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Page 2/2 -NEW EVIDENCE for FOIAAppeal DOJ-AP-2017-002520- 03/06/2017

1x) Original Letter for Office of Information Policy (OIP), and 2x

copies of this letter for the Office of Professional Responsibility and Office of the
Inspector General (OIG).
3x) Disc sleeve with 2 DVD discs per disc sleeve. Disc #1 contains a
High Definition (1 080P) MPEG-2 encoded video file containing the 'Evidence
Video' by Brian D. Hill. Disc #2 contains a DVD-Video of the 'Evidence Video' by
Brian D. Hill, which shall be compatible with standard DVD players.
Each disc sleeve contains 2 DVD discs and are for each of their
respective offices. I ask that each office confirm receipt of the copy of this letter and
attached 2-disc sleeve, either by mail or by phone.

Small Envelope (Cert. Mail # 7016 1970 0000 9602 0040):

1x) Copy of this letter for the Office of Government Information
Services (OGIS).
1x) 1 disc sleeve with 2 DVD discs. Disc #1 contains a High Definition
(1080P) MPEG-2 encoded video file containing the 'Evidence Video' by Brian D.
Hill. Disc #2 contains a DVD-Video of the 'Evidence Video' by Brian D. Hill, which
shall be compatible with standard DVD players.

The 'Evidence Video' was filmed on March 4, 2017, and was finalized on
March 5, 2017. It contains arguments, photos of originally scanned documents, and
proves the basis for the original FOIAAppeal, that the U.S. Attorney Office in
Greensboro, NC may have selectively concealed, covered up, or destroyed their own
criminal case (discovery) records with an intent to prevent me from proving my
actual innocence in my criminal case. The video demonstrates arguments similar to
what may go before a hearing chamber. I show what I had received in my FOIA
response envelope packet, what I did not get that I believe I should have a right to
have access to under FOIA, and the evidence shows that documents were secretly
and selectively withheld with an intent to prevent and obstruct my ability to prove
my actual innocence to my wrongful conviction, thus violating me all of my
Constitutional rights to Fair Trial, effective assistance of Counsel, cross
examination, confrontation of witnesses, and right to inspect and photocopy my
original discovery papers. This FOIA Appeal further proves my case that my

criminal conviction and plea agreement is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
D . 1l n ...k You & Sinrereltr,
urJ 1 Brian D. Hill
= Former n- reporter & Fonder ofUSWGO Alternative N-
. ... .. > . ... . . . . .. Home Phone#: (276) 790.:3505
310 Forest Street, Apt. 2. Martinsville, VA 24112
Page 1/2- NEW EVIDENCE for FOIAAppeal DOJ-AP-2017-002520- 03/06/2017

*******Freedom of Information Act Appeal*******
U.S. DOJ OIP FOIAAppeal Case No. DOJ-AP-2017-002520
OGIS Mediation Case No. 201701674
Monday, March 6, 2017 - 01:53AM
ATTN: Director Certified Mail Tracking #:
Office of Information Policy (OIP) 7016 1970 0000 9602 0033
United States Department of Justice Return Receipt Mail Tracking #:
1425 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 11050
Washington, DC 20530-0001 9590 9402 2456 6249 4860 15
Phone: (202) 514- 3642 (FOIA) (Big Envelope) Marked
Fax: (202) 514-1009 FRAGILE!
CC: Offi~~ Qf the Iaspector G~n~ral Washington, D.C. 20530-0001
U.S. Department of Justice Phone: (202) 514-3435
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 4706 Faxed to: (202) 514-4001
CC: Offi~e ofPrQfes~ional Re~pon~ibilit): Washington, DC 20530-0001
U.S. Department of Justice Phone: (202) 514-3365
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 3529 Faxed to: (202) 514-5050
ATTN: Offi~e Qf Gm::~rnm.ent lnformatiQn Service~ Certified Mail Tracking #:
(OGIS) 70161970 0000 9602 0040
National Archives and Records Administration
Return Receipt Mail Tracking #:
8601 Adelphi Road-OGIS 9590 9402 2456 6249 4860 22
College Park, Maryland 20740-6001 (Small Envelope) Marked
Phone: (202) 741-5770 ///Fax: (202) 741-5769 FRAGILE!

Dear Office of Information Policy (OIP), Office of Government Information Services (OGIS),
I am mailing you NEW EVIDENCE for the Office of Information Policy (OIP) in
regards to my FOIAAppeal Case No. DOJ-AP-2017-002520, the Office of Government
Information Services (OGIS) in regards to my Case No. 201701674, the Office of the
Inspector General (OIG), and the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR).

The evidence for each respective office is 2-DVD discs within each disc sleeve with
labels directed to each respective office. I shall produce 3 copies of this same letter with
my original signature that I sign with, which I expect to be disseminated to each
respective office. The document with the original signature shall be issued to the Office of
Information Policy (OIP). I shall make a copy of what I send for my records locally.

This letter will be in two envelopes as follows.

Big Envelope (Cert. Mail# 7016 1970 0000 9602 0033):
06-I.S (17'
Page 1/2- NEW EVIDENCE for FOIAAppeal OOJ-AP-2817-002528- 83/86/2017

*******Freedom of Information Act Appeal*******
U.S. DOJ OIP FOIAAppeal Case No. DOJ-AP-2817-002520
OGIS Mediation Case No. 201701674
Monday, March 6, 2017- 01:53AM
~riN;D~t~-;.-----~---------~-------------------- !Certmed Mail Traeking #;----------l

jomceoflnformation Policy (OIP) j70161970 0008 9602 8033 ;

lUuited States Departmeut of Justice R 1
i1425 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 11050 I etum Receipt Mail Tracking#:
iWaskiDgtou, DC 20530-0001 /9590 9402 2456 6249 4860 15
iPhone: (202) 514- 3642 (FOIA) l(Big Envelope) Marked
IFax: (202) 514-1009 iFRAGILE! I
~--------------- ---------------~-----------------------------------~-------+------~-----------------~--------------------------1

:CC: Qffice of the Jaspeetor General iWaskiugton, D.C. 20530-0001 l

!U.S. Departmeut of Justice !Phone: (202) 514-3435 !
!950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 4706 lFaxed to: (202) 514-4001
ICC: Qffiee ofPmfeaioual Res,ponsibility iWashincton, DC 2ftS30...0801 I
IU.S. Department of Justice jPhone: (202) 514-3365 i
1950 Pennsylvania Aveuue, N.W., Suite
_____ ,_____3529
IFaxed to: (202)___514-5050
-;:-,---;:----~----~------. ,_________________ !!
1AI]'N: Of'tke of Govemment laformauon ServiCeS !Certified Mail Tracking #: 1
!(OGIS) ,7016 1970 0000 9602 8040 1

i Natioaal Archives aad Records Administratioa

Retum Receipt Mail Tracking#:
i8601 Adelphi Road-OGIS 9590 9402 2456 6249 4860 22
j College Park, Maryland 20740-6001 (Small E11velope) Marked
'Pkoae: (202) 741-5770 Ill Fax: (202) 741-5769 FRAGILE!

Dear OOice oflnformatioa Policy (OIP)~ OOice of Government Informatioa Services (OGIS),
I am mailiag you NEW EVIDENCE for the Oftiee ofiaformatioD Policy (OIP) m
regards to my FOIA Appeal Case No. DOJ-AP-2017-002520, the Office of Govemmeat
Iaformatioa Servkes (OGIS) m regards to my Case No. 201701674, the Oftice of the
Inspector Geaeral (OIG), aad the Office ofProfessioual Responsibility (OPR).

The evidence for each respective office is 2-DVD discs withm each disc sleeve with
labels directed to each respective office. I shaD produce 3 eopies of this same letter with
my original signature tllat I sign with~ which I expect to be dissemiuated to each
respective oftice. The documeat with the origiaal sigaature shall be issued to the Oftice of
Information Policy (OIP). I shall make a copy of what I send for my records locally.

This letter will be in two envelopes as follows.

Big Envelope (Cert. Mail # 7016 1970 0000 9602 8033):
Page 2/2- NEW EVIDENCE for FOIAAppeal DOJ-AP2017-002520- 03/06/2017

1x) Original Letter for Office of Information Policy (OIP), and lx

copies of this letter for the Office of Professional Responsibility and Office of the
Inspector General (OIG).
3x) Disc sleeve with 2 DVD discs per disc sleeve. Dise #l eontains a
High Definition (1080P) MPEG-2 encoded video file containing the 'Evidence
Video' by Brian D. HiD. Disc #2 contains a DVD-Video of the 'Evidence Video' by
Brian D. Bill, which shaD be compatible with standard DVD players.
Each disc sleeve contains 2 DVD discs and are for each of their
respective offices. I ask that each off"ree confirm receipt of the copy of this letter and
attached 2-disc sleeve, either by mail or by phone.

Small Envelope (Cert. Mail # 7016 1970 0000 9602 0040):

lx) Copy of this letter for the Office of Government Information
Services (OGIS).
lx) 1 disc sleeve with 2 DVD discs. Disc #1 contains a lf'~gh Definition
(1080P) MPEG-2 encoded video file containing the 'Evidence Video' by Brian D.
Hill. Disc #2 contains a DVD-Video of the 'Evidence Video' by Brian D. Hill, which
shall be compatible with standard DVD players.

The 'Evidence Video' was filmed on March 4, 2017, and was fmalized on
March 5, 2017. It contains arguments, photos of originally scanned documents, and
proves the basis for the original FOIA Appeal, that the U.S. Attorney Office in
Greensboro, NC may have selectively concealed, covered up, or destroyed their own
criminal ease (discovery) records with an intent to prevent me from proving my
actual innocence in my criminal case. The video demonstrates arguments similar to
what may go before a hearing chamber. I show what I had received in my FOIA
response envelope packet, what I did not get that I believe I should have a right to
have aeeess to under FOIA, and the evidence shows that documents were secretly
and selectively withheld with an intent to prevent and obstruct my ability to prove
my actual innocence to my wrongful conviction, violating me aD of my
Constitutional rights to Fair Trial, effectiVe assistance of Counsel, cross
examination, confrontation ofwitnesses, and right to inspect and photocopy my
original discovery papers. This FOIAAppeal further proves my case that my
criminal conviction and plea agreement is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

i .

::=: : :::;g.:
ri..fJ.- .!)
Thank You & Sincerely,
Brian D. Hill
Fonneraews reporter & Fonder ofUSW.G.0 Alterna.tive News
Home Phone#: (276) 790-3505
310 Forest Street, Apt. 2. Martinsville, VA 24112
Page 1/2 - NEW EVIDENCE for FOIAAppeal OOJ-AP-2017-802520- 03/0612017
*******Freedom of Information Act Appeal*******
U.S. DOJ OIP FQIAAppeal Case No. DOJ-AP-2017-002520
OGIS Mediation Case No. 201701674
Monday, March 6, 2017-01:53 AM
_,_ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,
lCertif"Ied Mail Traeking #:
~~----=------.\-<....__,,.,_~--.-~~---"""-'--------~----"-'~" """-~~~.~~~--~

IATTN: Direetor
i Office of Information Poliey (OIP) l7016 1970 0000 9602 0033
1United States Department of Justice !Retum Receipt Mail Traeking #:
:1425 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 11050 19590 9482 2456 6249 4860 15
iWashington, DC 20530-0001 .
IPhone: (202) 514-3642 (FOIA) i(Big Envelope) Marked 1

IFax: (202) 514-1009 . -.-_ ,.___

\--~"-~~-----"--~--~--,--~~~--~ .
~-~--~~---~~~-~--~ -~~~-------~---~~--"---,-~~~ ~r-~-~-~-~--~~---~ ----~----------,.--~--~---,...,.~-..-.,----~---------~

iCC: Office of the Inspector General IWashington, D.C. 20530..0001 !

i U.S. Department of Justice IPhone: (202) 514-3435 ;
i9SO Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 4706___
f.--~~~-----~~-~<~-...-~~-~-~--- '--~~-~~~--,...._,,,,
!Faxed to: (202)
~--~--~---4-----~~----~-"'...._.. ......
~--~---- ~~-----~---~~
ICC: Ofjice of Professional Responsibility 1Washington, DC 10530..0001 i
! U.S. Department of Justice iPhone: (202) 514-3365
!950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 3529 !Faxed to: (202) 514-5050
IATIN; Office of Goyemmeut InformatiQJI Services l Certified Mail Traeking #:
i{OGIS) 7016 1970 8000 9602 0040
1 National Archives and Records Administration Retum Reeeipt Mail Traeking #:
i8601 Adelphi Road-OGIS ,9598 9402 2456 6249 4860 22
lCollege Park, Maryland 20740-6001 [(Small Eavelope) Marked
!Phone: (202) 741-5770 //I Fax: (202) 741-5769 !FRAGILE!
~~-~~-~----~~"--e-...~---.-~- -~~-----~q-~~M~~-- ----~--~---~----------~~~---.~-~-----~~---~---~~-"'~---------"-~"'~-----0---~--~"-1

Dear Oftke of Information Policy (OIP). Office of Goverament Information Serviees (OGIS),
I am mailing you NEW EVIDENCE for the Oftke ofiRformation Policy (OIP) in
regards to my FOIA Appeal Case No. DOJ-AP-2017-002520, the Oftke of Govemment
Information Services (OGIS) in regards to my Case No. 201701674, the Oftiee of the
Inspector General (OIG), and the Oftiee of Professional Respoasibility (OPR).

The evidenee for each respective office is 2..DVD discs within eaeh dise sleeve with
labels direeted to each respective office. I shall produce 3 copies of this same letter with
my original signature that I sign with, which I expect to be disseminated to each
respective office. The doeument with the original signature shaD be issued to the Offiee of
Information Policy (OJP). I shaD make a copy of what I send for my records locally.

This letter wiD be in two envelopes as foUows.

Big Eavelope (Cert. Mail # 7016 1910 0000 9602 0033):
Page 2/2 - NEW EVIDENCE for FOIA Appeal DOJ-AP-2017-002520 - 03/06/2017

lx) Original Letter for Office of Information PoUcy (OIP), and lx

copies of this letter for the Office of Professional Responsibility and Office of the
Inspector General (OIG).
3x) Disc sleeve with 2 DVD discs per disc sleeve.. Disc #1 contains a
High Definition (1080P) MPEG-2 encoded video file containing the 'Evidence
Video' by Brian D. Hill. Disc #2 contains a DVD-Video of the 'Evidence Video' by
Brian D. Hill, which shall be compatible with standard DVD players.
Each disc sleeve contains 2 DVD discs and are for each of their
respective offices. I ask that each office confirm receipt of the copy of this letter and
attached 2-disc sleeve, either by mail or by phone.

Small Envelope (Cert. Mail# 701 1970 0000 902 0040):

1x) Copy of this letter for the Office of Government Information
Services (OGIS).
1x) 1 disc sleeve with 2 DVD discs. Disc #1 contains a High Definition
(l080P) MPEG-2 encoded video file containing the 'Evidence Video' by Brian D.
Hill. Disc #2 contains a DVD-Video of the 'Evidence Video' by Brian D. Hill, which
shall be compatible with standard DVD players.

The 'Evidence Video' was filmed on March 4, 2017, and was finalized on
March 5, 2017. It contains arguments, photos of originally scanned documents, and
proves the basis for the original FOIA Appeal, that the U.S. Attorney Office in
Greensboro, NC may have selectively concealed, covered up, or destroyed their own
criminal ease (discovery) records with an intent to prevent me from proving my
actual innocence in my criminal ease. The video demonstrates arguments similar to
what may go before a bearing chamber. I show what I bad received in my FOIA
response envelope packet, what I did not get that I believe I should have a right to
have access to under FOIA, and the evidence shows that documents were secretly
and selectively withheld with an intent to prevent and obstruct my ability to prove
my actual innocence to my wrongful conviction, thus violating me all of my
Constitutional rights to Fair Trial, effective assistance of Counsel, cross
examination, confrontation of witnesses, and right to inspect and photocopy my
original discovery papers. This FOIAAppeal further proves my case that my
criminal conviction and plea agreement is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
BriM,,D,,l/,-Jl Thank Von ~!!;;,~ir7.i
3 ":;J Fonner news reporter & Fo'underofUSWGO Alternative News
Home Phone#: (276) 790-3505
310 Forest Street, Apt. 2. Martmsvifte, VA 24112
Page 1/2- NEW EVIDENCE for FOIAAppeal DOJ-AP-2017-002520- 03/CUi/2017

*******Freedom oflnformatioa Act Appeal*******
U.S. DOJ OIPFOIAAppeal Case No. DOJ-AP-2017-002520
OGIS Mediaoon Case No. 201701674
Monday, March 6, 2017- 01:53AM
fAnN~m;;;i;;;--~-----------~-----------~---~------ Icertified Man Traekihg #: ------~!

iOtrree of Information Policy (OIP) j7016 1970 0000 9602 0033

lUnited States Department of Justice lRetum Reeeipt Mail TraekiDg #: '
i1425 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 11050 19590 9482 2 456 6249 4860 15
IWashington, DC 2053()..0001 .
!Phone: (202) 514- 3642 (FOIA) l(Big Envelope) Marked
iFax: (202) 514-1009 !FRAGILE! . ,
~-~'-'~-'r~~'-'~"'~"" ---~--'"'""''-""'"'-~--~~-----'""'~- -~~'""''"""'-"~''-'-."'"'''"''---"'"----~--~-~~o-'----~-'"--~ --~-----Pl-*'"'"'""""~''-~-~-____._.,,,,,~-~-------_,.;,,,~---~.-""~-~-~-"'-"-'"~--<""--"-~~---~

!CC: Office of the IBspectqr Geaeral IWashmgtou, D.C. 2053tJ..OOOl

IU.S. Department of Justice IPhone: (202) 514-3435 i
!950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 4706 . !Faxed to: (202) 514-4001 . . . .. 1
icc:-om;;rr;r.;;;n;l"ii;;;s~WlliY---~---------T-w~~;i;gt;., c :18~1---------;
\U.S. Department of Justice IPhone: (202) 514-3365 ,
!950 Pennsylvania
. Avenue, N.W., Suite 3529
r--~~-"-~---~- ---.,--~~~--------~----___,-~----"-~-~~~-~---- ---~----~---------t---,-~~"'---~--------
lFaxed to: (202) 514-5050 J
IATI'N: Oftke of Government IBformation Services !Certified Mail Tracking#: i
i(OGIS) l7016 1970 0000 9602 0040
l~=;Archives and Records Administration \Retum Reeeipt Mail Traeking #:
!8601Adelphi Road-OGIS 19590 9482 2456 6249 4860 22
ICollege Park, Maryland 20740-6001 l(Small Envelope) Marked
!Phone: (202)741-5770 ///Fax:
(202) 741-5769
t~---~-"-- _,,~.,--,>'-~-~--.-~---~-~--~---~--~-__:
- _,_,_~.~
~---~~~---,_....,._,...,__~-----~..J..~.--,-------~---------------- 0 ------ ,,.__.,,._ _ _ '"~--~~.J

Dear Office oflnformation Policy (OIP), Ofl'ke of Government InfoJ"DJation Serviets (OGIS),.
I am mailiag you NEW EVIDENCE for the Offiee ofiDformatiou Policy (OIP) iD
regards to my FOIAAppeal Case No. DOJ-AP-2017-802520, the Office of Govemment
Iuformation Services (OGIS) iD regards to my Case No. 201781674, the Office of the
Inspector Geueral (OIG), aod the Office of Professional Respcmsibility (OPR).

The evidence for eaeh respective office is 2-DVD discs withiB eaeh dise sleeve with
labels directed to each respective office. I shaD produce 3 copies of this same letter with
JDY original signature that I sign with, which I expect to be dissemiBated to each
respective oftiee. The document with the origillal signature shaD be issued to the Office of
Information Policy (OIP). I shaD make a copy of what I send for my records locally.

This letter wiD be in two envelopes as foUows..

Big Envelope (Cert. Mail # 7016 1970 0000 96QZ 0033):
Page 2/2 -NEW EVIDENCE for FOIAAppeal DOJ-AP-2017-002520- 03/06/2017

1x) Original Letter for Office of Information Policy (OIP), and 2x

copies of this letter for the Office of Professional Responsibility and Office of the
Inspector General (OIG).
3x) Disc sleeve with 2 DVD discs per disc sleeve. Disc #1 contains a
High Def'mition (1080P) MPEG-2 encoded video file containing the 'Evidence
Video' by Brian D. Hill. Disc #2 contains a DVD-Video of the 'Evidence Video' by
Brian D. Hill, which shall be compatible with standard DVD players.
Each disc sleeve contains 2 DVD discs and are for each of their
respective offices. I ask that each office confirm receipt of the copy of this letter and
attached 2-disc sleeve, either by mail or by phone.

Small Envelope (Cert. Mail # 7016 1970 0000 9602 0040):

lx) Copy of this letter for the Office of Government Information
Services (OGIS).
1x) 1 disc sleeve with 2 DVD discs. Disc #1 contains a High Def"mition
(1 080P) MPEG-2 encoded video file containing the 'Evidence Video' by Brian D.
Hill. Disc #2 contains a DVD-Video of the 'Evidence Video' by Brian D. Hill, which
shall be compatible with standard DVD players.

The 'Evidence Video' was filmed on March 4, 2017, and was finalized on
March 5, 2017. It contains arguments, photos of originally scanned documents, and
proves the basis for the original FOIA Appeal, that the U.S. Attorney Office in
Greensboro, NC may have selectively concealed, covered up, or destroyed their own
criminal case (discovery) records with an intent to prevent me from proving my
actual innocence in my criminal case. The video demonstrates arguments similar to
what may go before a hearing chamber. I show what I had received in my FOIA
response envelope packet, what I did not get that I believe I should have a right to
have access to under FOIA, and the evidence shows that documents were secretly
and selectively withheld with an intent to prevent and obstruct my ability to prove
my actual innocence to my wrongful conviction, thus violating me aD of my
Constitutional rights to Fair Trial, effective assistance of Counsel, cross
examination, confrontation of witnesses, and ri.ght to inspect and photocopy my
original discovery papers. This FOIA Appeal further proves my ease that my
criminal conviction and plea agreement is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
BriNt,fl;j-11 ThaDk You B~:::'"u'r.i
f~.'i!r~.~ Fonner aews reporter & FouaderH-:,r:.s~~:,;':v~:~
~W .i!J 310 Forest Street, Apt. 2. Martinsvill~ VA 24112

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