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How to Bring Down High Creatinine

Six Methods:Understanding CreatinineUsing Unverified Herbal RemediesMaking Lifestyle ChangesTaking

MedicationsConsidering Medical TherapiesMaking Diet ChangesCommunity Q&A

Creatinine is a waste product found in everyone's blood. Under normal circumstances,

your kidneys should be able to filter and pass this substance out of your body. Certain
health problems can hinder this function, however, allowing harmful amounts of
creatinine to build up. There are several ways that you can reduce your creatinine levels,
including changing your diet, making some lifestyle modifications, taking medications,
and participating in medical therapy.

Method 1
Understanding Creatinine

Know what creatinine is. Creatinine is a waste product produced by the body when
creatine, a metabolism substance that helps convert food into energy, breaks down. [1]
o Usually, your kidneys help filter creatinine out of the blood. The waste
product is then passed out of the body via urine.
o High creatinine levels can indicate a problem with your kidneys.

Understand how the test works. A creatinine test measures how much creatinine is in
your blood.
o Your doctor may also perform a creatinine clearance test, which measures
the amount of creatinine in your urine. The amount in your blood should be low, and the
amount in your urine should be high.
o These tests only provide a "snapshot" of your kidney health. They only
measure the amount of creatinine in your blood and urine from one-time samples taken
within the past 24 hours.

Interpret your results. The normal range for creatinine levels will vary based on
whether you are an adult male, adult female, teenager, or child. The value you should
be at may vary further based on your age and body size, but there are general ranges
you should shoot for.
o Normal blood creatinine levels are:[2]
Men: 0.6 to 1.2 mg/dL; 53 to 106 mcmol/L
Women: 0.5 to 1.1 mg/dL; 44 to 97 mcmol/L
Teenagers: 0.5 to 1.0 mg/dL
Children: 0.3 to 0.7 mg/dL
Normal urine creatinine levels are:
Men: 107 to 139 mL/min; 1.8 to 2.3 mL/sec
Women: 87 to 107 mL/min; 1.5 to 1.8 mL/sec
Anyone above the age of 40: levels should drop by 6.5 mL/min for
every additional 10 years of age

Understand why increased creatinine levels occur. There are several different
reasons why you might have increased creatinine levels; some of these conditions are
more severe than others, but all mean that you need to take steps to get your creatinine
levels back to normal.
Renal failure or impairment: If your kidneys are damaged, they
cannot filter creatinine out of your body through glomerular filtration as they are
supposed to. Glomerular filtration is the outflow of filtered fluid passing through your
Muscle destruction: If you have a condition that causes the
breakdown of your muscles, the broken down muscle tissue can get into your
bloodstream and impair your kidneys.
High intake of meat: Eating a diet rich in cooked meat can increase
the amount of creatinine in your body.
Hypothyroidism: Having a dysfunction in your thyroid gland can
have an influence on your kidney function. Hypothyroidism can decrease your kidneys
ability to properly filter waste out of your body.

Method 2
Using Unverified Herbal Remedies

Drink herbal tea or Green tea. Certain types of herbal tea are believed to help lower
the amount of creatinine in your blood. Studies supporting this benefit are limited, but
the theory has not been disproved, either.
o Drink around two 8-oz (250-ml) glasses of herbal tea each day.
o Herbal teas worth checking out include nettle leaf and dandelion root.
o The idea is that these teas stimulate the kidneys and cause an increase in
the production of urine. As such, more creatinine can be passed out of the body.

Consider taking nettle leaf supplements. Nettle leaf may help to increase your renal
excretion, with will help to eliminate excess amounts of creatinine. [3] Nettles contain
histamines and flavonoids, which can help to increase the blood flow to your kidneys,
thus increasing urine filtration.
o Nettle leaves can be taken in the form of supplements or can be made into

Talk to your doctor about salvia. Salvia is an herb that may increase your glomerular
filtration rate, which helps to facilitate the elimination of creatinine. [4]Salvia contains
lithospermate B, which helps to promote renal function. [5]
o Set up a meeting with your doctor to discuss the possible use of salvia. Do
not take salvia without consulting your doctor.

Method 3
Making Lifestyle Changes

Watch your fluid intake. As a general rule, you should drink six to eight 8-oz (250-ml)
glasses of water each day. Dehydration can actually cause your creatinine levels to
increase, so staying hydrated is important.
o When you do not have enough fluid in your body, you produce less urine.
Creatinine is washed out of your system through urine, so producing less urine will
make it more difficult to flush out this toxin.
o On the other hand, consuming too much fluid could also have a negative
effect on your kidney functions. Too much fluid could cause an increase in blood
pressure, and high blood pressure can put stress on your kidneys.
o Unless otherwise instructed by a doctor, it is best to keep yourself hydrated
but to avoid abnormal amounts of fluid intake.

Restrict your activity level. The body converts food into energy faster when it
undergoes vigorous exercise. As a result, more creatinine is formed, causing the
amount of creatinine build-up in your blood to increase.
o Exercise can still offer important health benefits overall, so you may not
want to exclude it from your routine completely. You should swap out high intensity
exercises for low intensity ones, however. Instead of running or playing basketball, try
walking or practicing yoga.

Sleep well. When you sleep, most of your bodily functions decrease. This includes the
body's metabolism. As a result, the conversion of creatine to creatinine goes at a slower
rate, allowing more of the creatinine already in your blood to filter out before additional
toxins can build up.
o Aim for six to nine hours of sleep per night, with seven or eight being an
ideal amount.
o Additionally, sleep deprivation can put physical stress on your entire body
and force all of its parts to work harder to perform normal tasks. As a result, your
kidneys can become stressed, which will decrease their ability to filter out creatinine.

Method 4
Taking Medications

Ask your doctor about stopping certain medications. There are some medications
that have been associated with high creatinine levels. Medications that can damage the
kidneys pose a possible threat, but some medications used to treat kidney disease can
also cause a problem.
o If you already have kidney problems, be cautious about medications, like
ibuprofen, that can cause further kidney damage when used regularly.
o ACE inhibitors and cyclosporine are both used to treat kidney disease but
may cause creatinine levels to rise.[6]
o Some nutritional supplements, like vanadium, can also cause an increase
in creatinine levels and should be avoided.
o Always talk to your doctor before stopping any medication. While some of
these medications may cause creatinine to rise, the good could still outweigh the bad
depending on why those medications were prescribed to begin with.

Check into medications and supplements that may help. Depending on the
underlying cause of your elevated creatinine levels and on your overall health, your
doctor may advise you to include certain medications or supplements to bring those
levels down.
o Most medications that treat creatinine levels also treat an underlying
problem causing an increase in those levels, so your doctor will have to diagnose the
underlying condition before you can determine which medication is right for you.

Take hypoglycemic medications. One common cause of kidney damage, and thus
elevated creatinine levels, is diabetes. If you have diabetes, it is very important to keep
your insulin levels normal to prevent further kidney damage. There are certain
medications that you can take to do this.
o Repaglinide is a commonly prescribed hypoglycemic drug. The starting
dose is normally 0.5 milligrams, administered before each meal. The maximum dose is
4 milligrams, also administered before a meal. Even if you happen to skip a meal, it is
important to administer the drugs.

Lower your blood pressure with medication. Aside from diabetes, hypertension is
another factor that can contribute to kidney damage. Keeping your blood pressure under
control will also help to prevent further damage to your kidneys, thus helping to lower
your creatinine levels.
o Your doctor may prescribe benazepril and hydrochlorothiazide. Normal
benazepril dosages are generally between 10 and 80 milligrams a day [7]. The usual
dosage of hydrochlorothiazide is between 12.5 and 50 milligrams a day. [8]
Some antibiotics can be dangerous if taken incorrectly. People with kidney disease
need to take smaller amounts of antibiotics than people with healthy kidneys.

Take medications targeted high creatinine levels. Ketosteril is often prescribed to
reduce levels of creatinine found in the bloodstream. Talk to your doctor about this
medication and if it may be right for you. The regular dose is generally 4 to 8 tablets
taken three time a day, at each meal.[9] Other creatinine lowering drugs include:
o Alpha lipoic acid (anti-oxidants) supplements can be used to help energize
the kidneys and neutralize toxins, including creatinine. You can usually take around 300
mg each day.[10]
o Chitosan is a weight management supplement that can also reduce the
amount of creatinine in the blood. Benefits are usually reached when you take between
1000 and 4000 mg per day.

Method 5
Considering Medical Therapies
Address and treat the underlying problem. High creatinine levels are rarely an
independent problem. More often than not, this issue is a symptom of something more
serious. To drop the levels permanently and improve your overall health, work with your
doctor to find the underlying problem and remedy that.
o Kidney damage and chronic kidney disease are the most common causes.
This damage can be caused by illness, potentially fatal infections, shock, cancer, or low
blood flow.
o Type 2 diabetes is also linked to high creatinine levels.
o Other possible causes include heart failure, dehydration, excessive blood
loss leading to shock, gout, physically strenuous exercise, muscle injuries, muscle
disorders, and burns.

Research cold laser therapy. Some evidence suggests that cold laser or low level
laser therapy can revitalize the kidneys and improve their overall functioning abilities. As
a result, your kidneys become more capable of filtering out creatinine naturally. [11]
o When used on the adrenal glands above the kidneys, cold lasers can also
help reduce stress and improve sleep.
o When used on the Vagus nerve in your neck, cold lasers may help
improve the circulation of blood to various organs, including the kidneys.
Use massage. Massage therapy also will help blood circulation and reduce stress
levels , which leads to pleasant sleep and relaxation.

Learn about blood purification therapy. While somewhat uncommon, someone who
has severe kidney damage and consistently high creatinine levels may wish to consider
blood purification therapy, a.k.a. hemodialysis or dialysis. The therapy is a bit extreme,
but it can be very effective.
o During the treatment, your blood will be extracted and filtered through a
machine. This machine removes creatinine and other toxins in the blood. Once cleaned,
the blood is circulated back into the body. [12]

Consider alternative medicine. In particular, learn about Micro-Chinese Medicine
Osmotherapy. This therapy is based on traditional Chinese medicine and may help
reverse minor kidney damage. Medicated baths may also help and are also rooted in
traditional Chinese medicine.
o With Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, traditional Chinese medicines
are prescribed based on an individual patient's condition. Some of these medications
are applied externally, while others are applied internally via an osmoscope. [13]
o Medicated baths can improve blood circulation. This causes the body to
warm up and produce sweat. Creatinine and other toxins can then be removed from the
body via the sweat.

Consider dialysis as a final option. If diet changes and medication do not lower your
creatinine levels, talk to your doctor about dialysis. There are two types of dialysis, but
the one used to lower creatinine levels is called hemodialysis. [14]
o Hemodialysis involves using a machine to filter out waste, fluid, and salt
from your blood so that your damaged kidneys do not have to.

Method 6
Making Diet Changes

Limit your sodium intake. Excessive sodium can cause an unhealthy amount of fluid
retention and may result in high blood pressure. Both of these issues could result in high
creatinine levels.
o Maintain a low-sodium diet. Stay away from salty foods and drinks, and opt
for low-sodium versions of common food products (canned soup, bottled sauces, etc.)
when available.
o Your daily average range of sodium intake should be between 2 to 3
grams per day, if not lower.[15]

Keep an eye on your protein intake.[16] Avoid foods that are rich in protein as much as
possible. Red meat and dairy products can be especially bad for you.
o Dietary sources of creatine are most commonly obtained through animal
products. While these amounts are not usually harmful, they can pose a problem for
someone already dealing with abnormally high creatinine.
o Note that you do need protein in your diet to maintain adequate amounts
of energy and keep your bodily functions running smoothly, so you should not cut it out
o When you do consume protein, try to obtain it from plant-based sources,
like nuts and other legumes.

Avoid phosphorus-rich foods. Your kidneys may have a hard time processing
phosphorus-rich foods, particularly if you have high creatinine levels. [17] Because of this,
you should try to avoid foods like:
o Pumpkin and squash, cheese, fish, shellfish, nuts, pork, low fat dairy
products, and soybeans.

Limit the amount of potassium you consume. When dealing with kidney issues, try
to avoid eating foods with a high amount of potassium because that potassium can
accumulate in the body if your kidneys cannot process it correctly. [18] Foods that are rich
in potassium include:
o Dried fruits, bananas, spinach, potatoes, beans, and peas.

Stay away from creatine supplements. Since creatinine is a waste product of
creatine, taking creatine supplements will result in a greater build-up of creatinine in
your blood.
o For the average person, this is not much of an issue. If you are an athlete
or bodybuilder taking nutritional supplements to improve your performance, though,
creatine might be included in these supplements and should be cut out.

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