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This Essay:


By Murray Thompson (BAppSci Environmental Health [Distinction] 1998; First Class Honors Social Ecology
1999; PhD studies in Sociology 2000 to 2012; University of Western Sydney [Monsanto-critical thesis rejected for
examination by University a few months after forming a relationship with the ag giant...])


1. "Trans", meaning: Across, beyond, or into another state or place. And so to "Transgender"...

In terms of the critical and expected assignment of gender in humans we are therefore looking at those who identify
as transgender as claiming to have an internal psychological gender that is away from, or across from, or opposite
to, their biologically assigned physical sex.

And what ARE we as animals, as humans? We are CHEMICALS (and we are also so much more of course...).
And our bodily chemicals are influenced by "unnatural" chemicals: the pollutants that industry has forced upon us
all (and which we have accepted, in large part, without a useful understanding of Toxicology).

This Essay, therefore, deals with a great many chemical notions, and how Transgender might be a chemical issue.
But, being human and also being "so much more...", our chemicals are enmeshed inside a great many sociological,
political and religious machinations. And I must admit to being incensed at a presumptuous and ignorant society,
and particularly religion, when it comes to being critical of Transgendered people, of jumping, almost
automatically it seems, into a "anything-sexually-unusual-can-only-be-perverse-and-insane" state of that
aforementioned presumption.

2. Note that the bulk of this Essay has been formatted around a number of essay websites and forums I contribute
to. Some sites are religious. Here, exclusively it appears, the whole notion of Transgender is automatically deemed
to be almost a heinous "sin" at worst, and the subject matter - almost its very conceptual basis, and most certainly
those who claim to be Trans - are thereby seen as worthy of severe criticism by the religious many claiming to
speak (and conceive, and prescribe, and proscribe, and BE) on the authority of God (such lofty expectations...).

While I have something of a religious background, I do not present as religious and I do not participate in any form
of communal religious gathering (I am psychologically-sensitive to potential cult environments...). I do, though,
most certainly and quietly, appreciate the much more flexible sensibility and inventive breadth of the metaphysical
Source and background that I personally believe formats all things (including the Quantum realm, but that's another
story...). I do not have a fond regard for either Court or political interference in Trans issues, or that insubstantial,
self righteous and combative religiosity that is so often on display when the discussion turns to the presumed
"disgusting" and "perverted": SEX and GENDER.

And don't worry, we'll soon be getting back to those all-important CHEMICALS...

For the religious only: This is the form of hyper-vigilant religious fascism that is enamored with blustering and
whining against the presumed intrinsic GREAT SINS, those of sex, gender and all manner of normal vices for a
confused, desperate and brutalized humanity. This religious fascism and its demand for an ignorant and permanent
rant against, especially, Trans issues, is therefore - by virtue of its uneducated and irrational stance and the
spectrums upon which our difficult human existence wavers - overtly at war with nearly everyone!

This self-aggrandizing hyper-vigilance constantly formulates cruel theoretical fixes for "deviants" that verge on the
fascist and sub-genocidal in intent and portent. It anticipates and pontificates a certainty of judgement and wrath
against all the perceived grossly imperfect, all the while shallowly boasting spiritual and moral high ground notions
of "God's wrath", "Christ-likeness", and other quite abysmally sickly religious concepts that tend to pretentiously


glimmer off what is really only a weak and glossy appearance of superficial righteousness, a bleating and quite
nasty foolishness that always fails to examine its own core excesses and gross, unseen deficiencies.

Therefore, my sociological, environmental and religious intellectual concerns today lie mainly with the current
widespread compromise of scientific, spiritual and political character, thought and action.


Negative impacts against Environmental Health (industrial pollution of our air, food and water, pharmacological
pollution from toxic medications, chemical pollution of our food via pesticides and processing additives, and
psychological trauma) and human sexual development are linked very dynamically at the epigenetic level. These
factors, in the form of hormonal insults, contribute to the formation of Transgender individuals.

I do not pretend to be an expert in LGBTIQ issues (see the following for definitions: Nevertheless, my expertise in
Environmental Health, in which I have a Degree in Applied Science, has afforded me what I believe to be a
reasonable way to approach aspects of causation: a fairly obvious, logical and scientific means by which to
examine and understand, especially, the Transgender issue, and hopefully other potentially related issues. While
this might sound relatively simple, and toxicologically and physiologically speaking it is amazingly straightforward
from this perspective, nothing in this world of hidden and spiky (and too often, tragic) industrial and sociological
mechanics is entirely THAT simple.

I have gradually come to see how Environmental Health, industrial pollution, food pollution (deficient
nutrition/growth and food additives), pharmacological pollution (prescription and non-prescription medications,
and hormonal and other contamination of meat products) and human development are linked very dynamically.
However, my initial study of the Trans issue essentially started from a sociological perspective, an area in which I
have done nearly 12 years of on/off PhD research. What I have noted, time and again, is that when you study
totalitarianism, the subject leads into a vast arena of human behavior, both corporate and personal. And when one
witnesses a personal kind of ignorance combined with heartlessness in which an individual generates heavy
criticism of, say, a mother doing her best rearing a child, one will always see the seeds of potentially greater group
fascism that could spring from many more people and governments taking on the same kind of criticism. Very
disturbing. So criticism that appears to arise out of a complete lack of understanding of the science behind the
issue needs to be addressed when individuals express it, and this in the hope that institutionalized fascism will not
grow out of the smaller acts of combined ignorance and discrimination, and terrible historically repeated

Good quality research that clearly delineates the nature of problems can assist in remedying ignorance. The great
potential of enlightenment and compassion can then grow out of that understanding. I have included some brilliant
and very recent sociological research findings, and also much older toxicological research findings in this essay to
define aspects of the nature of Transgender.



A woman and mother posted an article describing her battle with the Transgender issue in her own family. The
reader in question who found the woman's article offensive made a critical comment or reply to the article. Please
read the following WordPress article and note the critical reply: (gendermom 2013).

The comment reads as: "Quite disgusting. gendermom is a nutcase at best.". I posted a Reply, but that may not
have been accepted by the Wordpress website. Here, following, is an expanded and improved version of what I
originally posted in May and then also in June 2016:

The level of insult and aggression in your response obviously means that you're really unhappy with this particular


parenting situation. If you are not happy, then what would be an improvement in your eyes? Would you like to see
society somehow disinfected of nutcases since you imply that, at worst, gendermom could be a really bad person?

What would you recommend: incarceration of the mother in a psychiatric ward; or perhaps the child should be
taken from its mother and placed elsewhere? Should the child be medicated? Where does your aggression lead to
in terms of fixing such a 'problem'? Would you put a mother through the technical fix horror of a child services
type of nightmare in order to gain some notion of satisfaction that you carry with you? You really did imply she
might not be worthy of having a child in her care! Your opinion leads horrendously in that direction. Is your
demand for your kind of satisfaction or, by extension, for a larger sociologically and clinically desirable regime of
only-normal-parenting-allowed, based on replicable clinical evidence and genuine understanding of proven truth?
Or, should YOU be medicated for being so oddly angry over an issue you know little about? Or, again, are you
actually OK with leaving the child with the mother, but you reserve the right to call her names?

Did you really need to post such a blunt and disparaging insult regarding a woman bravely addressing an extremely
difficult parenting issue, and a family situation you don't even know?

We all now certainly understand that you are righteously offended by those dealing with Transgender issues. You
appear to consider this gender question as reflective of deep psychological aberration, because you called the
mother a "nutcase", and you called her addressing of her child's gender asynchronicity "disgusting". That is a very
serious accusation and implication of solid guilt because you have left no room for argument. So, will that be the
way you move forward from here: continuing hurtful insults that attack and diminish every aspect of this mother's
and other Trans peoples' being? Would you ever try to force into being that presumption of clinical sanity (the
opposite of the "disgusting" and the "nutcase") you suppose exists and which must predominate regardless of the
cost to human lives and minds? Beware, for that presumption is FASCISM.

Allow me to point out a few truths:

1. Parenting is never easy, and it is not easy to deal with either physical, sexual or psychological issues of either
yourself or your kids, along with the dynamics the world throws at you constantly.
2. Trans issues' genesis and orientation are somewhat hard to source and characterize (excepting where Endocrine
Disruptor poisoning makes causation a relatively straightforward toxicological rationale), and monstrously difficult
to remedy.
3. Invisible and largely untraceable toxic interferences in our childrens' development (parents' medications
affecting sperm and ova, vaccine injury and autism, pesticide exposure and anti-social behavior, GMO "food" and
digestive and immune dysfunction) add layers of incomprehension to family health and Trans sexual/psych issues.
4. The persistent spiritual pathology of the immortal shaming and defaming of sex that has plagued this most
marvelous and tragic gift from God, a shame burned into the generational nature of humans, all-too-often causes
spontaneous and irrational eruptions of shame, disgust and judgement. Politics, religion and many other arenas
typically witness acute episodes of journalistic disclosure where what is automatically deemed to represent wholly
inappropriate sexual activities usually sees a quick and deadly focus frame the enemy sex with repudiation and
condemnation. In this instance of the above noted gendermom article, a person has easily rushed to vent their
unknowing and inculcated angst - quite unbeknownst to them in terms of this deep sexual sociology (for most
people do not perceive these ancient and powerful depths) - against the enemy "sex", and against strangers without
any understanding of their targets' personal and differentiated existence, or worthwhile appreciation of beneficial
and overlapping science disciplines (e.g. toxicology and sociology) and good quality understanding in general.
5. With the above understanding, we should be able to appreciate that poor old sex always has its odds stacked
against it, and we should therefore be able to intelligently and compassionately ditch this common and stupid
disgust of sex and its many and variant fractious evolvements and appearances, and leave that out of our evaluation
of innocent people who have - as will shortly be shown - been viciously attacked by chemicals and/or other
destructive agents. Their heartrending injury manifestations, and their more than awkward resulting sociological
and gender issues, should therefore never be dumbly written off as "disgusting", or less noble by comparison
against anything by any who deem it their perverse responsibility to be gender and moral policemen and to stand in
terrible judgement.

Even though faced with so many unknowns in terms of the awkward Trans issue, understanding can still be
assertively discerned via quality and unbiased research.


Please note:

1. "The overwhelming evidence in favor of an internal gender identity that may be at odds with genetics or
anatomy and that resists change has been abundantly spelled out elsewhere. However, for those who may be new to
the study of gender, I will outline some of the highlights here:

[1] "Differences in brain structure between cis- and transgender, where transgender brains have been found more
closely to resemble brains corresponding to their identified gender [actual brain structure can intrinsically
demonstrate what the true core (mind) gender identity of the person is, while the biological and physical
presentation - the physical body - can be the total opposite].

[2] "Decades of doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, and counselors of all varieties trying and completely failing to
change gender identity [presumptuous psychological manipulation working against deep reality].

[3] "Experience with people whose bodies were altered in infancy unbeknownst to them but who clung to the
gender identity associated with the body sex they were born with [presumptuous biological/physical manipulation
working against deep reality].

[4] "Research showing that certain drugs taken during pregnancy appear to increase the chance of the offspring
being transgender, even if the offspring is not aware that drug was used [powerful evidence that
metabolic/physiological chemical/drug poisoning/contamination interferes catastrophically with human sexual
development]" (Chase 2016; my comments in []).


The reader's critical comment in question relating to the Trans issue (which may have been regarding an article on
"Biological Subjectivism"), was previously listed relating to an article on this web page: However, the trans article, the reader's criticism and my response to that
criticism all appear to have been deleted. My posted Reply, was (with identifying details omitted, and described as:

No [xxx], you are applying a religious type of intolerance to your notion that all human sexual issues are purely
psychological, that these kinds of "trans" people are inherently and deeply wrong (or, worse, sinful or evil and
deserving of some kind of spiritual punishment), and that anyone or any government or organisation that supports
them is wrong. That is not true.

As I've stated, this world is under attack from toxic chemicals, and the Endocrine Disruptor type of chemicals
attack a person's sexuality and internal identity as the embryo develops (and potentially even before that). You
cannot be dismissive of, or vindictive towards, people who have had their very core being attacked as an embryo
by industrial pollution. A negative attitude toward such victims of industrialization could push a harassed trans
individual a step closer to suicide, and would you then want to find out that your lack of support or compassion, or
your open antagonism was responsible for the breaking of the last vestige of courageous persistence that person
was personally capable of mustering?

Note that a transgender person's biologically and developmentally poisoned life starts as a confused and innocent
child living in the face of what will almost inevitably become a lifetime of snide and even intolerably vicious
insults, beatings, death threats (in Brazil right now there is a genocide occurring against transgender individuals),
and heartless rejections.

Don't do this to your brothers and sisters. We ALL have problems and issues to deal with on this truth depleted
Planet, and the last thing any of us need is to be attacked by the very people who are our fellow strugglers, but who
choose to wind up attacks against that which they do not fully understand.




An article at:

addressed an issue called "Biological Subjectivism". The article was titled: "Mental illness on parade: 'Biological
subjectivism' self-identity lunacy encourages grown men to shower with high school girls as a 'civil right'"
(Monday, May 16, 2016 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger). My Reply (plus additional material) was:

One should not make the mistake of lumping all Transgender into the "Biological Subjectivism" classification. That
would be an error of corporate, perverse Judeo-Christian proportions where a religious bent irrationally, and all too
often unconsciously, tends to presumptuously shame unorthodox sexuality on all levels. This is an extension of the
more diffuse and abstract sexual shame that has generationally followed mankind, a persistently demonically
maligned, shamed and defamed greatest gift ever given to humanity. Fall into this trap, and you are working on
behalf of the enemy whose main job description is Maximum Conflict. Transgender(ism) is largely a result of the
sins of Big Industry and its global polluting stranglehold on this beleaguered Planet. We are a Planet in extremis,
literally poisoned out of our minds. It is ENDOCRINE DISRUPTOR CHEMICALS that are interfering with
hormonal and biological development in animal and human populations:

"Pesticides cause gender change" (


"Pollutants may also be causing gender ambiguity in humans"


"Despite popular opinion and negative media portrayals which disparage transgendered people as being mentally
ill or making lifestyle choices, an increasing amount of evidence is surfacing which is linking the proliferation
of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) to variations in gender identity and sexual orientation

Let us put the blame largely where it belongs: TOXIC CHEMICAL POLLUTION, and the industries (like Big
Tobacco and Monsanto) that have known for DECADES just how poisonous their wares are.

Therefore, toxicologically and developmentally speaking, INDUSTRY is to blame for many asynchronous and
other departures from the norm. It is toxic industrial chemicals and pharmaceuticals - perhaps more specifically the
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTOR chemicals that we are currently aware of - that are largely at fault for disrupting the
normal development of the embryo. Unless, of course, we actually know very little about these endocrine
disruptors, meaning that vast unknown synergies of toxic chemical compounds are likely responsible for most
gender and other issues, leaving us and our children with a great many more unpleasant discoveries yet to muddle

What we need now is worldwide education that recognizes the tragic nature and origins of asynchronous gender
problems, and a parallel recognition that must reign in at least one out of the two main known causes: the abusive
pollution that industry splatters all around in their perennial quest for more profits from the sale of chemically
engineered trinkets. Having stockholders in businesses is something that has to GO. Their collective demand for
profit motivates industry to pump out repeat purchase items that ensure a constant flow of toxic chemicals into the
worldwide environment. Everything is connected. Stockholders that have transgender children might not see this
connection though, this being the way this world - programmed for permanent conflict as it is - tends to HIDE how
one issue melds into 50 other issues. It is a spider's web of conundrums, fueled pervasively by the ongoing
criminality of industry's chemical treason against this entire Planet.



Below, I list another Reply of mine to criticisms levelled at trans people (with editing for improvement) under the
website article listed under 3.0 above:

Transgendered people aren't mentally ill. Their mind/soul/spirit or the core of what makes them mentally male or
female is perfectly normal, but it does not match their biological body because Endocrine Disruptor chemicals have
created an asynchronicity. This is a matter of DEVELOPMENT. We're all poisoned to one degree or another
physically and have various fractures running through our systems, but we can all mostly still function quite well,
mentally speaking. What ADDS to the instability of a Trans person is people accusing them of being "mentally
unstable". This helps to predispose Trans people toward suicidal ideation because they're being told, over and over
as they grow up (as well as being insulted, bashed up, and raped, and murdered [as in Brazil - especially - right
now] that they're "sick".

If you are immersed in negativity it will affect your mind adversely. That's one of the prominent reasons why
lawyers who are involved in the childish and abusive adversarial system of so-called justice (where typically the
Plaintiff or Complainant who might be a raped woman or poisoned individual is accused of always having been a
whore, of being a liar or a faker/actor) are so prone to suicide. Lawyers are IMMERSED in negativity. And so, to
diminish every aspect of a person's being (especially in an adversarial setting where lying is the name of the filthy
legal defend-the-corporate-poisoners-or-rapist-at-all-costs game) is a devastating and terrible thing to do. And, all
too often, that is what people do to Trans people over extended time.

I should add here further that a negative intention is actually quite a powerful dynamic. To marginalize a group via
constant criticism is to actually create a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy. At a purely psychological level, to hear
that one is considered abnormal or corrupt is a poisonous reinforcement of their (assumed) lack of enlightenment
and positive potential. Beyond the purely psychological is a radionic/intentional kind of regime that actually
manifests quite toxic psych and even spiritual dynamics.



Below, I list yet another Reply of mine to criticisms levelled at trans people (with editing for improvement) under
the website article listed under 3.0 above:

A new study shows that "gender variance in youth isn't a phase OR A CHOICE" (Matt 2015a; my emphasis). It's a
matter of the child acting out their genuine identity, "an identity as valid and consistent... [as] those in cisgender
[synchronous or typical mind/body synchrony] children" (ibid.). See also the following URL's for information on
this pivotal sociological study: and and

The test tests "unconscious thinking" in children and, as such, and because children are brutally honest, gives very
real results. Note:

In the recent study comparing gender variant youth with cisgender siblings and children of a similar age, the
pattern of data showed that the results of the transgender children were indistinguishable from those of cisgender
children, which shows that transgender youth identify with their gender in the same, consistent way as cisgender
youth do. For years trans allies and advocates have been saying that being transgender is not a phase or a choice,
that it is a consistent and very valid gender identity, but there is now scientific proof to show this to the rest of the
world (ibid.).


Lead researcher, Kristina Olson, said:

While future studies are always needed, our results support the notion that transgender children are not confused,
delayed, showing gender-atypical responding, pretending, or oppositionalthey instead show responses entirely
typical and expected for children with their gender identity, the data reported in this paper should serve as further
evidence that transgender children do indeed exist and that this identity is a deeply held one (ibid.).


(Hoogeweij 2016a); MARCH 9TH, 2016.

Note these new behavioral science research findings: "The findings challenge long-held assumptions that mental
health problems in transgender children are inevitable, or even that being transgender is itself a type of mental
disorder" (ibid.).

I think this demonstrates quite clearly that the ever-growing consistent theme being uncovered by research now is
that transgender is a biological issue, NOT a psychological problem. You are BORN transgender, and there is
nothing you can do about it. There is nothing to cure psychologically, and the only remediation appears to be total
acceptance, and potentially Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and gender reassignment (surgery) in order to
create a more comfortable fit between the industrial pollution, chemically-induced or Endocrine Disruptor-induced
asynchronous body and the mind.

The mind is what is preeminent in this tragic equation of interference in human development. The body is
secondary and can be hormonally and surgically manipulated to represent the real internal core person more closely
and comfortably. It is unfortunate that hormone therapy can have some toxic side-effects, and that both HRT and
surgery are so expensive.


The following essay developed out of an obvious need to address the actual science of the potentials for the
generation of a trans condition, along with other related issues.


What we first need to appreciate here are some very standard basics in terms of function and malfunction occurring
in a human body under stress:

When a situation has been evaluated as "stressful," the bodys biological systems kick in, and we experience a
biological response that is called "fight or flight." The fight or flight response is controlled by two branches of our
nervous system, the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous system. When a threat or challenge is perceived,
the bodys sympathetic nervous system is switched on, raising the level of two hormones, epinephrine and
norepinephrine. These hormones cause a series of biological changes, such as increase heart rate, dilation of
nostrils and bronchial tubes, raises blood pressure, increases blood flow to brain and muscles, which gear up the
body to either flee from the perceived danger, or stay and fight. Once the perceived danger or challenge is no
longer a threat, the bodys parasympathetic nervous system kicks in, and returns all body systems back to normal
levels of functioning. However, when the body suffers a long period of chronic stress, many of the bodys functions
are thrown out of whack, resulting in a depletion of the bodys resources, weakening and possible failure of the
immune system, the pituitary gland can not produce enough stress hormones, and other negative health effects


(Stevens 2008).

This means severe impacts via stress run very deep into the core of bodily function.

So, the damage to a human system can be very significant. What physiological dynamics could be elicited by such



Now that we understand the above noted basic stress dynamic, we can see where this can lead in terms of potential
mechanisms producing deep effects.

Psyche trauma of the mother before her child's conception and that experienced while carrying the embryo feeds
into this vast Environmental and Human Health equation. Here, both the mother and child experience physiological
changes. In other words: "One theory that has been gaining attention in the field of sexual orientation research is
that prenatal stress, stress suffered by the pregnant mother, is a possible cause of homosexuality in males" (Stevens
2008). What might be the mechanism for this?

Trauma and stress effects can be transmitted to offspring via epigenetic changes. These are gene activity
alterations, rather than DNA sequence changes. This explains the phenomenon of "intergenerational transmission of
trauma", notably present in the children of Holocaust survivors (McKee 2016). So, the mutability of gene activity
(called "methylation") is critically important here:

Methylation turns off certain sections of genetic code. So even though we inherit two copies of every gene - one
from our mother, one from our father - whether the gene is methylated often determines which of the two genes
will be turned on. Methylation is inherited, just as DNA is. But unlike DNA, which has an enzyme that proofreads
both the original and the copy to minimize errors, methylation has no built-in checks. It can change from one
generation to the next and may be influenced by diet or environment (Abrams 2007).


The research article: "Prenatal endocrine influences on sexual orientation and on sexually differentiated childhood
behavior" (Hines 2011) appears to be a literature review examining "the evidence regarding prenatal influences of
gonadal steroids on human sexual orientation, as well as sex-typed childhood behaviors that predict subsequent
sexual orientation." (ibid.)

In summary:

The evidence supports a role for prenatal testosterone exposure in the development of sex-typed interests in
childhood, as well as in sexual orientation in later life... given that testosterone plays an important role in the
development of most, perhaps all, behavioral sex differences in other species (ibid.).


It appears, however, that other factors, in addition to hormones, play an important role in determining sexual
orientation. These factors have not been well-characterized, but possibilities include direct genetic effects, and
effects of maternal factors during pregnancy. Although a role for hormones during early development has been
established, it also appears that there may be multiple pathways to a given sexual orientation outcome and some of
these pathways may not involve hormones (ibid.).

Recall: "many of the bodys functions are thrown out of whack, resulting in a depletion of the bodys resources,


weakening and possible failure of the immune system, the pituitary gland can not produce enough stress hormones,
and other negative health effects" (Stevens 2008). So DEFICITS in hormones will cause issues, and TIMING.


Several general principles of organizational influences are worth noting. One is that they typically occur during
critical, or sensitive, periods of development, and these periods occur at times when testosterone is elevated in
developing male animals. One implication of this general principle is that the hormone must be present at the
appropriate time to have its effect. If it is present too early or too late, the impact will not be the same. In addition,
although present only briefly, the impact of exposure to the hormone at the appropriate time can persist across the
lifespan. These early, time-linked, persistent effects are thought to occur because hormones direct some aspects of
neural development during early life [3], influencing cell survival, neuroanatomical connectivity and neurochemical
specification [97] (Hines 2011).

Finally: "Maternal factors during pregnancy" (ibid.) introduce the potential for psyche trauma as an additional
influence on sexuality. Note: "some of these pathways may not involve hormones" (ibid.).

The cloud of potential influences on the developing fetus has thus expanded exponentially, while strictly direct and
indirect, more physical chemical influences settle in to a fitting, logical and research supported prescription as a
pronounced causative factor in sexual and gender dysfunction.



As early as April of 1998, the Journal of the American Medical Association quietly released a special report that
revealed puzzling news. The number of males born in industrialized nations has dropped dramatically since 1970,
constituting a serious reversal in earlier trends. Records up to 2014 show that trend continuing.

Human male births have always held a marginal advantage, probably Natures way of insuring that enough of the
somewhat more physically vulnerable male infants will survive. Earlier last century, between 1900 and 1950,
typically as many as 106 males to every 100 female babies were born, probably because obstetrical practices
improved so much that more male babies survived pregnancy and delivery. Census figures after 1970 indicate a
trend reversal, a significant reduction in the number of little boys born. Today in industrialized nations, including
Canada, the U.S.A., Sweden, and the Netherlands, that ratio has dropped significantly, a shift which over four
decades translates to at least one male less in 1000 births or about 80,000-100,000 fewer males in a population as
large as the U.S.A. Over the world that adds up significantly, creating a red flag for humanity.

...While it may seem counter-intuitive, top environmental scientists say these little boys may be being born female.

This disturbing and unnatural alteration in sex ratio represents a potential threat to both our species survival and
our cultural norms if the trend continues. And because scientists have identified a clear and reversible cause for this
change, they have designated the shift a sentinel health event, a significant and preventable change in world
health. The decline gives no hint of slowing; male numbers appear to be progressively decreasing in proportion to
girls. The culprits? Synthetic chemicals pretending to be hormones, Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs).
(Potter 2017)


Now that we have established a possible mechanism by which epigenetic changes can occur, is there any real
evidence of sexuality being influenced by stress, possibly via these changes?


G. Drner, a researcher, used the general structure of WWII and focused on Germany. He attempted a study to see
if there was a correlation between extreme stress in pregnant mothers and the rate of homosexuality in males born
before, during and after the war:

Out of 865 homosexual males studied, significantly more were of them were born between the critical period of the
war ("between 1941 and 1947- with a maximum in 1944-1945") than in the years before or after the "critical
period" (Drner 1983). These findings spurred a second study by Drner, which yielded similar results. In this
second study, Drner used a sample of 100 bi- or homosexual men and 100 heterosexual men. In turn, each was
asked about possible stressful life events that took place in his mothers life during her pregnancy with him. The
findings were as follows:

1. Out of 100 heterosexual males only 6 heterosexuals reported on moderate stressful events that have occurred in
their prenatal life, while none of them described severe stressful events in prenatal life, even after consulting their
2. Out of 40 bisexual men 10 bisexuals (=25%) described moderate and 6 bisexuals (=15%) even severe stressful
events that have occurred in prenatal life.
3. Out of 60 homosexual men 20 homosexuals (=33.3%) reported on moderate and 21 homosexuals (=35%) even
on severe stressful events that have occurred during their prenatal life. (Drner 1983) (Stevens 2008).

An interesting correlation was thus established, at least in terms of these studies with their inherent flaws.

It is clear that there are "multiple pathways to a given sexual orientation outcome" (Hines 2011), however most of
the possible pathways appear to be actionable and dynamic within a pre-conception and embryonic/fetal level,
rather than impacting after birth.

"NATURE" as it directly impacts on the embryo, rather than "NURTURE" should therefore be viewed as the prime
culprit here propelling so many unfortunate children into a tragic and often brutal world that does not understand

And, it may well be the case that transgender and other LGBTIQ dynamics and outcomes are structured around a
combination of chemical pollution (industrial, agricultural, food additives and drug/medication) and psychological
stressors, factors that "manufacture" innocents born that way.



suicide/#comment-940 (Matt 2015b); 13 March 2016.

My Reply to the above article (altered for this Essay):

No school support for Taylor means no understanding and no recognition of LGBTIQ issues in an institution that is
supposed to "educate"... So NO education was available, apparently, in-class in terms of sociology issues
examined, gender issues, and Environmental Health issues, particularly those such as Endocrine Disruptor
chemicals which affect gender. Taylor's school is tragically representative of too many educational and sociological
"black holes", places of so-called learning where LGBTQ issues, both societal and personal, are neither studied
effectively in class or supported via counselling. These are places where abuse reigns free, and the LGBTQ student
is left to fend for themselves.

Don't blame, shame or disparage Trans people, and thus brutally re-crucify your brothers and sisters time and time
again, whenever you might make a snide remark or offer a negative look. Is it your responsibility or job


description to police sexuality and add to the trauma Trans people have suffered all their lives, leaving them prone
to suicidal ideation because of the relentless onslaught they've experienced from their peers since earliest


Note: (Matt 2015c); 8 May


My Reply:

As long as Transgender is erroneously viewed as a psychological problem, group/herd and individual ignorance
and lack of education (in LGBTIQ issues, and in the rewarding decency of restraint, learning, understanding and
compassion) will fuel the persistent human nature demand for conflict with each other via the dumb excitement and
ignorant gratification of a blunt, knee-jerk general theory defense of the stereotypical safety zone of accepted
sexual and behavioral normalcy.

In a world infected with massive industrial loads of toxic chemicals interfering with all environmental and human
physiological processes, there is no such thing any more as normal/accepted "sexual and behavioral normalcy".
Intense psych trauma, even ancient GMO practices and, very likely, chemical pollution (which has been around
since the Romans polluted the whole world with lead from their smelters), can explain a great deal of LGBTIQ
presence. Then after that great vault of partial and complete unknowns that affect "Nature" (meaning you ARE
absolutely born that way), you can add all the tortures that "Nurture" throws at us.


In looking at,, I penned the following:

You all look absolutely great! I stand in awe of the courage and perseverance you are all demonstrating. I am not
Trans myself, but was drawn to the Trans issue:
1. From my background in Environmental Health and the perspective of what, toxicologically and endocrine
disruptor chemical speaking, CAUSES Transgender (
2. From my PhD studies into Fascism and how ignorance can generate immense hostility toward anything
considered sexual in nature...
3. From my further studies into the spiritual motivators of human history and attitudes toward sex; the persistent
shaming and defaming of sex and the locked in, bigoted demand -- in this heavily polluted world (remember,
"endocrine disruptor" chemicals, above) -- that all lifeforms be ONLY male or female, even though all animal and
human sexuality AND reproductivity is under attack, essentially in an attempt at a global Extinction Level Event.
So, WHILE all life is under attack, what symptoms would appear?

If the Trans issue is caused by interferences in the "CONTINUUM development" of the embryo when
CONTINUUM-critical hormonal actions fail at certain, set-in-stone and irreversible points, then YOU ARE BORN
THAT WAY. And you are born into and inside of, a spectrum that survives just outside the dual default of male
and female. That spectrum or continuum is an expression of the survival hardiness of reproduction. In other
words, if strictly mind-body male or strictly mind-body female is not possible (each of these hard dualities in a
chemically and biologically perfect world tends toward being inflexibly coded for the purpose and imperative of
reproduction), then something rather more challenging will be bravely created instead. And perhaps also, in
looking at all things as a "positive", bravely created for the character and education of all who are willing to learn
about the spiritual backgrounds of the harsh realities of corporeal life. You need to be genuinely enlightened to see
and value what's inside a person rather than ignorantly and aggressively discriminate against the Trans
phenomenon based on your unrealistic demands for strict physical perfection in a grossly contaminated world.


No, you are not psycho, and you do not have a psychiatric condition excepting by virtue of the (sometimes killer)
stress imposed by others. They are the ones imposing their CRIPPLING IGNORANCE on you, the struggling
HERO (or heroine). You are struggling in a world where toxic technology is largely worshiped in sheer ignorance,
and the effects of chemical technologies on sexuality are unknown to most people.

Wed. 13 July 2016

I mostly agree with this NaturalNews post, excepting for Point #1: "He's a dude pretending to be a woman." Not
only is the quick and unexamined use of the term "dude" a heartless contradiction of another's statements and
presentation, and thereby a direct insult (implying that a biological male is up to mischief and is wilfully,
inappropriately and stupidly generating a farce and controversy), but it also implies a pathological form of lying
and encodes for a readership (and this is a heavy responsibility: writing for the consumption of many) the negative
sensibility of witnessing a sick delusion bordering on a psychiatric condition. This use of an insulting term
carelessly oversimplifies and mocks real transgender issues, which are genuine environmental and biological
issues. Endocrine disruptor chemicals interfere with the hormonal integrity and development of the growing
87). A female body can host a male mind. The latest research proves this occurs. See:

This is, therefore, a mark against a not-so-developed and advanced world where toxic technology is assertively
promoted and casually accepted and worshiped. Where pollution tends to be ignored or thoroughly hidden via the
pervasive and pestilent leveraged interests (corruption) of industry. INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION, food
technologies (linings inside cans, plastic packaging, preservatives and other additives), fabric treatments, synthetic
clothing, toxic (flouro) lighting, synthetic makeup, lotions, sunscreens, deodorants and perfumes, vaccines, illicit
drugs and toxic medications, EMF/RF pollution, fracking leachate and air pollution - this great mass of
interferences in human bio development - cause most trans problems (with severe psyche trauma for the pregnant
mother contributing as well and overlapping into causations regarding homosexuality).

Now these developmental problems (for those tragically born into this most intense and inescapable trauma most of
us cis-gender individuals cannot imagine) are THEN compounded by a largely hetero society that ignores the
industrial reality of pervasive chemical habituation and contamination all too easily IN TERMS OF THIS
GENDER ISSUE and glibly mocks the transgendered without studying the science behind the causes. Critical
looks, name-calling, jokes, internet abuse, physical abuse, BLAME, and then even murder (such as the current
genocide against trans in Brazil) result from the shallowest addressing of a biological tragedy brought on by
industrial contaminants. Often, this kind of abuse can be filtered through a religious form of devastating
presumption, which can be brutally demeaning and even imprudently fascist in its ultimate derivation and
dispensation. Give that kind of totalitarian judgement broad political and military power and you will
characteristically see pogroms and other sociological nightmares (Crusades and Inquisitions) rise up.

Don't contribute to a broad and stupid blame game that puts trans teens under so much cumulative pressure that
dead-in-apparent-suicide/#comment-940 and
coming-transgender/. How you LOOK at a trans person, your WORDS, INSULTING GENERALIZATIONS,
IMPLICATION OF SITUATED INTRINSIC EVIL (in a 6 year old trans child insisting they are mentally different
to their assigned/biological sex??) and actual PHYSICAL ABUSE all add to the potential of these poor victims of
toxic industry to choose SUICIDE to escape their tormenters. Adding venom to others' discrimination adds to the
potential for OPPORTUNISTIC ATTACKS or worse, an organized pogrom.


This particular (trans) gender issue just goes to show how well toxics manage to hide their actions and leverage
maximum social friction and conflict (as if by design...). If you presume that a repeated social presentation is, and
can only be, representative of a total lie (somehow independently taken on by thousands of people worldwide who
do not know each other, and who may be, in fact, only children when they start consistently and persistently
demanding a gender identity at odds with their biology) rather than A GENUINE GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL
PROBLEM DEMONSTRATING AN UNDERLYING TRUTH, then you will be contributing in a wholly
destructive manner to the trauma experienced by those being called liars and delusional. You will have assisted,
especially, in the suicide demise of fragile young people trying to make sense out of their tragic immersion in the
asynchronous incomprehensibility of their gender plight.

Do not write off a trans person bravely struggling with a monstrously awkward issue that you - perhaps as a person
luckily assigned a normal, integrated being at birth - would truly not wish on your worst enemy! Imagine: as a
small and growing child, and then a confused teen, not understanding why your mentality never comfortably
meshed into the body you were born with and the sexual framework you were then expected by parents and society
to agree with and engage. Imagine: then discovering that you were, for example, actually a GIRL inside the body
of a BOY. Imagine what an epiphany that would be! A lifetime's childhood engulfment inside ABSOLUTE
CONFUSION translated suddenly into SENSE.

Causations in this muddy world are WELL HIDDEN, so we - as a largely floundering society of ignorant mortals
crying out for real sense - can barely ever agree across the board on any subject. We hardly ever manage to find,
define and address real cause and effect, and this leaves our desperate attempts to highlight and codify truth as an
unfortunate stage of maximum confusion, reactivity and conflict on a global scale.


The following note refers specifically to a statement in the Gagnon 2016 article: "NO, GOD ISNT
Gagnon (

The important foundational statement in the above article: "transgenderwhich refers to a persons abandoning
his or her birth sex for a self-constructed and distorted self-image", is completely wrong.

Transgender is a genuine medical and biological problem caused by endocrine (hormone) disruptor chemicals from
pesticides, food additives and the like interfering with the normally integrated (synchronous) assignment of brain
and body gender in the developing embryo. As such, an "asynchronicity" develops where the biological body does
not match the brain gender of the unfortunate individual. In more and more studies now, trans-gender children
then clearly and consistently demonstrate (without coaching) the clarity and truth of their gender asynchronicity by
demanding that they be accepted as identifying with a brain/mind core gender that does not match their biological
gender. These kids are not lying. They tell the truth. See:

It is industrial pollution, or technological pollution that causes the bulk of transgender.

What the fight against trans reveals, however, just like the perennial fight of the hyped-up righteous religious
against homosexuality (which, when caused by massive pre-birth psyche trauma in the mother is yet another
example of an individual genuinely being "born that way"), is a very subtle and powerfully convincing obsession
with deep conflict (there must always be someone else they are identifying as their enemy who is definitely going
to hell) [2] (this numbering will be explained below). One could validly assert that powerfully incorporated and
instituted lies, in terms of the truly dark and evil potential of this beleaguered world, represent the most important
dark prime directive on this planet [1]. And this corporate lying (based in an insatiable and permanent greed for
money and power) is especially relevant today with the almost nuclear expansion of the realization that everything
we've been taught (by the world's ruling families and, hence, their sponsored industries and governments) is wrong.
The Bosnian and Antarctic pyramids and a host of other discoveries (free energy, natural cures for diseases, etc.)
show us now that all our historical, physics, electromagnetic, biological and medical data are grossly in error,



And then there is the Great Pathological Lie Of The Ages: that there is something intrinsically wrong with sex.
This broad sexual avenue of thorns hooks many people into a permanent war against (always) those "other" people
with horrible sexual issues.

The Great Pathological Lie Of The Ages

is that there is something intrinsically
wrong with sex, and this broad avenue
of thorns hooks many people into a
permanent war against (always) "other"
very naughty people withsexual issues

In this critical and perverse spiritual dynamic souped up to maximize conflict, the enemies of righteousness
become your own people: your brother, your sister, uncle, and anyone that appears to confirm that we are in the
disgustingly distorted End Times. Sexuality and gender are typically used and abused by all who participate in the
immortally persistent shaming and defaming of sex (the greatest gift of God to humanity) on all levels [3], to
doggedly confirm the existence of a great well and prime signature of pre Return perversion. With this strategy
duplicated each generation, you could characterise the demonic realm as sitting back and laughing at all the "good"
humans righteously rampaging on their behalf, gasping and suspecting all the "other" (again) filthy humans "over
there" in Perversion Land of being notoriously evil and recalcitrant sex perverts worthy of destruction, ad

This is a sexualized, demonizing and conflictual negative spiritual orthodoxy that no-one with any reasonable
depth of intelligence should believe from the perspectives of:
1. the above noted permanent conflict dynamic that challenges and makes a lie out of -- by virtue of the obscene
levels of religious venom generated -- the very core teaching of God's unassailable compassion and Love;
2. our now more advanced understanding of Environmental Health and the impact of pollution on embryos (I
didn't graduate top of my Degree in Environmental Health at the University of Western Sydney for no reason).

What I have noticed lately online is that the ingrained, conflictual, obsessive compulsive, let's-burn-them-at-the-
stake, negatively discriminatory opinions of the religious in terms of sexual subject matter (the droning historical
defamation against sex) will not accept information and understanding. There you find the real recalcitrance of a
blind form of presumption, a personally institutionalized WRONG "knowing" that is properly identified as, in fact,
sheer ignorance, a raft of adversarial ideas blindly accepted, and a personal sexual belief system of unbridled
BLAME never really questioned. This speaks of a lack of spiritual meta systemic self analyses: thinking about our
thinking that is negatively spiritually influenced by the power of living (though deathly), unexamined orthodoxies
of perception and interpretation. Outwardly, this self righteous discrimination is more visible as an automatic
claiming of some kind of moral high ground via a "spiritual/moral" form of hyper vigilance: a puritanical form of
religiosity and certainty of knowing/feeling/indignation; a personal expectation that sexy enemies are surely always
just around the corner, and simmering in their own juices as they wantonly assist in attacking and eroding
civilization. This overall problem of presumption describes a lack of awareness of the corporatization and mode of
truly evil evil. It describes a choice made in favor of particular, distorted and delusional issues rather than a
framing and core appreciation of the broad and powerful base of God's Love and our altruistic potential.

The Trans phenomenon, via the

agency of the Internet, represents

The growing Transgender phenomenon should never be automatically and shallowly interpreted as confirming
evidence of a prophetically expected, very naughty, gender dysphoric explosion of sexualized perversion in the End
Times, a volcanic prophetic upwelling of filthy sexual lava that threatens our schools, restrooms, personal sexuality
and crotches, or delicate religious sensibilities. The Trans phenomenon, via the agency of the Internet, represents


THE RELEASE OF A BURIED PROBLEM, and should be heartily welcomed! Apart from the inevitable
historical appearances of gender dysphoria in an always distorted world, there has been a massive time lag between
the spread of endocrine disruptor chemical pollution in this modern chemicalized age and its gradual, insidious
insertion into our (and the animal kingdom's) metabolic frames of reference, or critical lines of developmental
communication, TO THRESHOLD LEVELS OF EFFECT. This world has been too dumb and industry has kept
toxicities too well concealed, for us to collectively understand the planetary environmental health implications of
what we've assumed was solely a psychiatric problem. We have remained uneducated and reactively abusive,
particularly in terms of this Trans issue, hence why so many Trans people have felt the need, in terms of family
tolerance and personal safety, to remain hidden away for so long. For shame! All those who revel in their
luxurious cis-gender normalcy (who have minds that match their biological designation) should wake up to the real
world of chemical toxicities and appreciate the entire concept of Environmental & Human Health, and embryonic
sexual development.

The dark, corporatized and militarized perversion of Science, overt and covert Government totalitarianism, Law
Enforcement out of control, Medicine and Big Pharma bias and profits, Food Processing additives, Drugs, Mining,
and especially Agricultural Practices (e.g. toxic pesticides and GMO) possess infinitely greater potential for
sickness, disease and Extinction Level Event planetary destruction than any sex related subject of supposed End
Times moral doom! The Transgender issue inside and outside of religion has been wholly inaccurately identified,
co-opted and "zombie-fied", and would be infinitely more accurately understood as a challenge to uneducated cis-
gender people's awareness of Environmental Health, and their personal genuine internalization of concepts of true,
compassionate love.

Transgender is not a perverted

signature of degeneracy on a global
religious moral compass and End
Of The World timeline

Transgender is not a psychiatric issue, excepting where the uneducated, conflict-addicted, irrational, dumb and
vicious abusers of everything sexual or gender oriented convince, for tragic example, a young Trans person that
they are so distorted, worthless and evil that they should kill themselves (a typical Facebook rant). Transgender is
not a perverted signature of degeneracy on a global religious moral compass and End Of The World timeline.
Transgender is not a planet destroyer. It is, at its core roots, an Ascension Of Man (Evolutionary) superiority
complex and presumption issue (a prime error - framed by industrial interests - in interpreting Homo Sapiens'
appearance and development that wrongly describes our trajectory as pre-ancient, brutish, simple and undeveloped,
thence becoming superior, enlightened and industrial: the opposite is the truth), an industrial/toxicological issue (we
are so dumb with our science we poison everything including gender assignment in the womb), a technological
issue, a chemical pollution issue, a biological issue, an hormonal issue, a human/embryonic developmental issue.
And, like everything else human, it is immersed inside difficult social issues that often lead people into incorrect
interpretations. Transgender is ultimately, in the end analysis, a supreme test of Character and Love for everyone.
We are all in school. Do our grades show we dumbly favor a permanent war against innocents brutalized by
chemicals in utero?

I suggest [1], [2], and [3] (above) as notions of critically important prime directives within the demonic realm and
human nature, in terms of their importance and the strength of their pathological influence on humanity.

A contributor to another Gagnon (2015) essay's Comments section (

exclusives/2015/10/how-should-christians-respond-to-the-transgender-phenomenon) stated the following: "My
argument though for the church is that we do need to be loving, we do need to call sin,sin... God is going to judge
the selfish man in the same way he will judge the gender dysmorphic...". Also: "It is not our job to judge these
people and tell them they are condemned..."

My response to the above was:



BTW, we are already in hell last time I checked...

Also, you said: "God is going to judge the selfish man in the same way he will judge the gender dysmorphic".
Note you said (for emphasis): "he will judge the gender dysmorphic". You sound pretty certain of that.

And THEN you said: "It is not our job to judge these people and tell them they are condemned".

Trans people! You are capable only of very thinly veiling your UTTER HATRED of Trans people and the sins
you imagine they're all getting up to...

My larger response was (with additional material added for this Essay):

What sin?!! Who is sinning when they are born with a mind that does not match their body? The true "sin"
belongs with the industries that have generated the Endocrine Disruptor chemicals that have caused the in utero
hormonal shift leading to gender dysphoria. The true "sin" lies where Monsanto and the like have created Agent
Orange, PCBs, Glyphosate (often called "Satan's Molecule"), and GMO pollution: THAT is true, greedy, anti-
environmental, anti-public health, anti-Planetary health "sin", indeed a kind of global treason against the entire
Planet and all who live on it.

However, I think what you might be calling "sin" is the superficial appearance of homosexual attraction, and then
the physical act of sexual intercourse that religious people typically get really, really obsessed with... Here, for
example, a Trans MTF (Male To Female) person who has not had their penis surgically removed might engage in
anal intercourse because their core (true, fixed permanent, actual, mental, spiritual) FEMALE mind is
heterosexually attracted to a cis-gender ("normal" biological) male. So, in reality, the true mental and spiritual core
of this dirty dynamic (as you see it) is, in fact, a heterosexual relationship, even though both participants have
biologically male bodies and therefore, due to no fault of their own, can only engage in actual ANAL intercourse if
intercourse is part of what they wish to share with each other (not all Trans relationships have overt sex as a

So, there's the "rub" (pardon the naughty pun...). Will you obsess over the material DETAIL of anal intercourse
(which, BTW, a great many heteros absolutely love) to the exclusion of what is the actual central, loving, mental
dynamic occurring between the two people? Will you play God and:
1. REVILE these people, or
2. DEMAND they split up, or
3. DEMAND psyche counselling for either or both, or
4. DEMAND incarceration in a psyche ward and the forced administration of psychoactive medication or chemical
castration or electroshock 'therapy'?

Will YOU as the critic become the true psychiatric case in this overall equation of obsessively morally policing,
identifying and disinfecting supposed perversion?

How will you get the power yourself, or support that 'cleansing' power being given to... WHOM? To what
authority? And will that authority be benevolent, or totalitarian and scarifying? How will they know when to stop
'cleaning' the perversion?! Recapping: how will you ensure that all the Trans perversion can be authoritatively
cleaned up... so that you can be happy and unthreatened on Planet Not-Your-Cup-Of-Tea? Do YOU really want to
step into the breach and add your clinical, warped, OCD distaste and, indeed fascism, critically interferring with the
kindergarten "school" framework we are part of? Are you really THAT intelligent and masterful?

If you are going to IGNORE what I have shown as the true toxicological and developmental realities of the global,
industrial, Environmental Health Trans situation - that their plight is not of their making, that they're INNOCENT,
and that they have an intrinsic RIGHT to be who they think they are and be in relationships - then you can only be
to one degree or another, at worst aggressive (deludedly fascist), and at least monumentally insulting (like refusing
to call the Trans person what they wish to be addressed as). You will then heartlessly be adding to the daily
torments of repudiation and abuse Trans people have to endure. Your comment, or look, or noticeable negative
attitude "on that day" may be the straw that breaks the camel's back ON THAT DAY in that poor tortured soul's


life. Suicide.

And you would call yourself good and religious, when you have expressed such self confident, overweening levels
of sheer, unbridled ignorance about this Trans issue? Do you not know that the Love of God comes before ALL
else? Even before your presumptuous and self righteous co-opting of God, and declaring (for Him) His
unwavering support for your tiny human perspectives and causes. Even before your most horrendously erroneous
judgement that seeks to somehow technically "fix" or punish (preempting God) the naughty, perverse, sexy, Trans



gagnon#comment-2849886618 (Yarhouse 2015), a reply was made (to a comment I had previously posted) thus:

"To prevent "suicidal ideation" we promote silly lies. Sounds like a great plan for humanity's future. The Truth sets
us free, not lies. "But the truth hurts too much! It makes me want to die!" Guess what? We all suffer from that."

My reply (with additional material) to the above was:

xxx, the truth is that toxic hormone disrupting chemicals cause Transgender. You seem to be missing that critically
important point. You seem to believe still that Transgender is a psychiatric issue, and that I am promoting the
concealment of a vast psychiatric problem through "silly lies" that hide the truth, and which then cause reality
problems with Trans.

First, if you are happy to not be, in the first order of things, mercifully compassionate toward their situation instead
of demonstrating a blockish confrontation and recalcitrance that essentially tells the toxicological gender victim that
you don't care if they are suffering, then you must have some measure of personal confidence in your unassailable

However, I would suggest that this level of humility would be advantageous: "I don't know a lot about toxicology
and embryonic development, so I will study this hormone disruptor side of the pro argument in favor of Trans
before I unleash any further condemnation toward Trans."

Secondly, you must also be confident in being thus recalcitrant, or obliquely dismissive, or even somewhat harsh
and incompassionate toward Trans. In other words, you must know something of an authoritative nature or a
determined Biblical source that supports a necessary "MY demand for my truth [despite sociological research and
toxicological/drug evidence to the contrary; see below] - and if necessary an abrasive repudiation of patient
compassion - above all else" position.

At church, or at work, would you greet a Trans person the way they wish to be greeted? No? Some say they
would not use a gender changed name or the gender pronouns that a Trans person would wish to be addressed as.
What a slap in the face that would be! What False Pride!

In that case you would be achieving less than a Walmart greeter.

Is your church entrance or workplace going to become a nasty place where Trans are weeded out and treated with
contempt? Exclusion creates anathematized minority groups that can be singled out for "distinctive" or "special

Sexually, or gender-phobic, or religiously-framed and justified violence is on the same vicious human nature
spectrum as religious presumption, religious disdain, religious intolerance, and incorporated/organized (even
textually institutionalized) religious hatred, condemnation, and beheadings.


And all this represents a "straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel" dynamic. It involves the extreme end of that
spectrum, the end that leads to the religiously attractive and convincing seeking of that vast and righteous, quickly
sliding (like a sudden landslide) abomination: the technical, clinical "fix" (the supposed small "perfection" of the
strained gnat through human effort), but which abruptly slides into a Final Solution for the supposed problem.
There is not much distance (in terms of the speed at which inflammatory issues can evolve) between the
repudiation of undesirable Trans persons and a genocidal pogrom. Politically and religiously, especially today in
the face of fast-paced false flag events, BLAME can be easily applied to any minority group through intense and
repetitive argument and edict.

One of the worst and least appreciated negatives of not compassionately addressing Trans, or banning Trans, or
beating up Trans, or murdering Trans (as in Brazil), or burning, shooting or beheading ANY defined or suspected
"guilty" category of people, is that these actions are slate wipers of both human diversity and opportunities for
people to commune and learn and grow in understanding. While fear, revilement and separation reign supreme,
connection, empathy, compassion and cooperation cannot ensue. If you separate away from a people, or if you kill
off a people, you will then culture, as a function of that blind separation, the grey homogeneity of a vastly lesser
experience of life (less people = less reproduction = less personalities = less creativity = less learning) in that arena
being addressed by the disaffection, detachment, or slayings. The raw ground material (within this continuum of
opportunity or deficit) for developing character in the living is in all those peoples (an infinitude of potential
interactions, surprise and innovation) who are deemed difficult and undesirable. The genocide of difficult issues
thus reinforces the habituation of blunt elimination responses as minds that should be ebulliently creative fall to the
ease and trauma of the simplicity and brutality of the actions and the internally scouring effects of the silence and
void of the deficits. "Greyness" characterizes this kind of world as it has done so under any form of

On a very side - but actually related - note, the demonic realm of immortal sameness is said to be "grey", hence
why conversation between vampires in movies and TV series often intersects the observation that short-lived
human passion is so appealing to them.

Note: the "sociological research and toxicological/drug evidence to the contrary" noted above was the material I put
in SECTION 1.0, at the beginning of this Essay.



My following comment (with additional material added) immediately below this paragraph is in reply to a forum
contributor's notes on the subjects of: "Kevin Jennings, GLSEN and Fistgate". This person's comment was deleted
(along with mine) apparently for being too long, though the highly personal nature of their comment may have
contributed also. This person noted that he was a child prostitute in New York in the 60s. He felt that the research
I have used in this Essay to support my case for Transgender being a biological and not a moral or psychiatric
issue is as bankrupt as the research that appeared from the 60s onward, research that - according to him - supported
aspects of a highly perverse "men "liberating" boys sexually"" mentality. He noted, with great concern, that boys
can be brainwashed by repeated indoctrination, and that the "Kevin Jennings, GLSEN and Fistgate" issue was an
horrific governmental and institutionalized extension of such doctrines that arose out of said bankrupt research. He
was therefore not a fan of research and appeared to be very emotionally biased in that regard. My answer to his
sad revelation is:

Yes, I agree that neuroplasticity can achieve amazing brain structure and function transformations (including
spontaneous and slower forms of healing as many medicos will sometimes obliquely and reluctantly admit), even
diabolically horrible permutations from distorted "education". And I'm sure that what you say is happening in
American schools (I'm Australian, so don't have your local background knowledge) must be, to one degree or
another, occurring. That's because CONFLICT and confusion is a prime directive for genuinely real and resident
dark forces on this miserable "possessed" world. So, anything that causes life-long confusion, trauma and conflict
will be promoted and given great power by those forces. But the Transgender I'm aware of is not that which arises


out of a brain that is "malleable and changeable not only by repetitive behavior, but by repetitive thoughts, which
means that sexual behavior and sexual thoughts change the brain". The Trans I refer to throughout my statements
is the Trans and dysphoria that appears spontaneously and honestly in affected children, and that which cannot be
resolved, then, BY coercion or manipulation of any variety (as so often occurs when parents try to force a preferred
gender identity in their highly resistant and assertive child).

"...anal intercourse is ALWAYS a sadomasochistic act..." Your comment sounds a bit like a Universal law and I
don't believe many Trans (or cis-gender heteros for that matter) would necessarily agree with that given their
passion and certainty for their gender asynchronicity (but I don't have on-the-ground, intimate knowledge of this
because I am neither a gay male, nor Trans). I do feel that many hetero couples would be upset if you somehow
made anal sex illegal (I jest), because the female anus can have a great many nerve endings around and in it
making it possible for some ladies to orgasm via anal penetration. Sex is what you make of it, and you do admit
that anal sex can be very pleasurable. I note here that the whole of a woman's body is an erogenous zone, so no
body part is off-limits for sexual pleasure.

Yes, I'm sure the entire notion of "men "liberating" boys sexually"" is ESPECIALLY utterly reprehensible to you,
given your sad background. Any kind of fraud against children and their innocence is abominable. You have
obviously been heavily traumatized, and perhaps it has left you with block reservations, limitations and broad,
automatic and explosive presumptions (congrats, though, if you have been able to function effectively in this
world; quite an achievement). I sense a negative mental block is represented by your statement: "Now they are
teaching boys in sex ed these ridiculous fairy tales that you are now telling me about transgendered when I haven't
yet recovered from the existential nausea that the phony scientists promoting gay sexual acts as a good impose on
us, and are now being taught as a good to children in schools, violently putting those children at risk."

Your trauma and your ongoing and difficult recovery (more power to you), though exceedingly regrettable, should
not be permitted to cause - via the anvil of heavy emotional distress - a censure of future enlightening educational
DESPERATELY NEEDING COMPASSION. What is being reformatted here by these amazing new research
findings is that dumb form of erroneous presumption that all-too-often backgrounds and perpetuates popular

It may be that your background makes it impossible to accept that gender asynchronicity can happen. You may be
making a direct association between what you believe about homosexuality and what you presume regarding
gender dysphoria issues, and such are the limitations of traumatized minds. These kind of blocks tend to hem in
our thinking (or, better, reacting) and obstruct us from unfetted, independent and innovative thought. We are all
very restricted in what we can endure, process, unlearn, and learn anew. And I still can't fathom how you relate the
traumas of the particular homosexual experiences that were forced upon you to Trans. To me, the two are entirely
different issues, unless I have particular and heavy limitations in my thinking in this area.

And, yes, literary agents and industry sponsored science will both tend to do their utmost to present a wholly
distorted image of reality, as is the case on this, the "Planet of the Lies". That biased reality may generate sexual
convenience for a powerful group. That reality, that popular and institutionalized indoctrination, may make a lot of
money, hence why anyone else generating an actual contrary truth (or even just facts) will likely either be defamed
and lose their job, or even be assassinated (as occurs globally regarding natural disease cures and free energy
inventions). But not all scientists and literary agents are corrupt. And bad science in the 60s etc. does not of itself
generate an immutable law making all sexual and gender sociological studies beyond that time automatically
flawed and corrupt. When you have sociological studies allowing uncoerced children to assert their own honest
minds, then you're on to something very interesting.

I Googled "Kevin Jennings, GLSEN and Fistgate" as you suggested, and yes: disgusting. Corporatized evil. And I
have found a copy of Jennie Livingston's documentary, "Paris is Burning", and look forward to watching it.



Human Nature rides on a continuum, or sits on a spectrum of behavioral potential. The small things become much
larger if the freedom and power to act on those small things are magnified. So, if we demonstrate fine character in
small things, then we will likely demonstrate fine character if we are given greater responsibilities.

Conversely, if someone with an antagonistic attitude toward a group, only has the power to write (and perhaps
unfortunately influence [OR, put another way, give opportunity for those possessing similar poor character to
reveal themselves, and be tested more overtly in their further development, or decline]), and in that small matter
they demonstrate a continuuing abusive attitude toward people, then you would NOT want to give that person any
kind of absolute authority.

Character revealed in small matters (Luke 16:10 and 19:17; I Cor 6:2; Mat 25:23; Luke 12:48), if abusive, exposes
an individual (and hopefully not a group) as the kind of person who inwardly wishes to possess ("possess" here
being a very appropriate word, in terms of subtle and persuasive, yet inwardly raging, demonic influence), fashion
and ventilate the vengeance reserved for God alone, now, in this age, which is not appropriate because none of us
have the spiritual credentials for that level of judgement.


We are witnessing brutal attacks on the viability of this Planet on all levels, especially via the monumentally
vicious fascist dynamics of pollution through industrially imposed fracking on private lands (as an example of
mining totalitarianism), via sickening (literally) GMO transgene and pesticide contamination of the global
environment (as an example of agricultural mad "science" totalitarianism), via toxic chemical pollution which is
threatening the intrinsic reproductive viability of mankind in toxicologically and metabolically distorting ways that
cannot be remotely compared to the frequently raised point and observation of a general lack of reproduction via
homosexuality, and via the global wireless pollution pandemic of EMF and RF contamination with the explosion of
cell phone and satellite dish technologies (which cause the blood-brain barrier to leak), just to name a few threats.
These are monsters of threats to the whole of Mankind and the entire Planet.

And Transgender is NOT one of them. Transgender is NOT and cannot ever be construed as a sexual perversion
because a chemically distorted, catastrophic gender assignment accident from pollution or toxic medications
resulting in a gender asynchronicity CAN ONLY CREATE INNOCENT VICTIMS. Victims, not sexual monsters
that need to be identified, blamed (for something, maybe everything), harassed, and perhaps even put down.

However, when looking for blame, cumulative concerns over moral issues can be easily inflamed by the politico-
religious desperation of times typically experienced inside collapsing civilizations, and is exactly what we see
today (and have witnessed throughout history). When globally powerful industries see a clash of civilizations just
ahead, expect religion and monolithic government to combine. Before these much greater nightmares appear, and
within our current much smaller - but no less virulent - demand today for some form of totalitarian religious
technical fix to insubstantial perceived "sexual threats", are located the metaphysical seeds that threaten the lives
and liberty of LGBTIQ minorities, but NOT on a basis of Love.

Religion can justify ANY variety and level of penalty for whatever kind of sin it believes is present. Inquisitions
and pogroms without a doubt are a potential end game for an obsession with man-made sexual and gender
"perfection" (strangely demanded in a grossly imperfect world, something that truly speaks of "clinical fix
delusion"). But this kind of man-made and ungodly fantasy and wrangling can only be imagined and imposed
(without any possibility of "success") via the worst of brutalities. And here we often fail to recognize that smaller
worries over the world's favorite shame and defame subject, "sex", are a signature of two critically important
contributing dynamics:

1. A small but convincing attitude of "doing God's work" in condemning an assumed sexual perversion is on a
continuum or spectrum of fascist disorders that become all the more pathological and dangerous the more people
share the alarm and desperation of the times.

Note also that some people vicariously experience feelings of sexual arousal and, all-too-often and infinitely worse,


fleeting but eruptive notions of addictive superiority with the generation of a herd-approved form of "righteous"
(guiltless, virtuous, worthy) condemnatory zeal. A powerful emotional "flush" or surge of delight and assumed
power can signify this psychosomatic response. This addictive arousal and inflationary notion of moral high
ground, elitism, superiority and zealousness is ultimately a distorted intellectual, emotional and physiological
reaction that becomes, after the experience, insubstantial and hollow, hence why the "fix" of further condemnation
opportunities will be persistently sought after. That kind of zeal is incorrectly attributed to the working of God and
should serve as a warning to the flushed religious elites that they are being misled by empty feelings.

2. Being thus misled (as humanity as a whole has been misled for thousands of years as it has dumbly "ascended"
into authoring - via the crucible of industry - a full on planet-destroying Extinction Level Event) resonates as a
signature of an immortal form of persuasive evil that has stalked human nature from the beginning. What the most
honest research shows is that we humans started off smart, and then gradually imploded. As Orsen Wells once
said: "I started at the top, and worked my way down". This kind of creeping spiritual degeneracy is apparent when
logic, good sense, understanding corporate human nature, compassion and Love all go out the window, forcing -
literally - spiritual reason and spiritual viability to have to defend themselves, WHICH THEY SHOULD NOT
HAVE TO DO in a so-called enlightened "Christian" setting. "The greatest of these is love" (I Cor. 13:13). The
fact that this Biblical logic of Love is rejected so easily and comprehensively via the vehicle of self-assured
volcanic presumption and a concomitant complete lack of toxicological and developmental understanding, and an
almost pathological, obstinate unwillingness to recognize this amazing new knowledge (a resistance to good
research), shows clearly that something beyond basic, internal human weakness is prevailing over us all, a venom
of cruel metaphysical intentions reaching levels, at the close of this industrially, politically and religiously
degenerate global civilization, of profound ferocity.


Note:; 9 March 2016 (Hoogeweij


There are invisible forces propelling nations that are culturally inclined towards internal pogroms. This intra-
conflict deflects criticism and generates approval. The Holocaust generated its general theory "criminals", and then
Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and the mentally and physically impaired suffered mightily from their label.

The LGBTIQ community are all-too-often made the scapegoats for perceived pressures. Would that the LGBTIQ-
oriented children of all anti LGBTIQ government and religious officials combined their respective voices and
called for compassion rather than irrational, inflationary angst, blame, shame, opposition and repression. Would
that this kind of universal statement suddenly and comprehensively shocked the drama-fascists in government and
religion into a state of reality and, at the very least, a fair and compassionate, realistic and RATIONAL recognition
of gender identity and sexuality issues.

When we start assertively talking about God condemning this or that we are always thus situated on a slippery
slope. I believe vengeance and condemnation are truly God's (because we simply can not handle either
competently), and I sincerely hope I will never knowingly participate in the hyper-vigilant rhetoric of the "gentle"
slopes leading self-righteously down toward condoning life-threatening accusations of spiritual culpability, or
worse, genocide. There's not much difference between agreeing with others on the condemnation of what we
perceive to be a sexual perversion (and Transgender is anything but) deserving of hell fire and demanding the
beheading of a heretic. These fanatical herd mentalities are both on the same spectrum.


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Murray Thompson
* Full-time studies in Traditional Chinese Medicine (Chinese Medical Theory, Chinese Herbs & Acupuncture):
Brisbane College of Traditional Acupuncture 1981.
* Professional Artist (Photo-realism & Impressionism: Landscapes & Animals, Oils & Acrylics).
* Website Construction; Website Graphics; Proof Reading.
* Private/Public Study: Dr. Brian Liu (Dip. Acupuncture - Sydney): Acupuncture Massage & Muscle Testing
* Certificate of Completion, Health Care Worker, Professional Business Colleges of Australia (PBCA)
Blacktown, Sydney 1993.
* Advanced Certificate Farm Technology (Highest Pass for Plant Production Subjects) 1994, Richmond College of
* BAppSci Environmental Health 1998 (Top of Degree; Award: Best Overall Graduating Student by Australian
Institute of Environmental Health, NSW Division) / Hons I Social Ecology 1999
* Ex Sociology PhD Student (University of Western Sydney PhD Scholarship; PhD studies for 12 years; Thesis all
but finished: University failure to enable Big Pharma/Ag-critical Thesis examination), University of Western
* Current Research - 1. Environmental Health: Pesticide/Chemical Applications, Movement & Residues;
Endocrine Disruptors, Trauma & Gender Dysphoria (e.g. Transgender); GMOs/Endotoxins; EMF/RF;
Scalar/Radionics/Geopathic Dynamics (Energy [Plant/Human] Medicine); 2. Japanese/Asian Sociology: Trans or
"Newhalf" Sexual Culture.

Murray Thompson
BAppSci Environmental Health 1998; Hons I Social Ecology 1999, University of Western Sydney



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