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Something like a war:

Documentary female sterilasation
Planning program- high rate of pop. Control
Initially based on sterilisation on men, now the focus has changed to women
Experience of women who underwent the process to control the problem of pop. Explosion

No vaginal manipulation or exposure of pvt. Parts f woemn

Breeding shame- changes in the bodies of women, hitting puberty, told to keep the assaults to
1952- official family planning program
Myths surround menstruation- special power comes with menstruation. Men afraid of that,
hence all the streootypes.
Double standards realisation-
Resources fall short because of the growing population.
SANJAY GANDHI- propagating family planning, take drastic steps, human rights of the
Arbitrary sterilisation- Forcing villages to undergo vasectomies
6.5 million people sterilised by the end of the emergency
After emergency, focus shifted on women
Value of woman measured by her children.
Society wasnts kids, govt wnts none, women feel undervalued.
Child mortality rate- ids wanted because of social security in the future.
Bias in providing healthcare to male and female children.Females not given any importance
Women running households, men incompetent af
Value of life is zero. Dont mind compromising lives in order to reduce the population.
Family limt. Method- spacing of children- condoms, oral pills, contraceptive techniques,
voluntary, choosing methods
Medicine, injection (pay for the firt two, cutting of the stomach- methods of aborting the
Look down upon women who cant breed
Pvt and govt. gynaes- more than 200 operations per day. Acc to govt rules- not more than 100
per day.
IUCD- 14
OTHER 14.4
Husbands pressuring women to undergo ssterilisations. Husbands profit as middlemen.
People get incentives for getting women to undergo the procedure.
A lot of agencies like revenue dept. are interlinked and they work together to achieve their
targets in getting women for eg- they give them grain in exchange for sterilisation
36 in a year target
Lot of pressure to get cases- fear or suspension
Contraceptive methods only available for women
NORPLANT contraceptive- hormonal med to stop preg for five years

No informed consent of the people- used for experimentation.
Vaccines- cost effective way for preventing dieseases.
Vaccine- contraceptive- develops antibodies against the pregnany hormone
Trials conducted several areas. Can be administered by a para medic, organic

Burden of happy small faily, pop control on women?
Dr Mehta- like all gynaes, family plaaning program feel like they can operate oon a woman
in only 45 seconds
Is sterilisation the only way?
Dr. Narendra Gupta
How much do we have to spend for health care? Our out of pocket expenditure in health
Results of five states in india74.4%
India ranked 42nd highest avg. out of pocket expenditure (OoPE)
Disconcerting cause we have to pay it all out of our pocket
Jhola chhaap- cause cheap and more accessible


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