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Star Trek Round 2

1) Polaris
2) Curse
3) Navi
4) Diphda
5) Haedus 1
6) Bellatrix: I am the eldest daughter of Cygnus Black lll
and was a student of Hogwarts school of
witchcraft and wizardry. Point me.
7) Auriga: I am represented as a chariot and its driver. I
hold a goat over my right shoulder and two kids
under my left arm. Locate me.
8) Perseus: I beheaded the Gorgon Medusa and saved
Andromeda from the sea monster Cetus. I was the son
of mortal Danai and god Zeus. Locate me.
9) Andromeda
10) Canis Major
11) Arcturus *
12) Jupiter *

1) Hamal
2) Castor: We were the twin brothers X and Y together
known as the Dioscuri. X was the mortal son of Tyndareus
(the king of Sparta) while Y was the divine son of Zeus.
Point X.
3) Almach
4) Alpheratz
5) Zaurak
6) Nihal
7) Eridanus: I am a river in northern Italy now known as
river Po. I was called the king of rivers by the great poet
Virgil. Locate me.
8) Triangulum
9) Gemini
10) Cetus: I was a sea monster sent to devour Andromeda
and was killed by Perseus. Locate me.
11) Saturn *
12) Regulus *

1) Pollux: We were the twin brothers X and Y together

known as the Dioscuri. X was the mortal son of Tyndareus
(the king of Sparta) while Y was the divine son of Zeus.
Point Y.
2) Arneb
3) Hatsya
4) Mirfak
5) Shertan
6) Hassaleh
7) Cassiopeia: I was the queen of Ethiopia and the wife of
king Cephus. Locate me.
8) Pegasus: I was the winged Divine stallion and one of
the best known creatures in Greek mythology, usually
depicted as pure white in colour. Locate me.
9) Lepus
10) Taurus
11) Spica *
12) Mercury *

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