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diferitele cantitati de apa turnate intr-un pahar de vin

produc tonalitati diferite atunci cand trece cu degetul

pe marginea paharului.

Mai mult, acest experiment poate fi punctul de plecare pentru o discutie referitoare la felul in care
auzim, cum se produc sunetele etc. Pe scurt, cu un minim de materiale, dar cu ingeniozitate, poti
improviza o ora de fizica foarte interesanta.

Scopul experimentului: Observati in ce fel pot fi influentate vibratiile si tonalitatile.

Materiale Pahar de vin, apa

PASUL 1 Nu umple paharul cu apa. Tine-l cu o mana de picior (de baza acestuia, umezeste-ti putin
degetul aratator si fa o miscare circulara de-a lungul buzei paharului, apasand usor). Ce se aude?
Lasa-l pe copilul tau sa faca, la randul lui, experimentul si sa-ti spuna ce aude.

PASUL 2 Umple un sfert din pahar. Pune-l pe copil sa repete operatiunea si sa fie atent la sunetul
care se produce. Ce s-a intamplat cu el?

PASUL 3 Umple paharul pe jumatate. Ce se intampla cu sunetul?

PASUL 4 Incercati operatiunea cu pahare mai mari sau mai mici si vedeti in ce fel se modifica

Pe parcursul intregului experiment, notati observatiile. Veti observa ca sunetul se schimba in functie
de cantitatile de apa folosite.

Explicatie stiintifica a sunetului

Toate lucrurile din jurul nostru au o frecventa a sunetului care le face sa vibreze, ceea ce poarta
numele de frecventa de rezonanta. Cand transmiti energie unui material, acesta vibreaza, iar
vibraiile calatoresc prin material si prin moleculele de aer. Pe masura ce se deplaseaza prin
moleculele de aer, se formeaza undele sonore, acesta fiind sunetul pe care-l auzim cand undele
sonore sunt trimise la creier.

Sigestia noastra: Pregatiti un caiet special dedicat experimentelor in care sa descrieti impreuna (sau
daca e marisor, sa noteze singur) experimentul si observatiile, sa desenati si sa treceti concluziile.

A Glass Symphony

Collect This Project

3.9 based on 129 ratings

By Sofia PC
Updated on Mar 06, 2013
Collect This Project

Grade Level: 4th-6th Type: Physical Science

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Students will discover whether different amounts of water added into a wine glass will produce a
different pitch when their fingers are rubbed along the rim.

Research Questions:
How do our ears help us hear?

Does the size of the object matter in terms of vibration and pitch?

The things around us all have a natural sound frequency that causes it to vibrate which is called
resonant frequency. When you force energy onto a material, you will cause it to vibrate and the
vibrations will travel through the material and into the air molecules. As it travels through the air
molecules, sound waves are produced and that is the sounds that we hear with our ears as the
soundwaves are sent to the brain.
Wine glasses (the ones with the thin rims work better)




Experimental Procedure
1. Do not fill this wine glass with any water. Hold the glass in place with one hand at the
base and simply wet your finger and lightly rub against the rim of the wine glass. What do you

2. Now fill the glass about full with water. What has happened to the sound?

3. Now fill the glass about full with water.

4. If you have a larger or small glass, try to see what happens to the pitches in these glasses.
Are they the same as the first glass?

5. Record your findings.

Terms/Concepts: Sounds waves; resonant frequency; hearing

For an activity version, Design a Great Glass Xylophone

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