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LSB282 Student-generated Questions

Respiratory 1

Question 1

What is the normal value of PaO2?

a) 40 46 mmHg
b) 50 80 mmHg
c) 80 100 mmHg
d) 95 100 %

Question 2

Acute bronchitis is:

a) COPD disease
b) Respiratory infection
c) Not reversible
d) Caused by smoking

Question 3

What is the PaCO2 during respiratory acidosis?

a) < 25mmHg
b) < 35mmHg
c) < 45mmHg
d) > 45mmHg

Question 4

What two diseases make up COPD?

a) Emphysema and chronic bronchitis

b) Emphysema and acute bronchitis
c) Asthma and emphysema
d) Asthma and chronic bronchitis

Question 5

What is the pulmonary function equation?

a) FVC/FEV1 x 100 = 80%

b) FEV1/FVC x 100 = 80%
c) FEV2/FVC1 x 50 = 80%
d) FEC3/FVC x 50 = 40%

Question 6

What medication is NOT used for treating respiratory disease?

a) Anticholinergics
b) Steroid drugs
c) 2 agonists
d) 2 antagonist/blocker

Question 7

How much CO2 is usually in the blood that is entering the lungs?

a) 40mmHg
b) 46mmHg
c) 47mmHg
d) 49mmHg

Question 8

What is the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood as it exits the lungs?

a) 40mmHg
b) 100mmHg
c) 46mmHg
d) 160mmHg

Question 9

How do steroid drugs help with respiratory disease?

a) Anti-inflammatory and bronchodilation

b) Bronchoconstriction and anti-inflammatory
c) Bronchodilation
d) Bronchoconstriction

Question 10

Salbutamol is what type of drug?

a) 2-agonist
b) Anticholinergic
c) Xanthine
d) Corticosteroid

Question 11

What is the difference between chronic bronchitis and acute bronchitis?

a) Chronic is a genetic condition. Acute is a lifestyle condition.

b) Chronic is caused by smoking. Acute is caused by infection at any age.
c) They are the same thing.
d) Acute is more serious than chronic.

Question 12

In which way does 2-agonist cause bronchodilation?

a) Increases SNS effect

b) Decreases (blocks) PNS effect
c) Anti-inflammatory
d) Blocks cellular process

Question 13

What is the partial pressure of CO2 in the pulmonary veins?

a) 40mmHg
b) 46mmHg
c) 69mmHg
d) 100mmHg

Question 14

Which respiratory disease is barrel chest a common indicator of?

a) Chronic bronchitis
b) Asthma
c) Emphysema
d) Lung cancer

Question 15

What is the normal partial pressure of O2 in arterial blood?

a) 22 26mmol/L
b) 35 45mmHg
c) 80 100mmHg
d) 95 100mmHg

Question 16

What are the two obstructive airway diseases that are in the COPD category?

a) Emphysema and asthma

b) Chronic bronchitis and asthma
c) Chronic and acute bronchitis
d) Chronic bronchitis and emphysema

Question 17

How do 2-agonist medications work, and by which branch of the nervous system?

a) SNS and bronchodilation

b) PNS and bronchoconstriction
c) PNS and bronchodilation
d) SNS and bronchoconstriction

Question 18

Haemoglobin has a tendency to release O2 when:

a) pH is more acidic
b) Partial pressure of O2 are higher
c) pH is more alkaline
d) Partial pressure of CO2 is lower

Question 19

What is the function of elastic fibres?

a) Contracts causing bronchoconstriction

b) Allows expansion and return to resting state
c) Traps mucus and foreign particles
d) Moves mucus towards the pharynx

Question 20

What is a form of COPD?

a) Asthma
b) Heart failure
c) Emphysema
d) Oedema

Question 21

2- antagonist drugs cause:

a) Bronchoconstriction
b) Bronchodilation
c) Anti-inflammation
d) Vasodilation

Question 22

What is not a symptom of emphysema?

a) Barrel chest
b) Dyspnoea
c) Pursed lip breathing
d) Persistent cough

Question 23

What is the pressure of oxygen travelling to the left side of the heart?

a) 40mmHg
b) 46mmHg
c) 75mmHg
d) 100mmHg

Question 24

What do 2-agonists do for the respiratory system?

a) Bronchodilation
b) Bronchoconstriction
c) Anti-inflammatory
d) Increase mucus production

Question 25

Oxygenated blood leaving the lungs has:

a) PaO2 40mmHg and 75% Hb saturation

b) PaO2 100mmHg and 75% Hb saturation
c) PaO2 100mmHg and 98% Hb saturation
d) PaO2 40mmHg and 98% Hb saturation

Question 26

What is the PaO2 entering the lungs through the pulmonary arteries?

a) 40mmHg
b) 42mmHg
c) 46mmHg
d) 100mmHg

Question 27

Hypoventilation causes a CO2 increase in blood (hypercapnia) which causes a pH decrease. This can
result in what condition?

a) Asthma
b) Bronchoconstriction
c) Respiratory acidosis
d) Respiratory alkalosis

Question 28

What is the PaO2 level in the blood after exiting the lungs?

a) 98%
b) PaO2 46mmHg
c) PaO2 100mmHg
d) PaCO2 100mmHg

Question 29

What are the main functions of the cough reflex?

a) Expulsion of sputum, foreign particles & infection, to keep lower airways clear and sterile
b) To keep foreign particles, sputum, infection inside the lower airways
c) To increase breathing and heart rate
d) To keep you awake at night

Question 30

What is the difference between acute and chronic bronchitis?

a) They are the same, except chronic has a longer duration than acute.
b) Acute is a viral infection and can be reversed. Chronic cannot.
c) Chronic is a viral infection and can be reversed. Acute cannot.
d) Chronic involves inflammation and a productive cough. Acute does not produce mucus.

Question 31

What percentage of FVC do healthy lungs exhale in 1 second?

a) 50%
b) 80%
c) 90%
d) 100%

Question 32

What are the conditions that characterise COPD?

a) Acute bronchitis and asthma

b) Chronic bronchitis and acute bronchitis
c) Emphysema and chronic bronchitis
d) Emphysema and asthma

Question 33

What do steroid drugs do?

a) Helps decrease emphysema

b) Decrease inflammation, promotes bronchodilation
c) Causes bronchoconstriction
d) 2-agonist blocker

Question 34

How do hypoventilation and hyperventilation affect the pH of the blood?

a) Both lead to acidosis

b) Hypoventilation leads to acidosis, hyperventilation leads to alkalosis
c) Hypoventilation leads to alkalosis, hyperventilation leads to acidosis
d) Hypoventilation and hyperventilation do not affect the pH of blood

Question 35

What diseases come under COPD that causes obstruction to airflow mainly during expiration?

a) Asthma
b) Chronic bronchitis
c) Emphysema
d) Both b) and c)

Question 36

What will occur during hypoventilation (slow shallow breathing)?

a) Increasing CO2 and decreasing pH

b) Increasing CO2 and increasing pH
c) Decreasing CO2 and increasing blood vol
d) Decreasing CO2 and increasingpH

Question 37

What are the similarities between asthma and chronic bronchitis?

a) Chronic inflammation of airways, increased mucus production, productive cough, oedema

b) Impairment of cillary function, hyperventilation
c) Bronchodilation, increased expiratory flow rates, can be cured
d) Asymptomatic, chronic, excess smooth muscle growth

Question 38

What is the equation for pulmonary function test and what values do we aim for?

a) FEV1 x FVC = 70%

b) FEV1/FVC x 100% = 80%
c) FEV1/FVC x 100 = 70%
d) FVC/FEV1 x 100 = 80%

Question 39

What are the three main obstructive respiratory diseases?

a) Influenza, whooping cough, asthma

b) Emphysema, acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis
c) Asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema
d) Asthma, acute bronchitis, whooping cough

Question 40

Which two conditions are associated with COPD?

a) Emphysema and chronic bronchitis

b) Lung cancer and smoking
c) Acute bronchitis and asthma
d) Pulmonary embolism and heart disease

Question 41

What is the purpose of a reflex cough as a defence mechanism?

a) To clear airways of foreign particles and mucus and prevent them entering lower airways
b) To avoid awkward moments
c) To cause bronchoconstriction
d) To cause increased mucus secretion

Question 42

Is acute or chronic bronchitis a type of COPD?

a) Acute bronchitis
b) Chronic bronchitis
c) Both acute and chronic bronchitis
d) None

Question 43

What is the difference between 2 agonist and 2 antagonist?

a) 2-agonist causes bronchodilation and 2 antagonist causes bronchoconstriction

b) 2-antagonist causes bronchodilation and 2 agonist causes bronchoconstriction
c) No difference, as they are both effective in treating respiratory disease
d) 2-antagonist are being used to treat respiratory diseases and 2 agonist are not

Question 44

To treat obstructive airway disease the correct drugs are:

a) 2-agonist only
b) 2-antagonist
c) Steroid drugs only
d) 2-agonist, anticholinergic drugs, steroid drugs

Question 45

Which of the following statements is correct regarding breathing and blood pH?

a) pH increase causes hypercapnia

b) pH increase causes respiratory hypercapnia
c) pH decrease causes respiratory acidosis
d) pH decrease causes respiratory alkalosis

Question 46

Oxygen binds with Hb in:

a) Lungs
b) Heart
c) Kidney
d) Liver

Question 47

2-agonists cause:

a) Coughing
b) Bronchodilation
c) Bronchoconstriction
d) Bronchospasm

Question 48

Does 2-agonist cause bronchodilation?

a) It has no effect on the bronchioles

b) 2-agonist and 2-antagonist are the same
c) Yes, it relaxes smooth muscles of bronchi and causes bronchodilation
d) No, it contracts smooth muscle of bronchi and causes bronchoconstriction

Question 49

What is tachypnoea?

a) High heart rate

b) High respiration rate
c) Low CO2
d) High O2

Question 50

What anatomy is part of the upper respiratory tract?

a) Nose, pharynx, and larynx

b) Epiglottis, nasal cavity and trachea
c) Trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles
d) Pharynx, larynx, and trachea

Question 51

What are the differences between acute and chronic bronchitis?

a) Only chronic bronchitis has a productive cough and mucus production

b) Only chronic bronchitis is progressive and irreversible, it generally effects the older
population and is caused by smoking instead of infection
c) There are no differences
d) Chronic effects older people while acute effects younger people

Question 52

What is an advantage of the cough reflex?

a) Prevents infection from reaching lower airways

b) Helps the spread of infection
c) Interrupted sleep
d) Fatigue

Question 53

What is NOT classified as an important factor experienced whilst resting?

a) Digestion
b) Maintenance
c) Healing
d) Increase heart rate

Question 54

COPD is comprised of which two conditions/diseases?

a) Emphysema and pulmonary oedema

b) Asthma and chronic bronchitis
c) Chronic bronchitis and emphysema
d) Asthma and emphysema

Question 55

Which of these is NOT a respiratory system defence?

a) Bronchodilation
b) Coughing
c) Mucociliary escalator
d) Normal respiratory flora

Question 56

Barrel chest is a side effect of which disease?

a) Emphysema
b) Chronic bronchitis
c) Asthma
d) Lung cancer

Question 57

Which drug is NOT used to treat respiratory disease?

a) Anticholinergic
b) Corticosteroid
c) 2 antagonist
d) 2 agonist

Question 58

When should you NOT use cough suppressant to suppress the cough reflex?

a) When you stand or sit (when the airway is vertical)

b) When you are fully awake/conscious
c) When your body is trying to remove foreign matter
d) All of the above

Question 59

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of respiratory acidosis?

a) Hypocapnia
b) Hyperventilation
c) PaCO2: > 45mmHg
d) pH: < 7.35

Question 60

Emphysema leads to:

a) Permanent enlargement of airspaces in lungs

b) Loss of elastic tension/recoil in alveoli
c) Airways collapse during respiration
d) All of the above

Question 61

Ventilation depends on:

a) Respiratory muscles
b) Elastic recoil of lungs
c) Airway resistance
d) All of the above

Question 62

What is the most important reason we breathe?

a) To remove CO2
b) To get air into our lungs
c) To get O2 into the body
d) All of the above

Question 63

What are the functions of steroid drugs?

a) Increase inflammation
b) Anti-inflammatory
c) Increase allergy
d) Increase bronchospasm

Question 64

What would you expect to see with respiratory acidosis?

a) increased CO2, increased H+

b) decreased CO2, decreased H+
c) increased CO2, decreased H+
d) decreased CO2, increased H+

Question 65

What does 2 agonist cause?

a) Increase in breathing rate

b) Decrease breathing rate
c) Bronchodilation
d) Bronchoconstriction

Question 66

What does COPD stand for?

a) Chronic Open Pulmonary Disease

b) Closed Obstructive Platelet Disease
c) Chronics Of Pulmonary Disease
d) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Question 67

How do you calculate the percentage of FEV1?

a) (FEV1/FVC) x 100
b) (FEV1 x FVC) x 100
c) FEV1 x 100
d) (FVC/FEV1) x 100

Question 68

What is part of the upper respiratory tract (URT)?

a) Trachea
b) Bronchi
c) Bronchioles
d) Pharynx

Question 69

What is the normal partial pressure of oxygen exiting the lungs?

a) 40mmHg
b) 46mmHg
c) 56mmHg
d) 100mmHg

Question 70

Which disease is not part of obstructive disease?

a) Asthma
c) Pneumonia
d) Emphysema

Question 71

What is the function of an erythrocyte?

a) Immunity/fight infection
b) Thrombus formation
c) Oxygen delivery
d) Deliver glucose

Question 72

Which is NOT one of the three main respiratory obstructive diseases?

a) Lung cancer
b) Asthma
c) Chronic bronchitis
d) Emphysema

Question 73

What is the advantage of coughing?

a) Removes mucus
b) Protects airways
c) Prevents infections entering the lower respiratory tract
d) All of the above

Question 74

What are the main respiratory disease/s?

a) COPD only
b) Asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema
c) Pulmonary oedema, cough, mucous
d) Subdural haematoma, cardiac disease, gangrene

Question 75

Which one of the following is NOT a part of the lower respiratory system?

a) Nasal cavity
b) Trachea
c) Pharynx
d) Larynx

Question 76

What percentage of FVC should healthy lungs be able to exhale?

a) 50%
b) 80%
c) 99%
d) 100%

Question 77

Which of the following is NOT associated with a COPD?

a) Easy breathing
b) Wheezing
c) Dyspnoea
d) Increased airway resistance

Question 78

What is NOT a clinical feature of asthma?

a) Wheezing
b) Tachycardia
c) Dyspnoea
d) Bronchodilation

Question 79

What is the action of corticosteroids?

a) Increase effect of SNS

b) Reduce swelling
c) Effects cellular processes at various cells
d) Decrease effect of PNS

Question 80

What is the function of 2-agonist medication?

a) Inhibits inflammation
b) Increases breathing rate
c) Causes bronchodilation
d) Causes bronchoconstriction

Question 81

Which equation is correct?

a) FVC/FEV1 x 100
b) FVC x FEV1 x 50
c) FEV1/FVC x 100
d) FEV1/FVC/100

Question 82

Which of the following causes bronchoconstriction?

a) 2-agonist
b) 2-antagonist
c) Anticholinergic
d) Steroids

Question 83

What is NOT a cause of asthma?

a) Exercise
b) Cold
c) Allergens
d) Eating

Question 84

Which of the following is NOT classified as a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?

a) Asthma
b) Emphysema
c) Chronic bronchitis
d) Emphysema and chronic bronchitis

Question 85

What diseases make up COPD?

a) Emphysema and chronic bronchitis

b) Asthma and emphysema
c) Emphysema
d) Chronic bronchitis and bronchoconstriction

Question 86

What is the formula for calculating normal lung volume in pulmonary function tests?

a) FVC/FEV1 x 100 = 80%

b) FEV1/FVC x 10 = 80%
c) FEV1/FVC x 100 = 80%
d) FEV1/FVC x 100 = 90%

Question 87

Calculate pulmonary function using FEV1 = 5.1, FVC = 7.2

a) 70%
b) 72%
c) 75%
d) 80%

Question 88

A non-selective beta blocker will cause:

a) Prevents vasodilation of the coronary arteries and causes bronchodilation

b) Causes peripheral vasoconstriction and bronchoconstriction
c) Causes bronchodilation and vasodilation of the coronary arteries
d) Causes heart failure

Question 89

What is NOT in the upper respiratory tract?

a) Nose and nasal cavity

b) Pharynx
c) Larynx
d) Trachea

Question 90

Symptoms of COPD are:

a) Cough, chest tightness, wheezing

b) Cough, nausea, tiredness
c) Wheezing, cough, headaches
d) Wheezing, chest tightness, arm pain

Question 91

Which ISNT part of the lower respiratory tract?

a) Larynx
b) Trachea
c) Bronchioles
d) Bronchi

Question 92

What are the diseases associated with COPD?

a) Diabetes type 1
b) Diabetes type 2
c) Leukaemia
d) Emphysema, chronic bronchitis

Question 93

What is the PaO2 of blood entering the lungs?

a) 40mmHg
b) 45mmHg
c) 46mmHg
d) 100mmHg

Question 94

What are some of the causes of asthma?

a) Allergens
b) Dyspnoea
c) Tachypnoea
d) All of the above

Question 95

What is the percentage healthy lungs can exhale FVC (forced vital capacity in 1 second)?

a) 70%
b) 80%
c) 90%
d) 95%

1c 51 b
2b 52 a
3c 53 d
4a 54 c
5b 55 a
6d 56 a
7b 57 c
8 b 58 c
9a 59 a
10 a 60 d
11b 61 a
12 a 62 a
13 a 63 b
14 c 64 a
15 c 65 c
16 d 66 d
17 a 67 a
18 a 68 d
19 b 69 d
20 c 70 c
21 a 71 c
22 d 72 a
23 d 73 d
24 a 74 b
25 c 75 b
26 a 76 b
27 c 77 a
28 c 78 d
29 a 79 a
30 b 80 b
31 b 81 c
32 c 82 b
33 b 83 d
34 b 84 a
35 d 85 a
36 a 86 a
37 a 87 a
38 b 88 a
39 c 89 d
40 a 90 a
41 a 91 a
42 b 92 d
43 a 93 a
44 d 94 a
45 c 95 b
46 a 96
47 b 97
48 c 98
49 b 99
50 a 100


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