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Chronic Bronchitis






Chronic Bronchitis

Basic description

Chronic bronchitis has been described as a disease which is associated with consistent

coughing. It can last from about three months to a year. Many personages who have been

diagnosed with chronic bronchitis have been associated with having chronic obstructive

pulmonary disease noted as OCPD. Some of the symptoms correlated with the disease

include short of breath, wheezing, and coughing. Other symptoms include yellow sputum at

times stained with blood.

Body system(s) affected

Chronic bronchitis has been associated with affecting the bronchial tubes of the lungs.

In as much as the cause of the disease concerns long periods of smoking, another cause is the

inhalation of various inhalants. If a body is infected by chronic bronchitis, the bronchial tubes

will inflame. Thus, it would prompt the production of mucus. It is the inflammation that

would restrict airflow into the lungs. It is this restriction in the lungs that made it hard for

breathing. At times, the inflammation would become so severe that person bronchial tubes

were scarred or permanently damaged. Bronchitis has been known to become chronic when it

lasts between three months to a year or so.

Diseases and conditions commonly associated with the pathology

Some of the diseases associated with chronic bronchitis include emphysema and

COPD. Emphysema, similar to chronic bronchitis, affects the lungs. However, the disease is

associated with the rupture of the walls between the alveoli. The person normally feels

breathless considering that the airspaces are much larger thus, prompting less gas exchange.

The subsequent COPD is another condition which develops from restrictions of the airflow.

Many of the people associated with chronic bronchitis have been associated with COPD and


Medical, surgical, and diagnostic procedures

There are several medical, surgical and diagnostic procedures associated with chronic

bronchitis. It is essential that the physician distinguishes between common cold and chronic

bronchitis, if they are to treat the right disease. Some of the diagnostic tests include Chest x-

ray. The x-ray can be used to check on the state of pneumonia of a person. It can also be

utilized to identify and problems in the chest. The sputum tests, by definition, the sputum

refers to the mucus that comes out of the lungs when one coughs. The sputum test is essential

in determining whether one had a whooping cough or any other respiratory disease. Lastly,

the pulmonary function tests, the test are conducted by a patient blowing into a device known

as the spirometer. The spirometer is a device which measures the lung capacity of the person.

Recommended pharmacology or treatment

One is the bronchodilator medication. These medications were useful in dealing with

the symptoms related to chronic bronchitis. There are also steroids. They are normally

inhaled as sprays and aerosols to help deal with the negative impacts of chronic bronchitis.

However, the steroids have been found to have unwanted side effects. Thus, every person

should consult a physician before using it. The other medical intervention is the antibiotics. It

has been found to be efficient in dealing with chronic bronchitis and oxygen therapy. The

oxygen therapy is essential in making the patient have an adequate intake of oxygen. Oxygen

is normally administered to the patient in various ways. There are also other tests that need to

be mentioned by these are the most common.

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