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La poesia Poetry

Mundial plana sobre hovers over
de la
Poesia la vida fulgors d'altres mons life bright flashes from other worlds
21 de mar t'esclata als ulls tamb explode in your eyes and also
del 2017 estrelles stars
d'aigua eixugades a la cala of water that have dried in the cove
de la infantesa quan of childhood when
retuts tornen given back the angels
els ngels ja sense return now without
sal sense ales i tu salt without wings and you
intentes agafar-ne les ombres try to grasp their shadows
penjalls als fils strips of skin on threads
d'estendre to stretch out
les paraules lhora the words the time
que ms voldries you would most like
revocar els morts que to call back the dead
et pugen per who climb up
Translation: Anna Crowe

les cames your legs

baldament omplis even though you may fill
Antnia Vicens

la nit the night

de colomes blanques tot with white doves while
esperant waiting
una espurna de foc for a spark of fire
que t'encengui el poema. that may kindle your poem

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