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Water Absorbing Polymer to combat above-

normal summers and below-normal monsoons

With IMD forecasting above-normal heat wave conditions from March to May and ABM declaring a
possible below-normal monsoon, Potassium Polyacrylate based water gel may be the key to
unhindered Kharif crop in India in 2017

AS per the latest weather forecast by Indian Meteorological Department, the country is expected to experience an
above-normal summer in 2017 with mean temperature to rise up by 1.0C. The heat wave may last throughout the
summer planting season that can greatly hamper seedling natality and Kharif harvest. To make matters worse, the
Australian Bureau of Meteorology forecasted a 75% likelihood of an El Nino on the Pacific that can directly reduce the
monsoon intensity on the Indian Subcontinent.

Since Kharif is the major crop season and monsoon is vital for the farming sector which is greatly dependent on rainfed
agriculture, predicted anomalies in weather can significantly delay summer planting of crops like paddy, cotton, pulses,
soyabean and groundnuts. In this regard, the Agricultural Meteorology Division of IMD has been consistently trying to
implement weather forecasts and advisories through the Ministry of Agriculture; Department of Agriculture &
Cooperation on various moisture saving methods during water scarce conditions.

One such method proposed is the use of water absorbing material to retain soil moisture along plant root zone for
prolonged periods to combat drought stress and reduce irrigation frequency without compromising plant growth. Such
materials are called Super Absorbent polymers (SAPs) and have been known to absorb and hold water several times
their weight along with dissolved nutrients in soil. SAP for agriculture can greatly reduce costs in terms of irrigation
expenses as well as reduce crop mortality and need for pesticides and fertilizers. SAPs are also called hydrogel due to
their superiorly high moisture retention and release capability.
Alsta Hydrogel for plants is a water absorber with a potential to absorb water 400times its own weight. It is a Potassium
Polyacrylate based granular non-toxic polymer and soil conditioner that can be used easily in all types of soils and with
all types of crops to greatly reduce irrigation frequency and loss of soil moisture by leaching and evaporation. Alsta
hydrogel also reduces quantity of fertilizers and pesticides that are applied on a day to day basis.

For a more personalized insight into the Agricultural use of Hydrogel and SAP for agriculture, visit or mail at

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