type set to MSC.MARC) Version 8.2 and later..
1 Marc History On 2 byte Boolean
2 Contact_Property 4 byte, long integer
3 Max_Residual 8 byte, double precision
Convergence_Method 4 byte, long integer
A-52 FEMAP Neutral File Format

NonPositive_Definite 2 byte boolean

4 Modal_min_freq 8 byte, double precision
Modal_eigenvectors 4 byte, long integer
5 Auto_Switch 2 byte boolean
Analysis_Case_Solution_Type 4 byte unsigned
Buckle_Num_Modes 4 byte, long integer
6 On 2 byte boolean
Arclength_Method 4 byte, long integer
Time_Period 8 byte, double precision
Scale_Factor 4 byte, long integer
7 Max_Steps
Quasi_Static_Damping 2 byte boolean
Fraction_For_First 8 byte, double precision
Max_Num_Increments 4 byte, long integer
Max_Fraction_for_all 8 byte, double precision
8 On 2 byte boolean
CtblID ID of contact table 4 byte, long integer
Num_contact Number of contact segments in the 4 byte, long integer
Write_contact_table Flag to write contact table for this 2 byte Boolean
Options for LS-DYNA3D Solver (if analysis set type set to LS-DYNA3D) Version 9.2 and later..
1 Dyna Hist On 2 byte Boolean
2 body_load_group 4 byte, long integer
mass_damping_on 2 byte Boolean
mass_damping 8 byte, double precision
3 implicit 2 byte Boolean
springback 2 byte Boolean
3a (11.1+) numProcessors 4 byte, long integer
analysis_memory 4 byte, long integer
4 total_time 8 byte, double precision
output_interval 8 byte, double precision
plate_integration_points 4 byte, long integer
5 group_history_ID 4 byte, long integer
strain_output 2 byte Boolean
time_history_output 8 byte, double precision
print_history_output 8 byte, double precision
End of Version 8.1 and later options.
Case 16 Nlines_start_text Number of lines of starting text 4 byte, long integer
Case 17..n Start_text starting text if nlines_start_text > 0 Character string(s)
Case n+1 Nlines_end_text Number of lines of ending text 4 byte, long integer
Case n+1+m End_text Ending text if nlines_end_text > 0 Character string(s)
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-53
Case End Case Terminator -1 to terminate last case 4 byte, long integer
Corr 1 CorrelationID ID of correlation (if 1 skip or end
Corr 2 Excited case ID of case to be excited
Applied_case ID of case to be applied
Scale[0..1] Correlation Scale factors 8 byte, double precision
Psd_function[0..1] Correlation functions 4 byte, long integer
Psd_interpolation[0..1] Correlation Interpolation 4 byte, long integer
Options for NASTRAN Solver (if analysis set type set to NASTRAN)
NasEx1 Exec_on 2 byte boolean
NasEx1 Version 4 byte, long integer
NasEx2 Output_dir Character string
NasEx2a(11.1+) AnalyzeFileName Character string
NasEx2b(11.2+) GPUFlag 2 byte boolean
GPUOpt 4 byte, long integer
GPUunused 2 byte boolean
NasEx3 Problem_id Character string
NasEx4 solution_name Character string
NasEx5 max_time 8 byte, double precision
NasEx6 diag Character string
NasEx7 iterative_solver 2 byte boolean
number_of_processors 4 byte, long integer
save_database_for_restart 2 byte boolean
restart_from_database 2 byte boolean
memory 4 byte, long integer
long_err_messages 2 byte boolean
Use Solution Monitor 2 byte boolean
NasEx8 (11.0+) allow_duplicate_node 4 byte, long integer
duplicate_search_distance 8 byte, double precision
write_seref_path 2 byte boolean
NasEx8(11.1+) restart_database Character string
NasEx8(11.1+) restart_read_only 2 byte boolean
restart_version 4 byte, long integer
restart_subcase 4 byte, long integer
NasEx8(11.1+) optimize_analysis_type 4 byte, long integer
optimize_track_modes 2 byte boolean
NasEx8a system_cell_overrides Character string
NasEx8 (11.1+) read_only 2 byte, boolean
version 4 byte, long integer
subcase 4 byte, long integer
NasEx8(11.1+) analysis_type enum zAnalysisType 4 byte, long integer
track_modes 2 byte, Boolean
NasEx8b Scratch_directory1 Character string
NasEx8c Scratch_directory2 Character string
NasEx8d Scratch_size1 4 byte, long integer
NasEx9 skip_standard 2 byte boolean
NasEx10 Nlines_start_text Number of lines of starting text 4 byte, long integer
NasEx11+ Start_text starting text if nlines_start_text > 0 Character string(s)
NasEx12 Nlines_end_text Number of lines of ending text 4 byte, long integer
NasEx13+ End_text Ending text if nlines_end_text > 0 Character string(s)
NasBu1 Bulk_on 2 byte boolean
A-54 FEMAP Neutral File Format

NasBu2 PARAMautospc 2 byte boolean

PARAMgrdpnt 2 byte boolean
PARAMwtmass 2 byte boolean
PARAMk6rot 2 byte boolean
PARAMmaxratio 2 byte boolean
PARAMndamp 2 byte boolean
PARAMinrel 2 byte boolean
PARAMlangle 2 byte boolean
PARAMprgpst 2 byte boolean
PARAMlgdisp 2 byte boolean
PARAMddrm 2 byte boolean
PARAMmodacc 2 byte boolean
PARAMresvec 2 byte boolean
PARAMresvec_on 2 byte boolean
PARAMogeom 2 byte boolean
PARAMautompc 2 byte boolean
PARAMautospcType 2 byte boolean
PARAMsrcomps 2 byte boolean
PARAMnofisr 2 byte boolean
PARAMlgstrn 2 byte boolean
end_text_at_end_of_file 2 byte boolean
NasBu3 PARAMVgrdpnt 4 byte, long integer
PARAMVwtmass 8 byte, double precision
PARAMVk6rot 8 byte, double precision
PARAMVmaxratio 8 byte, double precision
PARAMVndamp 8 byte, double precision
PARAMinrel 4 byte, long integer
NasBu3_a PARAMboltfact 2 byte boolean
PARAMVboltfact 8 byte, double precision
NasBu4 large_field_option 4 byte, long integer
QuadR_Opt 2 byte boolean
groupID 4 byte, long integer
skip_beam_shapes 2 byte boolean
rigid_thermal_expansion 2 byte boolean
cgap_as_contact 2 byte Boolean
Write Dynamic Loads 2 byte Boolean
PARAMresviner 2 byte Boolean
2 byte Boolean
(v11.0+) PARAMsecomb 2 byte Boolean
NasBu4_a PARAMbailout 2 byte Boolean
(v10.2+) SYS_Enfmotn 4 byte, long integer
NasBu4_b unused_integer
SYS_Enfmotn_on 2 byte Boolean

unused_real 8 byte, double precision
NasBu5 Skip_standard 2 byte boolean
NasBu6 Nlines_start_text Number of lines of starting text 4 byte, long integer
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-55
NasBu7+ Start_text starting text if nlines_start_text > 0 Character string(s)
NasBu8 Nlines_end_text Number of lines of ending text 4 byte, long integer
NasBu9+ End_text Ending text if nlines_end_text > 0 Character string(s)
NasNL1 Nonlin_on 2 byte boolean
NasNL2 NDT 4 byte, long integer
DT 8 byte, double precision
NO 4 byte, long integer
MAXITER 4 byte, long integer
NasNL3 EPS_flag[0..2] 2 byte boolean
EPS[0..2] 8 byte, double precision
NasNL4 (11.1+) nl_KDAMP 2 byte boolean
nl_KUPDATE 4 byte, long integer
NasMd1 Modes_on 2 byte boolean
NasMd2 eigr_set 4 byte, long integer
modal_method 4 byte, long integer
dynam_solution_typ 2 byte boolean
frequency_range[0..1] 8 byte, double precision
Skip_eigr 2 byte boolean
imaginary_freq_range[0.. 8 byte, double precision
complex_convergence 8 byte, double precision
complex_region_width 8 byte, double precision
NasMd3 estimated_roots 4 byte, long integer
desired_roots 4 byte, long integer
normalization_option 4 byte, long integer
normalization_node 4 byte, long integer
normalization_dof 4 byte, long integer
modal_mass_formulation 2 byte boolean
NasMxy1 On 2 byte boolean
(v8.1+) (v8.3+)
NasMxy2 Output_request[0..4] 4 byte, long integer
was [0..3] in (v8.1+)

Reference_node 4 byte, long integer

NasRan1 Random_on 2 byte boolean
NasRan2 op2_request[0] 4 byte, long integer
op2_request[1] 4 byte, long integer
NasRxy1 Randxy_on 2 byte boolean
NasRxy2 output_request[0..11] 2 byte boolean
NasRxy3 output_request[12..23] 2 byte boolean
NasRxy4 output_request[24..35] 2 byte boolean
NasRxy5 output_request[36..47] 2 byte boolean
NasRxy6 (9.1+) output_request[50..61] 2 byte boolean
NasRxy7 (9.1+) output_request[62..73] 2 byte boolean
NasRxy8 (9.1+) output_request[74..75] 2 byte boolean
NasRxy9 output_summary_only 2 byte boolean
node_groupID 4 byte, long integer
elem_groupID 4 byte, long integer
NasGrs1 Genspec_on ); 2 byte boolean
NasGrs2 output_request[0..8] 2 byte boolean
NasGrs3 output_request[9..17] 2 byte boolean
NasGrs4 output_absolute 2 byte boolean
node_groupID 4 byte, long integer
NasArs1 Appspec_on 2 byte boolean
A-56 FEMAP Neutral File Format

NasArs2 type 4 byte, long integer

funcID 4 byte, long integer
scale 8 byte, double precision
NasArs3 method 4 byte, long integer
closeness 8 byte, double precision
suportID 4 byte, long integer
dampID 4 byte, long integer
NasGCheck1 Gcheck_on 2 byte boolean
(8.2+) (v10.1+)
none 2 byte boolean
NasGCheck2 test[n] 2 byte boolean
n = 0 to 6 (8.2+)
NasGCheck3 test[n]
n =6 to 13 (8.2+)
NasGCheck4 test[n]
n =13 to20 (8.2+)
NasGCheck5 tol_value [n] 8 byte, double precision
n =0 to 6 (8.2+)
NasGCheck6 tol_value [n]
n =6 to 13 (8.2+)
NasGCheck7 tol_value [n]
n =13 to 20(8.2+)
NasGCheck8 msg_type [n] 4 byte, long integer
n =0 to 6 (8.2+)
NasGCheck9 msg_type [n]
n =6 to 13 (8.2+)
NasGCheck10 msg_type [n]
n =13 to 20

NasG2Check1 test[n] 2 byte boolean

n=0 to 2(11.1+)
n=0 to 3(11.2+)
NasG2Check2 tol_value [n] 8 byte, double precision
n=0 to 2(11.1+)
n=0 to 3(11.2+)
NasG2Check3 msg_type [n] 4 byte, long integer
n=0 to 2(11.1+)
n=0 to 3(11.2+)
NasGCheck11 Summary 2 byte boolean
Message_Limit 4 byte, long integer
ParabolicOn(11.2+) 2 byte boolean
NasMCheck1 Mcheck_On 2 byte boolean

NasMCheck2 Weight_dof_set[n]
N=0 to 5 (8.2+)
NasMCheck3 weight_cgi
weight_ref_node 4 byte, long integer
NasMCheck4 ground_dof_set[n] 2 byte boolean
N=0 to 4 (8.2+)
NasMCheck5 max_strain_energy 8 byte, double precision
Datarec_on 2 byte boolean
Datarec_tol 0(11.2+) 4 byte, long integer
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-57
NasNXNL1(9.0+) NXNL_On 2 byte boolean
NasNXNL2(9.0+) Max_Time_Steps 4 byte, long integer
NasNXNL3(9.0+) Number of Time Steps[0] 4 byte, long integer
Time Increment[0] 8 byte, double precision
Skip Factor[0] 4 byte, long integer

Number of Time Steps[9] 4 byte, long integer
Time Increment[9] 8 byte, double precision
Skip Factor[9] 4 byte, long integer
NasNXNL4(9.0+) SOLVER 4 byte, long integer
AUTO Auto Incrementation 4 byte, long integer
NPOSIT Continue when not positive definite 2 byte boolean
MASSTYP Mass Matrix Type 2 byte boolean
TINT Integration order thru Shell thick 4 byte, long integer
MSTAB Matrix Stabilization 2 byte boolean
MSFAC Matrix Stabilization Factor 8 byte, double precision
DTDELAY Element Death Time delay 8 byte, double precision
SDOFANG Shell DOF Angle 8 byte, double precision
UPFORM u/p formulation 2 byte boolean
NasNXNL5(9.0+) DISPOPT Prescribed displacement option 2 byte boolean
LOADOPT Applied Load option 2 byte boolean
ALPHA Newmark Time Integ alpha coeff 8 byte, double precision
DELTA Newmark Time Integ delta coeff 8 byte, double precision
ITEMAX Max iter for multigrid solver 4 byte, long integer
EPSIA Convergence Tolerance epsia 8 byte, double precision
EPSIB Convergence Tolerance epsib 8 byte, double precision
EPSII Convergence Tolerance epsii 8 byte, double precision
LSEARCH Line Search Flag 4 byte, long integer
MAXITE Max Iter per time step 4 byte, long integer
NasNXNL6 CONVCRI Convergence Critieria 4 byte, long integer
ETOL Relative Energy Tolerance 8 byte, double precision
RTOL Relative Force Tolerance 8 byte, double precision
RNORM Reference Force 8 byte, double precision
RMNORM Reference Moment 8 byte, double precision
RCTOL Relative Contact Force Tolerance 8 byte, double precision
DTOL Relative Displacement Tolerance 8 byte, double precision
DNORM Reference Translation 8 byte, double precision
DMNORM Reference Rotation 8 byte, double precision
STOL Line Search Convergence Tolerance 8 byte, double precision
NasNXNL7 RCONSM Reference Contact Force 8 byte, double precision
ENLSTH Line Search Energy Threshold 8 byte, double precision
ATSSUBD Auto Time Step Small Step Size 4 byte, long integer
ATSMXDT Auto Time Step Largest Step Size 8 byte, double precision
ATSNEXT Auto Time Step Size Flag 4 byte, long integer
ATSDFAC Division Factor for Sub Increment 8 byte, double precision
ATSLOWS Low Speed Dynamics Flag 2 byte boolean
ATSDAMP Low Speed Dynamics Damping Fac 8 byte, double precision
LDCGRID Node ID for Prescribed Displace 4 byte, long integer
LDCDOF DOF for Prescribed Displacement 4 byte, long integer
NasNXNL8(9.0+) LDCDISP Magnitude of Prescribed Displace 8 byte, double precision
LDCIMAX Displacement Convergence Factor 8 byte, double precision
LDCDMAX Max Displacement 8 byte, double precision
A-58 FEMAP Neutral File Format

LDCCONT Solution Termination after Critical 2 byte boolean

LDCSUBD Max Arc Length Subdivisions 4 byte, long integer
IMPACT Impact Control Scheme 4 byte, long integer
NSUPP Num Iterations for Pairing 4 byte, long integer
MODEX Restart Flag 2 byte boolean
TSTART Restart Solution Time 8 byte, double precision
IRINT Frequency of Results in File 4 byte, long integer
NasNXNL9(9.0+) NSUBGRP Number of Subgroups 4 byte, long integer
ELCV Conversion Flag 2 byte boolean
EQRBAR RBAR element option 4 byte, long integer
EQRBE2 RBE2 element option 4 byte, long integer
SPRINGK Stiffness of RBAR/RBE2 springs 8 byte, double precision
BEAME Youngs moduls for RBAR/RBE2 8 byte, double precision
BEAMA Effective cross section for 8 byte, double precision
RBAR/RBE2 elements
RBLCRIT Critical Length for RBAR/RBE2 8 byte, double precision
NasNXNL10(9.1 XSTEP Time Step Method 4 byte, long integer
XDTCAL Critical time step recalculation 4 byte, long integer
every XDTCAL steps
XDTFAC Critical time step factor 8 byte, double precision
XMSCALE Mass scale factor 8 byte, double precision
XDTMIN1 Min steps size to use mass scaling 8 byte, double precision
XDTMIN2 Max steps size to use mass scaling 8 byte, double precision
ICMODE Incompatible mode flag 0=off 1=on 4 byte, long integer
ULFORM Large strain formulation used 4 byte, long integer
NasNXNL11(9.2 RTSUBD Subdivision Method 4 byte, long integer
CSTYPE Contact Segment type 4 byte, long integer
ELRESCS Results in Material CSys 2 byte boolean
CTDISP Contact Disp Formulation 4 byte, long integer
CTDAMP Contact Damping Method 4 byte, long integer
CTDAMPN Contact Normal Damp Coeff 8 byte, double precision
CTDAMPT Contact Normal Damp Coeff 8 byte, double precision
NasNXNL12(10. MAXDISP 8 byte, double precision
0+) BOLTSTP 4 byte, long integer
CVSSVAL 2 byte boolean
XTCURVE 2 byte Boolean
RTALG 2 byte Boolean
TNSLCF 2 byte boolean
DRILLKF 8 byte, double precision
LSLOWER 8 byte, double precision
LSUPPER 8 byte, double precision
NasNXNL13(10. unused_integer 4 byte, long integer
2+) unused_integer
ATSMASS 8 byte, double precision
unused_boolean 2 byte Boolean
NasNXNL14(11. BEAMALG 2 byte Boolean

NasDDAM2(9.3 DDAM_Enabled 2 byte boolean

DDAM_IncludePath 2 byte boolean
DDAM_IsDDAM 2 byte boolean
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-59
DDAM_UseBuiltInCoeff 4 byte, long integer
DDAM_EquationType 4 byte, long integer
DDAM_SurfaceShip 4 byte, long integer
DDAM_EquipLoc 4 byte, long integer
DDAM_ElasticPlastic 4 byte, long integer
DDAM_ForeAftDir 4 byte, long integer
DDAM_VerticalDir 4 byte, long integer
NasDDAM3(9.3 DDAM_DirSequence 4 byte, long integer
DDAM_MassToWtFactor 8 byte, double precision
DDAM_WeightCutoffPct 8 byte, double precision
DDAM_GCutoff 8 byte, double precision
NasDDAM4(9.3 DDAM_SpecCoeffFile Character string

NasDDAM5(9.3 DDAM_CoeffFlag[0..6] Flags and coefficients for DDAM, 2 byte boolean

DDAM_CoeffVal[0..6] written Flag,Val, Flag, Val 8 byte, double precision
NasDDAM6(9.3 DDAM_CoeffFlag[7..13] Flags and coefficients for DDAM, 2 byte boolean
DDAM_CoeffVal[7..13] written Flag,Val, Flag, Val 8 byte, double precision
NasDDAM7(10.2 DDAM_ForceConv Force Conversion 8 byte, double precision
DDAM_AccelConv Acceleration Conversion 8 byte, double precision
NasRTR1 Rotor_On 2 byte boolean
NasRTR2(9.3+) Rotor_Enabled 2 byte boolean
Rotor_IncludePath 2 byte boolean
Rotor_SingleRotor 2 byte boolean
Rotor_FixedRefSys 2 byte boolean
Rotor_AsyncResponse 2 byte boolean
Rotor_SteinerInertia 2 byte boolean
Rotor_ForceExcitation 2 byte boolean
Rotor_CSVFile 2 byte boolean
Rotor_GPFFile 2 byte boolean
Rotor_InputUnits 4 byte, long integer
Rotor_OutputUnits 4 byte, long integer
Rotor_PrintedOutputSelection 4 byte, long integer
NasRTR3(9.3+) Rotor_RotorSpeedNumSteps 4 byte, long integer
Rotor_ComplexModeOutput 8 byte, double precision
Rotor_WhirlThreshold 8 byte, double precision
Rotor_ExcitationOrder 8 byte, double precision
Rotor_RotorSpeedStart 8 byte, double precision
Rotor_RotorSpeedStep 8 byte, double precision
NasRTR4(9.3+) Rotor_ModeSelection Mode selection string (max 60 char) Character string
NasDynam(10.1+) Dynam_On 2 byte boolean
use_loadset Flag to use options from Dynamic 2 byte Boolean
Load Set.
NasDynam1(10.1 dynam_damp_overall Overall Structural Damp Coeff 8 byte, double precision
dynam_damp_W3 Frequency for System Damp 8 byte, double precision
dynam_damp_W4 Frequency for Element Damp 8 byte, double precision
dynam_keep_freq[0..1] Range of Frequencies to include in 8 byte, double precision
further analyses
dynam_trans_dt Nonlinear Transient Time Step 8 byte, double precision
dynam_freq_table ID of function for Solution 4 byte, long integer
dynam_damp_modal_table ID of function for Modal Damping 4 byte, long integer
A-60 FEMAP Neutral File Format

dynam_keep_modes Number of Modes to Keep for 4 byte, long integer

Further Solutions
dynam_trans_time_steps Number of Transient Time Steps 4 byte, long integer
NasDynam2 dynam_trans_output_interval Transient Output Interval 4 byte, long integer
dynam_damp_modal_method 2 byte boolean
resp_spectrum 4 byte, long integer
dynam_no_freq[0..1] Frequencies Per mode 4 byte, long integer
dynam_log_inter[0..1] Logarithmic Interpolation 2 byte Boolean
dynam_freq_type[0..1] Input Type 4 byte, long integer
NasDynam3(10.1 dynam_min_freq[0..1] Max Solution Frequencies 8 byte, double precision
dynam_max_freq[0..1] Min Solution Frequencies 8 byte, double precision
dynam_spread_cluster[0..1] Spread Around Modes 8 byte, double precision
NasDynam4(10.2 dynam_PARAMmodal_on 2 byte boolean
dynam_PARAMfzero_on 2 byte boolean
dynam_PARAMfzero 8 byte, double precision
NasTos1(10.1+) Tosca_on 2 byte boolean
NasTos2(10.1+) tosca_enabled 2 byte boolean
NasTos3(10.1+) tosca_optType 4 byte, long integer
NasTos4(10.1+) tosca_setName Character string(s)
NasTos5(10.1+) tosca_partName Character string(s)
NasTos6(10.1+) tosca_datName Character string(s)
NasTos7(10.1+) tosca_path Character string(s)
NasTos8(10.1+) tosca_FreezeGroup_on 2 byte boolean
tosca_AutoFreeze_on 2 byte boolean
4 byte, long integer
unused boolean unused 2 byte boolean
tosca_Thickness_on 2 byte boolean
tosca_MaxWall_on 2 byte boolean
tosca_MinWall_on 2 byte boolean
tosca_Casting_on 2 byte boolean
tosca_Symmetry_on 2 byte boolean
tosca_SymPlane_on 2 byte boolean
tosca_CastPlane_on 2 byte boolean
NasTos9(10.1+) tosca_FreezeGroup 4 byte, long integer
NasTos10(10.1+) tosca_MaxWallT 8 byte, double precision
NasTos11(10.1+) tosca_CastMPNodeBase[0..2] 8 byte, double precision
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-61
NasTos12(10.1+) tosca_CastMPNodeNorm[0..2] 8 byte, double precision
NasTos13(10.1+) tosca_CastMPNodePt[0..2] 8 byte, double precision
NasTos14(10.1+) tosca_SymAngle 8 byte, double precision
NasTos15(10.1+) tosca_SymBase[0..2] 8 byte, double precision
NasTos16(10.1+) tosca_SymRot[0..2] 8 byte, double precision
NasTos17(10.1+) tosca_CastMidPlaneType 4 byte, long integer
tosca_OptSaveBDF 2 byte boolean
NasTos18(10.1+) tosca_SmoothType 4 byte, long integer
tosca_SmoothValue 8 byte, double precision
tosca_OptGenSectCuts unused 2 byte boolean
tosca_NumSectCuts unused 4 byte, long integer
tosca_NormVecSectCuts unused
tosca_OptNewOutGroup 2 byte boolean
NasTos19(10.2+) tosca_ResultsType 4 byte, long integer
tosca_STLGroup unused
tosca_SectionBase[0..2] unused 8 byte, double precision
tosca_SectionNormal[0..2] unused
tosca_SectionPoint[0..2] unused
tosca_SectionPlane unused 2 byte boolean
NasTos20(11.0+) tosca_SmoothImport unused 4 byte, long integer
tosca_ResultsImport unused 4 byte, long integer
tosca_MaxWallSpacing unused 8 byte, double precision
NasAero1(10.3+) On 2 byte boolean
NasAero2(10.3+) csID 4 byte, long integer
Baunit 2 byte Boolean
Daunit 8 byte, double precision
NasAero3(10.3+) refLength
NasAero4(10.3+) dynam_keep_freq[0]
dynam_keep_modes 4 byte, long integer
bPARAMfzero 2 byte Boolean
dPARAMfzero 8 byte, double precision
dynam_damp_modal_method 4 byte, long integer
dJunk 8 byte, double precision
OPPHIPA 2 byte Boolean
iJunk 4 byte, long integer
A-62 FEMAP Neutral File Format

NasExtSEOut1 on 2 byte Boolean


NasExtSEOut2 nExtID 4 byte, long integer

bmSTIFFNESS 2 byte Boolean
bmMASS 2 byte Boolean
bmK4DAMP 2 byte Boolean
bmLOADS 2 byte Boolean
eOutputTo enum zAnalysisExtSEOutTo 4 byte, long integer
nUnitID 4 byte, long integer
NasExtSEOut3 cAssignTitle Superelement file name Character string

NasExtSEOut4 boGEOM 2 byte Boolean

boASMBULK 2 byte Boolean
boEXTBULK 2 byte Boolean
NasExtSEOut5 nMinNodeID 4 byte, long integer
nMaxNodeID 4 byte, long integer
nMinElemID 4 byte, long integer
nMaxElemID 4 byte, long integer
NasExtSEOut6 nForm 4 byte, long integer

NasMCheck1 DataRecTolerance 8 byte, double precision


Contact Options for MSC/Nastran Solver (if analysis set type set to MSC/Nastran) (v11.2+ only)
NasMSCCt1 on 2 byte Boolean
bEnabled 2 byte Boolean
NasMSCCt2 DDULMT 8 byte, double precision
NasMSCCt3 TAUGMNT 2 byte Boolean
AUGMENT 4 byte, long integer
NasMSCCt4 BEAMB 2 byte Boolean
FTYPE 4 byte, long integer
NasMSCCt5 METHOD 4 byte, long integer
NLGLUE 2 byte Boolean
NODSEP 4 byte, long integer
SEGSYM 2 byte Boolean
NasMSCCt6 AUGDIST 8 byte, double precision
Options for NASTRAN Solver (if analysis set type set to NASTRAN) (v11.2+ only)
NasParam1 MGRID 2 byte Boolean
SWPANGLE 2 byte Boolean
MGRID 4 byte, long integer
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-63
NasParam2 dSWPANGLE 8 byte, double precision
Options for ABAQUS Solver (if analysis set type set to ABAQUS) (v8.1+ only)
Ab1 on 2 byte boolean
version 4 byte, long integer
Ab2 titles_as_set_names 2 byte boolean
Ab3 skip_standard
Ab4 Nlines_start_text Number of lines of starting text 4 byte, long integer
Ab5+ Start_text starting text if nlines_start_text > 0 Character string(s)
Ab6+ Nlines_end_text Number of lines of ending text 4 byte, long integer
Ab7+ End_text Ending text if nlines_end_text > 0 Character string(s)
Options for ANSYS Solver (if analysis set type set to ANSYS) (v8.1+ only)
An1 model_on 2 byte boolean
version 4 byte, long integer
An2 titles_as_set_names 2 byte boolean
write_group_as_sets 2 byte boolean
skip preprocess command 2 byte boolean
An3 title Character string(s)
An4 write_solution_commands 2 byte boolean
analysis_memory 4 byte, long integer
An5 skip_standard 2 byte boolean
An6 Nlines_start_text Number of lines of starting text 4 byte, long integer
An7+ Start_text starting text if nlines_start_text > 0 Character string(s)
An8 Nlines_end_text Number of lines of ending text 4 byte, long integer
An9+ End_text Ending text if nlines_end_text > 0 Character string(s)
An10 random_on 2 byte boolean
An11 random_disp_on
Options for FEMAP Structural Solver (if analysis set type set to FEMAP Structural)
Fsfil1 File_on 2 byte boolean
Fsfil2 logfile
Fsfil3 keep_logfile 2 byte boolean
echo_to_logfile 2 byte boolean
Fsfil4 hypermatrix1 Character string
Fsfil5 hypermatrix2 Character string
Fsfil6 keep_hypermatrix 2 byte boolean
Fsfil7 scratch1 Character string
Fsil8 scratch2 Character string
Fsdyn1 Dyn_on 2 byte boolean
Fsdyn2 solution_method 4 byte, long integer
mass_formulation 2 byte boolean
modal_damping 2 byte boolean
modal_normalization 2 byte boolean
A-64 FEMAP Neutral File Format

number_of_modes 4 byte, long integer

rigid_body_modes 4 byte, long integer
Fsdyn3 frequency_range_method 4 byte, long integer
frequency_range[0..1] 8 byte, double precision
Fsdyn4 mass_direction 4 byte, long integer
mass_tolerance 8 byte, double precision
iteration_vectors 4 byte, long integer
max_iterations 4 byte, long integer
significant_digits 4 byte, long integer
Fsht1 Heat_on 2 byte boolean
Fsht2 temperature_tolerance 8 byte, double precision
convergence_type 4 byte, long integer
max_iterations 4 byte, long integer
Fssolv1 Solv_on 2 byte boolean
Fssolv2 iterative 2 byte boolean
iter_convergence_tolerance 8 byte, double precision
iter_max_iterations 4 byte, long integer
Fssolv3 memory_iter_max 4 byte, long integer
memory_virtual_max 4 byte, long integer
memory_application_pct 4 byte, long integer
memory_fortran_pct 4 byte, long integer
Fssolv4 stress_stiffening 2 byte boolean
spin_softening 2 byte boolean
stiff_soft_loadcase 4 byte, long integer
shell_autorestraint 2 byte boolean
singularity_removal 2 byte boolean
Fssolv5 verification 2 byte boolean
shell_autorestraint_angle 8 byte, double precision
singularity_removal_criteria 8 byte, double precision
Fssolv6 node_group 4 byte, long integer
elem_group 4 byte, long integer

Options for MSC.MARC Solver (if analysis set type set to MSC.MARC) Version 8.2 and later..
Mar1 on 2 byte boolean
Mar2 skip_standard
Mar3 Nlines_start_text Number of lines of starting text 4 byte, long integer
Mar4+ Start_text starting text if nlines_start_text > 0 Character string(s)
Mar5+ Nlines_end_text Number of lines of ending text 4 byte, long integer
Mar6+ End_text Ending text if nlines_end_text > 0 Character string(s)
Mar7 Title Character string(s)
Mar8 work_space_vector 4 byte, long integer
Mar9 follower_on 2 byte boolean
follower_option 4 byte, long integer
plasticity_on 2 byte boolean
plasticity_option 4 byte, long integer
elasticity_on 2 byte boolean
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-65
Mar10 echo_input_data
plate_integration_points 4 byte, long integer
Mar11 dist_loads_on 2 byte boolean
dist_loads_list 4 byte, long integer
tying_on 2 byte boolean
tying_ce 4 byte, long integer
Mar12 out_of_core 2 byte boolean
core_value 4 byte, long integer
processors 2 byte boolean
No_cpu 4 byte, long integer
parallel 2 byte boolean
Options for LS-DYNA3D Solver (if analysis set type set to LS-DYNA3D) Version 9.2 and later..
Dyn1 on 2 byte boolean
Dyn2 export_rigid_nodes 2 byte boolean
material_based_parts 2 byte boolean
write_groups_as_sets 2 byte Boolean
Dyn3 skip_standard 2 byte boolean
Dyn4 Nlines_start_text Number of lines of starting text 4 byte, long integer
Dyn5+ Start_text starting text if nlines_start_text > 0 Character string(s)
Dyn6+ Nlines_end_text Number of lines of ending text 4 byte, long integer
Dyn7+ End_text Ending text if nlines_end_text > 0 Character string(s)

Data Block 823 - API User Data

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of User Data Object 4 byte, long integer
Size Number of bytes of data in this object 4 byte, long integer
2..n each line Data Each byte of data in the object is written as an 4 byte, long integer
contains up to integer (0..255) which represents the ASCII
25 integers value of that byte. There is no way to interpret
until "Size" the meaning of the data unless you know the
bytes are format that created it.

Data Block 824 - API Set Data

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of User Set Object 4 byte, long integer
2..n each line startID Minimum entity ID in selected range. Must be 4 byte, long integer
contains a -1 for last range to end the set.
range of IDs stopID Maximum entity ID in selected range. If 0, 4 byte, long integer
that are then stopID=startID and this record selects a
selected single ID.
A-66 FEMAP Neutral File Format

Data Block 1029 - FREQ Data

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of FREQ data 4 byte, long integer
type Type of FREQ data equivalent to Nastran 4 byte, long integer
FREQ* cards (0=FREQ, 1=FREQ1,
2=FREQ2, 3=FREQ3, 4=FREQ4, 5=FREQ5)
2 FirstFreq First Frequency used by types 1 to 5 8 byte, double precision
LastFreq Last Frequency used by types 2 to 5 8 byte, double precision
DeltaFreq Frequency increment used by type 1 8 byte, double precision
3 Spread Fractional spread for type 4 8 byte, double precision
Cluster Controls clustering of excitation frequencies 8 byte, double precision
for type 3
4 nFreq Number of frequency increments for type 1 4 byte, long integer
Number of frequency logarithmic intervals for
type 2
Number of excitation frequencies for type 3
Number of frequencies per spread mode for
type 4
Log Controls if log or linear used for interpolation 2 byte Boolean
of excitation frequencies for type 3
If type=0 (final record has FreqID= -1 and dFreq = 0.0)
1 record for FreqID ID of frequency value (consecutive from 1) 4 byte, long integer
each freq plus dFreq Frequency Value 8 byte, double precision
If type=5 (final record has FreqID= -1 and dFraction = 0.0)
1 record for FreqID ID of frequency fraction (consecutive from 1) 4 byte, long integer
each freq plus dFraction Fraction of natural frequencies in the range 8 byte, double precision
final FirstFreq to LastFreq

Data Block 1046 Set Lists

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of Set List Object 4 byte, long integer
2..n each line startID Minimum entity ID in selected range. Must be 4 byte, long integer
contains a -1 for last range to end the set.
range of IDs stopID Maximum entity ID in selected range. If 0, 4 byte, long integer
that are then stopID=startID and this record selects a
selected single ID.

Data Block 1060 Aero Panels

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of aero panel 4 byte, long integer
color ID of color
Property ID ID of property
type Panel type 0=Panel, 1=Slender Body
layer ID of layer
2 title Panel Title (max 79 char) character string
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-67
3 icp Orientation CSys 4 byte, long integer
nSpan Number of span divisions
nChord Number of chord divisions
nLspanID ID of Aero_Div_Rec containing custom
nLchordID ID of Aero_Div_Rec containing custom
nIgid Interference group ID
4 vPt1[0..2] x,y,z coordinates of point 1 8 byte, double precision
5 vPt4[0..2] x,y,z coordinates of point 4
6 dChord12 Edge 12 chord length
dChord34 Edge 34 chord length

Data Block 1061 Aero Properties

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of aero property 4 byte, long integer
color ID of color
type Property Type 0=Panel, 1=Slender Body
layer ID of layer
2 title Property Title (max 79 char) character string
3 nVal[0..14] see Aero Property Values table 4 byte, long integer
4 dVal[0..9] see Aero Property Values table 8 byte, double precision

Aero Property Values

Type Value Description Locations
Aero Body PAERO 2
Interger Values
AP_I_ORIENT Orientation flag. nVal[0]
AP_I_LRSB ID of Aero_Div_List record containing nVal[1]
slender body half widths
AP_I_LRIB ID of Aero_Div_List record containing nVal[2]
interference body half widths
AP_I_LTH1 ID of Aero_Div_List record containing theta nVal[3]
array 1
AP_I_LTH2 ID of Aero_Div_List record containing theta nVal[4]
array 2
AP_I_THI1 The first and last interference element of a nVal[5]
AP_I_THI2 body to use theta 1 nVal[6]
AP_I_THI3 array; the others use the theta 2 array nVal[7]
AP_I_THN1 nVal[8]
AP_I_THN2 nVal[9]
AP_I_THN3 nVal[10]
Real Values
AP_D_WIDTH Reference half-width dVal[0]
AP_D_AR Aspect ratio of the interference tube dVal[1]

Data Block 1062 Aero Splines

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of aero spline 4 byte, long integer
color ID of color
A-68 FEMAP Neutral File Format

type Spline Type 0=Surface, 1=Beam

layer ID of layer
2 title Spline Title (max 79 char) character string
3 icaero Aero panel or body ID 4 byte, long integer
ibox1 First box or body element whose motions are
ibox2 Last box or body element whose motions are
setg Group ID
meth Method for the spline fit: IPS = 0,TPS = 1,
FPS = 2
4 nelem The number of FE elements along the local
spline x-axis
melem The number of FE elements along the local
spline y-axis
usage Spline usage flag: FORCE =0, DISP=1,
cid Coordinate system for which the y-axis
defines the axis of the spline
5 dz Linear attachment flexibility 8 byte, double precision
dtor Torsional flexibility ratio
dthx Rotational attachment flexibility Rx
dthy Rotational attachment flexibility Ry

Data Block 1063 Aero Surfaces

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of aero control surface 4 byte, long integer
color ID of color
layer ID of layer
2 title Property Title (max 79 char) character string
3 Label Control Surface label( max 8 char )
4 csys Control Surface y-axis orientation CSys 4 byte, long integer
aeid ID of CFemapList containing aerodynamic
elements that make up the control surface
5 csys1 Control Surface y-axis orientation csys
aeid1 ID of CFemapList containing aerodynamic
elements that make up the control surface
6 ldw Linear downwash flag 2 byte Boolean
7 crefc Reference chord length for the control surface. 8 byte, double precision
crefs Reference surface area for the control surface
pllim Lower and upper deflection limits for the
pulim control surface
hmllim Lower and upper hinge moment limits for the
hmulim control surface
8 tqllim Femap function ID defining lower and upper 4 byte, long integer
tqulim deflection limits

Data Block 1064 Aero Divisions

Record Field Description Size
1 setID Set ID of aero div record 4 byte, long integer
2 count Max number of division values
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-69
3 val[0..count-1] division values. (count entries, 5 values per 8 byte, double precision
record. )

Data Block 430 Active Views

Record Field Description Size
1 record for ID ID of view (-1 indicates final view) 4 byte, long integer
each active
view plus final

Data Block 431 - Free Edge Lists

Record Field Description Size
Data for this data block is only available for views where you have calculated free edges (i.e. a free edge plot). Free
edges are NOT recalculated during the translation. Only written if addl info is picked.
1 ID ID of view 4 byte, long integer
1 record per elementID ID of element which has free edge (-1 for last
free edge plus record)
node1 ID of first Node on free edge
node2 ID of second Node on free edge

Data Block 432 - Free Face Lists

Record Field Description Size
Data for this data block is only available for views where you have calculated free faces (i.e. either shown a hidden
line or free face plot). Free faces are NOT recalculated during the translation. Only written if addl info is picked.
1 ID ID of view 4 byte, long integer
1 record per elementID ID of element which has free face (-1 for last
free face plus record)
faceID Index of free face on element elementID - like
face ID of loads

Data Block 433 - Model Max/Min ID Info (Obsolete)

Record Field Description Size
1 record per data_type Type of entity 2 byte integer
data type
minID Minimum ID in Model (if less than maxID, 4 byte, long integer
none exist
maxID Maximum ID in Model
inc Current creation increment
num Number of Entities in Model
Max/Min Entity Types
3 Point 9 CSys 22 View
4 Curve 10 Material 24 Group
A-70 FEMAP Neutral File Format

5 Surface 11 Property 27 Variable

6 Volume 12 Load Set 28 Output Set
7 Node 17 Constraint Set 32 Boundary
8 Element 21 Text 35 Function

Data Block 533 - Model Max/Min ID Info

Record Field Description Size
1 record per data_type Type of entity 2 byte integer
data type
minID Minimum ID in Model (if less than maxID, 4 byte, long integer
none exist
maxID Maximum ID in Model
inc Current creation increment
num Number of Entities in Model

Max/Min Entity Types

3 Point 10 Material 27 Variable
4 Curve 11 Property 28 Output Set
5 Surface 12 Load Set 32 Boundary
6 Volume 17 Constraint Set 35 Function
7 Node 21 Text 39 Solid
8 Element 22 View
9 CSys 24 Group

Data Block 540 - Model Notes

Record Field Description Size
1 setID ID of set 4 byte, long integer
size siz of string
text Multi-Line text Multi-Line character string

Data Block 941 - References

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of reference 4 byte, long integer
ReadFrom FEMAP Interface used to read file
ReadTime Date/Time file was read
ReadFileTime Modification Date/Time of file when it was
ReadType Any=0, Geometry=1, Model=2, Results=3
2 FileName Name of file that is referenced character string
3 FileParent Name of parent assembly file if required character string

Data Block 942 Color Palette

Record Field Description Size
1..150 ID Index of the color being defined (starts with 0) 4 byte, long integers
Red The Red, Green and Blue components (0..255)
Greeen of the color being defined

Data Block 943 Output Orientation

Record Field Description Size
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-71
1 SolidIsotropic 0..Material Direction, 1..Global Rectangular, 4 byte, long integers
SolidAnisotropic 2..Element
2 Tria3Stress 0= First Edge 1= Midside Locations 4 byte, long integers
3 Quad4Stress 0= First Edge 1= Midside Locations, 4 byte, long integers
Quad4Strain 2=Diagonal Bisector

Data Block 1044 Entity Visibility

Record Field Description Size
1 EntityType Entity Type to set visibility 4 byte, long integer
(10=Matl,11=Prop, 10000000=Element Type,
10000001=Element Shape)
1 record for HiddenEntityID ID of Entity that is not visible for Matl and 4 byte, long integer
each hidden Prop. For Element Type and Shape the value
item corresponding to the type/shape.

Element Shape (0=Line2, 1=Line3, 2=Tri3,

3=Tri6, 4=Quad4, 5=Quad8, 6=Tetra4,
7=Wedge6, 8=Brick8, 9=Point, 10=Tetra10,
11=Wedge15, 12=Brick20, 13=Rigid,
15=MultiList, 16=Contact, 17=Weld)

Element Types can be found in the Property

Value table.

Data Block 1045 Forced Response Data

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of forced response data 4 byte, long integer
Currently must be 1
2 OverallStructDampOn Controls if overall structural damping is used 2 byte Boolean
OverallStructDamp Overall structural damping value 8 byte, double precision
3 ModalViscousDamp Controls if modal viscous damping is used 2 byte Boolean
FunctionID Function ID of modal viscous damping 4 byte, long integer
4 LoadSetID Forced response load set ID 4 byte, long integer
5 OutputVectors Controls whether results saved as output 2 byte Boolean
vectors or functions
OutputVectorsForMod Controls whether output vectors are saved for 2 byte Boolean
the whole model or just a group
FuncForGroup Controls whether functions are saved for a 2 byte Boolean
group or a single entity
6 ContribVsFreq Controls whether functions of modal 2 byte Boolean
contribution vs frequency are saved
A-72 FEMAP Neutral File Format

ContribVsMode Controls whether functions of modal 2 byte Boolean

contribution vs mode number are saved
MagPhase Controls whether output is in the form of 2 byte Boolean
magnitude and phase or in the form of real
and imaginary
Phase360 Controls whether phase values are in the 2 byte Boolean
range 0 to 360 or -180 to 180
7 NodeGroupID ID of group of nodes used for nodal result 4 byte, long integer
output vectors or functions
NodeID ID of a single node for function output 4 byte, long integer
8 NodeDisplacement Controls if displacement results saved 2 byte Boolean
NodeAppliedLoad Controls if applied load results saved 2 byte Boolean
NodeConstrForce Controls if constraint force results saved 2 byte Boolean
NodeEqnForce Controls if equation force results saved 2 byte Boolean
NodeVelocity Controls if velocity results saved 2 byte Boolean
NodeAcceleration Controls if acceleration results saved 2 byte Boolean
9 ElemGroupID ID of group of nodes used for element result 4 byte, long integer
output vectors or functions
ElemID ID of a single element for function output 4 byte, long integer
10 ElemForce Controls if element force results saved 2 byte Boolean
ElemStress Controls if stress results saved 2 byte Boolean
ElemStrain Controls if strain results saved 2 byte Boolean
1 record for ModeID IDs of normal modes used in forced response 4 byte, long integer
each mode + Last record has ModeID= -1
1 record for FREQID IDs of FREQ data used to define frequencies 4 byte, long integer
each FREQ + Last record has FREQID = -1

Data Block 430 - Active Views

Record Field Description Size
1 record for ID ID of view (-1 indicates final view) 4 byte, long integer
each active
view plus final

Data Block 450 - Output Sets

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of output set 4 byte, long integers
2 title Output Set title (max 79 char) character string
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-73
3 from_prog Analysis program where output came from 4 byte, long integers
(0=Unknown, 1=FEMAP Generated, 2=PAL,
9=FEMAP Neutral, 10=ALGOR,
11=SSS/NASTRAN, 12=Comma Separated,
18=MTAB/SAP, 19=CDA/Sprint,
28=CFDesign, 31=LS-DYNA, 32=MARC,
33=SINDA, 34=NE/Nastran, 36=TMG,
37=FEMAP Structural, 38=VR/Nastran,
39=NX Nastran )
anal_type Type of analysis (0=Unknown, 1=Static,
2=Modes, 3=Transient, 4=Frequency
Response, 5=Response Spectrum, 6=Random,
7=Linear Buckling, 8=Design Opt, 9=Explicit,
10=Nonlinear Static, 11=Nonlinear Buckling,
12=Nonlinear Transient, 19=Comp Fluid
Dynamics, 20=Steady State Heat Transfer,
21=Transient Heat), 22=Advanced Nonlinear
Static, 23=Advanced Nonlinear Transient,
24=Advanced Nonlinear Explicit, 25=Static
Aeroelasticity, 26=Aerodynamic Flutter)
ProcessType(11.2+) Processing option for As Needed Output 4 byte, long integers
Sets ( 0=None, 1=Linear Combination, 2=RSS
Combination, 3=Max Envelope, 4=Min
Envelope, 5=AbsMax Envelope, 6=Max
Envelope SetID, 7=Min Envelope SetID,
8=AbsMax Envelope SetID)
IntegerFormat(11.2+) 2 byte, Boolean
4 value Time or Frequency value for this case. 0.0 for 8 byte, double precision
static analysis.
5 nlines Number of lines of text in the following notes 4 byte, long integers
nlines records notes One or more lines of text. Number in previous character string
6 (11.0+) Attach ID When output is imported into the database, the 4 byte, long integers
Location ID Attach ID will always be 0 and the Location
ID can only be 0 (Auto) or 1 (Database).

When output is attached, the Attach ID will be

the ID shown in the Manage Results Files
dialog box for a particular results file and the
Location ID is based on the type of results file
attached (2=OP2 file, 3=FNO file, 4=DO
NOT USE, 5=XDB file, 6=CSV file)
StudyID ID of Analysis Study
The following rows are only used for As Needed Result Combination Sets. Last Row will be present for all sets
in V11.2+
1 record for DataType Either AnalysisStudy or ResultSet. -1 for last 4 byte, long integers
each record
combination SetID ID of AnalysisStudy where combination will 4 byte, long integers
factor plus
final(11.2+) be created or Result Set being combined
Factor Scale Factor (not used for Analysis Study) 8 byte, double precision
A-74 FEMAP Neutral File Format

Data Block 451 - Output Data Vectors (obsolete)

Record Field Description Size
1 setID ID of output set 4 byte, long integers
vecID ID of output vector, must be unique in each
output set
1 Always 1 2 byte, Boolean
2 title Output Vector title (max 79 char) character string
3 min_val Minimum value in vector 8 byte, double precision
max_val Maximum value in vector. If max_val <
min_val, FEMAP will search the output for
the max, min and abs_max values.
abs_max Maximum absolute value in vector
4 comp[0..9] Component vectors. Either zero, or the IDs of 4 byte, long integers
the X,Y,Z components, or the IDs of the
corresponding elemental corner output. See
5 comp[10..19]
6 (10.0+) DoubleSidedContour 4 byte, long integers
7 id_min ID of entity where minimum value occurs. (0
if FEMAP will recalc max/min)
id_max ID of entity where maximum value occurs (0
if FEMAP will recalc max/min)
out_type Type of output (0=Any, 1=Disp, 2=Accel,
3=Force, 4=Stress, 5=Strain, 6=Temp,
ent_type Either nodal (7) or elemental (8) output
8 calc_warn If 1, can not linearly combine this output 2 byte, boolean
comp_dir If 1, comp[0..2] are the X,Y,Z component 4 byte, long integers
values. If 2, data at end of Beams. If 3, reverse
data at second end of beam.
cent_total If 1, this vector has centroidal or nodal output. 2 byte, boolean
1 record for entityID ID of node or element for output. Must be -1 4 byte, long integers
each entity, for last record.
plus last
value Output value for this entity 8 byte, double precision

Data Block 1051 - Output Data Vectors

Record Field Description Size
1 setID ID of output set 4 byte, long integers
vecID ID of output vector, must be unique in each
output set
1 Always 1 2 byte, Boolean
2 title Output Vector title (max 79 char) character string
3 min_val Minimum value in vector 8 byte, double precision
max_val Maximum value in vector. If max_val <
min_val, FEMAP will search the output for
the max, min and abs_max values.
abs_max Maximum absolute value in vector
4 comp[0..9] Component vectors. Either zero, or the IDs of 4 byte, long integers
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-75
the X,Y,Z components, or the IDs of the
corresponding elemental corner output. See
5 comp[10..19]
6 (10.0+) DoubleSidedContour 4 byte, long integers
7 id_min ID of entity where minimum value occurs. (0
if FEMAP will recalc max/min)
id_max ID of entity where maximum value occurs (0
if FEMAP will recalc max/min)
out_type Type of output (0=Any, 1=Disp, 2=Accel,
3=Force, 4=Stress, 5=Strain, 6=Temp,
ent_type Either nodal (7) or elemental (8) output
compute_type(11.2+) The combination type for this output vector
(0=None, 1=Magnitude, 2=Average,
3=CornerAverage, 4=PrinStressA,
5=PrinStressB, 6=PrinStressC,
8 calc_warn If 1, can not linearly combine this output 2 byte, boolean
comp_dir If 1, comp[0..2] are the X,Y,Z component 4 byte, long integers
values. If 2, data at end of Beams. If 3, reverse
data at second end of beam.
cent_total If 1, this vector has centroidal or nodal output. 2 byte, boolean
integer_format(11.2+) If True, vector contains integer rather than 2 byte, boolean
floating point results
Repeated Records for all of the results values in one of two formats which can alternate depending on the
entity numbering in your model. When reading the file, FEMAP reads a record and if there are only two
fields it assumes it is Format 1, if there are more fields, then it must be Format 2.
Format 1 entityID ID of the single node/element for results 4 byte, long integers
value result value 8 byte, double precision
Format 2 start_entityID First ID 4 byte, long integers
end_entityID Final ID
values[0..n] Values for each entity from start_entityID to
end_entityID. Results for all IDs in this range
are included no holes. Values are written so
there are a total of 10 fields on each line.
Therefore the first line has 2 IDs and 8 values,
remaining lines have 10 values (last line may
be less)

Output Components
The components are 20 Vector IDs of other vectors that are "components" of the current vector. There are several
possible ways these components are used:
In this case Components 0, 1, and 2 are the Vector IDs of the X, Y, and Z component Vectors respectively. An
example of this type of usage is Vector 1 (TOTAL TRANSLATION) which has Component 0=2(X
TRANSLATION), Component 1=3(Y TRANSLATION) and Component 2=4(Z TRANSLATION). These
A-76 FEMAP Neutral File Format

components MUST be defined for deformed/animated plotting to work correctly. Components 3 through 19 must be
0 for this case.
In this case, if plotting should occur in Global X then Component 0 must equal the current Vector ID. If Global Y,
then Component 1 = current Vector ID, and if Global Z then Component 2 = current Vector ID. All other
Components must equal 0 (i.e. only 1 nonzero component and it is equal to the current Vector ID).
In this case, the number of nonzero components depends upon the number of nodes on this element type (for
example, output for linear plates has 4 components-4 nodes/corners). The nonzero components must equal the
Vector IDs of the same type of data at the corners of the elements. For example, if the current vector is 7033
(CENTROIDAL VON MISES STRESS) then component 0 may be 20133 (CORNER1 VON MISES STRESS) and
component 1 may be 30133 (CORNER2 VON MISES STRESS) etc... If you do not have corner data, all
components must be 0. If the components are defined, FEMAP will use the corner data (not the data in the current
vector) when calculating data at nodes (like for contouring). If no components are defined, FEMAP will
assign the centroidal value to each node when doing the calculation.
This is just like the previous case. The first component is the vector ID of the End A data, the second component is
the vector ID of the End B data. This type of output also requires special settings in the "comp_dir" variable. Set
"comp_dir" to 2 if you want FEMAP to use the data as it is specified. Set "comp_dir" to 3 if you want FEMAP to
reverse the sign of all End B data when doing a Beam Diagram. This adjusts for differences in sign conventions
between the various analysis programs.
All components should be 0. This will force the data in the current vector to be used for every case. The current
setting of the View Option Deformed Style - Deformed Direction option, will control the Deformed plotting

Output Vector IDs

If you are writing your own Neutral Files, you can choose any vector IDs that you want, but the normal conventions
used by FEMAP are as follows:

Standard Output Vectors

Category Vector Range Type
1 to 9,999,999 (magnitude, 1 to 2,999 Nodal Output
or non-complex) 3,000 to 5,999 Line Element Output
60,00 to 59,999 Plate Element Output
60,000 to 79,999 Solid Element Output
80,000 to 89,999 Output on Any Element Type
90,000 to 99,999 PATRAN Elemental Output
100,000 to 299,999 Plate Corner Output
1,000,000 to 6,000,000 Laminate Ply Output
9,000,000 to 9,999,999 User Defined Output
10,000,001 to 20,000,000 Same definition as magnitude data, just add 10,000,000 to IDs.
(complex, phase)
20,000,001 to 30,000,000 Same definition as magnitude data, just add 20,000,000 to IDs.
(complex, real)
30,000,001 to 40,000,000 Same definition as magnitude data, just add 30,000,000 to IDs.
(complex, imaginary)
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-77
Data Block 1070 Freebody Objects
Record Field Description Size
1 ID Freebody ID 4 byte, long integers
Freebody mode 0 = freebody, 1 = interface, 2=section cut(11.2+)
out_sys Freebody output coordinate system
group Freebody Group ID
-1 = Active
0 = Select
1+ = ID
2 title Output Vector title (max 79 char) character string
3 X Freebody total summation vector X location 8 byte, double precision
(CSys 0)
Y Freebody total summation vector Y location
(CSys 0)
Z Freebody total summation vector Z location
(CSys 0)
4 node_list_ID List ID for nodes 4 byte, long integers
elem_list_ID List ID for elements 4 byte, long integers
5 include_applied Include applied loads; 0 = no, 1 = yes 2 byte, boolean
include_spc Include reaction loads
include_mpc Include multipoint reaction load
include_internal Include freebody element loads
include_external Include peripheral element loads
include_total Include total summation loads
6 include_sum_fx Include X forces in total summation 2 byte, boolean
include_sum_fy Include X forces in total summation
include_sum_fz Include X forces in total summation
include_sum_mx Include X forces in total summation
include_sum_my Include X forces in total summation
include_sum_mz Include X forces in total summation
7 color_total_force Total summation force vector color 4 byte, long integers
color_total_moment Total summation moment vector color 4 byte, long integers
color_nodal_force Nodal force vector(s) color 4 byte, long integers
color_nodal_moment Nodal moment vector(s) color 4 byte, long integers
color_node_marker Node marker color 4 byte, long integers
8 sum_force_display Total summation force vector display mode 4 byte, long integers
0 = off, 1 = component, 2 = resultant
sum_moment_display Total summation force vector display mode
0 = off, 1 = component, 2 = resultant
sum_display_fx Display X component of force in total 2 byte, boolean
summation vector
sum_display_fy Display Y component of force in total
summation vector
sum_display_fz Display Z component of force in total
summation vector
sum_display_mx Display X component of moment in total
summation vector
sum_display_my Display Y component of moment in total
summation vector
sum_display_mz Display Z component of moment in total
summation vector
A-78 FEMAP Neutral File Format

9 nodal_force_display Nodal vector display mode 4 byte, long integers

0 = off, 1 = component, 2 = resultant
nodal_moment_display Nodal vector display mode
0 = off, 1 = component, 2 = resultant
nodal_display_fx Display X component of force in nodal 2 byte, boolean
nodal_display_fy Display Y component of force in nodal
nodal_display_fz Display Z component of force in nodal vectors
nodal_display_mx Display X component of moment in nodal
nodal_display_my Display Y component of moment in nodal
nodal_display_mz Display Z component of moment in nodal
10 (11.0+) sum_coordinate_sys Coordinate system for summation vector 4 byte, long integer
layer Layer 4 byte, long integer
11 (11.1+) alternate_l_applied Allow alternate vector for applied load 2 byte, boolean
alternate_l_spc Allow alternate vector for SPC contribution
alternate_l_mpc Allow alternate vector for MPC contribution
use_nodal_output_cs Use nodal output CS for nodal vectors
reverse_total_values 2 byte, boolean

12 (11.2+) Section_mode 4 byte, long integer

Section_plane_cs 4 byte, long integer
Section_tolerance 8 byte, double precision
Section_radius 8 byte, double precision
Section_curve 4 byte, long integer
Section_reverse 2 byte, boolean
13 (11.2+) SectionPlaneBase[0.. 8 byte, double precision
SectionPlaneNormal[ 8 byte, double precision
14 (11.2+) SectionVectorBase[0. 8 byte, double precision
SectionVectorTip[0.. 8 byte, double precision
15(11.2+) SectionIncludeClip 2 byte, boolean
SectionLimitToGrp 2 byte, boolean
SectionGroupID 4 byte, long integer
SectionSumLoc 4 byte, long integer
SectionRotateSum 2 byte, boolean
16(11.2+) SectionXAxis[0..2] 8 byte, double precision
SectionTangAxis 4 byte, long integer
SectionCSysType 4 byte, long integer
17(11.2+) SectionLocation 8 byte, double precision
SectionMaster 4 byte, long integer
18(11.2+) EnableUserContrib[0. 2 byte, boolean
19(11.2+) UserContrib0[0..5] 4 byte, long integer
20(11.2+) UserContrib1[0..5] 4 byte, long integer
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-79
21(11.2+) UserContrib2[0..5] 4 byte, long integer
22(11.2+) RevUserContrib0[0..2 2 byte, boolean
23(11.2+) TotalAxialAxis 4 byte, long integer
NodalAxialAxis 4 byte, long integer

Data Block 1071 Freebody Cache

Record Field Description Size
1 ID Freebody ID 4 byte, long integers
2..n Cache entities[0..9] Cached entity IDs written up to 10 per line. 4 byte, long integers
Last line ends with -100

Data Block 1052 - Output Attach (v11.0+)

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of Attached Output 4 byte, long integers
2 Analysis Program 4=MSC/NASTRAN, 34=NE/Nastran, 39=NX 4 byte, long integers
Analysis Type Type of analysis (0=Unknown, 1=Static,
2=Modes, 3=Transient, 4=Frequency
Response, 5=Response Spectrum, 6=Random,
7=Linear Buckling, 8=Design Opt, 9=Explicit,
10=Nonlinear Static, 11=Nonlinear Buckling,
12=Nonlinear Transient, 19=Comp Fluid
Dynamics, 20=Steady State Heat Transfer,
21=Transient Heat), 22=Advanced Nonlinear
Static, 23=Advanced Nonlinear Transient,
24=Advanced Nonlinear Explicit, 25=Static
Aeroelasticity, 26=Aerodynamic Flutter
3 Attached output Output file path ( 259 char max) character string
4 Title Output title (159 char max) character string
5 Subtitle Output subtitle (159 char max) character string
6 Label Output label (159 char max) character string
7 File Size Output File size in bytes. 8 byte, integer
Attach Status 0=Unloaded,1=Open , 2= Loaded 4 byte, long integers
Missing/Changed, 3=Error, 4= Unloaded
File Time Time of last modification of file. 4 byte, long integers
8 (11.1+) ResultsDest Results Location (0=Auto, 1=Database, 4 byte, long integers
2=OP2, 3=FNO, 4=Scratch, 5=XDB, 6=CSV,
7=Virtual Results

Data Block 1053 - Output Attach Case (v11.0+)

Record Field Description Size
1 Attached Output File ID of Attached Output 4 byte, long integers
ncount Number of Output Cases in this output file
The following Records ( 2-4 ) are repeated once for each output set(ncount) in the Attached Output File
2 ID ID of Femap output case 4 byte, long integers
3 subcaseID Solution Subcase
stepID Solution Output Step
Is Time Flag if case is a time step 2 byte, boolean
A-80 FEMAP Neutral File Format

4 Time Step 8 byte, double precision

Data Block 1055 - Output Attach Index (v11.0+)

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of Attached Output 4 byte, long integers
FileSize Size of Attach Index 8 byte, integer
nNumLines Number of lines coming in Attach Index 4 byte, long integers
The following line is repeated (nNumLines+1 ) times. Index is a total of FileSize in bytes.
(1..1+nNumLi Binary Attach Index 80 char max character string
nes )

Data Block 1056 Analysis Study

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of Study 4 byte, long integers
2 Title character string
3 AnalysisProgram 4 byte, long integers
4 FileTime
5..n StudyNotes Multi-Line character string

Data Block 470 - Points (Obsolete)

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of point 4 byte, long integers
define_sys ID of definition coordinate system
0 (zero) unused
layer ID of layer
color ID of color
FALSE[0..5] 6 unused flags 2 byte, boolean
x Coordinates of point in Global Rectangular 8 byte, double precision
coordinate system

Data Block 570 Points

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of point 4 byte, long integer
Type Type of point
Engine Solid engine point was created in
Def Sys point definition coordinate system ID
Layer ID of layer
Color ID of color
Mesh Size Number of elements at point 8 byte, double precision
PropertyID ID of property attribute 4 byte, long integer
CompositeCurve ID of Composite Curve that point belongs to 4 byte, long integer
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-81
Not Used Currently Unused 4 byte, long integer
2 coordinates x,y,z coordinates of point 8 byte, double precision

Data Block 471 - Curves (Obsolete)

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of curve 4 byte, long integers
color ID of color
type curve type (0=Line, 1=Arc, 2=Circle,
3=Spline, 4=BSpline, 5=Solid Ref)
layer ID of layer
mesh_elem number of elements along curve
bias bias factor for meshing 8 byte, double precision
has_bs Flag indicating that this curve contains B- 2 byte, boolean
Spline info
2 point[0..9] ID of points referenced by this curve. Most 4 byte, long integers
unused for future expansion.
3 point[10..19]
4 point[20..29]
The following records are only present if has_bs is nonzero
5 rational B-Spline = 0, NURB = 1 2 byte, boolean
k Spline Order 4 byte, long integers
npts Number of Control Points
6 count Number of Knot and Weight Records to
1 record p ID of Control Point
for each count

knot Knot Value 8 byte, double precision

weight Weight at control point

Data Block 571 Curves

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of curve 4 byte, long integer
Color ID of color
Type Type of curve (0=Line, 1=Arc, 2=Circle,
3=Spline, 4=BSpline, 5=Solid Ref,
6=Composite Curve )
Layer ID of layer
Mesh Elements Number of elements along curve
Mesh Bias Bias factor for meshing 8 byte, double precision
Mesh Flag If 1 curve will be meshed 2 Byte Boolean
Engine Solid engine curve was created in 4 byte, long integer
B-Spline If 1 curve is a B-Spline. Data will follow 2 Byte Boolean
Custom Mesh If 1 curve has a custom mesh size. Data will
IsCompositeCurv Flag if valid Composite Curve 2 byte boolean
2 CompositeCurveID ID of Composite Curve to which this curve 4 byte, long integer
InternalToBoundaryI ID of Boundary Surface to which this curve 4 byte, long integer
D belongs
Elem Topology Element Shape (0=Line2, (8.2+)1=Line3 4 byte, long integer
3 Property ID ID of Property attribute on Curve 4 byte, long integer
A-82 FEMAP Neutral File Format

Orient Type Type of orientation for property attribute

Offset Type Type of offset for property attribute
Release[0][0..5] Releases at Beginning of curve 2 byte, boolean
Release[1][0..5] Releases at End of curve
4 Orientation[0..2] Orientation Vector data 8 byte, double precision
5 Offset[0][0..2] Offset at Beginning of Curve
Offset[1][0..2] Offset at End of Curve
6 Points ID's of points that define the curve. 5 max 4 byte, long integer
7 Spline Data, Rational Flag if spline is rational 2 Byte Boolean
exists only if
B-Spline is
Planar Flag if spline is planar
Closed Flag if spline is closed
Periodic Flag if spline is periodic
t0 8 byte, double precision
# knots Number of Knots in Knot sequence 4 byte, long integer
# points Number of control points
8 n Points + Knots
9..n point ID of point
knot Value of knot vector 8 byte, double precision
weight Weigth factor of knot
n+1 Custom m Number of hard points on curve 4 byte, long integer
Mesh data,
exists only if
Mesh is true
n+2..m mesh_elem number of elements in span
bias bias in span 8 byte,
double precision
s parametric curve location of hard point
Composit numCC Number of sub curves that reference this 4 byte, long integer
eCurve data, composite curve
exists only if
Curve is true
ID of sub curves in composite curve 4 byte, long integer
Start[0..numCC-1] Parametric location at beginning of the sub 8 byte,
curve on the composite curve double precision
Reverse[0..numCC-1] Flag if sub curve is reversed 2 byte boolean

Data Block 472 - Surfaces (Obsolete)

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of surface 4 byte, long integers
color ID of color
type surface type (0=Bilinear, 1=Ruled,
2=Revolution, 3=Coons, 4=Bezier)
layer ID of layer
divisions_s number of divisions (for display purposes) in
the parametric surface directions
2 reverse[0..5] Flags to tell if curve is reversed when defining 2 byte, boolean
surface. 1=Reversed
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-83
3 curveID[0..5] IDs of curves that define the surface 4 byte, long integers

Data Block 572 Surfaces

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of surface 4 byte, long integers
color ID of color
type surface type (0=Bilinear, 1=Ruled,
2=Revolution, 3=Coons,
4=Bezier,5=Solid,6=B Spline,7=Boundary)
layer ID of layer
divisions_s number of divisions (for display purposes) in
the parametric surface directions
has_hard_points Flag if surface has hard points 2 Byte Boolean
do_not_mesh Flag if surface should not be meshed
engine Solid engine surface was created in 4 byte, long integers
InternalToBound ID of Boundary to which this surface belongs 4 byte, long integers
2 Property ID ID of Property Attribute
Offset Mesh Offset Distance 8 byte, double precision
Target Size Growth Factor on Interior of Surface
Chord Factor Factor for Curvature Based Meshing
Quad Pave Layers
Number of Layers of Quads to Pave around 4 byte, long integers
3 MeshingIsInitialized Flag if surface has meshing parameters 2 Byte Boolean
CSys ID ID of CSys mesh parameter 4 byte, long integers
Topology Element Shape (2=Tri3, 3=Tri6, 4=Quad4,
5=Quad8 )
MesherType 0=Auto, 1=Subdivision, 2=Fast-Tri, 3=3D-Tri
MappedMeshingLeve 0=Off, 1=On, 2=Aggressive, 3=Maximum
MapSubdivisions Flag to use Map subdivision option 2 Byte Boolean
MapEqualSidesOnly Flag to map mesh only when mesh sizes are
equal on opposing sides
MapAlternateTri Flag to alternate the direction of triangles
MapRightBias Flag to use opposite direction when creating
MapSplitQuads Flag to mesh with quads and split into
MapAngleDeviation Max angle deviation to attempt map mesh 8 byte, double precision
MapMinCornerAngle Min Corner angle to attempt map mesh 8 byte, double precision
PostMeshCleanup Flag to enable post meshing cleanup 2 Byte Boolean
VertexLoopsAs Flag to enable points embedded in the interior 2 Byte Boolean
HardPoints of surfaces to act as mesh locations
4 MidsideGeom Flag to move midside nodes to geometry
MidsideAngle Angle value to limit movement of midside 8 byte, double precision
nodes to geometry
MinBetween Min number of elements between boundaries 4 byte, long integers
MaxAspect Value of max aspect ratio quads to generate 8 byte, double precision
QuickNodes Num of nodes before surface meshing will 4 byte, long integers
cut the surface
QuadCutAngle Max angle deviation value before quad is cut 8 byte, double precision
SmoothLaplacian Flag to include smoothing 2 Byte Boolean
SmoothIter Num of smoothing iterations 4 byte, long integers
SmoothTol Value of Smooth tolerance 8 byte, double precision
A-84 FEMAP Neutral File Format

ConnectEdgeNodes Flag to connect adjacent edge nodes 2 Byte Boolean

ConnectEdgeNodeTol Tolerance value for edge connection of nodes 8 byte, double precision
OffsetFrom 0=centerline, 1= top face, 2=bottom face 4 byte, long integers
5 Approach Meshing Approach ID 4 byte, long integer
Approach_Data IDs for selected mesh approach
6 if type = num_lines number of records to the end of this surface, in
0,1,2,3,4,6 this case it equals 2
7 if type = reverse[0..5] Flags to tell if curve is reversed when defining 2 byte, boolean
0,1,2,3,4,6 surface. 1=Reversed
8 if type = curveID[0..5] IDs of curves that define the surface 4 byte, long integers
6 if type=5 num_lines is 0 for solid surfaces 4 byte, long integers
6 if type=7 num_lines is 109 if boundary surface (was 25 prior to 4 byte, long integers
7 if type=7 mode mapping mode 0=planar, ((10.0+)1=Multi
Surface ), 3=map to surface
surfaceID ID of surface to map onto
z_plane elevation of planar boundary 8 byte, double precision
transform 3x3 transformation matrix used to align planar 8 byte, double precision
[0..2][0..2] boundaries in global coordinates.
8 thru 10 flag[0..749] Written 25 per record. Array of flags to 4 byte, long integers
(7.1+ was 0..149)
if type=7 indicate the state of reversal, and the position
of the curve in the boundary. Combination of :
FORWARD=0x00 (Hex),
11 thru 40 curve[0..749] IDs of curves on boundary and holes. Written
(7.1+ was 0..149)
if type=7 10 per line
41 thru 115 multisurf[I] IDs of underlying surfaces for multi-surface 4 byte, long integers
if type=7 boundary. Written 1 per line. List is
terminated with a 1 as the last surface. Even
if not a multisurface boundary, the 1 is
always written.
117+ n number of hard points 4 byte, long integers
if type =7

1 record (all hard points ID of point

types) if has
hard points
n records (all
types) if has
hard points

Data Block 473 - Volumes (Obsolete)

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of volume 4 byte, long integers
color ID of color
type volume type (0=Brick, 1=Wedge, 2=Pyramid,
layer ID of layer
2 ( reverse_s, reverse_t, Array of [3][6] flags to indicate how the 2 byte, booleans
reverse_u ) [0..5] surface parametric directions are reversed
when defining the volume. 1=Reversed
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-85
3 surfID[0..6] IDs of surfaces that define the volume 4 byte, long integers

Data Block 573 - Solid/Volume

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of SV 4 byte, long integers
color ID of color
volume_type volume type (0=Brick, 1=Wedge, 2=Pyramid,
3=Tetra) 0 if solid
engine Solid engine, 0 if volume
layer ID of layer
solid_type 6=Volume, 39=Solid
Property ID ID of Property attribute
Topology Element Topology Meshing attribute 4 byte, long integers
Midside Geom Meshing Attribute flag to move midside nodes 2 byte, booleans
toward the geometry (False=At Midside)
Midside Angle Meshing Attribute edge angle limit when 8 byte, double precision
moving midside nodes toward geometry
2 if volume ( reverse_s, reverse_t, Array of [3][6] flags to indicate how the 2 byte, booleans
reverse_u ) [0..5] surface parametric directions are reversed
when defining the volume. 1=Reversed
3 if volume surfID[0..6] IDs of surfaces that define the volume 4 byte, long integers
2 if solid text >>> Begin Solid Transmit >>> character string
3..n if solid solid data If this is an ACIS solid, then an ACIS SAT
file is embedded here. If this a Parasolid solid,
then a Parasolid X_T file is embedded.
n+1 if solid text <<< End Solid Transmit <<< character string

Data Block 474 - Boundary (Obsolete)

Record Field Description Size
1 ID ID of boundary 4 byte, long integers
color ID of color
mode mapping mode (0=planar, 3=map to surface)
layer ID of layer
surfaceID ID of surface to map onto
z_plane elevation of planar boundary 8 byte, double precision
2 transform 3x3 transformation matrix used to align planar 8 byte, double precision
[0..2][0..2] boundaries in global coordinates.
3 thru 8 flag[0..149] Written 25 per record. Array of flags to 4 byte, long integers
indicate the state of reversal, and the position
of the curve in the boundary. Combination of :
FORWARD=0x00 (Hex),
9 thru 23 curve[0..149] IDs of curves on boundary and holes

Data Block 475 - Text

Record Field Description Size
A-86 FEMAP Neutral File Format

1 ID ID of text 4 byte, long integers

color ID of text color
back_color ID of background color
bord_color ID of border color
font font index (refer to Create Text dialog box for
interpretation of values)
layer ID of layer
2 model_positioning 0=screen, 1=model positioned 2 byte, boolean
horz_just 0=Center, 1=Left, 2=Right 4 byte, long integers
vert_just 0=Center, 1=Top, 2=Bottom
visible Text is visible in all views if this is 1. 2 byte, boolean
viewID ID of view for single view visibility 4 byte, long integers
draw_pointer Pointer drawn if =1 2 byte, boolean
draw_border Border drawn if =1
3 text_position[0..2] Location of text, either in model or screen 8 byte, double precision
4 pointer_position[0..2] Location of pointer tip, either in model or
screen coordinates
5 text_lines Number of lines (strings) of text that follow 4 byte, long integers
6..N text One or more lines (strings) of text. Number in character strings
previous record.

Data Block 1080 Superelement Reference

Record Field Description Size
1 SetID Set ID, = Analysis Set ID 4 byte, long integer
ID 4 byte, long integer
2 reference_file Reference file with path (256 char max) character string
3 asm_file ASM file with path (256 char max) character string
4 ref_type enum zAnalysisExtSERef 4 byte, long integer
ref_id Superelement ID 4 byte, long integer
k2gg 2 byte, boolean
m2gg 2 byte, boolean
b4gg 2 byte, boolean
k42gg 2 byte, boolean
p2g 2 byte, boolean
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-87

Data Block 1090 Chart

Record Field Description Size
1 ID 4 byte, long integer
style enum zChartStyle 4 byte, long integer
2 font Font face name (32 char max) character string
3 title Chart title (79 char max) character string
4 title_visible 2 byte, boolean
title_justification enum zChartTextJustification 4 byte, long integer
title_font_size 8 byte, double precision
title_font_bold 2 byte, boolean
title_font_italic 2 byte, boolean
title_font_underline 2 byte, boolean
title_font_color enum zColor 4 byte, unsigned integer
5 axis_title_x character string
6 axis_title_y character string
7 (x-axis) / axis_visible 2 byte, boolean
11 (y-axis) axis_style enum zChartAxisStyle 4 byte, long integer
axis_zoom 2 byte, boolean
axis_autoscale 2 byte, boolean
axis_range[0] Minimum axis value 8 byte, double precision
axis_range[1] Maximum axis value 8 byte, double precision
8 (x-axis) / axis_label_decimal 4 byte, long integer
12 (y-axis) axis_label_format enum zChartNumberFormat 4 byte, long integer
9 (x-axis) / axis_major_interval 4 byte, long integer
13 (y-axis) axis_minor_count 4 byte, long integer
axis_major_gridline_ 2 byte, boolean
axis_minor_gridline_ 2 byte, boolean
axis_major_tickmark 2 byte, boolean
axis_minor_tickmark 2 byte, boolean
10 (x-axis) / axis_title_visible 2 byte, boolean
14 (y-axis) axis_title_justification enum zChartTextJustification 4 byte, long integer
axis_title_font_size 8 byte, double precision
axis_title_font_bold 2 byte, boolean
axis_title_font_italic 2 byte, boolean
axis_title_font_underl 2 byte, boolean
axis_title_font_color enum zColor 4 byte, unsigned integer
15 master_output_set 4 byte, long integer
master_output_set_end 4 byte, long integer
master_vs_set_all 2 byte, boolean
output_set_inherit 2 byte, boolean
output_set_interval Unused in v11 4 byte, long integer
16 marker_from_chart 2 byte, boolean
marker_on 2 byte, boolean
marker_size 4 byte, long integer
marker_style enum zChartMarkerStyle 4 byte, long integer
A-88 FEMAP Neutral File Format

label_from_chart 2 byte, boolean

label_on 2 byte, boolean
label_id 2 byte, boolean
label_value 2 byte, boolean
label_maxmin 2 byte, boolean
label_custom Unused in v11 2 byte, boolean
18 palette_from_chart 2 byte, boolean
palette enum zChartPalette 4 byte, long integer
dark_background 2 byte, boolean
19 legend_visible 2 byte, boolean
legend_location[0] enum zChartLegendLocation (vertical) 4 byte, long integer
legend_location[1] enum zChartLegendLocation (horizontal) 4 byte, long integer
legend_direction enum zChartLegendDirection 4 byte, long integer
20 show_tooltips 2 byte, boolean
auto_switch_style 2 byte, boolean
21 (11.1+) label_font_size 4 byte, long integer
label_font character string
22(11.1+) axis_value_font_size 4 byte, long integer
axis_value_font character string
23(11.1+) axis_title_font character string
24(11.1+) legend_font_size 4 byte, long integer
legend_font character string
25(11.1+) axis_minor_count_lo Single value for X axis 4 byte, long integer
axis_minor_count_lo Single value for Y axis 4 byte, long integer
26(11.1+) axis_range_pad_x Single value for X axis 2 byte, Boolean
axis_range_pad_y Single value for Y axis 2 byte, boolean
27(11.2+) axis_major_color 4 byte, long integer
axis_major_autodim 2 byte, boolean

Data Block 1091 Chart Data Series

Record Field Description Size
1 ID 4 byte, long integer
curve_type enum zChartSeriesType 4 byte, long integer
2 title Title (max 79 char) Character string
3 output_set 4 byte, long integer
output_set_end 4 byte, long integer
output_set_all 2 byte, boolean
output_vector 4 byte, long integer
scale 8 byte, double precision
interval 4 byte, long integer
4 position 0 = x, 1 = y, 2 = z 4 byte, long integer
position_coord_sys 4 byte, long integer
group -1 = Active Group 4 byte, long integer
0 = None
>0 = Group ID
location 4 byte, long integer
function_id 4 byte, long integer
5 color_inherit 2 byte, boolean
color enum zColor 4 byte, unsigned integer
6 marker_inherit 2 byte, boolean
FEMAP Neutral File Format A-89
marker_on 2 byte, boolean
marker_style enum zChartMarkerStyle 4 byte, long integer
marker_size 4 byte, long integer
7 label_inherit 2 byte, boolean
label_on 2 byte, boolean
label_id 2 byte, boolean
label_value 2 byte, boolean
label_maxmin 2 byte, boolean
8 (11.1+) output_vector2 4 byte, long integer
location2 4 byte, long integer
sort_data 2 byte, Boolean
convert 2 byte, boolean
range_x_data 4 byte, long integer
9 (11.2+) is_positive_relative 2 byte, boolean

Data Block 1092 Chart Data Series List (v11.0+)

Record Field Description Size
1 sID Chart ID 4 byte, long integer
2n ID Chart Data Series ID 4 byte, long integer
n+1 -1 Delimeter to denote end of chart data series 4 byte, long integer

Data Block 1093 Chart Data Series Source (v11.1+)

Record Field Description Size
1 sID Chart Series ID 4 byte, long integer
2n ID 4 byte, long integer
IsOutputSet 2 byte, boolean
IsOutputVector 2 byte, boolean
IsFunction 2 byte, boolean
IsEntity 2 byte, boolean
n+1 -1 Delimeter to denote end of chart data series 4 byte, long integer
A-90 FEMAP Neutral File Format

FEMAP Material Definition File

FEMAP has the ability to work with user-defined materials. By creating a Material Definition File, you tell FEMAP what data
to include in that material, and the text to be displayed in the dialog boxes. The format of this file is as follows:

Name=material type name
FieldID[,minVAL,maxVAL]=field title
FieldID[,minVAL,maxVAL]=field title
FieldID[,minVAL,maxVAL]=field title

Where each of these items is defined as follows:

This is the material subtype number. These must be unique in your material definition file. If you are going to define materials
for other than personal use, contact ESP to be assigned a range of subtypes. Doing this eliminates conflicts between various
definitions of materials by different people.

Here you define the title that is displayed in the FEMAP list of available material types. The title must be enclosed in quotes.

FieldID=field title
These are the actual data definition records for this material. One record is required for each data item that you want for this
material type. Data fields will be displayed in the material creation dialog box in the order that you specify them in this file.
The FieldID value specifies both the type of data (R=real value, I=integer value, F=function value, A=text only) and the
location in the data arrays to store the value. For example R53 means select a real number and store it in mval[53], I15 means
select an integer and store it in ival[15]. Allowable FieldIDs are in the range R0 thru R199, I0 thru I24 and F0 thru F49. If
you start the FieldID with an A, you can specify any number. In this case, only the associated title will be displayed, the
input field will be hidden, and no data will be stored. The field title is the text that is displayed next to this data field in the
material creation dialog box. You will have to limit this text to around 25 characters or less, due to limited space in the dialog

FieldID,minVAL,maxVAL=field title
The simplest way to specify a data field was the previous one given above, however this will allow any value to be entered for
the data. If you want to restrict input to a certain range of values, you can use the format shown here. You must specify both
the minVAL (minimum) and maxVAL (maximum) values that you will accept. When a user is creating a material of this type
only values between this range will be allowed.

This record is simply used to skip a space in the dialog box. It can be used to separate groups if similar input. No user input
will be allowed from this position in the dialog.

To define a material type, simply create a new section in the material definition file. Make sure you choose a subtype ID that
is not currently being used. The next record must be present and must be the Name definition. Then simply add as many
field records as you need to collect the data for your material.

You can define multiple material definition files and select them through the File Preferences Libraries option.

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