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Alternative energy has not been able to change publics paradigm about the use of
non-renewable energy caused the need for it increases. EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery)
is a method used to increase oil production. One of the method that can be used to
increase oil recovery is polymer surfactant injection. Surfactants are used to reduce the
interfacial tension while the polymers are increasing the effectiveness of displacement.
Technological development of surfactant production process MES (Methyl Ester
Sulfonat) of palm oil for the application of EOR / IOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery /
Improved Oil Recovery) in the field XYZ has been done before through continuous and
sustainable research. This laboratory study aims to know the surfactant polymer
injection method that can produce the maximum oil recovery at a concentration of 0.3%
surfactant and 0.2% polymer. There are three methods of injection tested in this study,
including surfactant 0.3% (0.3 PV) urged by polymer 0.2% (0.3 PV), 0.3% surfactant +
polymer 0.15% (0.3 PV) urged by polymer 0.2% (0.3PV), and surfactant 0.3 % (0.3 PV)
urged by surfactant 0.3% (0.3PV) + 0.15% polymer (0.3PV) then urged by the polymer
0.2% (0.3PV). Each method is tested using 2 polymers, so it obtained 6 cores flooding.
From the results of laboratory tests, the P1 polymer with 28.79 cP viscosity value
has incremental oil recovery that are relatively larger than the P2 polymer with a value
of 18.41 cP viscosity. Based on the obtained test injection method, the injection method
with the greatest recovery is the method of surfactant injection and 0.3% (0.3 PV) urged
by surfactant 0.3% (0.3PV) + 0.15% polymer (0.3PV) then urged by the polymer 0.2%
(0.3PV). Thus, the suggested fluid suppressor type for field XYZ is P1 polymer with the
injection method Surfactant 0.3% (0.3 PV) urged by Surfactant 0.3% (0.3PV) + P1
Polymer 0.15% (0.3PV) then urged by P1 Polymer 0.2% (0.3PV).

Keyword : EOR, Interfacial Tension, MES, surfactant polymer, core flood

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