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Group 3:
I Sepapradita 1413071003 the man of g-d.
Anil Joseph 1613071021
Komang Sriponi 1613071025






1. The concept of Equilibrium

Chemical equilibrium is circumstances where no macroscopic changes (changes that can be

seen and measured), but the reaction still continue to occur at the microscopic level (molecules).

When the reaction rates of the forward and reverse reactions are equal and the
concentrations of the reactants and products are no longer changed as time went on, then
achieved is chemical equilibrium (chemical equilibrium).

Chemical equilibrium is a dynamic process. This can be likened with the skiers at a ski
resort, where the number of skiers is carried up the mountain by using the lift seat is equal to the
number of skiers down skating. So, even though there is a displacement of skiers continue to
occur, the number of people above and the number of people under the mountain did not change.


On the reaction of such substances substances results cannot be mutually reacted again into the
substance of the reactant.

The reaction in one direction (such) have the following characteristics.

1. The results of the reaction Substances cannot be converted back into a reactant.
2. Among the results of the reactant and yield reaction associated with one-way arrows.

3. The reaction takes place completely. That is, the reaction will stop if one or all of the reagents
is exhausted.


NaOH (aq) + HCl (aq) NaCl (aq) + H2O (l)

The reaction can be behind (reversible) can take place in both directions means that the results
of the reaction substances can react to form the substance of the reactant is back.

The characteristics of the reaction back and forth as follows:

- The reaction is written with two arrows ()
- The reaction was conducted from two directions, i.e. from left to right and from right to


If the lead (II) sulfate, a solid white when reacted with aqueous sodium iodide will form deposits
of lead (II) iodide reaction with yellow,

(1) the PbSO4 (s) + 2 NaI (aq) PbI2(s) + Na2SO4 (aq)

(white) (yellow)

Conversely when the solid lead (II) iodide which is yellow from the reaction of aqueous sodium
sulfate plus the above, then it will return a white precipitate is formed from lead (II) sulfate with

(2) PbI2 (s) + Na2SO4 (aq) PbSO4 (s) + 2 NaI (aq)

(yellow) (white)

PbSO4 (s) + 2 NaI (aq) PbI2(s) + Na2SO4 (aq)


Equilibrium Of Homogeneous

The term Homogeneous equilibrium (homogeneous equilibrium) apply to reactions that all
species react to him are on the same phase. An example of a gas-phase equilibrium homogeny is
a decomposition of N2O4. Constant balance, as given in equation is
Kc =

Note that subscripts in the Kof c States that the concentration of the reacting species is expressed
in moles per liter. So for the equilibrium process

N2O4 (g) 2NO2 (g)

Kp =

Heterogeneous Equilibrium

Reversible reactions which involve reactants and products that produce different phase
heterogeneous equilibrium (heterogeneous equilibrium). For example, when calcium carbonate
is heated in a closed container, the following equilibrium is achieved:

CaCO3 (s) CaO(s) + CO2 (g)


KP =


1. The Influence Of The Concentration

The concentration of a reactant or reactants affect the equilibrium shifts. Based on the principle
of Le Chatelier's principle , to note a few, as follows:

a. If there is an addition of reactant concentration on one, then the equilibrium will shift to
the right (in the direction of the product). On the contrary, if any additional product
concentration, then the equilibrium will shift to the left (towards the reactant).

b. If there is a reduction in the concentration of one reactant, then the equilibrium will shift
to the left (towards the reactant). Conversely, if there is a reduction in the concentration
of the product, then there will be a shift in the equilibrium to the right (in the direction of
the product).

c. If there is a reduction in concentrations of all substances involved reactions, for example

by dilution or enlarge the volume, then the equilibrium will shift towards a number of
molecular much.

2. The Influence Of Pressure And Volume

When a reaction the number of molecules or particles before and after the reaction the same
volume does not shift the equilibrium of the layout.
The reaction to the number of particles before and after the reaction is not the same then,
when the Volume is magnified the equilibrium will shift towards a number of roads to
the molecules or particles (the amount of reaction coefficient).
When the Volume is minimized at equilibrium will shift towards a number of roads to
the molecules or particles (the amount of reaction coefficient).
PV = n RT

P = (n/V) RT

Of the equation shows that the change in pressure would be the opposite with changes in the
volume, which means that when the pressure is magnified by its effects would be the same when
the volume is reduced, and vice versa when the pressure is reduced will result in the same
volume when enlarged.

The equilibrium for the reaction the number of particles before the reaction is equal to the
number of particles having a reaction, changes in pressure will not shift the equilibrium of
the layout.
The equilibrium for the reaction the number of particles before the reaction is not the same
as the number of particles after the reaction if,
The pressure is magnified the equilibrium will shift to a number of small particles
Minimized Pressure equilibrium will shift to large number of particles.

3. Influence Of Temperature

The influence of temperature on equilibrium shift related to the reactions of endoterm and
eksoterm. According to Le Chatelier principle, when the temperature is raised, then the reaction
of the system is to lower the temperature. As a result, the equilibrium will shift to the reaction
that absorbs heat (endoterm). Conversely, if the temperature is lowered, the equilibrium will shift
to the reaction that releases heat (eksoterm).

N2(g) + 3 h2(g) 2NH3(g) H =-92.2 kJ

Because the H is negative, then the reaction is the reaction of eksoterm to the right. In contrast,
the reaction to the left is the endoterm reaction.

4. Influence Of Catalyst

Influence of catalyst on the reaction equilibrium is accelerating the achievement of equilibrium,

but does not affect the direction of equilibrium his itself. A reaction that used to require days or
weeks to reach equilibrium, if coupled catalyst in reactions, it will minimize the time required to
reach equilibrium. Thus in equilibrium catalyst reaction does not occur the shifting equilibrium
layout but only accelerates the achievement of equilibrium.


Chemical equilibrium reactions in everyday life today can be seen as in the following examples:
1. Reaction Equilibrium In The Circulation Of Oxygen In The Body
In the body of any living being, the presence of oxygen. Oxygen is a substance which is very
important for the life of living beings. Oxygen by first bound by blood, circulates throughout the
body via the blood circulation of living beings. If oxygen stopped circulating, then living
creatures will die. Oxygen in the blood will be bound to hemoglobin (Hb), according to the
chemical equation:
Hb +2 O HbO2

2. Reaction Equilibrium In Water Body

Each time our bodies always pull out water; through the skin (sweat), lung, kidney, or through
the digestive tract. The expenditure of the water on our body relies heavily on the condition of
the body, food, and our daily activities.
To maintain the water balance in the body, then the water is missing must be replaced with new
ones. Water input into the body comes from drinking water and food. The amount of water that
goes in the body must be tailored to the needs of the body. Recommended for adults, at least one
drink each 1.5 liter a day.
3. Reaction Equilibrium In The Mouth
The reaction also occurs in the mouth of equilibrium. This happens on the teeth. On dental email
contains Ca5(PO4)3OH. These substances will undergo a reaction at equilibrium:
CA5(PO4)3OH 5Ca2 +(aq) + 3PO43-(aq) + OH(aq)
When we eat foods containing acids (many issued ion H+), then the ions H+ion binds PO43- and
OH so that the equilibrium of the reaction will shift to the right that caused the concentration of
Ca5(PO4)3OH decreases. This has resulted in email so porous layer. Porous email this is what
makes his teeth became ill.


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